Kensington, NH
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Joined on 03-15-2010
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Prior to three days ago, i was almost ready to give up on the Dannoy's as I couldn't get close to the sound heard at Romy's with his setup of the same speakers. Then i was able to add my newly obtained Yamaha B2 amps, and was once more inspired with two nights of pleasurable listening.
thus, Romy came over yesterday to help me voice my Dannoy's as I have added my Yamaha B2 amps, and a new crossover from England which he had recommended. So, except for the source and d/a convertor, using my JL Audio subwoofers instead of Romy's subs, and the room, the setup was similar to what it was at his place. After voicing, and getting closer to what we heard at Romy's, the DSP correction on the Trinnov pre-pro showed a 2 dB hump from 30 to 60 Hz and a 24 dB dropoff from 30 Hz. down. Also, i might add, the Trinnov graph showed a 10 dB sharp dropoff at 1100 Hz., which was not there with the original crossovers. After he left, I also changed out one of my Tannoy drivers with one of Romy's, as i was hearing a slight buzz from mine which appeared to be coming from the driver. The buzz went away. I then did a repeat DSP correction on the Trinnov for the new driver, being careful to recreate the curves which we had obtained that morning. Last night was one of the best recreations of sound that I've had in my room, especially after turning on the Auro 3D processing adding hall space. While not quite up to what i had heard in Romy's room. probably secondary to my inferior digital sourcing, it was again enthralling to the point that i stayed up way past my normal bedtime. In addition to coming close to that magic sound heard at his place, I could also hear such things as tape hiss, vinyl rush, and increase hall atmosphere information not heard before. Don't understand why, but any increase in information is good. i only hope now that he has received the front panels. that Romy will be able to recreate what we had in his room. Bill