Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006
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Construction Details (The Tesla Chronicles)
I guess it's possible that someone somewhere could get this driver to sing through part of its range. And I admit that it is infuriating to me that people with the speaker construction technology typically build "well-made", bad-sounding drivers based on wrong premises and tin ears, and it appears to me that this has many of the earmarks of another such instance of heaped up, generic mistakes. Among the "exotic" "FR" driver features, the "strong magnet" is one favorite, also the "phenolic spyder", the "narrow gap", the "leather surround", "wooden cones", etc., etc. And the truth is, while any part of it might be OK in one situation or another, no one lives long enough to work through all the variables and combinations of variables, let alone make a thorough catalog of how each relates to the others with respect to the sound they make, and how these in turn affect the Music the drivers make. Rather, at some point a design is decided upon, and they move forward with a version of it that they can produce in sufficient quantities at an affordable price, at an acceptable location, on a reasonable schedule. Who knows for sure what this one's worth in a different context, but my own experience with this stuff suggests that a number of their "key features" are generic mistakes, rather they consistently proved detrimental to Sound during my own experiments. Yes, I'm jealous of their capabilities; but I do not covet their driver.
As for their approach, like Jackson Browne once said: "Though the future's there for anyone to change, still, you know, it seems it would be easier sometimes to change the past."
Paul S