Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004
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fiogf49gjkf0d rowuk wrote: | The only issues
that I have ever had were putting the piano in a place where the large smooth
surfaces did not cause assymmetric reflections that messed with the stereo
The damper pedal on a piano is "on"
when not depressed. The pianos ability to ring is severely coprimised. A
guitar, cello, contrabass has no installed damper and rings per design. The
damper is the players arm or fingers.
I am sure that Steverinos preference to solo
piano has nothing to do with ringing. Any loud playing as a solo instrument
would also excite "more" wide band noise if the piano were truly so
inferior. The thought did make me smile however. Generally, the real problem
with piano is that it is well tempered. This sounds fine alone, but when
playing with other "just" tuned instruments, we get sum and
difference interference tones. They cause broad band beats that are disturbing
to some and part of the art form to others. I feel fortunate that the musicians
and composers intentions transcend all of this audiophoolery for my listening.
That is probably because my instrument, the trumpet has the most intonation
problems of any orchesteal instrument. High Q and very short air column. Not
much room for play - especially with a piano.
I would imagine that the piano would be
beneficial for a large scale audio system. The soundingboard absorbs resonance
and if anything at all, would release a VERY small portion delayed in time.
Coupling to the floor is something that the heavy brass wheels do well. For
added transmission the brake mechanically couples even more |
Rowuk, I very much on the same page with you. I
do not buy the idea that piano could "ruin" sound of those Tanoys
like it was in the case of my guy above or that it makes too much resonance in
case of orchestral /chamber music, like in case of Steverinos. There are a lot
of modulations of piano plays let say a quintet but they are acoustical
modulation but the "piano board got excited by viola tone". I do not
see a problem without piano in listening room. I however do not deny that in
some cases a presence of a large hollow piece of furniture would have some
impacts. To evaluate a magnitude of this impact is a totally different matter.
in my case it is absolutely negligible and even undetectable. In case of others
it might be detectable. However, I absolutely do not buy the notion that it might
"make a loudspeaker to sound bad". If playback does sound bad then
fix the actual problem, not the 0.00000001% of problem that might or not might
come from piano. Rgs, Romy
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche