Blaukopf wrote: First, Romy describes his horns as spherical. Later he names them tractrix. Are some of the profiles of the spherical wave profile?
Blaukopf wrote: Bruce Edgar wrote : You will be very disappointed in the bass response with a Tractrix horn. The bass response near the flare frequency cutoff is limited by the throat reactance, which peaks at the flare frequency . The horn is loaded for the most part by the throat resistance. Any reactance loading will reduce the output. In exponential and hyperbolic- exponential bass horns you can cancel out the throat reactance with the back chamber, but with a tractrix horn it is too short and the back chamber doesn't cancel out the throat reactance. Tractrix is great for mid bass and midrange but a terrible choice for bass. Where does the bass frequency start ?
Blaukopf wrote: My sims with hornresp show a good loading for a tractrix profile even at 80 Hz cutoff frequency - horn is huge of course. same for a spherical wave profile. How are they different soundwise ?
Blaukopf wrote: My dilemma : Exponential horns may load better but in a setup I prefer to have the same profile for all horns. Could you give some insight into this thorny question ? PS there were some excellent statements by JLH on push-pull TH ( am building one myself) but the images have unfortunately disappeared.
Blaukopf wrote:Hello Romy, thank you for the answers. Your horns have a round mouth, but their profile is not spherical. That is the profile of the Avantgarde Horns you formely had - apparentyl you have anayzed them intensively, could you elaborate what problems you found ? Kugelwelle = Spherical Wave profile invented by Klangfilm-Siemens. Not Tractrix, on Wikipedia it is also wrong.
Blaukopf wrote:If you use the excel sheet by volvotreter, for a tractrix horn of 80 Hz cutoff the usable frequency starts at 170 Hz, lenght is 93 cm.
Blaukopf wrote:looking at a horn by JLH it seems that he has added a long tube at the throat - is this to increase bass-loading
Blaukopf wrote: Hi everybody, after reading RomytheCat's Macondo Setup I am very impressed ( phantastic music room ...) . Presently I have no working horns ( they are boxed), just questions. First, Romy describes his horns as spherical. Later he names them tractrix. Are some of the profiles of the spherical wave profile ? Bruce Edgar wrote : You will be very disappointed in the bass response with a Tractrix horn. The bass response near the flare frequency cutoff is limited by the throat reactance, which peaks at the flare frequency . The horn is loaded for the most part by the throat resistance. Any reactance loading will reduce the output. In exponential and hyperbolic- exponential bass horns you can cancel out the throat reactance with the back chamber, but with a tractrix horn it is too short and the back chamber doesn't cancel out the throat reactance. Tractrix is great for mid bass and midrange but a terrible choice for bass. Where does the bass frequency start ? My sims with hornresp show a good loading for a tractrix profile even at 80 Hz cutoff frequency - horn is huge of course. same for a spherical wave profile. How are they different soundwise ?Can I believe the sim ? The throat radius measures 12 cm for a 15" driver and the mouth has a radius of 68 cm. Since the horn ist shorter ( than an exponential) , I would use it from a higher frequency - 110-120 Hz maybe. Next driver is a 2" DCM50 ( 500Hz up) and a 1" driver from 8000 Hz or a tweeter. My dilemma : Exponential horns may load better but in a setup I prefer to have the same profile for all horns. Could you give some insight into this thorny question ? PS there were some excellent statements by JLH on push-pull TH ( am building one myself) but the images have unfortunately disappeared.Thanks to all ! Marc
Thank you for your replies. The concept is revolving im my head. The material is ready. As soon as time allows, I will go ahead.
In fact, many informations are readily available, I have been reading a lot in the past 2 years. Many decisions are a matter of taste.
Have a pleasant day and thanks again Marc