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04-04-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 61
Post ID: 7119
Reply to: 7115
Cross Patch
Be, there might be any number of reasons for listening to speakers more or less on or off axis, but I think in the case of drivers firing early across the axes of other drivers there are identifiable issues that can be heard as "problems" by some listeners, including me.  I think the sound "chroma" are not only "waves" but they are also "wavelets", and they are comprised of incredibly complex and structurally delicate 4-D matrices of tones, harmonics, dynamics and temporal and spacial cues, as we recognize them.  And while the "parts" of sound may be fairly "durable" I am not sure the same can be said of the "structure"/relatiopnship between the "parts" that +/- comprise/deliver Music.

As it happens, I actually like some secondary splashing of sound that I hear as a "supplement" to the relatively anemic primary sound from my +/- "line sources" of drivers, which I generally aim to cross somewhere behind my head, maybe 8 - 15 feet from the drivers.  Some great days I will point them pretty close to my ears.  I have in the past played with lots of drivers in various arrays and I have tried aiming them all over the place with no sense of restraint apart from sound I did or did not care for in the end.  The most serious problem I have noted from "driver crossing" has been a disintegration of the musical message as the "parts" of the "message" get too "randomized" and/or parts of the message seem to just disappear.  I can't say that this is phase induced or whether it is some other form of partial cancellation or combing, but it sounds like all three to me.  Hardly "scientific", I know, but based on experience, FWIW.

I think it's generic enough to say that the "chroma" as I understand them will suffer only so much in the way of "collisions" and/or "manipulations" before we can no longer relate to the results as Music, although this will of course be conditioned by our expectations.  Also, since this happens by degrees and the issue if so complex, there are naturally many versions of when and where to draw the line on "splashing".  The widespread acceptance of the likes of Bose, Carver and countless others illustrates the plain fact that there's room on The Bus for everyone.  But I would not fire a MF driver across the other drivers in a line array for the audible reasons I cited.

Best regards,
Paul S
04-05-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Post #: 62
Post ID: 7120
Reply to: 7116
Quriosity curiosity
"May I ask you: what is your agenda to argue this subject?"

To understand a phenomenon that lacks  theoretical explonation,  your working hypothesis or analogy about lens chromatism might satisfy and maybe even guide you the right way, but has as far as I see it, only a disatifactorily weak and blured foundation in reality.

"In contrary when I proposed you to make a simple experiment yourself with aliment and tilting you told that"

I have a two horns covering from around 150Hz and up, with a crossover frequency around 700Hz, So my system is probably less sensitive than yours with the many chanels and higher crossover frequencies. But I have changed my mind and will try anyway.

Still, in my inflated view I feel that in the Macondo Axiom there are much much more depth and wisdom that you might feel now...."

I agree completely with the rest of the axioms, and you are an unusually smart and perceptive guy, otherwise I would not have given the axiom in question a thougt.

"BE, may I ask you what “frequency response problems nearby horns axis” are you talking about and even if you discover some then what is has to do with an anything?"

Please for a moment bypass yor chromatism (self) hypnosis, and rered the thread.


Where do you horisontally point your right and left channels?

04-05-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 63
Post ID: 7121
Reply to: 7120
Another working hypnosis

 be wrote:
I have a two horns covering from around 150Hz and up, with a crossover frequency around 700Hz, So my system is probably less sensitive than yours with the many chanels and higher crossover frequencies. But I have changed my mind and will try anyway.

OK, let keep the “frequency response problems nearby horns axis” aside as I do not think I will hear any further explanation about it (they just do not exists :-). You should be able to observe the effect at 700Hz, to keep it more demonstrable you might contra-phase the driver and look for redaction of sum signal instead of increase the signal.

In another note: this conversation kind of “got me” and I consulted with people, who know theory well, asking them to provide their explanation of the angling phenomena. They explained the phenomena by the smearing the arrival time due to introduction of distance difference (when we angle the driver) between one side of the diaphragm and another side (let call it Distance Smearing). So, with angled driver the waves from one side of cone have different distance to travel then the waves from other side of cone.  I admit that it might be more elegant explanation then my Chomical Aberration but even the Distance Smearing explanation does not explain everything to me. For instance accruing to the Distance Smearing the best positioning shell be when multiple drives are located on curve and point directly to the listening spot, or all channels are angled. In practice is it never works - as I said above - it very severely shorts the acceptable listening distance.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-05-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Post #: 64
Post ID: 7123
Reply to: 7121
Thanks Paul and Romy, quite exciting to get into this isue.
I will make my experiments and get my own impressions and try to figure it out.

Regards Be
04-05-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 65
Post ID: 7125
Reply to: 7123
OK, let overkill the issues.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
… this conversation kind of “got me” and I consulted with people, who know theory well, asking them to provide their explanation of the angling phenomena. They explained the phenomena by the smearing the arrival time due to introduction of distance difference (when we angle the driver) between one side of the diaphragm and another side So, with angled driver the waves from one side of cone have different distance to travel then the waves from other side of cone…

Two other speakers theorists with who I consulted today confirmed what other proposed about.  It looks like the negative effect of non-parallel axis is due to the dimension of diaphragm introduce “distance smear” when tilted. The same reason explains directivity and sharpening impulse response of axis. They might be right (and it fact they are right) but it does not work out for my own understanding. If the diaphragm distance smears the ONLY factor then the position multiple driver on curve point directly to the listening point should be the best solution of all – it is not the case practically. The second thing that controversial to me in this explanation – the geometry of the traducing surface should matter. Let take for instance my “Water Drop” driver. The ribbon is 21cm by 0.6 cm. In this case the tilting of the driver up and down should kill aliment VERY aggressively, and it does. However, considering a very small dimension in horizontal plane and considering its 120 degree horizontal radiation the tilting of the driver right-left should cause no time miss-aliment effect. Nevertheless it does.

Well, I agree to perceive that subject in the same way how I perceive allergy. I for years did not believe in allergies, considering allergies as a BS invention of US pharmaceutical industry. Then a few years ago I suddenly developed all kind of allergies. Now I do have allergies but I still refuse to believe in them. Ask me about allergies and I will tell you that is a stupid American invention… Go figure. I think I am a walking proof that Perception is Reality.  But let it be our big secret...  :-)

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-06-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Post #: 66
Post ID: 7128
Reply to: 7125
Another working hypothesis


I just thought of something that could have some relation to this topic:

Take a horn with a driver, the driver produces a signal, the pressure wave will travel outwards more or less like a spherical wave front along the axis of the horn, think of the 2D waves in the surface of water when you throw a stone.

Eventually the wave will reach the mouth of the horn and leave it, when the wave hits the edge of the horn mouth, it will experience a discontinuity, this will produce a disturbance due to diffraction.

This disturbance will contain not only the frequencies of the original wave but also distortion; it will say higher harmonics of the signal. (This is a fact according to acoustics)

The edge of the horn mouth, will in case of a circular horn, function as a parasitic sound source shaped like a ring with the same diameter as the horn mouth and emitting a time delayed and distorted version of the original signal.

The time delay will depend on the path length from the driver to the horn mouth.

The large diameter of the parasitic sound source, as determined by the diameter of the horn mouth, will mean that the distorted and delayed emission will be extremely directive and concentrated in a narrow angle around the horn axis.

The directivity will depend on the frequency of the signal, interestingly the distortion due to its inherently higher frequency content will be more directive.

In case of traxtrix horns and like, with their large opening angels, this effect will be less pronounced than in something like conical horns, since the wave front in the horn will have detached itself more from the horn wall at the horn mouth, and will not see the discontinuity of the horn mouth as much.

Never the less, some effect will remain.

How can this be avoided?

1. Direct the horns away from listening position.

2. Cut the rim of the horn into a star shaped pattern.

    This will smear out the diffraction of the wave front in the horn, in time and space, and maybe render it harmless.

3. Place triangular pads of felt of suitable size and thikness, at the horn wall at the perimeter but still inside the horn.

4. Use non circular horns so the wave front will not reach the horn mouth at the same time every where, same effect as 2.

04-06-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 67
Post ID: 7129
Reply to: 7128
The issues that did not make the Macondo's Axioms.

The Macondo's Axioms are the concepts that I employed to make Macondo but it does not mean that Macondo takes care about all things that are I feel are important.  Some important this were intentionally left out the Macondo’s and mine attention. One of the problem is what Be describe – the mouth’s edge distortions due to the discontinuity of horn. It is important subject but Macondo's deals with it in a way ignorably.  One of the best ways to deal within horn’s edge problems is to use LeCleach profile. It should be better solution for HF. The Macondo's tweeter went to a full length to deal with the horn’s edge problems having the Water Drop shape or the whale body shape. The Macondo's MF horn just ignores the problem completely…. and it doe it absolutely deliberately.

The consideration I took do not deal with MF horn’s edge problem is because the LeCleach profile with its negative opening takes more vertical real-estate to implement. To run LeCleach profile at my MF 400Hz horn I would loose approximately 3” to implement the negative opening. What you go for implementation of 5-way multi-wave horns and you objective is to be able to INTEGRATE THEM IN EXTREME NEARFIELD then each inch in vertical plane became very countable. If I use my horns from 15-20 feet then I would go for LeCleach-like solution and hive to horn more space to birth. However, since I am at 9 feet I am at very different restriction to vertical integration and 3” are too important for me. So, I feel that benefits for narrowing the vertical window are more important than the hassles I might pick from horn’s edge. So, as the result the edge of the Macondo’s MF horn is made for vertical compression.

I have to admit that when I ordered the Macondo’s MF horn in 2001 from John Hasqiun and requested the profile as is then it all was not in my head. I was much-much less experienced with horns then and drown that profile just because I looked sexy to me. Accidentally that “sexy” profile is allowing having the best vertical space compression. So, I did not change it for years. Would I change it? Yes I would. A year or so ago, what I was thinking about my Water Drop tweeter I came up with a new edge  profile for MF horn that deals with the horn’s edge problems but do not consume space as LeCleach does. Below is the depicting of the idea. I did not try it but it should work. Sometime in future when I have a good horn maker whom I would be able to torture I am planning to convert my current MF horn into this profile. Since it a first time I make it public I would like to grand a name to this way of horn termination. I would like it to be called the “Water Drop Edge“


Now, about your idea of doing that:

“ Place triangular pads of felt of suitable size and thikness, at the horn wall at the perimeter but still inside the horn.”

This is VERY good idea and I have a lot of talk about it during the last years. In facts some of the versions of your idea I intend to try sometimes. The idea was introduced to me by Bud Purvine and his EnABL Patterns


This is very interesting subject, thoght Bud attacks the boundary problems, wich is looks like a diferent thing (they migh not me).  Talking with Bud I figure: why do not use the very same random patterns at the edge of the horn to (I quote you) “to smear out the diffraction of the wave [at the edge] in time and space, and maybe render it harmless. “

Bud, uses paint of different heaviness to deal with the drivers’ cones. In our case it might be any material randomly extending over the profile of the horns edge. Manipulating by profile, height and material of the “edge pimples” I think it might be possible to very interning result. I DI NOT trey it myself but I keep my mind very open toward the Budanization of the horn’s edge

Rgs, Romy

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-14-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 68
Post ID: 7197
Reply to: 4832
Macondo own page will be built.
Two weeks ago I have finalized the last revision of my Macondo and spent some time to tune everything, making it to perform right. Why I did it I had a retrospective view over the last 8 year of Macondo “invention”. What I felt to do was to put the information about Macondo at a dedicated page right along with some of my architectural, historic and sonic thoughts about Macondo. My Melquiades has one, so why Macondo should not have own page. The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-17-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 69
Post ID: 7235
Reply to: 7106
Lower/Upper Mid Transition Point
Jessie wrote :

"...In the case of the system I am building, one can happily sit straight in the firing axis of any of the horns without experiencing the above-mentioned unpleasantries... No cringing (and this while using the older metal diaphragms). The reason for this I believe is directly related to the fact that I'm not asking each horn to cover such a wide frequency range..."

Well that was then; I now feel a sort of responsibility toward other S2 users to relay that the logic expressed above is incorrect as applies to my system.

At the time I made that statement, the transition point between the lower mid and upper mid horns was at 4800 Hz, meaning that the upper mid driver was asked to play a little more than a single octave (from 4800 Hz to just over 10 KHz), so quite a narrow range.

The other day I lowered that transition point down to 3200 Hz, which in fact resulted in an improvement (the smaller horn does the 3200 - 4800 Hz range better), and still no cringing. I have not tried lowering this point for quite some time, but I do know that doing so, in my case, used to induce the beginnings of cringe.

I then tried the 8 Ohm taps, and still no cringing.

So how then to explain this non cringe-inducing behavoir :
1) A lucky interaction with the new room.
2) The addition of upper base horns is balancing things out.
3) The possibility that the textured coating I have applied to the inner surface of the horns may be acting to make the horns less cringe-inducing.

Romy wrote (see "The Budification of Macondo" post) :

"...I use photographic masking tape… I am sure anything else might be used. Bud uses paint’s drops. I might do paint as well eventually after I experiment with removable patterns and found that the whole idea worth to be employed..."

Well its definitely not the same thing as "Budifying", but just before moving the system, because I had things disassembled, I coated the entire inner surface of all horns with a mix of sand and epoxy resin (filtering the sand before mixing it with the resin). The resulting texture is very much like that of 16 or maybe 36-grit sand paper.

I will post photos once I get my camera unpacked.

The first time I listened to the horns with the texture was in the new place, where they continue to amaze (!) me, but that is also due to the contribution of the upper bass horns; wich, with WAF problems behind me, I am finally able to use in the same room as the other horns. In fact, I will only know more about the real effect of the texture by getting a duplicate horn, but without the texture, into the same room and make a comparison.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
04-17-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 70
Post ID: 7236
Reply to: 7235
After 6 years of living with S2….

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
I now feel a sort of responsibility toward other S2 …  and still no cringing.

Well, I lost that responsibility long time ago. There are 6 external factors that besides everything affect the “cringing” of S2:

1)    Electricity
2)    Electricity
3)    Electricity
4)    Amplification
5)    Dirt that the driver suck from air
6)    Type of low pass filter used

I can report that when everything is good then the driver is cleared from any accusations…

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-23-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 71
Post ID: 12339
Reply to: 4870
Time misalignment in bass

 Romy the Cat wrote:

1) Horn loaded drivers are narrow-bandwidth transducing system. The wider range a horn channel covers the more it conflicts with restrictions of own topology.

2) All channels shell have strictly parallel axis

3) All channels shell be time-aligned, preferably naturally.

4) Horns shell have a minimum trout size, assuring proper LF equalization; still the length of the horns shell assure proper excursion of LF mouths over HF mouths.

5) Horns shell have a sufficient mass properly projected to a given channel’s LF boundary and the horn’s mass should be properly distributed within a horn.

6) The drivers within the channels should be selected not by own sonic merits but also by their ability to demonstrate similar sonic characteristics with the neighboring channels. The Absolute Tone of the drivers should be as close as possible to be transparent across all channels.

7) The acoustic system shell follows the principles of Imbedded Macro-Positioning  and shell peruses to hit the DPoLS – the ultimate setting for any acoustic system.

8) No dipole radiation or back-phase ingestion allowed.

9) Bass below the horn’s rate shell be unloaded from all horns

10) Horns channel shell be high-passed with min minimums crossover gap assuring no effect of the Horn Choking present

11) All channels shell use no crossovers higher then first order, no equalization of any kind, no Zobel or impedance compensation, no notching. Any higher orders crossovers, if ought to be used, shell use Bessel curve.

12) If a filter requires a phase inversion then it is preferable to flood crossover point with amplitude and do not invert phase.

13) Horns channel should use spherical horns, otherwise the only on-axis use of that acoustic system allowed.

14) No axis offset in horizontal dimension shell be used.

To be continue. To be continue?

The Cat

Here and there people talk about the bass time delay is not auditable. Well, it all depends if you know what to listen. Yesterday I took my MiniMe with it’s new very little bass modules crossed around 100Hz and move them closer and further. Yes, I was not able to hear any problems with 1/32” precision but I was able very clearly to hear the problems when bass modules were more then let say 5” away from MF monitor. All you need is to learn HOW and WHAT to pay attention  at while you are listening. The time delay enforcement at LF is as efective axioms and any other of Macondo Axioms.  I wonder how many midbass horn have their sound evaluated with inclusive bass time -misalignment? Interesting (and this is VERY important observation!)  that the effect of time misalignment in bass DOES sound like something what some Morons considers as “horn bass”. This is a VERYvloaded comment....

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-13-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 72
Post ID: 19683
Reply to: 4832
Kind of Macondo.....
I do not know who it is but looks like A nice move:


The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-14-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 73
Post ID: 19684
Reply to: 19683
No wonder
I bet it's one of the infrequent posters on this site system . I also find 2khz crossover for td2001 not problematic. Very nice and I imagine it's hard to loose that DIY look in setups like that. Especially when the speaker is undergoing constant changes and one is looking for that "affordable" pair of Vitavox S2 to pop up somewhere . Blessing and a curse is that Macondo example...
09-26-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 74
Post ID: 26329
Reply to: 4870
Macondo Acoustic System Review, 2021

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-27-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 75
Post ID: 26335
Reply to: 26329
After All These Years!
OK, I'll go first, then. Congratulations on actually letting go, Romy. I'm still not exactly sure why you feel the need to make such abrupt, extensive changes, but I mean I'm not sure I understand everything you have just said about it, vs. not understanding at all the feelings of desire for change. I still remember when you matter of factly likened the ML2 to a boa constrictor, without in any way impuning it, and by that time I had used that amp enough and experimented with it enough that I had some idea of what you were talking about. Of course, I have never heard Macondo, so it is more of a stretch for me to get a handle on this particular situation. My few years with horns (less than a decade) were in fairly early going, and my biggest issue at the time was - very broadly -  feeling somewhat "pinned in my seat", and I wanted something where we could dance around it. I hope you will post updates on your journey as you implement Remedios the Beauty.

Best regards,
Paul S
09-27-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 76
Post ID: 26336
Reply to: 26329
Objective of new speakers
Romy, I was delighted to see your video monologue, and I look forward to following along your new journey.
No speaker can reproduce the reality of a live musical event for various reasons, and all speakers are by their nature a conglomeration of engineering compromises. The design of the system is pointed at a musical objective, achieving one goal to the detriment of other ways we may assess a system.
I remember one of my first "high end" speakers -- made by a Canadian company Image, which subsequently went out of business. I lived happily with this speaker for many years. To me it always brought me the "contentment" to which you refer, and I always preferred it to any and all speakers I heard regardless of cost. Only when the tweeter coil burned out on one channel did I have to search for an alternative. To be honest, I haven't found a satisfactory substitute, although my current horn system is the best I have been able to make so far.
I don't enjoy making audio components, but only have done it out of necessity, when nothing exists that matches my objectives. To be honest, if I could just buy a simple box that provided musical "contentment" I'd do it -- if you know of one, let me know!
09-27-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 77
Post ID: 26337
Reply to: 26329
The next Generation
I am not sure what to make of the decision. I understand the quandry surrounding "high maintenance" dates but am not sure about the replacement. I guess we will see after the honeymoon. I am surprised that you have not tried - or written about the IB solution that replaced the Dunlavy towers - perhaps in conjunction with the Tannoy reds.

In any case, being able to relax more while listening is certainly not a disadvantage.

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
09-28-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 78
Post ID: 26338
Reply to: 26337
A very interesting system Review follow-up at least to me...

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-28-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 79
Post ID: 26340
Reply to: 26338
A Portrait of the Artist as a Family Man
Thanks for bringing Joyce into this, Romy. Now I get it. While I read through early Joyce repeatedly, and I think "The Dead" is one of the best stories ever, I also struggled with, and finially gave up on, Ulysses, and I never worked up the interest to get through Finnegan's Wake. Basically, enough is sometimes enough for me, and the older I get, the less I worry about this turn of events.

As for Pride of Ownership, I'll gratefully settle for dumb luck any time. But this doesn't mean I'm content to leave everything audio to chance!

Paul S
09-29-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 80
Post ID: 26344
Reply to: 26338
I think I get it now
Ahhh, the penny has dropped.  Until now I've refrained from commenting because I have not felt as though I have understood the situation.  Finding any sane reasoning for your current direction, at least any reasoning that seems to make sense in my current place in life, has been impossible, but with this last video now I think I understand.

Being able to divorce oneself from the development process during the enjoyment phase is a very real psychological 'thing'.  Perhaps the more effort and thought that goes into the project the more acute the condition, but being able to switch-off those critical habits honed during development is absolutely essential to long-term enjoyment.  I see the condition in other people that have developed something great but are unable to say 'finished' and will continue to tinker around the edges rather than just sit and enjoy the fruits of their labour.

However, I am very thankful to you for Macondo and Melquiades.  They are a part of my life now that I cherish and enjoy every day.  Although built from scratch with my own hands I do feel as though they are your creation.  This appears to be a healthy psychological delineation for long term enjoyment.  I am sad that your efforts developing them have tainted your enjoyment for them at this stage of your life.  Perhaps, with time, you will begin to miss them and will be able to bring them back into your life in a way that they are able to be fully appreciated. 
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