Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004
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The time alignment of tapped horn
fiogf49gjkf0d kodomo wrote: | I don't think you can align the tapped horn. My tapped
horn has a total length around 5 metres. To time align that with my other drivers,
its got to be around 5 metres closer than others. The only other solution is
delaying the rest of the channels... . |
Well, this is very complicated
subject. If it was not tapped horn but a regular horn of let say 40Hz and just
for one octave up them I would vote for very insistently for time aliment. Yes,
there are some arguments that delay of 40-80Hz with sharp low-pass filtration should
not be too auditable. I disagree with it and I very much support the time alignment
all the way down. I have my ULF channels that are sitting at 20Hz transition
slop of 4th order (or 3rd , I do not remember now) and I
do clearly acknowledge the impact to Sound when I move the bass towers a fit closer
of further. Yes, the precision of time alignment for lower octaves is not as
critical and for MF. If your tweeter, or MF need to be set with a sub millimeter
precession, your 100Hz horns would be OK with sub sentiments precision but your
40Hz channel would need to be within let say 2-3 cm “there”. Of cause it is
VERY hard in case of horns, particularly in case of “honest” horns and if you
can’t do it then you use at as is and do not let the time misalignment to
bother yourself.
In case your channels is not
horn but a tapped horn a situation is more confusing. The tapped horn has much
longer time length from one side. However, it also produces much more noise (it
is juts my accusation and I feel it is still a ported box) from the “port” and only
god knows if it has any benefit to align the front of the tapped horn’s acoustic
pressure with the rest of sound. I did not have my own good tapped horn and I
did not experiment with it, so I do not know the answer. I only presume that since
the people who do own tapped horns are planning to use them ONLY for video and
NOT for music then I presume that the time alignment for tapped horns is not necessary.
Romy the Cat
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche