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03-23-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post ID: 2244
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Romy...thoughts on Lamm ML1?

I find much of your comments interesting, funny, and surly.  As a music lover, especially of large-scale orchestral and intimate vocal (from Scheherazade to Vienna Teng), I'm open to all views.  My view is that nothing is perfect and everything is a compromise.  However, at the end of the day, as long as I'm happy, who cares what others think.  Anyway.....

Based on my reading of your sites, and other sites in which you used to post, I didn't see any comments on the Lamm ML1.  What are you thoughts on these amps (if any)?  I'm seeking a relatively powerful valve amp/s to drive average efficient speakers (not multi-channel).  I just want to find something that has sufficient headroom for those powerful transients in orchestral music.

Thoughts and recommendations?

03-23-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Seattle, WA
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Duck and cover
03-23-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 2246
Reply to: 2244
Re: Romy...thoughts on Lamm ML1?


Lamm ML1 is always was a mystery for me. ML1 is very far from ML2 performance-wise. From what I understand the ML1 is basically is M1.1 modification with tubes output. I have seen a few times when ML1 performed better then M1.1 and at the same time I have seen as M1.1 performed more interesting then ML1. To my big surprise the M1.1 did not overperformed ML1 against complex loads but in the completely unpredictable cases. ML1 is kind of softer then M1.1 with better bas but I feel that M1.1 is more balanced. Still it all would dispend the conditions that I never was able to clearly grasp probably because I never had my own ML1 and all my listenings were in context of somebody else’s playback.  I have seen as ML1 was flailing in number occasions but I do not know how typical it is. In the end I do not think that might be useful for you. At the used market old version of ML1 run around $6-$7k and keep falling. What else can you get for this money of for double of this money? Well, “everything is a compromise” it is true, but when you talk about compromises you are talking about purchasing decisions not about abstract sound. So, I really do not know where ML1 would be in your scale of your compromises.

Recommendations? I do not do purchase advisement, sorry.
Romy The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-23-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 2247
Reply to: 2246
Re: Romy...thoughts on Lamm ML1?
 Romy the Cat wrote:

Well, “everything is a compromise” it is true, but when you talk about compromises you are talking about purchasing decisions not about abstract sound. So, I really do not know where ML1 would be in your scale of your compromises.

I see your point.  Well, as I am/will be using just one pair of 2/3 way full-range speakers, I'm saying this may be the bottleneck.  Thus, amp/s (less than $8k) that can drive speakers that are >88db at 4/8ohm, with enough headroom for orchestral music, would be ideal.  Of course, I do understand that in addition to these parameters, subjective enjoyment also can dictate one's decision.  So, you're right, much of my compromise is based on purchasing $$$.

That said, I want to "maximize" my $$$ for procuring the most "accurate" (or least colored) amplifiers.  Whatever that means. Surprise)  I'm still new at this and have not heard that many equipment.  Not that I want to "hear" a lot of equipment...I just want to put together a reasonable system, which will provide some semblance of enjoyment that I get from attending live symphony.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

Recommendations? I do not do purchase advisement, sorry.
Romy The Cat

If you meant to say "advertisement," then I concur.  For example, I'm getting ready to demo a pair of speakers from SP Technology, a small shop based in Indiana (www.4sptech.com).  The owner/designer appears to be a very competent, enthusiastic, and helpful gentleman.  We'll see/hear how his speakers will sound.  Also, my preamp is from a little known manufacture, which is the type of company from which I prefer to purchase; however, it's more difficult to research this type of companies/products.

Again, thanks for your comments.
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