Well, what is interesting in the subject: if the Cessaro guy will ever go for the DSET configuration in his commercial products? I am not certain but it is possible that in DSET configuration it might be possible to overcome the accused shortcomings of that TAD’s drivers, or any drivers at that matter.
What I am observing, is that while I drive a compression driver this at the dictated single-stage amplifier then the driver sound in a way different, not only “different” but better, and I do not mind to learn how to capitalize sonically upon those advances. I have no data or experience at this point how different topologies of single stages might interrupt with different driver types but I think it is a direction which deserved to be explored. It is highly possible that there is some combination of the tube, ways how tube was used, core of a transformer, winding techniques, loading, magnet of the driver, the cone’s materials and dumping methods that would be able to write up Sound in a new and objectionable way.
I went over that with two stages, limiting myself to 6C33C and I feel that I have found a very good result with my Milq. However, with Milq there were different objectives as I was thinking and experimenting in term of universal, full-range, not-dedicated amplifier. With a single stage and working against a very defined load and in a very narrow bandwidth it might be a hole new ballgame. I look forward to those experiments in near future in context of my installation, but I personally feel that it is the direction where are all serious installations based upon 110dB sensitivity should be targeting - should be targeting if they would like to operate on the level of maximum “kink” available for a given topology. I think nothing, even hypothetically can beat single stage gain amplifier driving high sensitivity horn-loaded channel.
So, it would be interesting to see it is that Korean guy will come up with DSET amplification for Cessaro…
Well, it is Cessaro’s thread, and I'm not suppose too spoil it with my DSET propaganda. However, there is the point that I would like to emphasize. When I was criticizing the Lamm ML3 I was not criticizing the amplifier itself but I was criticizing amplifier that cost $126,000 but at the same time does not deliver hypothetical maximum in quality available to receive from a given topology:
Any full-range SET amplifier is bandwidth-compromised by default. It is simple to take a 300B and drive with a back-loaded single driver speaker, but for any person this audio imagination even slightly distinctive from at pterodactyl it would not be a solution. A full-range SET might not be a compromise just as an ordinary Hi-Fi amplifier but for the people who are willing to pay $126,000 (and presumably to get the consequential to their price-tag result) to drive their acoustics systems with at single (even a good SET) it would be a demonstration of blindness or foolishness. The very same might be applicable for Cessaro Gamma loudspeakers. If someone is willing to pay $200,000 and by means of this let presume to demand some “seriously pushy” Sound, then this person “should” drive individual Cessaro’s channels with individual dedicated single-ended amplifiers. For a personal that already spent $200,000 on loudspeakers to spend additional $4000 for a set of dedicated amplification it is not really as subject for consideration. Not to mention is that the Cessaro guy would have and he is disposal another expressive and very powerful tool how he can make Sound…
Here is how, I think, it should work in the case of the Cessaro 4-horns-chennals:

Rgs, the CaT
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche