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12-18-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 941
Post ID: 17539
Reply to: 17355
A second PurePower for PC?

If you follow this thread and my successes and tribulation with PurePower regenerators than you remember that I had problem with sound running two PP2000 for right and left channels.  So, I had everything, including my DAW plugged into on PP2000, recently into PP3000, and I felt that it was better configuration. Theoretically I would like to have computer with all its switching power supply to be ploughed into some kind of separate isolated secretly, apart with the rest of my analog, linear PS gear but the idea did not go too far.

Two day back, making some experiment with PP3000 and having it turn on and off I got sick from my dying DAW get constantly rebooted. So, I took my old PP2000, install it in basement and powered my computer from it, driven this PP2000 from another half of 240V line.  So, effectively I got PP2000 driven from one side of 240V and powering only computer and PP3000 driven from another half of 240V powering my entire system with analog PS. The PP3000 and PP2000 not are sitting very far from each other, in fact in different rooms. PP2000 runs 7% load and PP3000 with power amps on does around 45% load.

You know I like the result on analog side (PP3000) very much. The sound got a bit more “useful crunch”. I did not check the DAW sound and it is frankly complicated to do. Now, I am not sure that some “gain in sound” on my analog side was due to elimination of the noise feedback from DAW power supply or it was juts normal improvement of electricity this time of week/month/season. As time goes by I will be able to say it but for now it looks like it is a good configuration. I need to shut down the PP2000 and to see it is it is still has no affected the sound of PP3000. The point is that PP2000 and PP3000 are still connected via ground of the playback. I need to reconnect all devises (monitor, USB switch boxes and anything else that use PC) to make sure that it will be no path (on internal side) between that PP2000 and PP3000 across the playback grounds. The only path that I would like to remain is the connection from my DAW to A/D and D/A converters across Lynx card. My premises is that Lynx card runs AES/EBU Digital I/O digital interfaces that by default employ isolation transformers, so it will be no noise ground loop of any kind between PP2000 and PP3000. It is possible that within this, no grounds connected configuration 2 PurePower unit would be able to work in the same playback. The idea to separate switching and linear power supply into different regenerators does strike me as promising, or at least logical.

Let see how it will work eventually.
The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-18-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 942
Post ID: 17543
Reply to: 17539
Something in Common
Something interesting to think about is that both "halves" of a 240V line share a neutral wire and a ground wire, whether or not the hot wires are "split". 

Best regards,
Paul S
12-20-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 943
Post ID: 17548
Reply to: 2931
A new dedicated power line

I will be making another experiment tomorrow and will try to install a new dedicated power line for audio. I say “another experiment” as the dedicated line that I installed as soon I move into the hour did not sound good, I have no idea why.

This time I will do slightly different. It is be 240V 6ga copper run but not into the walls, along with the rest of the house wires but directly to the dedicated power receptacles behind my playback, in the diagonal of the house, pretty much perpendicular to any power wires. It will not be too ugly and the run will be at the selling of the basement, well it will be ugly but it is basement, who care how it look like in there.

I did some research about circuit breaker and chose one model that I feel better. It is two-poll 40A breaker; I was not able to find this type for lower current. So, it will be 40A power line terminated with L5-30P power outlet, rated for 30A. The PurePower people accommodated me with twist-lock power cord for my PP3000. I do not know what gage wire it will be use but I presume it will be 30A rated as well. The audio circuit breaker will be the very first breaker in my first main power panel, right after the 200A main breaker. The 240V feed will run just behind the location where the PP3000 installed and then it will be split on two half of 120V. Let see how it all works and it gives any better sound then my utility power output (that I admit sounds the best in my house, I have no explanation why.)

The idea behind this dedicated line is to minimize the amount of noise that goes into PP3000. I use a lot of dimmers in my listening room. The SS dimmers, in the way how uses nowadays are one of the most horrible things for sound. If you have one single active dimmer in your house then you audio NEVER sound right. I have zillion tests and experiments about it over the years. The PurePower regenerators absolutely immune to dimmers, I mean I can use 10 dimmers in my listening room and the sound, if I power everything from PurePower is undistinguishable from sound with no dimmers at all. (I can very objectively measure the noise from dimmers outside of PP3000). Still, if the PurePower does not worsen sound when dimmers are active then it still might be beneficial to power PurePower with cleaner power lines. I have refrigerator in house, the heater pumper, the pool pump, the house lighting, and all kitchen appliances, at least 3 computers all time on (2 of them Compaq and HP Servers with dual power supplies), UPS station for the servers…. They are not a lot but they do produce some local noise that might (or might not be) worth to isolate or at least to minimize.

Again, I am not confident that this new version of dedicated power line will make any difference but the only way to say anything is to try. The proper way to do it would be to run a dedicated parallel run directly from service entry, across a new dedicated power meter and to own dedicated 100A entry panel serving ONLY ONE dedicated audio power line.  I might convert this line that I will be installing tomorrow into something like this but I need to educate myself about sonic consignees of power meters. Perhaps I will be the Phase 2 of the project and it will not be difficult to do if I chose to go there. Let see if the Phase 1 will be beneficial and if it was then I can take a notch further.

So, if I have no posts after tomorrow than I have electrocuted myself.

Rgs, The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-20-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 944
Post ID: 17549
Reply to: 17548
That's a whole lotta work...
...I recommend you take notes as you proceed.

Also you might consider running specialty AC cable (not Romex), to wit this item from JPS Labs:

Power AC In-Wall Cable

The first high-end power cable for home or professional dedicated AC wiring. Dramatic improvement over any commercial cable offering excellent clarity and tonality. Made in USA

2 x10 AWG (5.26 mm2) + ground

UL® VW-1, CSA FT-1, 105 C

600volt/30 amp - $ per ft.


 I can get the stuff for you (or whoever) in any length. I had it installed in one home and the fellow was very happy -- but that wasn't very scientific.

12-20-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 945
Post ID: 17550
Reply to: 17549
I hate those people.
Thanks, Clark, I will go with regular commercial Romex.

There is no such a thing as “specialty AC cable” and the thing that they write about their cable is crap in my estimation.

“Our custom high-end Power AC In-wall cable is a 10 AWG (5.27 mm2), specified for use in supplying high-quality, noise rejecting, non-current limiting AC power while enhancing audio or video quality beyond standard commercially available cable. Its Optimized Field Matrix (OFM) construction allows it to inherently reject noise, allowing the ultimate in subtle details, while it's shear size supplies the high power demands of the largest of amplifiers and systems. This cable was designed to allow any system to perform to its highest potential with total resolution. Specifications are easily met at 30 amps with heavy duty 600 V, UL® and CSA, 105 C rated, 2 x 10 AWG (5.27 mm2) current carrying conductors, plus ground (3 conductors total). Outer diameter is approx. 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) overall but flexible and easy to install. This unique AC cable noticeably improves performance and resolution in any quality installation, and once installed as a dedicated run to the main panel avoids the need for extensive conditioning within the room. Please specify and install JPS Labs Power AC In-Wall cable into your critical audio or video room, recording studio or editing room for the finest possible results without the worry of ground loop hum and noise affecting audio and video quality. Do it once, right! “

Are their cable “noise rejecting”, “non-current limiting”, “Optimized Field Matrix”, really? That all is crap! They claim that “cable was designed to allow any system to perform to its highest potential with total resolution”. What the empty verbiage! No one design cables. Even POD selling these cables for $12.000 a meter use standard commercial Belden wires that anyone can buy for under a dollar per meter. No one “design” cable for targeted sonic results and the people who make this claim are idiots or presuming that their customers are idiots. I do not make any negative claim specifically against JPS Labs Power cable but absolutely insist that NO ONE in position to make statement that they have a wire, not even component wire but electrical wire (!!!) and to insist that it will provide the “ultimate subtle details in sound”.

The fellow you described was very happy but would be identically happy is hit dedicated line was made not by audiophile-approve wire but by wire from Home depot? Mind you: there is no talk about price here but just about a regular common sense. If somebody insists that they have wire that with identical gage has less non-current limiting, do not provide the impedance data per foot, claim the “noise rejection” beyond a regular twisting and insist that his cable improve “performance and resolution” then I think it is enough to discard the claim as it too much remind me the typical BS of audio sales whores.

Anyhow, I wools like to stay with good commercial solution that in my estimation shall be superior to the promises of audiophile underwriters.
The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-20-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 946
Post ID: 17551
Reply to: 17550
Anyhow, I wools like to stay with good commercial solution that in my estimation shall be superior to the promises of audiophile underwriters.

A "good commercial solution" to amplification would be, oh, say, Crown. So why bother pursuing "audiophile" tube stuff? Clearly you know (Lord knows how!) what's in the JPS wire so what's the use of listening?

Hence: Home Depot here we come!

12-20-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 947
Post ID: 17553
Reply to: 17551
JPS Lab conversation.
I just had a conversation with the guy who runs this JPS Lab. I did anticipate much more idiotic presentation, similar to what they have at their web site. To my surprise the gay was rational. It is not that I agree with all that he was saying but it was not pure BS. So, what they offer is the regular 10/2 cupper wire but they are twisted already. Twisting of cause is good but it is just 10ga. They of cause claim that it is fine threading of very tightly packed stranded wires, according to them it is much better. Well, also according to them it has no resistance difference between commercial wire and the fine-stranded. Sure the JPS Lab told me that his wire are made from better copper but I frankly poo-poo that as nowadays all copper is made in the same plant in China.  The JPS Lab wants $24 per foot of that fine cable. They do not do anything larger then 10ga and they do not do 4 wire cables to run 240V. Well, it is expensive and the result is not particularly predictable. If I need 2 runs to furnish my 240V across 100 feet then it will be neat $4.800. For this money they need to demonstrate something more than just assurance that it will sound better than any commercial cable. The JPS Lab guy explained the benefit of his cable in the same way how the better aftermarket power cord would be beneficial to sound. Honestly, I did not dive to have this discussion with him as he is just the guy who sells power cords and I am the guy who use them and have too strong opinion about power cords in order to argue this subject with anyone.

Anyhow, according to the JPS Lab they did make the experiments with compare sound of commercial wire and their “expensive” wire. They might be right but I do not feel like to pay $5K to do it myself. So, I will go with heavy gage commercial wire and I do feel that larger gauge would provide much less resistance, much less voltage between ground and neutral, better options for cable clamping and bolting (that acts as cold soldering). So, go fat commercial wire. If sometimes the JPS Lab would like to bit for the opportunity then they can send me test weir and I my A/B their dedicated line ageist my fat commercial-wire made. If their line win sonically than I do not mind to pay for their wire. As now I have no evidence of the benefits of their wire.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-20-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 948
Post ID: 17554
Reply to: 17553
Some thoughts about dedicated lines.
This subject is interesting but unfortunately there are more options then time in life to experiment with all of them. The idea to use fatter cable is right atop of surface. It is not about current caring but the lower impedance of the cable. Remember in US the ground and neutral are connected ether at panel or at transformer on the poll, the lower resistance of the wire between load and the ground/neutral bridge the lower voltage between ground and neutral will be (let pretend that there is no linkage in load)

The twisting wire is fine to get rid the antenna even but to use the armed cable even better.  There are some metal flexible pipes, but the best would be to run steel pipe. For a cable of 4 ga for instance it will be big ass pipe.

It might be a good idea to cryogenically treat the dedicated ran.

If it was completely up to me then I would have extra 20-30 feet cable running in coil in some kind of bucket and I would like to fill the basket with different liquids, like I did with phono cables (aka POD cables). If you hear from my that the best sound I got when I run my power line through a bucket with 21 year old Johnnie Walker then be my guest to feel that I turned crazy.

The most interesting thing is that my dedicated line will be feeding not my playback but PP3000 unit. Will the PP3000 be the buffer that will render all experiments with dedicated lime irrelevant? Very possible but I it is hard to say as the freaking PurePower people still did not make the bypass switch.  I did ask the JPS Lab if use of regenerator before the load still would dement to use his better cable in dedicated line. The guy went to assuring me that the use of the regenerator is irrelevant and the bester cable and better power cords are still the most important things in playback. Well, I did not argue but for myself I noted that  the pure guy has no idea what he is saying and that PP3000 in my estimation deliver more prominent result then any cable he ever heard.
I do feel that different options in dedicated line still might be effective but I have absolutely no idea how to estimate this effectiveness. The most disturbing thing is that now my dirty utility line sounds better then my dedicated line. I very much afraid that it might be possible that the PurePower regenerators in fact need to be plagued in dirty and high impedance lines. There is login in it: the switching PS insert a lot of dirt back to power line and the dirt need to have come contra-load from grid, Think as it is a transmission line – if the power line is clean and low impedance then the noise from regenerator reflect back. However, if the line has a lot of own harmonic noise and high impedance then it randomize the reflection of noise and greatly attenuate the transmission line termination back-wave. This is inspiration that backed by nothing and who knows? I did in my old place sometime note that dirty utility line had better sound (after PP2000) then my dedicated line.
Well, I hope tomorrow evening I will have some answers….
The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-21-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 949
Post ID: 17556
Reply to: 17554
Dimmers and bad power
  From what I understand, if you have dimmer switches they will present a "noise" problem for anything on the same panel.  One thing that could help and possibly significantly would be to do a pony box off the panel and hopefully as far away as possible...
12-22-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 950
Post ID: 17557
Reply to: 17556
Dimmers are not subject to me anymore.
 Canuck wrote:
  From what I understand, if you have dimmer switches they will present a "noise" problem for anything on the same panel.  One thing that could help and possibly significantly would be to do a pony box off the panel and hopefully as far away as possible...


I do not consider dimmers as anything wrong or bad for sound in my playback as whatever worsening of sound dimmers do this “whatever” very well taken care by PurePower units. Whatver PurePower dose or dose not does but it works 100% perfect to address problem with dimmers. I did many experiments with many dimmers I have (and I love to use them to create special lightening in my listening room) and I did not detect that sound of bad electricity typical for dimmers was passed arcos my PurePower devises. So, in case you do not use PurePower then you are right – dimmers do poison the halt of the phase that they used on. If you do use some kind of active devise like PurePower then dimmers (coursed the devise) are irrelevant to you. I do not insist that only PurePower does it. There are plenty of regenerators. Filters and other devise that might or might not help against dimmers. I comment only about what I know – PurePower does it and has no adverse effects while it does dimmers, at least I did not detects it yet.

Romy The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-22-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 951
Post ID: 17558
Reply to: 17554
The dedicated lines are done: some future observations

Ok, yesterday I have done my dedicated lines, well my electrician did it but I guess I will take all credit for it and he just get my check. I have right behind my rack with PP3000 and power measuring equipment, on the wall 3 groups of receptacles: One duplex with best sounding house line and two dedicated 100A lines with Nima L15-30P twist lock outlets  each, paralleled with 20A standard duplexes outlets. The Nima L15-30P is 30A rated and I use 40A circuit breakers on each dedicated lines (better quality then 30A breakers). I have two lines each of them represent a half of 240V, each half of 120 do sound and do measure differently.

So, the biggest question: was it worth it? I do not know yet. Last night I have some listening, in fact not me but a local audio guy come to my place and he insisted that sound was significantly better. He however did not hear my playback with PP3000 but only with PP2000 and I feel that PP3000 does cover his “significantly better” comment of his.

I did not do my own critical listening as he occupied my listening char all last evening but my sentiment that with dedicated line I did not have any worsening of sound, I also did not detect that it was “better”. It was basically the same sound that I had since I got the PP3000. I did not have a chance to play with different lines as my current PP3000 has some minor issues to source from different  power lines  but I think we already have discover the might be the reason for it. I think in few days I will be able to use my PP3000 with multiple incoming lines and at that time the dedicated lines will break-in a bit.

Also, it is difficult to make a proper assessment of dedicated line benefit as the quality of electricity in the given day needs to be factored in. So, I think with a few weeks I will be able to get composite feeling if generally my dedicated line gave me any notable improvement across the board. If the damn PP3000 had the remote switch then I would be able to say that, factoring in and relating it to the sound of open lines…

At this point there are a few questions that I am wondering:

1)  Does a dedicated line have advantage if PP3000 is used?

2)  Will Sound be benefited if the PP3000 driven by 240V (essentially a balanced line)?

3)  Will PP3000 be benefited if I put in front of it 240V to 120V isolation transformer?

4)  Can I inflict any treatment over the dedicated line to make the minor residual fluctuation of sound not detectable (presuming that it still come from electricity even thought I have no evidence that it comes from electricity)

5)  Will it worth for me to source the dedicated line not from the very first circuit breaker on my main panel or I need to go and install a dedicated run directly from service entry across a dedicated electric miter?

6)  Would it be beneficial to flip the element of the dedicated line to cryogenic elements?

7)  Would it worth to me to apply any gold or silver high voltage paste to the dedicated line’s outlets and circuit breaker (Johanson or Walker super conductive silver paste, 3M silver paste, Stabilant 22, Solar panels WTS silver paste, Deringer Gold Treatment, ProPlate electroplating, Conducto-Lube Silver grease, Circuitmedic’s Gold Contact Plating, PCB kit from Gold Plating Services and etc, etc, etc..)?

8)  Does it make any sonic sense to use any other power treating devises before or after PP3000?

9)  What to do with my PC (DAW) and hot to power it (dedicated PP2000, insulation transformer and so on)?

10) Shall I hire electrician and to renovate my power service entry?

11) What kind inducement shall I invent in order to make the PurePower people to implement bypass switch into their unit?

They are the question that in one way or another I will be looking to answer in coming time. Feel free to share the results of your experiments on the subject.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-22-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 952
Post ID: 17559
Reply to: 17557
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Whatver PurePower dose or dose not does but it works 100% perfect to address problem with dimmers.


I would like to amend this somehow: my experience is not similar to Romy's. I have always observed that dimmer switches (among other devices) are not 100% filtered by PP2000. Even after my unit was returned and inspected by APS, supposedly with no problem at all in the unit, I can still hear when devices are turned on/off. Now I know Romy would insist that my PP unit is not operating properly, and he may well be right. Another factor to take into account is that he has a US (120V) unit while mine is EU (240V). And yet another is that Romy's units may have been modified by APS specifically to suit his needs/complaints and may have little to do with standard factory units. Finally, Romy has a dedicated ground plane for audio that is different from his PP's, while at the moment the ground for my audio gear is that provided by the PP, which means it includes the noise fed back by the PP (and we know this is not to be taken lightly) and god knows what else (dimmers?). I plan to have a dedicated ground in my future house but for now I must deal with what I have.

As a result I would urge you to be cautious with the ability of PP to shield you from dimmer noise completely. That said, the PP has other very strong points that I would not part with.

12-22-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 953
Post ID: 17560
Reply to: 17559
Sorry, it is impossible by topology.

I do not think that my any of my PP2000 or PP3000 were been modified by APS specifically to suit my needs/complaints. Well, I did complain if I see something that is not right but there were (to the best of my knowledge) not customization for my units. In a past they did DC offset in my init as experiment but it intently made to the production. That is all the I know off. I wish that knowing my dirty mouth APS did something good custom for me and at least to test my units better then others but with all honesty they do not do even beter QC for my inits.

I personally do not feel that dedicated playback ground is a factor as I personally lift grounds for all individual components on the load side. As I do it and use a single path to ground, would it be wall, or my own, or juts absolutely no reference to ground – I detect no sonic differences.

I do insist that my PP2000 or PP3000 are absolutely immune from dimmer noise and I made a LOT of experimentation with it including different measurements and very demanding listening tests. The point that you have EU (240V version) is well taken, I can’t comment on it. From what I understand to swing twice more voltage from the same buttery it needed a lot of different action to be taken, I have no idea how PurePower do it and I do not know how different the 120V units from 240V.

However, I do question your comments.  You claim that you “have always observed that dimmer switches (among other devices)”. What does it mean? Are you saying that when any devise in your house is switches then you can observe an event in PP2000 load? How do you observe it? The lights flip, the sound change, you can hear any clicks? You see the sinusoid event on scope? If your answer to any of those questions is “yes” then you just have a defective unit and you need to return it. Regardless what happen in the outside line the load after PP2000 shall not expire any event, not event at all. Well, if you have fast scope then you might be able to see very fast even but it will be less than half of period and then the sinusoid will be recovered. The half of period even shall not be auditable or visible in your load as the caps in your power suppliers will care voltage that time; we are tiling less than 1/120 of second. I might argue with you if you hear or do not hear the long term sonic results of using dimming or turning your refrigerator on but I absolutely deny the opportunity for you and for a properly working PurePower that an instant even in power line might be instantly propagated to the circuitry under the  PurePower protection. This would be a severe violation of main operating principle of ANY on-line UPS device. The whole idea of the on-line UPS units is the get rid this possibility. You need ether fix your unit or to be more precise, more critical and more accurate with naming of your problems.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-22-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 954
Post ID: 17561
Reply to: 17560
If it was that bad I would not keep using the PP

I have reported the issues I have with my PP here, though that was quite a while back. I do not have anything as severe as you suggest: I do NOT have ANY transient issue, meaning I cannot hear any click or pop or whatever when an external device turns on or off. Rather the effects are a lot more subtle and require a good setup and experience to detect. But once you know what to look for it is not hard to hear what is wrong.

The effects on sound can be described either globally or in details. Globally the music flows less, the sense of musical phrasing is diminished, sound tends to tighten, feel constricted, dynamics are also reduced. When trying to analyze what is wrong, one notices that timbres are less accurate, dynamics suffer and transients are handled less favorably. The effect is similar to a reduction of clock quality. Yes it has occurred to me that the clocks in my soundcard may be subject to noise and that may explain the problem, but since the PC is plugged to PP which is supposed to filter noise out it does not explain where the noise comes from except through PP. And since degradation is clearly synchronized with external appliances turning on/off this is not a case of airborne/electromagnetic/weather/night effect phenomenon (not that I deny those).

I have not tried to measure signals as I do not have proper equipment (only a quality multimeter, no scope... yet). But more importantly since the effect is really small I do not feel that standard consumer equipment would be able to detect anything. The APS guys did not detect anything when they performed checks on my unit (not that I consider in any way this as proof that the problem cannot be measured).

For now I can only assume that the noise comes through PP. I hope that it comes through ground, because I may then be able to isolate it (either with dedicated ground or completely floating). Your experience seems to suggest otherwise, which would be bad because it would mean something is wrong inside the PP.
12-22-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 955
Post ID: 17562
Reply to: 17561
Are you a masochis?
Ok, Lx, that does makes more sense.

Perhaps I misunderstood you as the impression I got from you was that you recognize some instant events through the PP in reaction to events outside of the PP. THAT is imposable in my view. You did well describe now what you have and now we are in the same page.
PP has the ultimate tool that allows detecting a LOT about its operation. Do you observe the same behavior as you describe when you pull out the power cord and let the unit to run from internal battery?

Whatever problem you have is less likely related to ground. If I was you then I would check if the unit has full profile sinusoid at full load. Use 10:1 probe, any type of analog scope (you can pit it used for $30) and analyze the bottom and top of the curve. The type of sonic problem you describe ideally associated with minor clipping of sine wave. This eats dynamics and subdue phrasing. The most important is that clipping injects huge amount of HF “white” noise deluding all sound with some king of external “gray” pressure. The effect is very common when idiots run 3-8W SET and drive with them 87dB sensitive speakers. They all sound the same – “stuffy” and partially because the clipping in the wave bombard the speakers with 7, 9 and 11 harmonics at very high frequency.  I do not know if you have the same effect but from what you describe it would be what I would check first.

I can only say that I do not have this effect and if I did then I would get rid of any devise that produced this effect. I am not sure why you keep your PP if I had the same to what described then my PP would be long gone. Are you some kind of audio-masochist? Of sop then can I sell your contact information to some audio manufactures I know?

I do not think that you will be able to measure signal’s problem, all that you need to is to assure that your unit output proper sinusoid to full load.   I do not think that it is “noise comes through PP” and it is most likely not comes through ground. If you have the assurance that you have no Voltage clipping at full power then there is 80% of change that you PP2000 operate properly. If it runs fine from buttery then your amplification and your output filters are fine as well and then you have a legitimate case regarding the PP2000 intuit stage. 

The Cat.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-22-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 956
Post ID: 17563
Reply to: 17558
Some practical observations.

I sat down today to listen what is going on with sound of my dedicated lines. Last night I shot down heating in my house and let the dedicated lines to care 3K heater (1.5K on each phase split) for enter day. So it is not brand new copper anymore. I do not thick that it break-in the lines but it did move it from the virgin stage

So, I have the whole system powered from PP3000 and have 3 chooses of the power sourcing for PP3000, in fact 3 power outlets behind the PP3000.  Memorize those 3 chooses as they are important.

Power Source #1 (PS1): Dedicated line from A phase of the 240V spit.

Power Source #2 (PS2): Dedicated line from B phase of the 240V spit.

Power Source #3 (PS3): House utility line that was selected by me as the best sounding. Uses the same phase split as PS1

It is 7PM, no light in the house only one single led at my listening table. The system is plagued into PS1 and the sound is nothing short of spectacular. I do not know if it is good electricity day or an average day but the sound is very good.  Switched PP3000 to battery operation. The sound is virtually identical. There is some very-very-very minor difference with advantage to battery but so minor that I would perfectly discard it. PP3000 is loaded at 42% and after approximately 45 seconds of battery operation the PP3000 shuts itself down. I have no idea why. The unit restarts itself (!!!) and as it stats the miter shows 89% of battery charge. As far as I concern it is something fuck up in my PP3000 as properly operational unit shall not shut itself down until much lower discarded. My PP2000 can draw down to ~25% and then shut itself off. Probably in PP3000 they use higher voltage batteries (96V vs. 72V) but they might not change the discharge logic and the 96V PP3000 still use the 72V logic of PP2000.  I do not know what is going on and I do not have second PP3000 to verify it. Anyhow, testing the PP3000 is not my objective now but I care about testing of my power lines.

Switching between the PS1, PS2 and PS3 do produce different results. Not day and night but different with one slightly better than another. It is interesting but the results are very much related to the fact what electricity I use in house. Now you will be very surprised. Juts this morning I was insisted in dialog with LX above that my PP3000 is immune to the bad sound from dimmers.  Well, with use of the dimmers in my house (I can use them ONLY in PS3 line, which is the same as PS1 phase split) the sound was changing BUT I am not convinced that with all dimmers heavily engaged the PS1/ PS3 line sounded inferior then PS2 (where there is no dimmers). Read it again – this is VERY interesting conclusion. The sonic difference was there but it was not only factor of dimmers but something else and I do not know what it is. Unfortunately I was not able to go farther as flipping between lines in my current PP3000 has some twist and sometime requires to restart PP3000 along with the enter system.  I need to have power source transition completely transparent as then I will continue this test. What I detected is that when the PP3000 starts and begin to charge the battery then it has very slightly different sound then what the battery is completely charged. This is acid battery as it always being charged but apparently the charging current doe has some impact to sound. 

Anyhow, acknowledging that I do have minor but notable difference between the power lines I am not sure that I know why the difference exists and what kind contribution the house utilities and dimmers have to it. I am sure I will figure it out but I do need a methodologically stable and predictable platform to base my observations. Now I do not have it die to the various reasons.

So, here is some data.

This is the picture of my mean Pussy. It has no relations to power lines but I do not care – she has relations to anything.

Here is the picture of my two dedicated line outlets

Here is the PS3 line with no lights in house except one dimmer at FULL power.

Here is the PS3 line with 6 dimmers engaged in half power

Here is the PS1 line (the same phase split) with 6 dimmers engaged in half power. You might see that measurable noise is lower.

Here is the PS2 line (different phase split) with 6 dimmers engaged in half power. You might see that measurable noise is much lower.

Here is the PS2 line with no light in house. Note a lover voltage – I have no idea why.

All images above were with PP3000 unpledged. Now it is something VERY interesting. The image below is the PS1 line (dedicated line that is the same phase split as the whole house) with 6 dimmers engaged in half power. It has to be the same as 3 images above BUT now the PP3000 connected to PS1 line and powering all system. The distortion that you see at the image: Dedicated_power_lines_5.JPG not there and PP3000 injects back to the power line a lot of own HF noise. If I go with faster time/division then you will see it in 20 kHz-30kHz. In the image below it make the wave fatter but in fact it is the PP3000 sampling nose coming back to power line. So, it looks like this return noise of PP3000 overrides the noise of the power line! What is very interesting that I got the same image for all 3 power lines when the PP3000 is plugged into the given power line.

I do not even mention that regardless what power lines the PP3000 is using the output is not distinguishable (visibly), regardless now noisy the line I was able to make. Still, the sound, as I said before, have some differences. What would be VERY interesting is to find correlation between the sounds of open power line under different noise condition and the sound of the same line after the PP3000. Then it would be possible to form the best operation scenario for PP3000 but to do it I need the fucking bypass switch in PP3000 !!!

Anyhow, this post does not do any conclusion but juts shares data. It provides more questions than answers but it does define the lay of the land and does form proper questions in my view.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-22-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 957
Post ID: 17565
Reply to: 17563
Reading it again
Romy says "Well, with use of the dimmers in my house (I can use them ONLY in PS3 line, which is the same as PS1 phase split) the sound was changing BUT I am not convinced that with all dimmers heavily engaged the PS1/ PS3 line sounded inferior then PS2 (where there is no dimmers)."

You say that the dimmers are on PS3 line only. However, when you turned dimmers on, the PS1 And PS3 lines had "changed" sound that you are "not convinced" is inferior to PS2. First, how would the dimmers affect PS1 since it branches before the house line directly to the PP3000? (sorry I'm not an electrician). Second, are you saying that both PS1 and PS3  were "changed" identically or in highly similar fashion compared to PS2 (ie PS1 and PS3 now sound the same albeit changed from what they sound like without dimmers on) OR do you mean that PS1 and PS3 both had "changes" to the sound but in distinguishable ways between them? Third, I assume you realize that the term "not convinced" implies a significant possibility that you will be convinced. Therefore, what were the nature of the changes that left you "not convinced" that Ps1 and PS# sounded worse than PS2 when the dimmers were on? Thanks for all your effort in examining these issues BTW.
12-23-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 958
Post ID: 17566
Reply to: 17565
This is the whole point.

 steverino wrote:
You say that the dimmers are on PS3 line only. However, when you turned dimmers on, the PS1 And PS3 lines had "changed" sound that you are "not convinced" is inferior to PS2. First, how would the dimmers affect PS1 since it branches before the house line directly to the PP3000?

Do not forget that dimmers to a different degree affect all lines. The PS1 and PS2 lines are the same secondary of step down transformer on the poll with neutral acting as center tap. So, the events that took place on the one side of the secondary naturally propagated to another one. I did make a phone call to a transformer guy and consulted with him on the subject and it is a bit complicated how this penetration takes place.


 steverino wrote:
Second, are you saying that both PS1 and PS3  were "changed" identically or in highly similar fashion compared to PS2 (ie PS1 and PS3 now sound the same albeit changed from what they sound like without dimmers on) OR do you mean that PS1 and PS3 both had "changes" to the sound but in distinguishable ways between them?

I would not insist in one or other. I do feel that it is not as direct and straight forward when PP3000 involved as it not only “fix” the problem by regeneration but it looks that it also equalize the condition by squirting into the dirty lines own noise. It would be VERY beneficial to hear the sound of open line with PP3000 plugged into the same line but do not power system from PP3000. This would give a lot of data to interpret the result but to dot I need to have a bypass switch in the PP3000. I have many components and to unplug them and then to plug them in different outlets is very unpractical and too troublesome.

 steverino wrote:
Third, I assume you realize that the term "not convinced" implies a significant possibility that you will be convinced. Therefore, what were the nature of the changes that left you "not convinced" that Ps1 and PS# sounded worse than PS2 when the dimmers were on? Thanks for all your effort in examining these issues BTW.

Sure, everything is on the table. This is why I insist that at this point I do not have any even preliminary concussions. It would be very simple if I plug the PP3000 into the dirtiest like and had worst sound but it did not happen. So, it will take more efforts, more time and more methodological purity to figure out what would be optimum configuration.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-23-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 959
Post ID: 17567
Reply to: 17560
Thinking about 120V and 240V difference.
 Romy the Cat wrote:
The point that you have EU (240V version) is well taken....

I wonder if in context of dimmer and PurePower regenerators the voltage of a given country make any difference. PurePower is essentially a power amplifier. Since both 120V and 220V use the same battery, let say 72V then PurePower unit need very little gain to get 120V and much higher gain to get 220V. I do not know what is the difference between   120V and 240V inverter but it has to be a LOT of difference and I would not be surprised if they use even different output stages, different DC/DC converters, or more stage to get higher voltage.

With the dimmers it is also a bit different, I mean not restive one but those digital dimmers  that chop the sine waves.  The more chopping the more harmonic distortions come to the line and my presumption that at 120V and 240V the chopping is not in percentage but in amplitude. So 50% chopped 120V light bulb might be lit with the same brightness as 50% chopped 240V light bulb. However, the amount of amplitude chopping in 240V case is higher and consequently it will have twice more hamonik distortion for the same 50% of voltage chopping. If the dimmer uses the semiconductors arranged in a triac then it is very much the same. In those dimmers there are even more problems as in addition to chopping voltage it does it so abruptly that it vibrate entire waveform. At higher voltage amplitude the vibration of waveform more severs and in very high voltage it can even to be a source of radio distortions.

So, it is possible that at 120V we have some advantage in the way how our dimmers affect sound and how our regenerators help to deal with it.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-23-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 960
Post ID: 17568
Reply to: 17561
Sort of retraction and some VERY interesting experiments.

 Lx_ wrote:
The effects on sound can be described either globally or in details. Globally the music flows less, the sense of musical phrasing is diminished, sound tends to tighten, feel constricted, dynamics are also reduced. When trying to analyze what is wrong, one notices that timbres are less accurate, dynamics suffer and transients are handled less favorably. The effect is similar to a reduction of clock quality. Yes it has occurred to me that the clocks in my soundcard may be subject to noise and that may explain the problem, but since the PC is plugged to PP which is supposed to filter noise out it does not explain where the noise comes from except through PP.

I need to say that Lx’s post above a few days back made me uncomfortable. From one side I made many experiments and insist that PP3000 (I made those experiments with PP2000 in fact) does not effected by my dimmer/s. From another side Lx made a seldom intelligent post with reasonable description of sonic effect that in my book always give credit. I referred the Lx’s finding to the possible fault of his PP2000, to the fact that he runs 220V unit and in entire 220V topology. However, it still left in me some itch to go to the bottom of it.

So, today I decided to redo my experiment with my dimmers. So I did and the result was not what I reported before. To be honest the result is not exactly what Lx reported as well. However I am not in the business to make conclusions and all that I can do is just to describe my experiments and what I witnessed.  If you care about the electricity problem and particularly if you use PurePower Units then read on- it will be VERY interesting, hugely educational; at least it was for me.

So, whatever I did was with today electricity, whatever it was. My estimation is that electricity was not bad today. I do have means to hear it and to measure it, not only with scope but with PS Audio Noise Harvester. The Noise Harvester is phenomenal little tool. It does not improve sound as PS Audio foolishly claim, in fact it destroys it but it act as very good indicator if current noise, similar to the Noise Sniffer. I plug it in, to see the noise and then plug it off. So, from what I know and hear the electricity today is not bad and the sound of playback is fine, something that I call “my default sound”. I need to note that my “default sound” in evening imply to use at least one of 5x75W lights dimmed to perhaps 15-20W.

I slide the dimmer up and down and was not able to detect any significant change in sound. It felt that with dimmer at full power (bypass mode) the sound got a bit zippy but to a very minor degree. The PP3000 is plugged in dedicated line, the better sounding phase split (where 9 oft of my 11 dimmers sit). Then I walked around the house and turned off all lights off, all 3 computers off (except servers that run from own UPS) and the PS of laptops.

When I sat to listen I was VERY surprised. The sound was too zippy. Not even zippy but like it was SET amp driving a speaker with too much idle output tube. The transients were a bit faster then need to be and the dynamics was a bit to barbaric. It was in way like a bad SS amp, not laterally but it was very much not the sound that I am accustomed. Then I turned my default SS listening light dimmer all the way up and begin to lower the light. As I reach my 70-80% of attenuation I noted that sound got very little softer. I would never be able to detect it blindly – it was extremely small and I still do not know if it was not wishful sensing. Then I took another dimmer and begin to do the same. I felt that the effect was the same it got a bit softer but nowhere near what I like.   Then I took portable lamp, pit in there 300W bulb, handheld portable dimmer and plugged into in the same power outlet where my PP3000 was plugged. As I got ~50% of attenuation my sound got fixed. There was no lost in bass or anything else but there was a very nice and balance softening sound, it was like a drop of very fine oil in the perfectly operational by dry gears. It just got all connected and smooth.

Then I turn all of my 11 dimmers and not only turned then but tuned them by my scope in-phase, or made their distortions to be the worst possible in the scope. The sound literally died. It was what Lx described but to the much meaner degree. It was dry, with much less defined bass and with eaten all details and colors. In other word it was exactly what I would like to have – it was the predictable and repeatable REASON.

Making more experiments I concluded that 4-5 dimmers in-phase do fuck up sound. The 7-8 dimmer in random attention do not fuck up sound, however, two dimmers in-phase with powerful load if then sit in the dedicated like do impact sound. Again, in this case the “in-phase” means that their distortions from attenuation compliment each other in scope.

So, I do not set the dimmers before “in-phase” and I never use more then 2-3 dimmer at the same time during listening, so it was probably why I did not recognized that dimmers might affect my Sound through the PurePower units. 

Then I asked myself why I had with no dimmers that zippy sound. Eventually it hit me: I have another PP2000 powering my DAW in basement. I went there and shut down the PP2000. As I got back, and with no might in house I immediately witnessed glories sound, it was absolutely perfect.  I begin to slide one dimmer from my “default listening light”. I practically recognized no difference. Even with the heaviest attenuation I was not able to hear that sound softening effect. I also was not able to see the contribution of this one dimmer in scope, even though the Noise Harvester did pick it up very distinctly. I did another 3 dimmers, with no care of them to be “in-phase”. I would say that I did detect some move of contrast but it was VERY minor, to the point of be negligible. The use of one 300W dimmer on the dedicated line was more effective and was noticeable.

So, what I learned? I got rid of my 5x75W lights in my default listening light and replaced then with 5X15W and I got rid of the dimmer on this light. It was not necessary but I gave me the option to use one or two dimmers in my house with no danger the I will fuck up Sound. I learned the there is no way for me to use my PP2000 anywhere in my house, unless in my Opera Room as when I am in there I do not care how my audio system sounds. I also learned that my dedicated line does work very effectively, slightly attuning the nose coming into PP3000. Another thing that I have learn the dimmer are much more devastating in the same phase-spit and less devastating on another phase-spit. The biggest learning that I did was recognition the need to use some power discipline in my house if I would like to maintain good sound for Audio; lucky me I do not live in apartments and it would not be difficult for me. The PP3000 certainly a great protector again the dimmers but it apparently has a degree of electricity nastiness beyond which is can’t do a lot anymore. I will try sometimes to put a large isolation transformer before the PP3000 and to see how it works.

All above are not concussions that pretend to be universal but my private lessons that I learn. You might have different outcome as the condition are too different in my and your case. Still, I felt that I owe this disclosure to LX, to myself and to some Truth and Reasons that we all looking for.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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