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08-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 11421
Reply to: 11420
Passionate about the m4 sound!

In nature, the SOUND always propagates "outwardly expanding", so to the ear, this is a natural thing.

Any containment is like a muffler on a car, constraining, restricting, resonating, chocking, forbidding, etc....

These are good tools to know about sound for many purposes mentioned above, but for "natural sound reproduction purposes" sound must be free to "expand" as in nature. Hence why we do horns when we get older?

My opinions, not liable legally in any way, 

thanks, j. 

08-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 42
Post ID: 11422
Reply to: 11421
I was under impression that M4 has problems because...


I was under impression that M4 has problems because it if too small cone for the double suspension. Anyhow, it would be interesting to see the pictures and your expended thoughts about the M4 sound, not just expressing you assurances that the M4 “sounds good”.  I also wonder how you will be using the M4 in context of a horn and in context of a complete installation.

Also,  Mjloudspeaker, and I am not kidding,  try to more organized and compile your thoughts in a minimum amount of posts. It is not a bulletin board and there is no need to flood the site with single-phrase, sine-thought posts. Many people, including myself, subscribe the threads email notification and I do not need to get 5 emails about basically nothing.  Let to be more self-disciplined.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 11424
Reply to: 11422
Last comments for now.

community m4 front chamber.jpg

community phase plug.jpg

08-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 44
Post ID: 11427
Reply to: 11424
Community m4 front chamber use

As can be seen in above photos, the front chamber is in reality "chamber of horrors" with highly polished surface interior, and look at the phase plug, after disassembly, I put it back together, and how can you align it? All that holds it together is extra long screws.

Does not matter, it needs to be dismissed for my (or any other serious sound) application. Sad as it is beautifully made, so how to use it and not feel bad?

I have included some better uses for this m4 stuff if you do not like it further, and I have tried to stay on topic of thread of "fane m8 studio replacement" theme, not Macondo topology/mjloudspeaker contest.

Here are great use of m4 if you still don't like the sound of it, after baring the motor cone of the above "public address accessories".

m4 salad bowl strainerm4 salad bowl strainer.bmp

art devo m4 hatm4 art devo hat.bmp

m4 boat anchorm4 boat anchor.bmp

It is easy to fabricate a plate cover for the m4, I don't have it here, but a simple mdf donut with attachment to horn is needed, using the same bolts that hold the front chamber on there, so anyone can do that part, I won't go to workshop to show you this simple donut.

This concludes my contribution to the thread of finding a replacement for fane. At the very least, give the m4 a try, as my opinion of "sound" does not matter, and my application of "topology" is my own, also does not matter, and is still a work in progress, nothing is really done, (except to remove offending pieces off of the m4 and the titanium is done) except to discover the m4, so I am mostly done here with posting. I will update with horn when I get it done, whenever that be. Sorry if I don't have more fascinating stuff for site, but hey, life.

Thanks for having me Romy, best regards, j. 

08-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 45
Post ID: 11428
Reply to: 11427
So far I do not see a lot of creditability.


That is all fine. I get that you like them, even though said nothing about the “new” M4 sound. There is another “even though”. You do not log it into horn and like just the sound of open driver. It is absolutely not indicative. Perhaps you can predict how the sound of open air driver gets converted into sound of horn loads driver.  Good for you because I never was able to do it.

Next thing is the application. I do have doubts about your findings. You keep stressing how much you like the driver but you are falling to answer 3 inquiries about the ways how you use the M4.   If you have 100-150Hz hour and use something like Fane 8M then you have 86Hz primary resonance from Fane, drive it up to the mouth rate and have a good preliminary match. M4 in default setting has primary resonance I presume around 100Hz higher then Fane so how you will be driving with it 100Hz horn.


The removing the phase plug and exit channel is fine but it itself is not a lot. You need to construct the new mounting plate, find a way to convert the new driver exit into the throat of your horn, load the diver into horn, redo the back chamber in order to accommodate the new load.



Only then I thing you can make assumption about the M4 sound. It is very possible that after all those modifications you will not be able to use M4 in a horn lower then I would say 180Hz.  Sine you did say that you did not like horns and presumably did not have a lot of exposure to them in past I would presume that you findings about the M4 driver are premature.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 46
Post ID: 11430
Reply to: 11428
M4 horn

My idea is a upright horn like your "midbass hanging thing", at 200 hz for the smaller size of it, and this will be my work for 2009/10. What I would like is exponential curve, not tractrix horn, something like this one perhaps?

this is copyright of someone, if anyone knows who, please give credit to owner, thanks.

The biggest problem is time alignment, my room is not so large actually, and this project will have my hands full for sure. What I like is like you said very small footprint.

See ya, Romy.

P.S. thanks for the help always appreciated, I will post in the future. done for now.

08-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 47
Post ID: 11431
Reply to: 11430
About the flower horn
The idea of conversion of “midbass hanging thing" into upright flower horn is brilliant in my view. To curve the leg of the horn to offset the sender of mass and the horn might be opening up as nuclear bop mushroom. I wonder how good it will with 500-800 pounds horn but this is another subject. The way how it depicts on the pictures is fine only the number of the flower leafs must be not even. However, in the case of M4 driver this idea is not useful. This type of horn will work with 200Hz horn but 200Hz it shall be upper limit for this type of horn. In case the M4 the 200Hz will be lover limit and it will need a highly directional short horn. For the sub 200Hz, however, it might work very well.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 48
Post ID: 11434
Reply to: 11431
Nonono to heavy m4 horn!

nonono, romy, there is no 500 to 800 pounds horn in my life, mjloudspeaker is and always has been different philosophy of what everyone does really, always simplified and yes lightweight construction, (we did the traditional way, it is full of many problems, and my back hurts now always, and you can call me smart, cheap, frugal, whatever you want) and my lightweight view will expand on this horn, a "different take of horn" if you will, I plan to surprise even me. I think it will be a great creation, but i am mjloudspeaker, ful of myself as usual, and my ideas are bubbling with m4 horn ideas. Is this Christmas?, i don't think so. But I like this job. It is my passion. This and motorcycles/bikes. Whatever.

I know what you say, but being a new guy to this type of construction project, I think 200hz is maneageable size for my room, and the pic above is just kind of what I like, also like very much your midbass thing, and it is in the thick of things, for the sound. I am very happy that 200 is smaller, I just don't know much about horns, so how much smaller? I must find out.

The transmission lines wil do the bottom, and I am excited to say the least, think you may be surprise and like the result, I may like this new sound, I have horn sound in my studio, Romy, I know and like horn, they are just animals to tame, but I like them,

My titanium model loudspeaker weighs only 85 pounds approx. This thing is taller than me, and still is too heavy for me (my taste). Oh well, when you build stuff, weight adds up.

Enough, it is a great day, I need to go out, and again, I say i will post the work later, ok?

I will call them BlackStealth Horn Drama, after my my new ex-wife. I do not care what anyone thinks, this is for my pleasure, please sue me if you disagree, my lawyer (self represented me is waiting) and these devices must meet the highest standards ever, to please me, mjloudspeaker guy. Just the way it is, there.

I really hope you don't reply to this, as I am on holidays, and need some time off. 

Take care, j. 

08-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 49
Post ID: 11459
Reply to: 11430
Copyright of image found http://www.specimenproducts.com/amps/XLHorn.html
 mjloudspeaker wrote:

My idea is a upright horn like your "midbass hanging thing", at 200 hz for the smaller size of it, and this will be my work for 2009/10. What I would like is exponential curve, not tractrix horn, something like this one perhaps?

this is copyright of someone, if anyone knows who, please give credit to owner, thanks.

The biggest problem is time alignment, my room is not so large actually, and this project will have my hands full for sure. What I like is like you said very small footprint.

See ya, Romy.

P.S. thanks for the help always appreciated, I will post in the future. done for now.

Very important to give the credit where it is due, and it is due these fine people, image above is copyright specimenproducts.com, they make very nice work and have videos to watch on the youtube channel, give them a click, very worthwhile, now my end is wrapped up, j.


08-24-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 50
Post ID: 11544
Reply to: 11428
BlackStealth Horn Drama continued for M4

"I may be wrong to continue here with M4 ideas, Romy, feel free to move this where you want, thanks".

In my very audio eccentric strange mind, there is two concepts for M4 that pop to the surface, and that merit some explorations. See if you can help me out somehow, to make this concept to an actuality of practical design.

CONCEPT 1 for M4 Model Drama™- The use of very complex surfaces to "confuse, diffuse, but not refuse the sound". It is the Stealth.Or simply, Complexity Conception of Sonic Surfaces©™mjloudspeaker

This idea I find intriguing and I hope that some young designers get involved and plunge into audio with some deep designs, and I must always go to the past to understand the future, it is the best thing for me to do. What Stealth means is simple, you see something, but hear nothing, as the system disappears, like the airplane, invisible. This is my hope, to look at this very strange device, but when I make it play, you say, what? Close your eyes, the massive is gone.

iwata jet booster.jpg


Here is a very futuristic looking stylized recent acquisition, the IWATA BUTTERFLY X, the gentleman said it to me, (please let us forget other iwata tradegy on site) with room in back chamber for a 12 inch driver horn good for 300 hz possibly, more likely maybe 400 or 500, does not matter, ears will tell me, these acquired by buzz lightyear aka as yours truly, outdoor use I will. If this looks stealthy, it could be an engine module of the stealth bomber aircraft, I can see the flame come out at supersonic volume of the horn sound! This would be fast! This thing is what? 30 maybe 40 years old, and way forward in design, but it will break the road crews back in 5 seconds flat, it is so heavy and the size of toyota prius, but larger, so no wonder it is gone, left to rot in the field, where I rescued 4 of my little iwata butterflys, for my very grandiose bush wacker sonic needs.

This has nothing, yet everything to do with M4 development, (but I may load them in there for a test pilot run just for fun), makes me ponder still, (that how much previous knowledge is gone, buried with the learned, there has to be a wonderful afterlife where I can talk with them and learn), and has a very unique construction feature for the readership: Sandwich is baltic fir, thick fiberglass lenses, with nice damping injected expanding foam in the middle! This stuff is available anywhere now! This is very "leading edge technology" in some very basic ways, considering the age of this Butterfly X.

Very promising this Complexity Conception of Sonic Surfaces ©™mjloudspeaker, the old iwata has it outside in the form of it, not inside where I want it to be to affect the "Sound", but the biggest impairment wall that I see in the mjloudspeaker copyright/trademark concept listed above, is I cannot visualize this horn yet, so most definitely cannot build it yet. These people do it better than I can explain to you. Would be similar, but different, you know?

neo gramophone.jpg

Image copyright/courtesy http://kinkyform.com/kinkyform/index.php?article_id=56
This is ipod ready, but a large M4 version would be exciting, to say the least. Paint it black, the sound barrier can be broken instantaneously! Very sexy stealthy thing.

p.s. readership may use all info for personal use. young designers, please start engines now
10-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 51
Post ID: 11991
Reply to: 11544
Funi about sound M4.0

Listening to one of M4, connecting full range by itself, lonely like, and this is all right, is it me?,

Or are we spoiled here with sonic overtones and other things?

My testing is not complete, but verry interrestting!!

Anyone that disagrees, please go away! 

Methods used,

  • testing with front chamber only,
  • front chamber/phase plug combo,
  • and open face configurations. 

I am learning as I write this, but damn well know and understand that a driver needs system integration to perform anyway, anyhow, nevertheless.

Question? -  this driver has low harmonics and tonal additions, and reminds me of kef b139, pistonic action of without overtones, I may be contributing to the wrong site here? I am a big fan of IMF TL80's, and this sonic way is low noise, high duration low fatigue method vehicle, sonically speaking, and I say this with not one iota of disrespect for findings of relevance into any matters relating to reproduction of whatever.


Advancement of sound is the goal, and some of these piston like effects (without injections of tonal and other sonic character) are useful, in my mind. 

02-05-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 52
Post ID: 15538
Reply to: 11991
New 8MN
HI All
First post :-)

I am reserching a 3 or 4 way horn build and the Fane driver interests me. It looks like Fane have the 8MN available now.

How does this driver compare to the 8mn? I will look at using the driver in one on Martin's Azura horns.
02-05-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 53
Post ID: 15540
Reply to: 15538
Interesting, the Fane is back
The old Fane had no money to comeback, apparently someone took them over, I wonder who. The new Fane drivers? I know nothing about them. I did not know the old Fane drivers. I have only 24” woofers, 5M and 8M. The CRESCENDO series was available with Old Fane but I did not try them.  The Studio 8M I credit to myself for “discovery” in horn use in 2000, the rest of the Fane drivers I use die not impress me. You need to try them. Although I am not a big fan to use those type of the drivers in a way how Martin use them (top large throats)  but still, if you try them then post your comment.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 54
Post ID: 15880
Reply to: 6645
Fane 8M Studios, production run of 50 units
Hello everyone:

Fane Acoustics has agreed to produce a limited run of the now discontinued Fane 8M Studio drivers if a minimum order of 50 units can be filled. I am looking for firm expressions of interest for at least 22 pairs of drivers. If you are interested, please contact me on:

I am quoting from an email from the company: "The speaker will be manufactured to the same specification as the original unit, the only difference will be that there will be no rubber magnet tire on the new batch as this part is now obsolete with our supplier."

It looks as if this is a remarkable opportunity to buy these drivers, given that a used pair (which in fact rarely come up for sale, and condition is generally quite poor - my two pairs bought on ebay actually need reconing ) sold for £150 on ebay Germany a few days ago. The price, to be finalised, will not be in excess of £300, i.e. $480 plus shipping.

I will be keen to place an order sooner rather than later and once the batch order is placed, and the order for parts placed with the suppliers, I imagine there will be no order possible until and unless a full batch of 50 pieces can be ordered again.

Best regards

03-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 55
Post ID: 15881
Reply to: 15880
What are you going to do with them?
I wonder: does it mean that you will take the rest 28 drivers? Hm, are you trying to research the subject of the drivers’ critical mass or become a speaker maker? Be careful with their claims that they will be “manufactured to the same specification as the original unit”. They all claim this but really is never the same. Did you buy the Tanoy spare cones that were made from the “same paper”? I do not say anything bad about fane – they were in past good to my custom orders. Still, my experience with manufacturers suggests that these products are NEVER the same. Also, $480 plus shipping… is it a bit stiff if you ask me. If you need 2 drivers and you suddenly wiling to use Fane Studio 8 then you swallow the bullet and go over. However, if you do for whatever reason consume 28 drivers then it is a lot of money…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-30-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 56
Post ID: 15886
Reply to: 15881
The minimum order is 25 pairs, that is 50 units.
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I wonder: does it mean that you will take the rest 28 drivers? Hm, are you trying to research the subject of the drivers’ critical mass or become a speaker maker? Be careful with their claims that they will be “manufactured to the same specification as the original unit”. They all claim this but really is never the same. Did you buy the Tanoy spare cones that were made from the “same paper”? I do not say anything bad about fane – they were in past good to my custom orders. Still, my experience with manufacturers suggests that these products are NEVER the same. Also, $480 plus shipping… is it a bit stiff if you ask me. If you need 2 drivers and you suddenly wiling to use Fane Studio 8 then you swallow the bullet and go over. However, if you do for whatever reason consume 28 drivers then it is a lot of money…


You misunderstood. The minimum order required by Fane is 50 units, that is 25 pairs. I have corresponded with Fane and have mentioned several times that I needed the drivers to be identical to the original ones. They seem to be a professional company, checked with the original suppliers to make sure all the parts were available before they gave me any assurances. As you yourself said, Romy, Fane seems to be a good company, and I do not think it makes sense for them to provide me with misleading information when it is such a relatively small order.

For the avoidance of doubt, their email to me reads:

"The speaker will be manufactured to the same specification as the original unit, the only difference will be that their will be no rubber magnet tire on the new batch as this part is now obsolete with our supplier."

I am not buying 28 drivers as I only need 3 pairs, one pair to use and two pairs as back-up. This explains therefore why I would like enough people to show interest in 22 pairs. Even if there was only interest in 15 pairs, I might well place the order and keep 10 pairs for myself, to make this order happen.

For those like myself who have tired Fane 8M drivers or who would like a new pair, I think this represents a very good opportunity.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Hm, are you trying to research the subject of the drivers’ critical mass or become a speaker maker?... Did you buy the Tanoy spare cones that were made from the “same paper”? 

Me, a speaker maker, Romy? I have done everything in my power so far to make sure that I never have to build anything by myself. It was so hard to find someone to build the 115Hz Tractrix horns but it looks like I have now done so. This being the case, I would be very keen to have a pair of fully working Fane 8M and rather than risk ebay for the third time buying old Fane 8M which have been used or abused in their usual studio environment, it makes more sense to try and buy a new pair. As for the Tannoys, as I told you in a previous email, I did buy a pair of 10" reds but as to whether they are made of the same 'paper,' I am assured that mine use the very best paper to have ever graced any speaker ever made by Tannoy...It is most doubtful you have the same Smile Well, that's life.

Best regards


03-30-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 57
Post ID: 15888
Reply to: 15886
Buy a single unit if you wish, and decide for yourself

Someone contacted me earlier and expressed an interest in three pairs of Fane 8M drivers. After Romy posted his comments above, this person came back to let me know that Romy might be right and he would rather not rush into it.

I have again spoken to the production manager at Fane and explained the reservations being expressed by Romy here. She reassures me that apart from the 'rubber magnet tire' which is a cosmetic part, the components, she checked herself, are not similar, but exactly the same. I have asked her to put this in writing and she has agreed to send me an email to that effect, that I will post here.   To those of you who have any doubt at all, it is not necessary to order three pairs, you can order only one pair. If you want, you could even only order one unit. In this way, if you have a pair of vintage Fane 8M drivers, you can do like I myself will do, compare the two and decide whether they are the same or not. If not, you resell these new drivers.   Even if you do not have a pair of vintage Fane 8M presently, if you are in the UK, I will lend you my ones if you would like to compare the two, provided you pay for the shipping cost. Alternatively, you may come across the vintage units at some point in the future, buy them and compare with the new Fane 8Ms.

Even if you have a pair of vintage 8Ms, there is a strong possibility that at their age they are not in very good condition as these were often in their past life used and abused in a studio environment.

What is there to loose?

Romy, if you are so concerned about these being the same as the old ones, I would be very happy to send you a unit (I will pay for shipping both ways) so you can share your thoughts on these new drivers with us.

03-30-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 58
Post ID: 15890
Reply to: 15888
Email from Production Manager of Fane International
As I mentioned above, I talked to the manager of Fane International and asked for further assurances in writing that these new drivers would use exactly the same parts  as the vintage drivers. I am quoting from the email, and I hope this will provide some degree of reassurance to those who still doubt these drivers can be the same as the vintage Studio 8M drivers.Words in bracket are corrected for spelling mistakes as she must have been typing quite fast.

"Hi Rakesh
As per (conversation) today. I can guarantee that all the parts in the new STUDIO 8M.8 Speaker will be the same as the original ones that were used to manufacture them 20 years ago. As I advised earlier today the only thing that we can not (supply) on these speakers is the rubber tyre trim on the magnet. However, this does not at all alter the performance of the speaker.
Magnets are the same .Coils, Suspensions are the same, Cone is the same and dust caps are the same. Hope this is enough information for you to place a new order with us. (Also), can you please let Daniel Barnes (know) if you want the ones you sent back repairing? Please bear in mind that to make 50 more of these we would need at least 4 weeks lead time. This is to enable me to buy all the right components.
Susan Goodyear
Production Manager "
03-30-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 59
Post ID: 15892
Reply to: 15890
Where is the Fane?
Well, I do not care one way or another and I truly have no “concern”. I have my drivers; I think I have some spare – so why would I care about new productions. It is very possible that the new productions will be identical to the old production or even better then old productions. Building some kind of esteem to old production we are under impression that it was good or better but we have no evidences of it. Fane made does of drivers in past and only Studio 8M turned out to be accidently good for Midbass horn applications. I credit myself with this discovery and as I do not remember at that time nether Fane nor anybody else made any implication that Studio 8M is interesting driver. At that time Fane was selling Studio 8M for $72 retail, it menaces that for bulk of 50 driver it would be around $25 per driver.

If Fane feels that their Studio 8M such a great driver and shall be sold as some kind of “unique drivers” then why they stopped to made them? I think instead of abuse people like you Fane’s sales people need to go and sell them.  If you willing to volunteer to become their pro-bono sales guy then there is nothing wrong with it if you like such a job title.  The point is that Fane IS in business, the do have option to make Studio 8M, why they do not do it? Why they do not do biter drivers then Studio 8M?  Do they have problems to source 25 customers to sell 50 drivers? Since they have many their driver installed in many pro systems around the Europe in many guitar amplifiers then 50 drivers is not complicated for them to produce to replenish their repair stock.

To ask individual retail customers to pay a lot of money and to collect buyers for them is not what I would like them to do and I see a lot of voluntarism in the events from your, Rakesh, side. If you have a Honda automobile for instance and you need some kind of plastic cover from your dash board then I do not think that Honda makes you to bring another 5000 customers to make a production run for these parts. If it is the same company then they need to provide support and replacement of installed drivers. They might not have it NOW and them might do them when they need them but you might sign to buy some of those driver along with next normal production or stock replenishment run.

If the sources of the part are available and if the know how is still in the fane hands then where is the stock Studio 8M? This driver had no competitors and was the higher sensitivity among 8”inchers with sun 100Hz resonance and had surprising tone, among other things.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-30-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 60
Post ID: 15894
Reply to: 15892
Your words: "This driver had no competitors"
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Well, I do not care one way or another and I truly have no “concern”. I have my drivers; I think I have some spare – so why would I care about new productions.

Romy, I am very pleased that you have your drivers. And even more pleased that you have your spares as well. I am not that fortunate and I imagine that those who, like me, would like to buy these new drivers, and do not share your fortunate lot in life, may well appreciate the opportunity to obtain these new Fane 8M drivers.

You did however express a number of, what shall we call them, not 'concerns', maybe 'offhand reflections' or 'reservations' in an earlier post: 

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Be careful with their claims that they will be “manufactured to the same specification as the original unit”. They all claim this but really is never the same... I do not say anything bad about fane – they were in past good to my custom orders. 

I think you are speaking from past experience here. Certainly the misadventures you have had with APS PurePower and possibly other companies should not blind you or us to the fact that companies are quite capable of replicating products they produced in the past especially when they have access to the original part suppliers as is the case here.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

 I credit myself with this discovery and as I do not remember at that time nether Fane nor anybody else made any implication that Studio 8M is interesting driver.

And I am sure that you are quite rightly entitled to that credit. Given you have already claimed credit for it in the past, I do not think anyone is likely to forget in the near future. Personally, I honestly feel that this is the very least of the 'discoveries' or credits that should be laid squarely at your doorstep, Romy, for which I am, and I imagine certainly many others are, grateful.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

If Fane feels that their Studio 8M such a great driver and shall be sold as some kind of "unique drivers" then why they stopped to made them?

That's pure speculation on your part. I do not think you know what Fane feels about the Studio 8M drivers. When I mentioned it to them, they seemed to be blissfully unaware that people might be interested in it. None of the people I have spoken to at Fane has ever claimed that they perceive it as "unique drivers." On the other hand, I have little doubt that you do...

 Romy the Cat wrote:

 To ask individual retail customers to pay a lot of money and to collect buyers for them is not what I would like them to do

I honestly do not understand where you got that notion. Fane never asked anybody anything regarding these drivers. I did. I approached them. I aksed them to repair my drivers and to look into the possibility of doing another production run. They explained they could not do so unless they could deal with  a VAT registered retailer, as they cannot deal with end-users directly. I had to find an audio retailer based in Wokingham who was willing to act as an intermediary. As for 'what [you] would like them to do,' with all due respect, I do not think that Fane cares very much about that.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

If you willing to volunteer to become their pro-bono sales guy then there is nothing wrong with it if you like such a job title.

As you say Romy, sales people have to make a living and there is nothing wrong in the job title. I respect the profession although I do not think that I have the skills and talent for it. I do have my fair share of letters after my name, and they are not too bad either.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

 I see a lot of voluntarism in the events from your, Rakesh, side

But please remember, if it does work out, I get some new Fane drivers. If not, I don't. So it's not pure voluntarism although I am glad to offer the opportunity to those who would like it.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

If the sources of the part are available and if the know how is still in the fane hands then where is the stock Studio 8M? This driver had no competitors and was the higher sensitivity among 8"inchers with sun 100Hz resonance and had surprising tone, among other things.

You have said it better than I could Romy. Except that I really do not loose sleep over why Fane as a company does what it does. On the other hand, if the driver has no competitors, as you put it, then you might understand why having a limited production run whilst the company is still around is surely a real opportunity that  may not materialise again in the near future, if ever.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

At that time Fane was selling Studio 8M for $72 retail, it menaces that for bulk of 50 driver it would be around $25 per driver.

$25 per driver? So you price a Fane driver that takes such an important place in your playback, at less than the price of one of these Cohibas that you are so fond of? I doubt in this day and age with the price of raw materials, cost of fuel and labour in the UK, that $25 would get you a Fane 8M. Do you know of any good drivers that sell for $25 apiece, Romy?

If anybody wants the drivers, they can contact me here: rakeshpoorun@gmail.com

Best regards
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