fiogf49gjkf0d Sometimes we have luck when we listen to a System and we can have the illusion of - more or less - pure music realism, but the majority of Systems are sophisticated hi-fi. Not enough, the more expensive the components are, the better dressed the sales people are. Serious business, not fun, not hobby....someone has to pay the bill at the end of the day. They explain technical datas like selling a laundry machine with 30 washing programs. These technical datas are linked to be mandatory for a superior reproduction. And when you don't get it, then you are simply too stupid or/and too poor to afford it.

Well, but let's be honest, can it be so difficult to create something which touches the soul? We all know, music is in a way subjective, when it moves you, it doesn't matter what source it is. When you listen to a song in your car and you really like it, didn't you drive another round around the block just to avoid to leave the car before the song ends? Compressed radio signal, hard disc, MP3, limited frequencies but.... it can make you dream... Why should I spend factor 1000 for something which does not move me? For something which makes me escape after 3 minutes? For something, where I think "Please Mercy!!! Stop that...I Want to go OUT !!!!" These well dressed guys also educate us WHAT kind of noise (they call it music) is the right one and the majority of listeners accept that. They applaud in front of the price tag that they got the chance to listen to something they can never afford but they dream every minute of the rotten audiophile life about it. They would immediately buy it when they would win the lottery (and could kick the wife out of the house). Did you ever think about the fact that women avoid such shows whenever they can? It's a man's world... Some years ago I was sitting in a room, doing nothing, a young couple came in, he was a sporty guy, maybe 30, jeans, pink shirt, gold watch, his girlfriend wasn't ugly (really rare to see normally at such Shows), he stopped, inhaled the air deeply a few times, the load of the world fell apart his shoulders and then he said to his girlie, "Haaaah, yes....THAT is Wilson with Krell !!!!!!!!!!!!!" But they didn't play. Just static on Demo.
Kind Regards