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05-01-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 4313
Reply to: 4307
Words for the Lundahl amorphous
Romy, my experience with the Lundahl amorphous core transformenrs is limited to my new phono stage, and I have have been dealing other issues enough that I am not ready to write much about it yet.

Still, there are qualities worth noting that I am fairly certain accrue to the amorphous core transformer, based both on my own experience with transformers in general and your recent observations.

One thing I noticed right away was a certain "image density", not unlike the ML2.  This is not purely "topological", but almost certainly transformer-related, and I will get into reasons why later.  Another interesting quality is absolutely unflappable dynamics, with no hint of saturation, and no harmonic shifting, compression, smearing, or thinning with speed, SPL or  complexity; in other words, pretty much what you said.

I think Kevin Carter at K&K Audio, in North Carolina, represents Lundahl in the US, and he MAY have enough pull with them to get you what you want (if you don't call him up and insult him ;>}).

The North American S&B guy is John Chapman, the "transformer guy" at Bent Audio (where all problems are solved with transformers...), but I don't know if they do amorphous cores.

I never thought much about the idea of amorphous cores, but using them has been interesting enough so far to warrant continuing in that direction, I think, if only to further isolate and develop the qualities it presently appears they contribute.

Best regards,
Paul S
05-01-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 42
Post ID: 4314
Reply to: 4311
Sowter mumetal and RAAL tx options

I sent an email to Brian asking... also about how far down in frequency their largest mumetal core could go.

I see why you want those tap options now - essentially you want to be able to load down the 6e5p but still use all the secondary sections. There may be some frequency response variations in the ultrasonic range by playing the tap game, but it shouldn't make all that much difference to what you hear.

A while ago, prices were of the order of GBP 100 each for the mumetal OPTs. Assuming they haven't changed much, that's about $400 plus carriage/import duty etc for the pair.

For the HF channel transformer; well, air core would be big, with very high capacitances. You really want a very low Z tube to drive an aircore.

However, something has occurred to me. The RAAL already has a matching transformer on a small core to which you are cap-coupling; I wonder if Aleks might wind something with a much higher turns ratio and cap couple directly to the 6E5p anode on the S2 amp. Fly in the ointment: he would need to ensure the insulation between windings could handle 400+v. Where the RAAL takes over, the inductance of the S2 should be high enough so the 6E5 isn't loaded down too much.

Having said that, do you know what the DCR of the ribbon element is? I have a pair of 90:1 aircores in London designed for driving raw ribbons direct from a SET... there would be some rolloff at 20kHz, but would well be worth trying if I can get hold of them in the next few months...

05-01-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 4315
Reply to: 4313
It is exactly why I’m looking amorphous chunk for Bud….

 Paul S wrote:
One thing I noticed right away was a certain "image density", not unlike the ML2.

This is very interesting subject. I do not know what core the ML2.0 used but I would like to have ML2 a little bit  “amorphousised”…. To me it one of the things that I feel the ML2 was missing – it has dynamically limited and was able to play wild and violent when Music is called upon. It was in was over polite and overly gracious. Mostly it was desirable but when the opposite was vital then ML2 faced it’s limitations.

 Paul S wrote:
Another interesting quality is absolutely unflappable dynamics, with no hint of saturation, and no harmonic shifting, compression, smearing, or thinning with speed, SPL or  complexity; in other words, pretty much what you said.

I do not know how about the “harmonic shifting” – I have no way to assess it. also I do not know how about the saturation  it is not the property of the core maters but other things also with the core materials. However but in terms of dynamics, speed and ability to do go apart at SPL max the amorphous core that I have seen are so farther then regular steal that I feel that any person who ever touched a amorphous core transformer would hardly look back to regular silicon still. This is what I try to drag Bad from the world of the silicon misery to the realms of the amorphous nirvana.. :-) OK, not he also hates me… :-)

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-01-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 44
Post ID: 4316
Reply to: 4314
Alex and the plate-trans-ribbon interface...

 cv wrote:
I see why you want those tap options now - essentially you want to be able to load down the 6e5p but still use all the secondary sections. There may be some frequency response variations in the ultrasonic range by playing the tap game, but it shouldn't make all that much difference to what you hear.

Actually it is important to name properly- it is not the taps but just different connection of sections. I do not like taps and I would not go for it under any circumstances. Also, Chirrs, may I ask you subjectively what you feel is special in the Mumetal core Sound, besides the fact that the core “sings” loudly.  BTW, doe the Sofwter make amorphous core transformers?

 cv wrote:
However, something has occurred to me. The RAAL already has a matching transformer on a small core to which you are cap-coupling; I wonder if Aleks might wind something with a much higher turns ratio and cap couple directly to the 6E5p anode on the S2 amp. Fly in the ointment: he would need to ensure the insulation between windings could handle 400+v. Where the RAAL takes over, the inductance of the S2 should be high enough so the 6E5 isn't loaded down too much.

Having said that, do you know what the DCR of the ribbon element is? I have a pair of 90:1 aircores in London designed for driving raw ribbons direct from a SET... there would be some rolloff at 20kHz, but would well be worth trying if I can get hold of them in the next few months...

I certainly considered it and spoke with Alex. Since the amps will be sitting 10” from tweeter then the secondary will not have too high impedance. Alex is wiling to take this project but he needs to do some research and some thinking and he dose not know what might be an ultimate solution. I am planning to send him the amp (a tube with two resistors!!!) and let thin to think himself.  If he come up with one transformer (powder or amorphous) for HF channel then would serve his tweeter the bets then would be it. I like the fact that Alex will be able to think about the problem not in scope of juts a transformer but in composite scope of the entire plate-trans-ribbon interface…

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-01-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 45
Post ID: 4317
Reply to: 4315
The harmonic "rubber band", etc.
One thing I have noticed a lot with gear that "aspires" is a ""rubber band" harmonic effect, with +/- higher or lower harmonics in preponderance as the dynamics/complexity changes.  There is also the effect where the [amp] just starts to short change harmonics, or it focuses on its "preferred" harmonics rather than offering the whole consistantly.  By "smearing", I mean a sort of indistinct patchy-ness with respect to harmonic [re]prodiuction.  By "saturation", I mean ("correct" or not) that things simply fog in and run out of gain, generally at the ends first, but then the whole thing.  The amorphous core is more "stable", IMO, or at least it is more consistent.  At this point I don't know how to directly compare the transformer-specific pure dynamics of the "amorphous core" phono stage and the ML2s.

Best regards,
Paul S
05-01-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Derby, United Kingdom
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Post #: 46
Post ID: 4318
Reply to: 4316
mumetal OPT sound
Sowter doesn't offer amorphous, though I believe Brian was looking into it a while ago.

As for the sound of the mumetal core...well, let me preface this by saying that I have not directly compared amorphous to mumetal, but it sounded - how to put this - imagine, if you can, if Tolkien's Elves made the S2. The sounds were very ethereal, refined and the music seemed to just hang in air - reminiscent of real-life string sections in a way.

Dunno if this helps?!


05-01-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 47
Post ID: 4319
Reply to: 4318
sowter mumetal impressions
Like cv, I've not directly compared mumetal to amorphous in an OPT position. However, my hunch is that the sonic attributes are the same as those found at line level (I've tried various Xformers as the IV/output stage in my Rakk Dac).

I now run my 'tweeter' amp 1st order high pass at 2200hz (driving BMS 4540nd in 1500hz leCleach horn) so my impressions might have some bearing on Romy's new amps. I was playing around with operating points and components in my single 5842 amp when the sowter mumetals arrived. Immediately all my energy went into listening to music again. First impression were of real power and grip! A sort of palpable sound - always my holy grail (maybe this is analogous to romy's 'connectivity'?) My BMS4540nd drivers had never sounded like this before - it has taken a few months to realise quite how good they are. Only later did I notice a huge increase in delicacy and detail. Its not a 'flashy' sound at all, in fact now I'm happy to take my tweeter amp for granted, and forget about it.

Interestingly, I was using a single 5842 for a long while until I realised that I didn't have enough system gain. Now I'm using a 5842 RC driving an EL84 triode-connected and I have to say that 98% of all the good things about the 5842 are in control of the amp. The 2% EL84 adds a nice 'sexy shimmer'  to the sound. I'm not at all surprised that the Milq's driver stage sounds so close to the original and I'm very interested to see if a fully optimised single-stage could outdo the full Milq. . .


everybody used to call me James in my past other-worldly life.
05-01-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 48
Post ID: 4320
Reply to: 4319
Another single stage amp...
 op.9 wrote:
I now run my 'tweeter' amp 1st order high pass at 2200hz (driving BMS 4540nd in 1500hz leCleach horn) so my impressions might have some bearing on Romy's new amps. I was playing around with operating points and components in my single 5842 amp when the sowter mumetals arrived. Immediately all my energy went into listening to music again. First impression were of real power and grip! A sort of palpable sound - always my holy grail (maybe this is analogous to romy's 'connectivity'?) My BMS4540 nd drivers had never sounded like this before - it has taken a few months to realise quite how good they are. Only later did I notice a huge increase in delicacy and detail. Its not a 'flashy' sound at all, in fact now I'm happy to take my tweeter amp for granted, and forget about it. Interestingly, I was using a single 5842 for a long while until I realised that I didn't have enough system gain. Now I'm using a 5842 RC driving an EL84 triode-connected and I have to say that 98% of all the good things about the 5842 are in control of the amp. The 2% EL84 adds a nice 'sexy shimmer' to the sound. I'm not at all surprised that the Milq's driver stage sounds so close to the original and I'm very interested to see if a fully optimised single-stage could outdo the full Milq. . .
Interesting comments about the Sowter MuMetal, I will consider them. Yes, with your high-passed BMS4540 you are in the same boat as me. Even more interesting in context of what I am trying to do now were your attempts to use a single stage amp to drive your HF horn. BTW, the low power 5842 with it’s 1.3V of bias and no feedback is not the best choice for power amp’ input as (as I understand) to drive the tube to the reasonable volume your input voltage will be larger then bias voltage.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-01-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 49
Post ID: 4321
Reply to: 4241
Another consideration for single-stage Milq: minimal capacitance

Another consideration where I am planning to make the single-stage Milq different will be the power supply for the thing.  The amp will have my typical SS fast-soft rectification with mandatory “gentle enter” LCRC filter, however I consider it to make it different from where I was before.

Usually I have quadruple (or more) inductance of critical inductance followed with a very small cap, then a decoupling resistor and as big ass last cap as I can get. In the regular full range Milq I use 10.000-15.000uF and it dose job. It is not juts about the ripples – they are irrelevant with this capacitance, but rather is it very beneficial for bass to have a huge capacitance tank.

However, I also noted that a large capacitance in PS’s filters make HF harder and less “connected” (red my post: http://www.GoodSoundClub.com/TreeItem.aspx?PostID=4307). So, my thought is to keep the PS capacities as low as possible for HF channels. From my two stage Milq experience I know that the amps has no nose at 620uF, so I am wiling to keep slightly above this level (probably 1000uF) and to go higher only for the upper bass channel. Frankly speaking I do not care about ripples as I do not see any relations between their size and quality of sound. I also did not see that the presents of theoretical un-auditable LF hum in any way modulate something auditable in auditable range. However, the minimum capacitate for HF channels I feel is very beneficial for space and “connectivity”…

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-02-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Planet Earth
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Post #: 50
Post ID: 4324
Reply to: 4321
minimum capacitate for HF channels...
I chanced upon an interesting PSU arrangement for my 5842. I run a valve regulated powersupply at 210v and then drop down to 160v with an un-bypassed 8uf oilcap. Any more capacitance or bypasses seemed to be a step backwards in terms of pleasure. A nice side-effect of the regulator is much more consistency of sound from day to day. (I run my 5842 with a 2v lead acid cell in place of a cathode resistor)

everybody used to call me James in my past other-worldly life.
05-02-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 51
Post ID: 4326
Reply to: 4324
I do not know for now…

 op.9 wrote:
I chanced upon an interesting PSU arrangement for my 5842. I run a valve regulated powersupply at 210v and then drop down to 160v with an un-bypassed 8uf oilcap. Any more capacitance or bypasses seemed to be a step backwards in terms of pleasure. A nice side-effect of the regulator is much more consistency of sound from day to day. (I run my 5842 with a 2v lead acid cell in place of a cathode resistor)
Well, you use regulation - you are in different conditions…

I’m kind of debating how I will organize the PS. I am considering going for LCRLC with a lot of inductance and small capacitance to make the tube stage to “see” Bessel curve in PS…  Nevertheless, I do not know at this point… The LCRLC chain will be driving 4 RC parallel filers for each channel. (To keep the shot pass to ground for each stage). I do not know for now how it all will be organized from sonic perspective… In fact, considering my demands for compact size and the dimensions of the parts it become quite complex to built everything inside the Macondo’s frame.

Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-03-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 52
Post ID: 4542
Reply to: 4241
Singe-stage Milq: update

I know that there are some people who would like to hear form me about my findings regarding the Singe-Stage Milq. I do not talk about it for a while but not because I do nothing in that direction. The decision was made to convert my 3 stages Super Milq into 6-chanls Super Milq featuring 3 full two-stages Milqs and 3 one-stage Milqs under one roof.

I have found all voltages, filaments all supporting thing – it do-able and it is all almost have done with one amp (you can see 6 driver tubes). There in nothing is connected yet internally as I have no out transformers for one-stage amp. The transformer are ordered and they will be ready within a month of so. The special attraction will be given to MF transformer the will be driving the main S2. I have recruited 4 transformer manufactures who will be making their versions of OPT according to my specification but utilizing this own implementation techniques. I will report which transformer will turn out the best (I will not report on the contestants). The budge that you see atop the Super Milq is the home for 3 new output transformers, currents meters and all supporting things. It should be very interesting…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Planet Earth
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Post #: 53
Post ID: 4548
Reply to: 4542
Turns Ratio
What turns ratio did you decide on in the end for your OPTs?
thanks oops.9

everybody used to call me James in my past other-worldly life.
06-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 54
Post ID: 4551
Reply to: 4548
Let talk about it later....
I will talk about later when will be integrating all together. It will depend of the load impedance and the selected current. 2 out of 4 transformers will have remapable secondary sections… For the non- remapable secondary it will be approximately 15.5:1, which is very little on the idle side (the 13:1 would be more accurate) but the direct-coupled cone of S2 sounds “cleaner” and I think I will be able to go away with it. Also I will have more room to go for lower plate current…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Planet Earth
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Post #: 55
Post ID: 4553
Reply to: 4551
higher impedance
Thanks, look forward to hearing about your results. I am tempted to make some similar experiments myself - but all I have to hand is some 17.5:1's. I think I'll give it a go anyway...

everybody used to call me James in my past other-worldly life.
06-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 56
Post ID: 4554
Reply to: 4553
Still the final numbers of the loading would depend from....

 op.9 wrote:
Thanks, look forward to hearing about your results. I am tempted to make some similar experiments myself - but all I have to hand is some 17.5:1's. I think I'll give it a go anyway..

The 17.5:1 is good number as well. I presume you use the 6E5P against 16R ….

Still the final number would depend from:

1) The ACTUAL impedance of your load in the bandpass of the given channel.
2) The plate current
3) The listening distance from the channel and how “live” your room at the bandpass of the given channel.
4) How your other channels are loaded
5) What kind driver are you using and what the driver’s natural harmonics
6) What frequency range you drive
7) How responsive your particular driver for damping
8) How far you are fro axes of the channel if you use horns
9) Reverberation time in your room.
10) How the transformer is made (it might have own 48282 parameters)
11).... esle

Generally I feel that for 6E5P anything from 10:1 to 20:1 into 15R might be useful in one way or another…

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 57
Post ID: 4972
Reply to: 4551
The first MF transformer for single-stage Milq.

I got today my first pair of output transformers for the single-stage Melquiades.  They are 40ma, 5H, 42R primary, 15:1, Amorphous, with remapable secondaries made by Netherlandian Pieter Treurniet. I did not put it in use and heard them – probably it will take another two weeks but I need to say that this transformers made me to think sorry they the will be hosted inside of the Milq chassis, I never thought I would feel this way.

When I spoke with Pieter I asked him do not pot it into a can as it will be inside of amp, Pieter gave me a lot of reasons why he insist to pot it, fi9nishing with something like this: “I know hat I do. It will be potted”.

Well, the sad irony is that when I got those transformers the first thing that very impressed and surprised me was… their potting. It really feels deferens and I did catch myself that I actually experience a pleasure to hold the things in my hands. I am not kidding. It has a very strange quality of very precisely boiled egg, what a few seconds more would make it completely boils but a few second less will make the core too soft. Of cause the transformer has noting inside riddling of liquid but I constantly caught myself that I am wiling to shake it… Very abnormal feeling for me and I usually do not give a damn how the parts look and feel…

Can’t wait to put this baby into the use…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Derby, United Kingdom
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Post #: 58
Post ID: 4974
Reply to: 4972
Tribute transformers

It seem what with the tacttile pleasures of boiled egg potting compound sensations you are going a bit Sakuma yourself.

I will say this: I think Pieter is an absolute magician when it comes to iron; he's also a gentleman despite looking like Larry David's Dutch cousin.

I have to say, if there's any way an inanmiate component would capture some of the personality of its maker, it would be the output transformer. All that painstaking winding, layering, core assembly etc. I wonder if it's a coincidence that my fave OPTs all come from folks who are either pals or I get on very well with.

I hope they work well for you.


09-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 59
Post ID: 5255
Reply to: 4551
The “other” MF channel problems.

The new 6-Channal Milq is up and running, I did manage to calibrate everything in the Macondo’s left channel and was listening it for a while. I might report somehow a controversial result. The MF drive with a single stage is incontestable king – it very clean and it cured the S2 from all its illnesses. Should I rejoice? Well, not real. Along with a phenomenal smoothness and cleanness the MF now exhibits a behavior that I do not like, in fact - hate. That all makes the enter sound absolutely not acceptable. Here is what I found very wrong:

1) With increased of dynamic the channel go thinner, the higher volume the thinner it goes. Extremely ugly!!!
2) The channel now too fast, inappropriately fast, faster then the rest of my channel. It is a way hyper-transient and  harmonically deficient – a typically overly idling tube
3) It sounds OK power vise only with full 8-9W dissipation on the tube – a very full power. Lowering power to 6W and the channel begin to loose in stresses.

Here are possible solutions that I am considering:

1) Heavier loading the tube that should eat some transients and add power.
2) Trying a different output transformer if it will not help
3) Change, S2’s impedance curve after 10K
4) Accept that a single stage amp was a dad idea.

Frankly I do not case about the wrong transient and harmonic balance - I will be able to deal with it by loading the tube it will also shell address the problem with power. However, I am VERY concerned about the increase of  thinness with rise volume… I afraid that it might be a characteristic of a sing-stage amp… I play that the effect will go away what I load the 6E5P much heavier.

Rgs, Romy

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 60
Post ID: 5261
Reply to: 5255
SET syndrome and/or bad power?
Romy, of course I do not know if what you are describing is anything like what I hear from SETs, but that was my first thought when I read the post, the way it is so soothing - up to a point.

I do not understand the relationship between the tube, the transformer and the speaker, so I can only go by what I hear and basially twiddle with the variables.  If you have a big stash of 6E5Ps then why not load the thing and see if it's just wattage, and if that works, just keep feeding it fresh tubes?

Was the electricity OK for the session in question?  I have said it before, and it is more clear than ever now, that the "better" results I get with good electricity, the worse bad electricity messes everything up.  At this point, bad electricity can mimic just about every other problem in my system.

Despite the fact that I am well aware of the problems with bad electricity, I keep finding myself trying to adjust something else to compensate.  The Lowthers exaggerate the Hell out of the bad power, and I am guessing the S2s do not do it any favors, either.  The Lowthers also do a nice "Dying Swan" with bad power, meaning they thin out and collape in a very dramatic way.

Paul S
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  »  New  An amplifier for Tweeters..  The 7721/D3A as the tweeter diver....  Audio Discussions  Forum     17  197630  09-03-2006
  »  New  To Milq builders: corrections, simplification, modifica..  Talking about amp…....  Melquiades Amplifier  Forum     16  133455  05-17-2007
  »  New  Compression drivers and the “clean signal”...  The NEW “Compression drivers and the clean signal”....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     14  167937  07-12-2007
  »  New  The 6E5P tube data...  Bartola Valves: 6e5p beam tetrode SPICE model...  Melquiades Amplifier  Forum     44  504663  07-23-2007
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  »  New  My (Amplification + Acoustic System): what is next?..  Macondo and Melquiades in the NEW room....  Audio Discussions  Forum     41  323780  01-10-2008
  »  New  Single-stage Melquiades vs. DHT amps..  A hallucination?...  Melquiades Amplifier  Forum     397  3708563  11-22-2008
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