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12-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Antonio J.
Madrid, Spain
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Post #: 101
Post ID: 6073
Reply to: 6071
Really very similar to APS
I can contact them again and ask for a price quote for the SLC. These people don't do audio at all. When I contacted them for my RE-1009/2T they couldn't understand how it was possible that any audio equipment could take any profit of their products. I had to explain about the DC offset on the preamp due to the voltage fluctuation. They'll laugh when I tell them that I want one of those battery regenerators for an audio system. The device reminds me of the big one we have by the operation theater in the hospital.

Looking at the specs on the pdf looks like it would keep harmonic distortion under 3% on the output, which who knows what looks like, and we don't know the order of the harmonics. It might result in some crest factor looking like the Kemp's unit. But that's provided the input electricity is still under 5% of distortion. They also state that that performance is under linear load, so it might be possible that using chokes or trannies loading it would change performance for the worse. The big drawback is that it seems to be working on by-pass mode and it would work on batteries only when the microprocessor detects the lack of current at the input. I'd ask them if that can be manually switched.

I don't have a distortion analyzer nor an oscilloscope, so I cannot check if my present Salicru unit is delivering a clean sinewave or anything else. I only have a multitester and that's why I know it keeps the delivered current in the 228-234 range. Maybe there's some software that I can download on the laptop to measure those things, but I guess I'd need some sort of adaptor, I don't think I can plug a 230V outlet into a laptop's soundcard input hahahaha.

12-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 102
Post ID: 6074
Reply to: 6073
What is necessary to understand about APS-like units.

 Antonio J. wrote:
… looking like the Kemp's unit. But that's provided the input electricity is still under 5% of distortion. They also state that that performance is under linear load, so it might be possible that using chokes or trannies loading it would change performance for the worse.

It is absolutely irrelevant how regenerators work again resistive load – it never will see resistive load.

Anyhow, I would like to make a few general comments about APS and APS-like regenerators. As I understand ASP unit derives from commercial wildly available class “On-line” regenerators. There are literally dozens brands and hundred model out there. The prices wary from many factors, with power rating being a major factor. Generally commercial UPS units of 1050W (as APS is rated) range from $450 to $1550, the bigger name and the more features make higher price. Interning is that the guts of ALL those unit are absolutely identical and most likely the all brands are being produces by 3-4 Chinese sweatshops and then juts re-branded by final “manufacturers”. The APS unit that I dealt with is in the very same boat – is a generic commercial UPS unit juts slightly optimized for audio applications.

What dose it means “optimized for audio applications”? Perhaps some parts changed, perhaps heavier EMI filtration, less noisy operation and deactivated alarms. It does not sound as a lot but in realty there is (or might be) much more. You might go over many different UPS units and you will confirm that they all “sound” different and not necessary correct and according to my own attempts not appropriate at all.  Now let for a second forget about ASP double or triple price and think about what should be though – about Sound. The entire idea to buy a regenerator from APS, PS Audio, Acuphase, Kemp and other is because thy have allegedly conducted the research and evaluations and by nature of own reputation they assure the correct Sonic performance of their products. The Lamm ML2.0 has pars and labor that has no more value then Cary, Conrad Johnson or Audio Research but if you experienced and understand the sonic distinctions between Cary SET and Lamm SET then the ridicules price difference between of Lamms and Carys become quite logical.

So, my point is that I do not care if one or other company trade their regenerators and that I might get the same or near the same cheaper somewhere else. There is many Class AB power regenerators that are being use in medical industry and they are way cheaper then PS Audio units. Still the whole point to deal with companies like PS Audio and APS is because they underwrite (or at least suppose to underwrite) the Sonic Results. Unfortunately, so far, PS Audio and APS do not assure Sonic Results at more serious level then credulous and naive demands of audio “weekend boater”…

Rgs, Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 103
Post ID: 6075
Reply to: 6074
Isolation, "balance", and ground issues
I have not yet seen, heard or even heard about any power "solution" that regenerates AC and also balances the neutral and ground and isolates each leg of the AC and also isolates multiple components from each other.

Again, I have heard of people plugging balancer/filter/isolators (like the Furman TI-20i) into their regenerators.

Since I have yet to encounter so much as a filter that was not also a clogger or a smoother I have been slow to order in more gear; but I remain faintly hopeful and I still wonder if any of our readers have tried chaining the power "solutions" for a "Total Approach".

Dirty ground effects have remained a problem for me even with a special ground dedicated to my system, and I believe this is caused by varying ground potential and also inter-component "cross-talk" via the AC lines.  I have been able to change and even lessen audible-frequency noise, etc. by playing with ground; but I would like to hear from someone who has +/- tamed the cross-talk-type noise and shifting-ground pollution.

Paul S
12-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 104
Post ID: 6076
Reply to: 6074
120v power regeneration option?
Hi Romy,

I haven't read this entire huge thread, so pardon my intrusion. I was wondering if you have tried to regenerate 120v by turning a motor by the shaft of another motor. We use that little trick in the commercial electric industry to generate 3 phase power when only single phase is available. The wave-form that I've seen generated really depends upon the quality of the converted motor used as a generator. But without looking critically at it, it seemed to be a perfect sine. (Good enough for industrial 3 phase, which isn't saying much)

Well, I was just curious since the power is the music and we all are looking for the best possible.

Have fun with your ponderance of power,

12-07-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 105
Post ID: 6077
Reply to: 6076
The motor-regenerators that are “good for sound”

 Paul S wrote:
Dirty ground effects have remained a problem for me even with a special ground dedicated to my system, and I believe this is caused by varying ground potential and also inter-component "cross-talk" via the AC lines.  I have been able to change and even lessen audible-frequency noise, etc. by playing with ground; but I would like to hear from someone who has +/- tamed the cross-talk-type noise and shifting-ground pollution.

Paul, this subject has popped up multiple times but absolutely disagree with it. There is no problem with noise ground in audio as anyone who has any basic understanding of subject and a pair of ears does disconnect playback form main ground. I never have seen a playback that trying to fight with electricity and who still use the wall’s ground.

 buzz wrote:
I haven't read this entire huge thread, so pardon my intrusion. I was wondering if you have tried to regenerate 120v by turning a motor by the shaft of another motor. We use that little trick in the commercial electric industry to generate 3 phase power when only single phase is available. The wave-form that I've seen generated really depends upon the quality of the converted motor used as a generator. But without looking critically at it, it seemed to be a perfect sine. (Good enough for industrial 3 phase, which isn't saying much)

Yes, BuZz, other and I talked about the motor-generators, in fact this direction is something that I am mildly pursuing now. Living in center city it is not as simple as you understand as those units are noisy. Still, there is a fairly small rotational frequency converts that I might try to adopt for my needs.

The biggest problem with rotational mechanical regeneration devises is that they will all sound different and it is not easy to explore which one will be “good for sound”. You can’t talk with sales reps about sonic quality of the motor-generators and you will never figure out from their specifications what is important. Furthermore it is not a satiation that you can go to a store and have 20 motor-generators and you can pick one that sounds right. This is no sonic trial for those things….

I hope sometime a person who do audio and who work with those motor-generators would do a some own research and come up with observations or recommendations, perhaps starting own company selling home-adopted audio-rated motor-generators. Here is a British 220V phase converter that drives 3-phase generator with switching capacitors.


The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-07-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Antonio J.
Madrid, Spain
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Post #: 106
Post ID: 6078
Reply to: 6074
That's the core point
 Romy the Cat wrote:

So, my point is that I do not care if one or other company trade their regenerators and that I might get the same or near the same cheaper somewhere else. There is many Class AB power regenerators that are being use in medical industry and they are way cheaper then PS Audio units. Still the whole point to deal with companies like PS Audio and APS is because they underwrite (or at least suppose to underwrite) the Sonic Results. Unfortunately, so far, PS Audio and APS do not assure Sonic Results at more serious level then credulous and naive demands of audio “weekend boater”…

Rgs, Romy the caT

I wholehartedly agree. There are zillions of power conditioners, filters, regenerators, stabilizers... most of them industrial, for labs equipment or computer related. The audio ones carry the highest price points, but as soon as you try them, you quickly hear that do nothing for the sound. Maybe they "spare" some things but overall result is not any more satisfying than an equivalent unit for non-audio purposes. Probably there's something doing the things we want, but knowing it needs that we try every product in the market until we find the right one. I don't have the resources, nor the time and probably the will to do such thing.
I use what I use because it was an easy and affordable way to solve a problem that I had which wasn't exactly audio related. It's probably spoiling sound, but my system and maybe my own demands don't care as much as to start a serious research on the field. I'd try something that had proved results for people who I trust and have the knowledge and skills to check those results. Doing this way I've learnt some very useful things, specially about myself ;-)

12-07-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 107
Post ID: 6079
Reply to: 6077
"Ground" versus "neutral"
Romy, of course I have a dedicated "ground" line, but I have never used nothing but that ground for a system's "neutral" leg, as well.  Are you saying that you use only the incoming "hot" leg and then send everything - ground and neutral -  out via your own ground?

I suppose that the professional builder in me has been slow to go to this, because of code issues.

The "noise" on the average neutral or ground wire can be easily measured or detected with a sensitive induction-type tester.  It is certainly exacerbated by other gear on a given line.

Best regards,
Paul S
12-07-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 108
Post ID: 6080
Reply to: 6079
Potential ground loops?
 Paul S wrote:
Romy, of course I have a dedicated "ground" line, but I have never used nothing but that ground for a system's "neutral" leg, as well.
It seems to me that the thrid prong ground/neutral is primarily there as a way of reducing risk; that is to say it is a safety measure designed to prevent electrical fires due to faulty wiring of the return path.  As such, this redundant path can lead to potential ground loops due to the variable potential in the different paths.  I am wondering if so long as your wiring is meticulous, you would benefit sonically from eliminating the so-called neutral?
12-07-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 109
Post ID: 6082
Reply to: 6080
Short answer, NO!
Adrian, the neutral leg is "the" ground for any American AC-powered electrical device.  The "ground" leg is +/- redundant, depending on the way the ground (or grounds) of the device in question is (are) configured.  With some gear, all system-wide grounding is via the neutral, and this is as it "should" be for hi-fi, although that does not solve all ground problems, in any event.  But there are still reasons for a third wire, including the risk of shock if a chassis or other component becomes charged by some sort of short, not to mention the usually-present stray current just hanging around because ground potential is rarely properly "stacked" in a given circuit or system of circuits.  Also, in hi-fi it is not always good to combine neutral and ground in some cases, such as high and low level signal devices for example, and in the case of EMI/RFI shields, etc, where that ground leg can be swamped by neighbors.  This is one of the issues I am raising, and if there is in fact a slam dunk solution, I don't know it yet.  Filtered, balanced, isolated lines is a theoretically appropriate approach; but, here again, we aren't after theories, just better sound.  I am not aware of any regenerators that even attempt to deal with these particular "systemic" issues.

There may also be issues within a given delivery system's grounding scheme itself, such as splitting and/or re-joining ground and/neutral wires and/or busses.  This sort of thing is common enough in single family homes, but it is simply rampant in multi-family buildings and commercial buildings, especially older ones.

Best regards,
Paul S
12-13-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 110
Post ID: 6120
Reply to: 2931
Burj Al Arab Hotel and electricity.
I just watched a film about the construction of the Dubai’s famous Burj Al Arab Hotel. The program told that the engineers come across the problems with high harmonic distortions of electricity that powered up the Hotel (220 suites with 14kVa (!!!) consumption in each suite, all on dimmers). They use an interesting method to fix it. They read the harmonic distortions in real time and then they inject the same contra-phase distortions into the power lines, effectively killing all distortions from power lines and restoring the sinewave's shape. It works like the active noise cancelation systems Bose uses in their headphones. That might be a very interesting direction to look...

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-14-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 111
Post ID: 6122
Reply to: 6120
Thinking what engineers did in Burj Al Arab Hotel..

 Romy the Cat wrote:
I just watched a film about the construction of the Dubai’s famous Burj Al Arab Hotel. The program told that the engineers come across the problems with high harmonic distortions of electricity that powered up the Hotel (220 suites with 14kVa (!!!) consumption in each suite, all on dimmers). They use an interesting method to fix it. They read the harmonic distortions in real time and then they inject the same contra-phase distortions into the power lines, effectively killing all distortions from power lines and restoring the sinewave's shape. It works like the active noise cancelation systems Bose uses in their headphones. That might be a very interesting direction to look...
….I wonder how interesting this approach might be? I do not know what commercial devises were used in Burj Al Arab. Some very close principle is this:


There is an commercial devise that operates on above principle:





This principle should NOT provide any decupling from the grid at all but it theoretically should kill the harmonics in real time. I have no idea what sonic consequence the principle has. Did anyone ever try it for Sound?

Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-14-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 112
Post ID: 6123
Reply to: 6122
Why don't you kill those f.#$$%%n harmonics in the PSU of your gear???
AFAIK all gear works on DC not AC ,why none of those enlightened designers ,design a PSU which is  immune to the quality of grid. Do you have electrostatic shields in your power transformers ?? That would be the first step.
Regards, L
12-18-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
New York
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Post #: 113
Post ID: 6142
Reply to: 6055
Studer sine wave inverter
I have not tried this yet, but it looks very promising.

Studer makes a wide range of off grid solutions. One example is used for sensitive recording, a Studer AJ400 pure sine wave inverter connected to a car (or better quality) battery putting out 400 watts. The AJ1000 can be ordered with an optional built-in solar charger for connection to a solar collection array. They come in either 230Vac/50Hz or 120Vac/60Hz.


The XP, Compact and HP Compact lines are automatic sine wave inverter and charging all-in-one. Apparently they can also be connected up to solar, wind, etc. collection array.


Brings up visions of peddling a power generating exercise bike feeding the inverter while listening. Kind of like this guy...

I think the price of the AJ400 is around $400.

"I'd rather know than believe." - Carl Sagan
12-19-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 114
Post ID: 6144
Reply to: 6142
Other inverters and Perpetuum Mobile of electricity

The Carl Sagan’s suggestion that he would rather "know than believe” is good tool for sales personnel, priests and pitchers and the politicians of nowadays. Since perception is really it is imposable to “know” with any degree of certainty without subscribing to the coordinate system where “knowledge” is projected upon.  The “subscribing” to a coordinate system of knowledge however is the believe itself that Carl Sagan rather do not use…

Anyhow, Glaesemann, thanks for the link. There are very many companies that produce DC-AC inverters, over the course of the last few months I spoke at least with a dozen of them. They all are “bottled from the same barrel” – have a since generator, D-amp and the personnel that are absolutely clueless about sonic characteristics of the electricity the inverters output. Also, all of them made extremely cheap and comply with absolutely minimum specification demands.

I still feel that Class D amps in power line are very perspective direction but I am not wiling at this point to engage in any new company that produces the similar to APS inverters. The APS it looks like as indifferent to sonic consequences of their units – no one at APS listen them or even have idea what to listen and no one in there have any inspiration how their modification and alternations impact the sonic performance of the their units. I keep working with APS, trying them to fix whatever they and I already have buy they so far much more inert then I would like them to be. I am not sure that they are fertile ground but I have no reasons to believe the others would be different. Meanwhile I would like to make APS to make the one that I already have to behave up to the APS own standard – I think it will be a good step (at least would enable me to use the thing)

Regarding the guy on the bike – I have a better solution. That is truly a Perpetuum Mobile solution for generating infinite amount of problem-free electricity:

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-19-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 115
Post ID: 6391
Reply to: 2931
What the hell is that?
01-24-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 116
Post ID: 6426
Reply to: 2931
Another attack on the electricity problems

A month or so ago I came to an occasion to fish a large isolation transformer. It is not that I believe in isolation transformers as all my former experiments with them delivered quite gruesome sonic result. However, since the APS people are still not wing to do anything sonically reputable and keep me in the there a back burner off their interests I decided to knock in any alternative door is available to me. Ok, ok, let me to put it in a different way: it was available and it was cheap – the frugality is my main life-guideing principle. Also, my desperation with electricity leads me to celebrate my stupid optimism over my sense of really and experience so I went for the transformer.

Anyhow, it is a large 3000W toroidal isolation transformer made by Amveco


for the needs of medical industry and used in laser machine. It was sitting for a while in my basement and I never tried it but today, since the new Super Milq is singing, I decided to give to this transformer a chance.  To make the long story short: it was not juts horrible but it was beyond any imaginable negative expectations. Immediate huge collapse in dynamic, complete loosing of any texture form lover midrange and below, stripping harmonics from upper region: the sharp, boomy and compressed sound – what could be more fun?

Hmmm, well, I need to get accustom to live with electrical disappointments….
Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-25-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 117
Post ID: 6428
Reply to: 6426
Desperation as fuel for the fire, as heat for the swelling of Hope
... but "black backgrounds", right, Romy...

I have to adimit that I get my hopes up every time I read something "new" about electrical remedies, or, for that matter, whenever I review ideas I've rejected out of hand for good reasons in the past.

Please talk me out of trying the "new" PS Audio "Ultimate", which features "improved" "regeneration" AND "isolation".

My "reasoning" for buying/trying is as follows:

Since I have tried both PS regeneration and isolation without overall sonic improvements, why not combine both faulty treatments in another stupid, expensive attempt to get more than a few decent listening hours per month?

Of course I realize in my rare lucid moments that this sort of "logic" only "makes sense" to a very desperate mind.

Meanwhile, I do not dismiss the ideas behind either regeneration or isolation; quite the contrary, in fact, since the problems are ever-present and SO DAMNED INCREDIBLY ANNOYING!!!.

So hope springs eternal, borne of desperation, and I suppose I am bound to waste at least another couple grand at some point in yet another vain attempt to mitigate what has become for me the single most vexing issue in hi-fi, and likely the Final Rock against which I ultimately dash myself to pieces.

Best regards,
Paul S
01-25-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 118
Post ID: 6429
Reply to: 6428
PS Audio Ultimate Premier

 Paul S wrote:
Please talk me out of trying the "new" PS Audio "Ultimate", which features "improved" "regeneration" AND "isolation".

 It might be not a bad idea, since the PS Audio sell honesty: 30 days trail period and money back if it does not work out. With all my bitching about the PS Audio regenerators I never had this new revision. However, I did very careful monitor what Paul and PS Audio users says about the performance of the new PS Audio regenerator and I did not hear what I wo0uld like to hear. I would like them to identify and to name what was WRONG with sound in the OLD PowerPlants but not one did it. all of them sing the serenades to the new Premier model, calming the it took the advantage of the PowerPlants even further but none of them said honestly what was wrong with the PowerPlants’ sound. I can see two possibilities in 2 cases:

1)    PS Audio and the entire community of their users are ignorance and deaf Morons who are able to be satisfied with very little.

2)    My personal demands for “quality of sound” way exceed what PS Audio is able to serve and therefore the PS Audio juts has no idea what I am taking about whan I accurse their products in sonic problems.

Either of the cases is true it is not too encouraging, to me personally, to try the new PS Audio Ultimate Premier. I still would like to do it sometimes but I do not want to lift the heavy box and drag it back to the post office… I am getting lazier dally… Still, I do not know: lazier or more experienced…

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-25-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 119
Post ID: 6431
Reply to: 6429
More a matter of "efficiency", perhaps?
Zipping casually through the PS Audio blurbs on the "new" unit, it seemed like they were basically touting the idea of greater efficiency (vs. the previous unit) and concommitment greater available power, along with finally coupling inter-component isolation along with the regeneration in one unit.  I am guessing by the price that the "new" unit is also - serendipitously - cheaper to make; either that or competition and/or dwindling sales are turning up the heat.

I am not sure if the amp itself in the thing is "proprietary" or whether they just want to speak of it as though it is.  They state in an "interesting" way that it is not Class D, but the decrease in size suggests that they must be using some variation on the old frequency-related switcher-oo, to keep tranny size down.  If their numbers are good, it is pretty efficient, for whatever that's worth.

In any case, these guys never discuss the sound itself directly; rather, they cite the problems and claim the cures or they simply use nice descriptions to suggest bliss with use.

But then, I have never seen/heard outside this forum any discussion of AC that took into account my own related experiences.  Everybody else seems delighted with the "blacker background" and "wider soundstage" and/or simply sold on a particular idea, never mind results.

Any readers who have tried this thing, please jump in before I repeat Romy's previous post with this product's name in place of the iso-trafo.

Best regards,
Paul S
01-25-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 120
Post ID: 6432
Reply to: 6431
The soundstage with the width of a Wall Mart

It is true and the PP does have the blacker background and wider soundstage. However, the people who promote PS Audio PowerPlants never explained, or perhaps learned themselves, how much value in that truth.

The blacker background is not the virtue itself as the “blacker background” is just a background for unfolding the musical events. If the PowerPlant makes the background blacker but ruin the depicting of the event at that background then who the hell needs the “blacker background”? All that hysteria about blacker background is a pure surrogate of audio propaganda that would like to sell to Morons quantive representation of sound reproduction .

The same is with the idiotic “wider soundstage”. Why the audio fools stress only width of soundstage, ignoring any other attributes? Because the width is profitable to sell via the means of media and mass propaganda…

So, where the PowerPlant found the “friends”?  The answer is know. Still, I would like to make it clear that I did not hear the new PS Audio’s PowerPlants. As I said, the silence about the truth of the PP performance discourages me to try the new PPs.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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