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01-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 1
Post ID: 9436
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Audio cabinet of curiosities or what audio experiences out there I'd like to consume.

The conversation with Joe Roberts in the thread about the Silbatone Acoustics speakers were we discussed the opportunely to hear the authentic WE Mirrophonic installation made me to think about something. From one side we audio people would like to hear what is done in audio out there. This is understandable. From another side those of us who tired from self- inflicted regret do not what to hear more systems-disappointments.

Still, it would be foolish of any audio person would say that s/he has no interest listen something else and I am very much not an exemption. As anything else in audio my basic rules of my listening interested derive from the following:


I always try to define what I would like to hear in order to hear it. Therefore, taking with Joe I did asked myself: “Romy, if all circumstances, time and money were not a subject then where you would like to go and what you would like to try experiencing in audio?” I found that doing my own thinking to answers did amuse me.

In thins thread I will dump the geographical locations and subjects of my audio curiosity. Feel free others do the same. I think one day and in one way or other some of those things will be fulfilled… If someone has a suggestion of proposal in “easy way” to fulfill my interest in those “audio curiosities” then contact me.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,105
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 2
Post ID: 9438
Reply to: 9436
Romy's temptations that would make my tail to move, list #1

It is not my Audio “Bucket List” and not the audio things that I would like to experience before the 2012. These are just the regions of audio curiosity that I would be excited to sample and motivated to make efforts to pursue. The entries without any particular order and listed just as the random thoughts came to my head. I will be adding to the list as the new thoughts will be hatching…

1)  France. Horn people. I found that there is some interesting horn movement in France and there are two people in there that I would be curios to visit, would be interested to play music along with them and to compare notes about Sound. I have some unconfirmed doubts that those specific people have developed enough seriousness of musical objectives, so here is what I think it might be an interesting exploration.

2)  Anywhere. CES -1. This is my imaginary audio show that I invented in my imagination after my trip to CES 2005. At CES 2005 there was one room that was found by two local Vegas audio enthusiasts (I think they were both doctors and have no relation to industry). The guys had absolutely no intention to sell or to demo anything buy they juts rented a room, put in there their own audio and juts played some music for public, trying to show off how they thing audio might sound. The room sounded dreadful but it was not the point. The attitude of those guys and this objective were absolutely commendable. Pretend that you have CES -1 show with 200 listing rooms and in each of them an there is an installation made not to convince anybody in anything but with the only objective is to truly demonstrate “how it might be done” where the respect is given to actual results instead to the methods.  I know that it is utopia but for this type of show I would probably fly quite far.

3)  Russia. Macondo 7th Channel designer.  Some of you who follow my site know about the coming Macondo 7th Channel. The inventor of the concept is Russian audioalogist. Considering a great novelty and a lot of controversy in the subject I would be interested to sit in his lab for a few hours, to play with his invention and to talk with him about the fine moment of sound reproduction and sound perception, looking through the prism of his methodology. What we finish my Macondo 7th Channel it might be happen in my listening room over telephone but at this point I have no 7th Channel yet and I have just a curiosity what it will be.

4)  Anywhere. I would like to find the “moment of listening perfection”. In wherever concert hall I was whatever orchestra I heard I always frond that it was not the ultimate listing position of not proper quality of playing. I did not have a lot of chance to run around concert holes in search for best sit for a given orchestra and the given music. Even when a few times it was a near perfect hit the level of music was not where I need it to be. I still look for that “moment of listening perfection”. The closest I ever had was in 2000 a Bulgarian-Polish string group playing Haydn’s and Mozart’s quartets under a large architectural arch in downtown Vienna.  They played beautifully and I was walking around them trying to get the best of my location and then sit at the ground. The sound of the quartet suddenly “clicked” and it is was absolutely stunning.  I am looking for the same result with large symphonic orchestra. You would need a jack to move me from that spot.

5)  North Ukraine. That Church.  Never was there but I read about it in my youth in a credible scientific magazine and I always wanted to go there. There is an old church built in 18 century in a small forgotten by God Ukraine village and this church is located at a very unique location and built by unique ways.  That church somehow absorbs and tremendously amplifiers by natural architectural menace very low frequencies. The amplitude of amplification is very high and the conservation of LF pressure is astonishingly narrow. The church built  that at the location of church’s alter the air has  +45dB around 7.8Hz or at Schumann resonances (Earth’s primary frequency). The children, older people and pregnant women are not allowed to enter the church. Anyhow, if I ever visit Ukraine I would like to find this village and this church.

6)  Anywhere. I would like to hear any installation of any king where the speakers are installed at DPoLF. Nothing further might be said.

7)  Anywhere.  I would like to hear a “sensible” vintage setup. I might be some kind of person with deep knowledge of the best that audio past produces (and let to be honest – it just a fraction of a percent among the waste mass of vintage crap that was truly worthy) and why would use the high demands of today’s world surgically pulled form past and from present the best possible agglomerate in context of not just a specific notable moment but in context of a enterer large and objectionable installation. It might be fun to watch.

8)  Anywhere. I would like to hear somewhere a very minimalistic playback with some kind of flimsy little mini-monitor that would be done so tastefully that listing of which I would have absolutely no complains.

9)  Anywhere. I would like to hear somewhere a proper low bass horn implementation, let say 25-30Hz. I mean the whole deal: the stereo implementation, the straight from loaded horn, the natural time aliment, the sensible placement of the MF Island, the proper bass driver, loading and amplification, the proper room and calibration. I mean the way it needs to be done; I am taking about employment of lower bass horn but without screwing anything else.

10)  New England preferably but would be pleased anywhere. I would like to experience something similar to what I described in the “The Classical Music Café syndrome...” post:  http://www.romythecat.com/Forums/ShowPost.aspx?postID=5069.  It would be fun to see the socially endorsed and supported cultural events of listening experiences.

I think it would be enough for now.

Rgs, Romy The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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