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05-24-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 4448
Reply to: 4382
OK, I am getting somewhere.

I made the move toward to what I think might be done with Injection Channel for my Macondo. In the picture below is a new home for the 10-incher Red. The box is done interestingly. The front baffle is 1” MDF all the rest is 3/4n if a regular cheap plywood. The box is 33” high, the front baffle is 14” and the back is 8”. I did it sloped to reduce the reflections in the box and to make it look and feel like the … horn. It is not painted yet  and not intalled proporly yet but it does look above the Macondo as it was born there- very non-abusive. The box is very “live”. It has a very light rib at the middle. I plan to tune it more precisely with injectable extra bracing and dumping as I go along… and …if I find it necessary.

I do not how it sound yet and I feel that it will take some time to learn how to make it to sound correct (remembering that it is not the normal channel but the Injection Channel), however now I have some tools to play with…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-26-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 42
Post ID: 4458
Reply to: 4448
Injection Channel project is done.
Ok, the Injection Channel project is over. I dumped the boxes not heavily and very conventionally, painted them, installed the drivers and crossovers. Sure, before I put the injection channels into the Macondo frame I flipped them upside down and tried to listen the boxes with Reds full range on my floor. They sounded like typical Reds. I did not detect a lot of extra quality coming form the larger box - a little more bass but generally it is the very same sound. The sound of box, despite that it is relatively light is not auditable. As with any 10” Reds the power handling is low. As with most of the Tannoys the speaker fall apart if they play something more complex then a singer with 2 instilments. The sound is “Red” and strategically colored.

Still, as Injection Channel they should be very much OK… The idea to locate the driver at the bottom of the box was a good idea…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-26-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 4460
Reply to: 4458
The "Macondo Ultimate" MK-XXVII, Revision 432…
In my post to Keith I said: “if I designed the Macondo from scratch now, after knowing about the Injection Channels what I know now, then I might make some thing slightly differently”. Below is my deign idea how I would make the Macondo’s Frame imbedding the Injection Channels closer to MF channel. Although I am not planning to go for this implementation but I presume this destine as the the most interesting Macondo design.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-26-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 44
Post ID: 4461
Reply to: 4460
Injection Alignment

I'm very pleased to learn that you've got your Injection Channel done.

I assume the above illustration is not indicative of the way you have the Tannoy Red aligned with regard to the other drivers, as it appears to be sitting out in front of them (?)

I'm very much looking forward to following your continued research on the single stage Melqs.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
05-27-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 45
Post ID: 4465
Reply to: 4461
It should be time aligned with religious prejudges.
 jessie.dazzle wrote:

I'm very pleased to learn that you've got your Injection Channel done.

I assume the above illustration is not indicative of the way you have the Tannoy Red aligned with regard to the other drivers, as it appears to be sitting out in front of them (?)

I'm very much looking forward to following your continued research on the single stage Melqs.


Sure it dose not sit in from of them. The Injection Channel is a white bandwidth full-range channel and it should be meticulously and painstakingly time aligned, without it all bets are off. It absolutely ruins all Sound if it is out of time alignment. In the photograph about the wooden box just placed above to measure up. When the Injection Channel was done then the channel was aligned with RTA. Still do not forget that in dual concentric Reds the compression driver sits well behind the woofer and the woofer delayed eclectically….

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-27-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 46
Post ID: 4472
Reply to: 4460
The Injection Channel idea perfect, isn’t it?

Well, I would like do not mislead myself and others: the Injection Channel idea is NOT perfect and in a way a half-ass solution. It is effective. If the right “coloration driver” is found and properly implemented/mixed then the Injection idea might be superbly beneficial but… the Injection does inflict also some harm, amplitude of which might wary. In a way the Injection Channel is a semi-foolish attempt to fix the situation since we have no pool of seriously sounding drivers, particularly the horn drivers. The tone of the driver is everything in loudspeaker (is to look ONLY at the tonal dimension). It is like a needle in analog. People who do analog know that if a cartridge is dull in some aspect then no mater what you do you never make the Sound coming from this cartridge better. The same with horn drivers…. We all use crap drivers that were this made hundreds years back where definition of good sound was AM radio broadcasts or the today’s high power pro drivers that were made buy deaf and ignorant people…

Could the Injection Channel with a properly selected and mixed “colorizing driver” be a solution? Yes, it can but only at the level of self-entertainment end proving the concept. For the serious results however, the results targeted to the highest level of objectives, I do not think that it would be place for any Injection Channels but insisted the properly/seriously sounding but none-existing drivers (that have all tone already “Injected”) should be used.

Unfortunately no one cares about the seriously sounding drivers for horns. I understand why - there are no demands…

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-27-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 47
Post ID: 4473
Reply to: 4461
The Injection Channel: post factum
 jessie.dazzle wrote:
I assume the above illustration is not indicative of the way you have the Tannoy Red aligned with regard to the other drivers...
Here is the actual picture of the Injection Channel, installed and time aligned.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-27-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 48
Post ID: 4476
Reply to: 4472
A very thoughtful exposition, Romy
Since I have struggled with my own +/- insurmountable problems with Lowthers, OB, BR, etc., ad nauseum, I can certainly relate generically to what you have just said about horn drivers in this injection thread.

Yet this may be the only time I have heard from a fully-invested horn advocate that there are or might be problems with respect to horn tonality.  Did I miss something, or other do other hornys just not hear the problems (a-e-i-o-u...)?

I would have to say you have also painted some pretty clear pictures of some problems one faces with OB and BR; but I freely admit these problems, and I have read your "injection" thread with selfish interest, specifically as it might relate to mitigating (vs correcting) certain problems I deal with.

In any case, no need to throw the baby out with the bath water.  I still think your injection channel is ingenious, at least as an idea, and there is a quasi-related, quasi-scientific treatis I am struggling to remember and that I will cite if/when I remember it (just as a point of interest, of course).

Meanwhile, maybe it's time to start laying out what we most want/expect from our drivers?  I always though hornys were all about jump, and screw the rest.

In my case, pitch, timbre, weight and scale have been my focus for the last few years, and oddly enough I wound up working with Lowther DX-4s vs horns I have tried, engendering a whole new set of compromises.  While I have had some success along the way, I think I am ready to discuss what is good and bad with some objectivity.

To what extent can we figure to be on the same page with respect to desired end results?  More than a little, I'll wager.

Are we close enough to anything to begin reverse engineering?

If it can't happen here, it probably won't happen...

Best regards,
Paul S

05-28-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 49
Post ID: 4477
Reply to: 4461
"it appears to be sitting out in front of them"...
 jessie.dazzle wrote:
I assume the above illustration is not indicative of the way you have the Tannoy Red aligned with regard to the other drivers, as it appears to be sitting out in front of them (?)

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-31-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 50
Post ID: 4521
Reply to: 4448
After all I was right all along, ... almost....

I always say do not stress them they do not like it and I always hate third bass. The 10” are particularly are fragile with a power handling of a few watts. It is applicable pretty much to any lover MF driver that pushed to work with the “open bottom”. It is applicable to any vintage driver, and in my given case I was talking about the Tannoy Red 10”. As you know with my new unnecessary gluttonously-large box for my Injection Channel I got too much bass and not the regular but the typical Tannoy-type bass. Today I desided to high-pass the channel. I put a pair of actively biased electrolytic caps that made roughly 50Hz 6dB filter and listened it. Then running the crossover point up and down, I ended up with somewhere 110Hz.

Wow, suddenly the Tannoy-type bass is evaporated and was replaced with VERY high quality upperbass, I mean the superb upper bass! Of course it is not the normally well-accepted full balanced sound and the complete channel itself do not sound pleasant but if to do the “targeted listening” and to pay attention only at what is important for the given channel then it was very much what is necessary and the Injection Channel in context of Macondo now does excellent (after realignment).  My move to larger box was no a smart move but I think if I did not do it then I would allays would like to try it.

Now I need to decide if to repackage the Reds into some kind of miniature 0.5 cub feet box for my Injection Channel or to keep it “as is”, using it high passed.

Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-31-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 51
Post ID: 4522
Reply to: 4521
If the cabinet is an audible factor
Yes, high-passing smaller "full-range" drivers works wonders for the sound that remains.

But since this is, after all, the (deadly) "injection channel" perhaps you still want some noise from the cabinet?

In any case, I would say, if it "works" as is, why change it just to make it smaller?

Hard to predict what a smaller cabinet will sound like.

Beat regards,
Paul S
05-31-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 52
Post ID: 4523
Reply to: 4521
This is how it will be.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-02-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 53
Post ID: 4534
Reply to: 4473
The Injection Channel: post post factum

Well, never say never and what I said that the Injection Channel is done it meant that it WAS done.

I am experimenting now with other way of use Red injection. The application as is at the picture practically had no impact to imaging. However, I needed some Red’s lower midrange that I have no space to develop….So I used the boxed Injection Channel about the Macondo running juts Red Woofer along with the tweeter sitting above the “Water Drop”… Without setting up and aligning everything precisely, preliminary, I kind of like it.

However, it becomes to appear to me too certifiable, not the THX certifiable…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-02-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 54
Post ID: 4536
Reply to: 4534
Careful with that ax Eugene!
So if I understand correctly, you are still using both elements of the Red, but have separated them, and now have the HF element as shown in the above photo, and the woofer is still in the large box (still sitting up on top?), and filtered to simulate the smaller box.

And, by separating the elements, you are able to get the HF element in there where it does less damage to imaging... Was that your motivation in um, liberating the HF element?

Where in terms of frequency do you want the additional tone? Would it be enough to inject this tone in the Upper-Bass and Lower Mid-Range, or are you also looking to add it up in the S2 range as well?

At what frequency range do you have the HF element of the Red functioning? (where is it high-passed or band-passed?). I assume it is emitting frequencies lower than the Water Drop.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
06-02-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 55
Post ID: 4537
Reply to: 4536
Everything is much undefined now….

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
So if I understand correctly, you are still using both elements of the Red, but have separated them, and now have the HF element as shown in the above photo, and the woofer is still in the large box (still sitting up on top?), and filtered to simulate the smaller box.

And, by separating the elements, you are able to get the HF element in there where it does less damage to imaging... Was that your motivation in um, liberating the HF element?

Where in terms of frequency do you want the additional tone? Would it be enough to inject this tone in the Upper-Bass and Lower Mid-Range, or are you also looking to add it up in the S2 range as well?

At what frequency range do you have the HF element of the Red functioning? (where is it high-passed or band-passed?). I assume it is emitting frequencies lower than the Water Drop.

Yes, they are as you described. My motivation was to bring the Red’s tweeter as close as possible to the sours of HF of the entire system. You see, to have 2 sources of HF, even in the vertical plane prone to many problems. The problems might be minimized theoretically but it is VERY complex and I do not think that it is possible in my specific conditions (distance and so on). Sure, one of my sources is at 9dB down but it still has SOME negative effect to imaging, though very positive to tone. A slight rolling off HF on Red help a little but it requires in order to get the same effect of “Injection” to increased the output for Red’s tweeter – it is not good as it move the entire virtual center point image up.

The to locate the Red’s tweeter as it on the picture above helps but I really have no space in there as the frame (the high of the Fundamental channel horn) had fixed for S2-WaterDrop-S2 trio. Also, the Injection of the Red between the Water Drop and upper S2 as I have done is not free from problems. The damn Red tweeter when it sits outside of his woofer and is not driven by own crossover sounds much cleaner and has less coloration. However, I do not it its clean sound - I need to use only it’s colorations! So it makes me to crank it up but it is not what I would like to do…. I do not think that I will keep it next to WD  – too complex, better for imaging from one point of view but questionable from other point of view. With all things being equal I feel that the high-passed Red in own full assembly is more useful for the Injection… but it is too damn bid and good only to sit above the Macondo.Perhaps I shell leave it there….

Still, the biggest problem is that I hardly can say anything defiantly. Since the temperature is risen in Boston and everyone turned the Air Conditioners on the electricity went bad. For the last 2 weeks audio is hardly listenable and I would like do not make any decisions in this state. Some days it is so bad that I juts turn the playback off in order do not get irritated…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-03-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 56
Post ID: 4543
Reply to: 4537
The best position so far.
This position is near flawless what the Red run at minus 9dB.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-03-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 57
Post ID: 4544
Reply to: 4537
Additional thoughts for Eugene
Once you establish that you are for sure on the right track with the whole idea of the Injection Channel, it would not be such a big deal to cut and extend the vertical mast of your Macodo frames, moving your Fundamentals Channel up... You could have a strong square window welded in that would allow the Red to be positioned as in your drawing.

You may be able to find a good welder with a portable rig and have it done right there in your room (I've been getting away with this sort of thing for the past year... use plywood shields!).

However, I must say, I have a lot of trouble accepting the idea of redundant drivers.

Do you really feel that it would be desirable to inject tone up in the range where you have the S2s working?

I wonder if you might address the issue of tone by working only with Bass.

My own Mid-Range arrangement is based on that of the Macondos... Listening to my own system (I have enough of it done now to make some observations), I can say that there are two elements which bring significant tone to the overall perception :

1) The AK151 Mid-Bass drivers, even without horns.

2) The pair of 18" Lower-Bass drivers in sealed boxes (a sort of effortless bass with very good tone... A nice surprise, as I had to buy them without having heard what they could do).

Obviously, neither of these directly add tone anywhere higher up than Upper-Bass... Nevertheless, they may be affecting the way the S2s channels are "perceived". In my case, I don't feel that the S2s would benefit from more tone. However, if I could hear your experiment, I may change my mind.

What diaphragms did you finally settle for use with your S2s... Plastic or metal suspension?


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
06-03-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 58
Post ID: 4545
Reply to: 4544
Some answers from Engine with ax.

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
However, I must say, I have a lot of trouble accepting the idea of redundant drivers.

Yes, it dose not sound attractive to me but it is not the redundant drivers but one main driver and another at minus 9dB driver, sort of the “colorizing driver”. It dos not really emits own sound but rather slightly tone up the main driver. It is hard to believe but if you sit in my room it would be easily demonstrateable….

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
Do you really feel that it would be desirable to inject tone up in the range where you have the S2s working?

It is NOT necessary but it is beneficial. I started to do it bit because the S2 deficiencies but become the certain Red’s tonal inflections that I do fount appealing (in a small well quantifiable doze)

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
My own Mid-Range arrangement is based on that of the Macondos... Listening to my own system (I have enough of it done now to make some observations), I can say that there are two elements which bring significant tone to the overall perception:

1) The AK151 Mid-Bass drivers, even without horns.

Absolutely phenomenal driver, nothing can touch it!!! If you corner-load it in a right room you will have the upperbass that will be EXTREMELY difficult to beat. Sure they you would need to time alight it with the rest of the system that should not be in the corner.

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
2) The pair of 18" Lower-Bass drivers in sealed boxes (a sort of effortless bass with very good tone... A nice surprise, as I had to buy them without having heard what they could do).

Hm, the “tone” subject in context of the lower octave is VERY different subject …

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
Obviously, neither of these directly add tone anywhere higher up than Upper-Bass... Nevertheless, they may be affecting the way the S2s channels are "perceived". In my case, I don't feel that the S2s would benefit from more tone. However, if I could hear your experiment, I may change my mind.

You can’t not imagine how good the S2 with AK151 if they properly used (room). I keep some of them in my storage and I would LOVE to found some use for them….

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
What diaphragms did you finally settle for use with your S2s... Plastic or metal suspension?

It never changed. For MF I use the plastic suspension and for Fundamental Channel the metal (wich is not critical)

The Cat

PS: BTW, who is Eugene?

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 59
Post ID: 4549
Reply to: 4545
S2 Diaphragms and the Mysterious Eugene
 jessie.dazzle wrote:
What diaphragms did you finally settle for use with your S2s... Plastic or metal suspension?

               Reply from Romy : 
               "It never changed. For MF I use the plastic suspension and for Fundamental Channel the metal (wich is not critical)"

You did at one point (circa early 2005) prefer the metal suspension for MF :


               Quote from Romy - Early 2005:
               "I have now my S2 running with the original diaphragms in the very same way in which it was made 55 years aback: I have no HF harshness at all"

Reading your thoughts on the two suspensions at that time leads me to wonder if the plastic suspension is not stealing away some of the tone?

Regarding Eugene :

The reference to Eugene and his ax came to mind upon seeing the disemboweled Red driver. This will "enlighten" you as to who he is... Mind you, it is not at all the sort of thing I usually have playing... But it is what was around while growing up... sometimes I do take a trip back :


BTW, As I do sometimes listen to music other than classical and jazz, before getting this far along with the project, I was REALLY curious about how a Vitavox/Horns/SET amps system would do with this other music... Answer : Wow, nice... even with electronic "music".


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
06-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 60
Post ID: 4552
Reply to: 4549
The S2 Diaphragms: is not the tone that drives me.

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
You did at one point (circa early 2005) prefer the metal suspension for MF :


               Quote from Romy - Early 2005:
               "I have now my S2 running with the original diaphragms in the very same way in which it was made 55 years aback: I have no HF harshness at all"

Jessie, my site is not a collection of “audio wisdom” but rather a diary of an audio psycho, sort of a chronicle of my adventures in audio. We all and certainly I do make moves into wrong direction, or in less productive direction, not to mention the very stupid directions. It happens here, my site reflects it (like my attempts to use tweeter attenuation with moving the tweeter on the slope and a few others….) and I have no problems to admit it. When I discover or realize about my wrong or not fruitful moves I always publish the follow-ups but never delete or edit the older posts.

There were a periods (and not ounces) when I felt that my use of the original diaphragms was warranted. I do not feel that it was stupid but conditional – slightly discharges drivers, a good electricity, a certain use (or do not use) of tweeter. Then I found some justifications do not use original diaphragms. It is all about the relationship between the conditions and the results. The top end of the original diaphragms does much better with soft magnets (I have S2 with different magnets), in fact the best with electromagnet. When electricity is very good the original metal diaphragms do extremely well but as soon electricity has a very little nose the metal diaphragms begin to sound very nasty.  The plastic suspension is much more “liquid” and less sensitive to electricity. So, what I said that “It never changed” I meant that it never changed since my last findings and I have for a couple years the plastic suspension in my MF channel…





Saying it, I very much might try to use the metal suspension again when I will be driving the MF with a single-stage Milq, direct coupled or ater I try the Duddanization of the cone. The single-stage Milq should be “a cleaner electronics” and it should be advantageous....

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
Reading your thoughts on the two suspensions at that time leads me to wonder if the plastic suspension is not stealing away some of the tone?

Very reasonable question. However, the difference between the plastic suspension and metal suspension (BTW, I have 2 different version of plastic suspension) is not in tone at least not in the tone that makes the S2 different from Red. We are approaching the moment when it is difficult to describe the things and it should be experienced. Since you already do have the S2 driver then buy from Mike one single plastic suspension cone and try it next you original cones. If you have only plastic suspension then I do encourage you to find the original cone. If you can’t then I might send you one to try. When you play both of them then you might understand why I went back and forth with the cones in past and perhaps will do it again in future perhaps. I still do not feel that it is not “tone” that drives me.

Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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