OK, I did it. I bought the “second-type” phonostage.
As many of you know I do not reconnect the cables and my first “reference” phonostages is custom made 2-845PT with Expressive SU2 transformer practically hard-bund with my reference arm and my reference MC cartridge. My mono “reference” phonostages is “Aulasaulalaraula” – the two stager around 7788-7721 with air caps – a phenomenal performer and I would like to keep it as it, thanks Got it’s 66dB of gain is perfect for 3mV out of SPU Mono.
So, I need a second stereo phonostages for the rest of my arms. I have borrowed some and liked none of them. I have a very specific requirement to it including the very specific shape and the location of the input outputs – it is the only shape that I might fit in my rack. So, between the shape, performance and very limited amount of blood I was wiling to invest in the project I have seen nothing that make me satisfied.
Eventually six month ago I desisted to make one more “Aulasaulalaraula” correct and do not sacrifice for anything. I was searching the ways to get 10 more db from the “Aulasaulalaraula”, probably I will be able to get 3more db… Still, I relay hare those DIY crap and was looking some incentives or help to render the project that is being on hold for a while.
Well, I am wiling to inform you that I got the incentives – I have bought my dream “second-type” phonostage. (The picture is below). The real-estate wise it is absolutely EXACTLY what I was looking for. The layout of the chasses is perfection to my objective as well, each single hole exactly where I need it to be. It is Chinese-made MC/MM phonostages, I have no idea about the phonostage’s name or performances – I bought it explicitly because it is the “ready to go chassis” where I will put my Aulasaulalaraula phonostage.
The last question would be how much this case cost? Ironically it cost less then the money I usually pay for my custom enclosures. The price for this Chinese phonostages is $170, I hardly believe it could be beaten…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche