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04-18-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 21
Post ID: 25360
Reply to: 23178
Trickle Down? Wilson's Yvette speaker
The May 2018 Stereophile helps to roll out Wilson's new, "smaller" Yvette speaker. Though I did not get much from the review I was interested to read that Wilson (finally) intends this "smaller" speaker to be qualitatively like its big speakers, and the reviewer also reports that up to now, Wilson's smaller speakers were actually intended to be qualitatively different from their big speakers.  While the sound of the speakers should be self-evident to listeners, I was surprised to hear that Wilson "intended this all along".  Cynic that I am, I immediately wondered if this is true.  And I look forward to hearing the Yevettes, which have Wilson's newest throwback improvements, paper drivers and silk dome tweeters.  Again, I have yet to hear anything good from the newest Wilson speakers, which, although it proves nothing, has not encouraged me to hunt them down.  And no indication that Wilson (or anyone else, for that matter) be at THE Show, 2019.

Paul S
04-21-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Joined on 01-15-2009

Post #: 22
Post ID: 25368
Reply to: 25360
A bullet into the Head
... what is the absolutely worst a manufacturer can do?

To do something right.

This business follows the simple marketing rules from selling cars
Even, when done right ...
"Yes, I know, it is a good car. But it is the old model"

No feeding ruins the business. All want to play around (with some very few exceptions).The toystore for Adults ...
Years ago when I discovered "High End" (i needed years to discover :-)  that it is word combination from Low End with High pricing) I thought, great, the discriminated Audiophile should have some eye/ear openers.
Now, years later, I gave up. The numbers of morons increased. Stupidity/deafness IS the Standard now.
All cry about the price tags, but deep in their heart they WANT that stuff!

What did change my opinion?

One brand:  Magico
Sonic ear cancer. But great Marketing. The living proof that it is possible to transform Dirt to Gold.

Kind Regards
04-21-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
Posts 2,739
Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 23
Post ID: 25372
Reply to: 25368
Big Sound for Little Money?
Another Industry Staple is using a Flagship as something like a "spinner" attached to the hook on the end of a fishing line. With the Yvette roll out we hear for the first time that -  up to now  -  Wilson's smaller speakers were -  intentionally -  "not the same" as their bigger (insert here, "better") models.  Intentionally or not, Wilson seems to be going "all out" for the Yvette, essentially saying that this is their only "alike" smaller speaker to date.  Looking ahead, however, I suppose the implication IS intentional, since, if it "works" in terms of sales, then it "sets a precedent" and "paves the way" for a "new" line of "alike" speakers, and I'm guessing the Yvette will not be at the top of this "new line".  In Wilson's case, however, all this is especially amusing to me because I have not heard much worthwhile coming from their current crop of bigger speakers, to begin with!  Yes, I understand that "perception is reality" where marketing is concerned, and to me it's all the more (Moore) amusing that there really need be no "There there" to sell something, all hail Marshall McLuhan (and minor props to Gertrude Stein)!

Sure, all this is bound to piss off "old clients", and especially their main "group" of clients, who bought their smaller and "mid-line" speakers, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, I suppose, and who knows, they might be able to spin off "factory upgrades".

Paul S
04-21-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,312
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 24
Post ID: 25373
Reply to: 25368
Stitch, the very same what TechDas did with AF-1 took place with Continuum. As they first time show up out of woods, they target $25K retail and 15K to distributes. Then as the company gains publicity, means the few ordinary systems begin to spin verbal BS around the company product, each of the industry leeches who ever touched the TT marked it up and nowadays they target I think $160K for the…very same product that had expended out own R&D long time ago. 
I think the key is still not be obsessed but the insane price of some of the new TT but to try identify what benefits we get paying let say extra $100K for a turntable.  We certainly do not have any more of less sensible product reviewing in analog world and I argue that 99% of “specialists” out there being exposed to blind test will not district the sound of over $100K turntable from the sound of some kind of cheap DJ  Audio-Technica TT with better arm and the identical cartridge, particularly considering the abysmal acoustic system they are listening their TTs

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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