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06-21-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,312
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 1
Post ID: 10866
Reply to: 10866
About reviewer’s qualifications and disqualifications.

Some kind of nut with name “Richard BassNut Greene” posted at the AA sewers a post:

“What employment tests are given to audio component reviewers?

Are hearing tests required?
Are listening skills tests, done under blind conditions, required?
Are samples of written component reviews required?
What are some questions asked at an employment interview ?
Would it matter if the applicant previously worked for an audio manufacturer, or for an audio dealer?
If the applicant admitted that he could not always hear differences between different brand/model audio components, would he still be hired?
Do the reviewers work as independent contracters?
If yes, would it be acceptable if a reviewer also did some part-time work for an audio manufacturer, or audio retailer, during the period he was getting reviews published in an audio journal?”

The question in a way moronic, at least asked in format of the typical AA curiosity at the AA-level. However, the question rises in interesting subject of reviewers qualifications, or more important the disqualifications of the qualities that would make a person “bad” reviewer. If you the one who interview people to heir for you company then you know that in most cases we look initially for “bad signs” that would filter out the obviously disqualifying characters and save a lot of time for all.

So, the BassNut’s question (I hope it is not the Richard Greene, the audio critic - as he was a sane person) made to think what would be the most disqualifying quality in audio reviewer, something that would make me to immediately to made my mind.

I use to talk with a lot of industry people, including some reviewers. Then I absolutely lost my interest in industry people, in fact got a repugnance to them. I still might talk with some not too full of themselves manufacturers as they are actually do something but what I engaged in any collaboration with a reviewer, editor, distributor, sale-person or any other neat-audio pimp then I feel that they are truly catapulted from other planets. So, what so disgust me in those people? Some of them are knowledgeable about Sound. Some of them are knowledgeable about Music. Some of them generally are quite bright people and under different circumstances I might enjoy this company. However, all of them in my observation share a common quality that I personally am super sensitive. This quality converts any of them from an experienced or potent to be experienced individual into a pathetic piece of shit, takes over all possible character’s intelligence  and substitute it with redbrick that create within me the vomiting reflexes.

So, what I am talking about? I am taking about the intrinsic and subconscious desire of any industry participant do not follow their thought process or own definition of Truth but rather to build around themselves an illusionary (or delusionary) defensive mechanism to protect own industry status quo. I do not pretend to be the audio industry shrink (at least I have no interest) but I truly feel that in the core of many bad things in the audio industry there is very primitive and very primordial fear of the industry participants  - this fear to loose or betray this own industry status quo. I have seen many of them – bold, confident, certain, attacking you with pseudo –intellectualism, spoiled demagogy and assurance of own capacity. But if you dig a big deep, taking away the internal superficial facade than to you surprise you will find in those people no native interest in audio but only a huge, pulsating engine of fear for own pathetic status quo.

So, that would be my very primorial requirement to a Moron who would like to become an industry reviewer. Any person contaminated with industry metastases recognizes own obligation to run somebody’s belly and extend own belly with anticipation. This belly over-rubbing is a routine of the industry; it is in a manual and no one make a big secret from it. The industry idiots compete and push each other in order to get themselves into a position what their belly will be exposed to more rubbing hands – that is all that organized audio is all about. The fear of the an audio Moron that s/he will be denied own little stinky place under the audio sun made them crazy, paradise their mind, sense and any imaginary feeling about ethics, feeling of righteousness, and I am sorry to mention it but …any interest in sound.

So, interviewing people who in his/her disparity, after being laid off from GM dealership (where most of high-end professionals came from), would like to become audio reviewers I would like to make an assurance that they have no status quo inner-fear, at least at present time. In two years they will develop it anywhere but this is a whole another story.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

PS: The post is dedicated to Al Moulton – a “floor” sales person in Goodwin’s High End store, Boston, MA.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-06-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,312
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 2
Post ID: 17670
Reply to: 10866
Sad thing.

I guess Richard Greene do has a mortgage he is a few month behind with payments. The sad thing is not the fact the Richard Greene has mortgage but the fact the he need to write the below mentioned crap to make the payments:


The infomercial Mr. Greene wrote is about Steinway Lyngdorf monitors with subwoofers. It is digitally amplified and DSP controlled $22K package.  I wonder what would be next for Mr. Greene to promote. I guess it will be a teeth cleaning paste made from pig’s bowel movement.

I call it “sad” as Greene is knowledgeable and experienced people, not your typical next door idiot-reviewer. It is very unfortunate that Richard went to the well-familiar, unfortunate direction.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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