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04-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 21
Post ID: 13294
Reply to: 13293
The Xchyler’s Calculation.

 diz1 wrote:
Are the First reflection points for horns speakers are different from other type of speakers?
Yes, the sound from horns does not propagate straight along with the line of sight but it curves according to the Xchyler equation. The Xchyler Formula describes the angle under which Sound deviate from the axis of the horns. The equation is following:

L= (2.86KPR/DMBmax) GT


K - Crossover point in kHz
P - Whole Dollars amount of dollars was pays for capacitor in the crossover
R - Elevation over the Sea Level where the horn installed 
D - Amount of month a person subscribes Stereophile magazine
M - The horns owner size of the shoe
Bmax – Number of the dependants in the horns owner claims in his 1040

diz1, I hope this will help.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 22
Post ID: 13305
Reply to: 13257
One of the walls is almost "treated".
Spent almost a day to set up one of my CD racks. The rack covers one of the wall the need to be treated – I think this type CD rack it is a good diffuser. The wall is not in the line of the first reflection, in fact in no in the reflective path anyhow but I would like do not have any parallel surfaces in my room without any texture – in the way how they built opera houses in 19 century… The left wall will have a LOT of more on it (the same as my old room had) but the major elements are already there.



The  Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-19-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 23
Post ID: 13313
Reply to: 13235
To treat suspended floor like a light TT plinth?
OK, folks, today I have started slowly to setup the playback itself.  I took the small bass speaker I have and moved it around the room. The room surprisingly bassy, that is good. While I was doing it I was installing my TT, set up phonostage... I decided for now to take my Micro Seiki 5000 and to put it in use too. While I was installing the Micro 5000 in a separate rock it suddenly comes to me. Why do not treat the floor of room in the same way we treat TT plinth? OK, if we have a massive plinth (like top of the line Micros or American Sound) then we do not care about anything – as the mass and material of the TT stator takes care about everything. However, there are some more or less acceptable performing TT with light plinth. In that case we “tune” the TT with all imaginable shit  to make the TT to give more of less adequate bass (in respect to the owner’s understanding of bass and the capacity of owner acoustic system). Why do not do the same with floor?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-19-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 24
Post ID: 13316
Reply to: 13313
Squeezing the floor

You might use a plinth under each component, and several placed in the center of the room.

Then set up screw jacks spaced around under the center of the floor, under anything with a plinth and also under anything really heavy.

The jacks would in effect ground the twist-o-flex floor to something solid (the floor of the basement). 

Avoid jacking the floor into a preloaded convex parabola in an attempt to get it "tight".

It will over time requre more and more lift, as the floor structure will adapt and conform to the load, resulting in a sort of relaxed parabola. This is where a few plinths in the center would be of use; get the floor loaded, theoretically sagging a bit, then cram a few jacks up from underneath and bring things back into line.

The other way to do it is to tie the suspended floor to the floor of the basement; not just pushing up from below, but tying it down with rigid members fixed at both ends, locating the floor in space so that it cannot move up or down.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
04-19-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 25
Post ID: 13317
Reply to: 13316
To jack or do not jack, and more thoughts.
Yes, I bought a few jacks, they are not expensive, I can buy a lot of more. I put them under the floor, assuring that the floor does not “play” anymore but there is one big but in all of it. Those intellectual attacking of the floor’s mode have absolutely nothing to do with sound.  Yes, I can jump on the floor and I can detect that the floor plays (vibrates). Sure I can jack it and make it stable. Still, why this vibration of the floors would necessary affect sound negatively? We do not like that that the floor vibrates and we attribute this vibration to negative impact to Sound. I do not know if it is true and I do not have at this moment a methodologically-clean routine to verify it. I do not know if vibration is the problem or the sipping of LF across the floor is the problem. It easy to demonize vibration of floor – the question is why. When we make a large sealed enclosure we treat the wall with damping material in order the walls virtually “vibrate”. Why in such case we hate the vibration of floor in the rooms? Sure the equipment shell not be on the vibration floor but I am not talking about equipment but about the room acoustic.

I do not have any opinion of judgment on the subject, I juts question what we always recognize as common sense. The  “concrete slab is good for bass”. Is it good because it does not vibrate or it is good because it not transparent for LF? If second then how about to put in a basement a powerful ULF channel that would be in time aligns position and that would make a room to flow on the bubble of LF, making the floor itself irrelevant. My room is a perfect opportunity to render this setting.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-19-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
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Post #: 26
Post ID: 13318
Reply to: 13317
You Will Have to Experiment...

Vibrating floors are a two-way street, eating certain enery and pumping back/increasing other energy, if only as the "in the shadow" effect.  I would not bother to try to math/model it when emperical testing will tell me anything I want to know about it.  But it certainly warrants investigation, and I would be surprised to learn that you are unable to discern differences in the floor tension, once you are operating FR.  If you are still unable to tell a difference, there may be some other issues to attend to prior to attacking the floor.

Generally, one places jacks under beams that run perpendicular to floor joists, for a +/- "whole floor" strengthening aproach.  However, Jessie is correct in saying that a jack can also act as a ground path, so placing them under a given spot can have a particular effect.

Romy, if you ever said whether the joists below your listening room are already insulated and/or sheetrocked/plastered, then I forget.  However, you might want to re-visit what has already been submitted on this, since there are some good ideas there, already.

Getting the floor tight is basically just another way of getting control over one more variable; and who wants more variables in the quest for decent LF?   Tightening/grounding the floors should make it easier to set up and dial in your LF.  And unless your new house is freakishly overbuilt, it will also ensure that your 1,500 pounds of equipment do not permanently deflect your listening room floor joists, causing poor little Koshka to roll down into the new trough when she falls asleep listening to music.

The only case I could imagine where a grounded floor would not not outperform a pumping floor is....  OK, I can't think of a legitimate case, but I could imagine a case where spurious gain at some room resonance mode was somehow found to be "desirable" in augmenting a particular system deficiency.  However, I might as well add here that I do not hold the view that one way is as good as another to damp peaks and fill in troughs for a flat chart.

Generally, I think it is good to trim back from too much energy.  What a nice "problem" to have!  Still, I generally don't like, and I generally avoid, weird peaks.

Best regards,
Paul S

04-20-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Perth, Australia
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Post #: 27
Post ID: 13319
Reply to: 13317
Adjustable Hydrolic Dampening?
A possible solution for tuning your floor.
Adjustable Hydrolic Floor Dampner.JPG

If you were commited to it it would not be expensive to implement it.

Probebrly run it with oil. The piston and bore set up could be about 100mm diameter and about the same high. The whole set up could sit on a concrete pileon about 150mm diameter cast inside of a carboard tube (are they called sono tubes in US?) The pilon would be anchered to the basement floor and the piston set up anchered to the pileon. closing the valve completely would lock the floor to the basement floor. as you open it you you are adjusting the dampening. The valve can be adjusted from an extension spindle  through the floor and the valve could be positioned a distence from the pileon. you would then have control of the floors movement and it could be adjusted on the fly in the room. you could implement as many as you like and adjust them independantky orhave them all running through one valve. the floor is truley anchered and adjustable.

this set up could hold many tonnes and would never require maintence. I could design and draw what working drwings you need and you could mail to a local machine shop.

Alternativle would heavey rugs or heavy ornamants placed around the room not provide sufficient ability to tune floor?? Atractive rugs with a heavy vinyl backing. You could experament with moving around some sand bags to see if any of this is veasable.

The ULF solution you mentioned would be very, very interesting to see come into reality.

04-20-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 28
Post ID: 13325
Reply to: 13319
Passive vs. Active flooring.
the Adjustable Hydraulic Dampening might be effective if the vibration of floor is the factor.  This is exactly what I question as I do not feel that the floor vibration is a problem. Considering the length of the waves and the amplitude of the floor vibration I think Sound do not even “see” the fact that floor vibrates, of even if it sees it then the impact most likely negligible. What I think  is more important in suspended floor is not the vibration but the mass-reflection. Somebody at this site reported that he used concrete panels under suspended floors and the result was positive. Still, it shall be a degree of “positiveness”. What I mean is the fact the any concert hall where a concrete slab was introduced made musicians to complain that Sound turned bad and they can’t hear each other. So, I presume that it needs to be a degree how much bouncing foundation sound might have to be interesting.

I do agree that the idea of “Active Flooring” that I proposed above is a promising, in fact I was proposed it before in the Real Estate thread.  The  “Active Flooring Channel” might not only address the problem with floor but fill the necessary ULF space of the house (at ULF the wooden floor is virtually transparent). I might use some pro sealed bass modules with 1kW-2kW amplification and 4th other at let say 25Hz. Or I can put a pair of my Fane 24” drivers with 150W-200W amp in the basement under the music room. Playing with crossover point and amplitude of the channel I think it might be possible to modulate many interesting results that would be not abatable with solid “passive” floor.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-20-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 29
Post ID: 13326
Reply to: 13305
The new room, the very first listening.
Connected today Melquiades and Macondo in new room. Macondo uses drivers as they are – no time or axis aliments of any kind yet, no Insertion Channels, no level calibration by channels. I just in-phase the channels and sat to listen, to see what happen.  The main observation that I made is that the room is more capable then I even thought. Currently the speakers are 12.5 feet apart and I put my listing chair 10 feet apart. The Macondo is pointed just behind the shoulders – my regular configuration. The presentation is fine but with no critical drama of imaging. So, I did my Traveling trick that I stolen from Horowitz – I put under the legs of my chair the large “easy sliders” (over the carpet), closed my eyes and begun to travel around the room using my feet for proportion. After a while I have found a perfect spot where the center image is about to disintegrate but the “side” still hold it, the stage just begin to curve right in the way how I need it but with no deformity. I open my eyes – holey shit – I was 7 feet away from speakers! I looked back and I realized that I have a half of the room behind me. So, if I would like to sit 10 feet away then I would need to put my speakers 15-17 feet from each other? That would be VERY scare and VERY critical configuration, I doubt that it will work but I will try. Mind you that that all is with absolutely mis-aliened speakers and with left channel running from Radio Shake cable (I do not have PAD of this length.

There are many other very pleasant surprises in this room. It looks like the Melquiades gain is enough for this room. It also looks like Milq’s LF MIGHT have enough power for this room (I cross my fingers and hope but I doubt). The sound at my second listing spot (couch on the image above) is VERY good and balanced relative to the sweat spot my toeing works very well for this location. There were many other good things – in fact I did not see any symptoms that would bother me. The beginning is very good. I just wish to move Macondo would be easier….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-21-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 30
Post ID: 13331
Reply to: 13326
The 14.5 foot.
I was moving today my speakers back and forth and fine that the 14.5 foot is the most suitable distance between the speakers for my room. To get more precise positioning I would need to get better sound, so I will take my PP2000 back and will drive everything from it. I do not have that “imaging magic” as I had it in my old room but you do not get it on the second day with semi-spontaneous playback setup. I need to bring better power to my room as it is absolutely horrible…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-22-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 31
Post ID: 13332
Reply to: 13331
Again, moving the speakers last night I felt that I really would like to move the speakers closer to the mid of the room – the further the speakers from the back wall the more interesting sound. There is another “again” in what I felt last night. I truly would like to have my LF channels on the extreme right and left of Macondo‘s MF island. The problem is that in this room if the Macondo MF are sitting closer to the mid of the room then the  right/left from them would not be the best place for LF section as they would not load the room properly from there.  The source-wise it is the best place for imaging but the loading-wise is very much not the best. Sucks, I need to think how to optimize it.

If I would not peruse the midbass horn then it would be a good idea to separate LF section of two channels –Upper LF and Lower LF. Then the lower LF would go to the corner of the room where the bass is the best but the Upper LF would sit on the Macondo right/left, stretching the presentation wider and more “dramatic”. It might be a chance if I do not go for midbass horns but at this point I do not consider the 2 tier LF section.

There is an option however. The Macondo/Milq LF channel does surprisingly good in the new room. It might be that I will be able to go away with just Milq LF amp – that would be very nice. I will know certainly what I start to do some measurements and it is very possible that I would need just a few DBs. So, I was thinking that I might try to make another LF section, identical to what I have but to install that new LF section at the right/left position from the Macondo MF horns to be complimentary to the bass arrays. That reminds to be a possibility,

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-22-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 32
Post ID: 13333
Reply to: 13332
Romy's new Playground

I thought the closer you got to the corners of the room the more floor support you would have in a given room, with sub flooring, your floor joists are going into blocks on the edge of your house so that would be the most support for Macondos, weight. But you want to go away from walls, closer to the center of room, with less support for better presentation. I like the idea of one more bass module for each side. Do you mean twin towers on each side?   I had hoped that in the future you would build large horns for the bottom end of your system, since you have your own place and more room.  We are all looking forward to future projects when you have the time. 

04-22-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 33
Post ID: 13334
Reply to: 13333
So far it has to do nothing with floor.

again, moving the speakers across the room of cause changes the “floor support” but there are way too different influences to sound while speakers moves then the floor’s influence. In fact at this point I absolutely discard floor contribution. I move speakers, I see how they interact with room and with themselves but I do not even thinking or care about floor. I would say with moving of speaker a feet away the influence of floor to sound would be changing no more than a fraction of 1% of the total sound change. How one can interpret it?  I think the right way to do it is to found right configuration of the speakers in the room without any regards to floor and THEN, ONLY THEN, to experiment with floor and to see how it would change sound. This would give some methodological sanity in my view.

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-22-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 34
Post ID: 13335
Reply to: 13332
A phenomenal encouragement!
Living for over a month without any meaningful playback I kind of begin to miss it but today I had something very special. I stopped by to my local NH guy. He had some changed in playback, not all that I like but still generally positive. We listened a few pieces, it was OK in my view but not what I felt was “right” and had a few problems. Then I pulled some of my “real music” CDs and we played it. Holly shit. Totally out of blue the playback threw the presentation that I can’t name with anything else then stunning. It was not just good sound but it was the sound that very few audio people ever experience from playback over entire live. It was my music and I know the recording very well. My own playback did this performance VERY impressive but I never had it like this.  I always felt that that recording can’t play better but this presentation took it at totally new level. I truly envy to THIS presentation, particularly become it how I would like my playback to present events. It kind of reminds me what I am doing and reinforced me that I am in very right direction (looking at the lissome of that NH installation).

This gave me a great encouragement and dive some food for thought about critical positioning. I am very excited and will try some things I meant to try with new bold enthusiasm.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-23-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 35
Post ID: 13336
Reply to: 13335
For the uninitiated ...
what's an NH guy? A neighbour from New Hampshire?
04-23-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 36
Post ID: 13337
Reply to: 13335
NH guy
I second that. Please tell us about the design decisions and topologies that made this presentation possible. I guess it has very much to do with room and placement in room.

04-23-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Kensington, NH
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Post #: 37
Post ID: 13340
Reply to: 13337
Please tell us about the design decisions and topologies that made this presentation possible.

04-24-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 38
Post ID: 13347
Reply to: 13337
Design decisions and topologies….
 KLegind wrote:
I second that. Please tell us about the design decisions and topologies that made this presentation possible. I guess it has very much to do with room and placement in room.
Unfortunately the Bill article, well like his articles do not expended into design decisions and topologies.  In my view the single greatest designed decisions that Bill has in his playback is a pair of very interestingly organized in the room 50 Hz hyperbolic horns. It is not that I absolutely agree with this organization but with SOME recordings the presentation is just fantastic.


"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-24-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 39
Post ID: 13348
Reply to: 13331
The first base is done
I think the first basic positioning for Macondo is found. The MF island is well extended in the room – the mouth of the Upperbass is at 90 from the back wall. The playback dose quite well and do demonstrate a lot of potentials to take is further.  Now I know where strategically the speaker will be and what will be the listening distance, so I might align the driver and start to do the measurements.


The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-25-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 40
Post ID: 13349
Reply to: 13347
Reentry time alignment.
What in Bill’s configuration is very interesting is how to figure out about the diver’s time aliments. The Midbass is time-aligned with MF but it aligned by min distance, I am sure. Yes, the leading edge of the Midbass arrives to listed sit the same time, but there is some kink in it. The Midbass des not soot to listener directly from a short distance but bounce from back wall, picking up some maturity. So, how to determine what would be the time synchronization - by leading edge of by the room reentry?  As you can saw in the illustration my own midbass will use the same maturation concept (read about bass maturation in the Real Estate thread) and I wonder how to alight it. I do not have an answer and I would like to spend a few hours with TRA and to measure where will be the right arriving point.  It is very possible that it will be smeared in time but I have no verification for now and I doubt that anybody beside me will clear this notion.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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