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Audio Knowledge Tree - hierarchical collection of Club's audio content. Click a subject to expand articles
Analog source and analog related accessories
 Turntables (8)
 Tonearms (9)
 Cartridges (14)
 Analog set-up (5)
 Accessories (2)
 Phonostages (18)
 Step-up transformers (1)
 Tuners (6)
 Tape machines (2)
Digital source and digital related tools
 Transports-Players (17)
 D-A Processors (18)
 Recorders, A-D Processors (14)
Line-level and power electronics
 Line-level Amplifier (13)
 Power Amplifier (49)
 Crossovers (7)
 Vacuum tubes (58)
 12C42C powerful tube.
 150V Gas Tubes survival guide.
 5E6P vs. 7721/D3a as an amp for tweeters
 6C33C amp/preamp review
 6C33C and C618C
 6C33C as a well-behaving lesbian!
 6C33C myths: audio Moronometr.
 6C33C: few months later.
 6C41C – the journey to nowhere.
 6E5P Triode Curves
 6E6P-DRU Tube for Melq’s HF channel.
 A contemporary AD1 Triode by Emission Labs
 A full-range quality-triode? Does Size mater?
 About the AC on DHT heaters
 About the life-expectancy of the new production tubes.
 Are DHTs any good?
 Bell Laboratories 320A tube
 Czech tubes
 E55L / 8233
 Emission Labs 2A3
 Fuck you the 6C19P!!!!
 Gass voltage reference 0A2 tubes.
 GM70 vs. 6C33C
 GU-48 tube
 Herbie Hal-O Tube Dampers
 Hickok 600/800: Quick Reference
 High Gm Tubes and "Sound Quality"
 High transconductance saga...
 How long the 6C33C lives.
 How to test 6C33C?
 More about the Plate Loading
 Plate regulation: bad idea.
 RE604, LK460 , E406 , KL71403, K435/10, P460, P4, O15/400, RE614, U4H
 Shock-absorbing tube sockets.
 Small SET’s bass, besides everything- is it about power?
 Some feedback on designing with the 45 and 2A3 DHTs.
 Some History of 6E5P
 Some useful curves 7788
 Telefunken RE604 and Klangfilm KL71403 DHT tubes
 The 6C33C regulation from different angles
 The 6E5P tube data.
 The 6E5P/6E6P data for Hickok 580/580A
 The 6E5P-E vs 6E5P.
 The DSET perspective examines the Herb Reichert article.
 The Melquiades bias: some history.
 The New 2A3 tubes
 The noise-free gas regulator tubes.
 The short "6C33C Survival Guide".
 The Sylvania 2A3 NOS report
 Thermal hysteresis of 6C33C
 Thorsten Loesch’s article about DHT SETs
 To drive the 6C33C...
 Tube vibration sound
 VacuTrace tube Tracer
 What the hell is going on with 6C33C?
 YO186 tube.
 YO-186 as the output tube.
Acoustic system and listening room
 Horn loaded (160)
 Boxed (34)
 Opened baffle (8)
 Speakers setup (27)
 Listening Rooms (17)
Secondary audio devises and trivial Gizmos
 Cables (7)
 Power lines and supplies (10)
Listening Practice
 Evaluation methods (70)
 Collection Organization (5)

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