samuel33 wrote: | …. I can't stop laughing when I read your comments about the audiophile mafia, you are so right. |
Samuel, it is important, reading my self-obsessive rage about the industry, do not take the things out of perspective. I never called the Audio Industry as a mafia. Mafia is a well organized and perfectly sane operation that subordinated to a purpose and intend. The Audio Industry is NOT purposeful or resolute organization and to call it mafia would be to extent too much credit to the Audio Industry.
samuel33 wrote: | Between mike Lavigne with his dartzeel dartzeel dartzeel dartzeel dartzeel obsession and the TAS 'mini2/kharma nevrose there no more place for anything else... |
There is a huge space. The Mike Lavigne types is all about the syndrome of just brutally raped women who asked to read a lecture about discrimination of male coworkers at their work place. She kind of understands that her person experiences are not indicative, at least for the subject of the lecture, but she can not help it.
samuel33 wrote: | I just want to ask you, which are the 5 or 10 speakers -10 000/30 000$- that intresting to listen at. |
“Interesting to listen?” That is a loaded comment. Speakers do not have own sound. The Sound of loudspeakers is not what they produce but what we hear. In this context the “interesting to listen” category more describes your listening intents then a capacity of a given acoustic system….
samuel33 wrote: | There are so many speakers and so bad information about their real value .... it can be helpful for a lot of people to begin their listening session with good speakers, don't you think? |
Samuel, I do not provide recommendations regarding the navigation in the audio swamp, there are many reasons why. As an experience person, I might assure that anything worthy in this subject you will discover from within.
samuel33 wrote: | I compose music and i need quite quickly some speakers to work with. |
Why don’t you use the listening techniques that have been employing for years and that I call the “Lenin’s techniques”? I do not know how true it is – I heard that story in my childhood and it very much might be a BS as anything else was told about Lenin in my childhood. However those “Lenin’s techniques” are the techniques that I widely employ in audio assessments.
Vladimir Lenin spoke 20 or so languages but did not speak Greek (for instance). Once he was informed that one of his articles was translated to Greek and the publisher sent him a copy to confirm if the translation was done accurately. Lenin know however, that when he wrote the original article then in his manuscript he screwed up some numbers, referring to a year of a famous historical event and it was consequentially reprinted in many other languages with wrong numbers. Lenin took the Greek translation, glanced to the referring year, which was corrected, and reply to the publisher: “The translation was made accurately”. In this little story I recognize in hidden the core of proper audio assessment….
 Rgs, Romy the Cat
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche