I got today an email from the site visitor with a link to some kind of UK show, look like DIY bash show…
Our friend SpeedySteve went with his acoustic system to the show. Here is the link and in the next page/s you can see his and other feedback and him cutting the upperbass horn to pass it through the door.
What can I say? It looks like he and his associates do not target any commercial interest and they went there just to show off Sound. If it is so then I applaud to it. I certainly like that that the upperbass horn lost it’s La‑Horn negative opening. The lower MF horn that SpeedySteve has atop has to lose it too. The negative opening works only for upper MF horns, no matter what Jean-Michel Le Cléac'h pitch to his gullible but mostly stupid followers. Somewhere (follow the link that I posted before in the thread) SpeedySteve wrote that as soon he added the negative opening to the peripheral of him upperbass horn he had… much fuller and deeper midbass. When people make comment like this they are at risk to be permanently declared Morons, anyhow I was laughing to hear it. Nevertheless, it looks like the upperbass horn dos not have that crap on it’s edge and this is a good sign. When the upperbass horn will turn to parabola opening it will be even more fun…
The horn are properly installed in the room in my view but at the very first picture you can see that the lower midrange horn is aligned to curve that meant for much closer listening distance. It is possible that SpeedySteve did not reset the time alignment for larger room, it is understandable but unfortunate.
Also, if you read his comment about his sound on the show then you see that he much prefer the sound in his room at home. From what I know from the picture his home room is 39592 times less interesting sonically than the large room at the show, I mean for the topology of his speakers. So, why SpeedySteve prefer sound at his home? Because in much larger and much different room at the show the configuration of his acoustic system needs to be change and adjusted for the sound of hew acoustic environment. In the larger room he lost of him upperbass from flat horns and his taped horns most likely did not go to 150Hz well enough. There are many changes that might took place and I do not think that SpeedySteve dealt with them.
The caT
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche