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  »  New  Living Voice Loudspeaker..  A Polish Infomercial from Kevin Scott....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     80  707555  08-09-2009
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08-07-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,295
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 1
Post ID: 4951
Reply to: 4951
Srajan Ebaen and Juicy-Cooking Audio.

When Srajan Ebaen was a little boy he loved to help in his uncle’s in French restaurant. They lived in a small German village, filled with many pragmatic eateries that served large meals with sausages and potato.  The uncle opened his “La Pergola” as he felt that the  tired assembly workers form the neighboring BMW manufacturing facility are in desperate needs for some embellishment of their boring Bavarian life. The uncle’s ploy was success and the restaurant was booming.

During the first year the uncle spent a lot of efforts cooking, searching for better vendors and training the employees to serve the food with the distinctive French’s “Oo lala!” During these years the little Srajan desperately wanted a new bicycle and he started to help his uncle. Initially he was washing dishes but then uncle allowed the little Srajan to serve food to customers. That was a very prodigious moment in the life of the little Srajan as he had discovered his life-long calling.

“The food is not what is cooked and eaten but what is served…” – his uncle taught little Srajan – “…do not worry what we cook, juts smile when you bring the food out, be polite, say ‘bon appetite’ and do not forget to lick own lips when you are putting the plates on the tables.” Srajan did just that. Soon little Srajan was riding a new bicycle, making all kids in his village to envy him.

The restaurant business was flourishing and the uncle spent less and less time on kitchen. Soon, the uncle stopped cooking and employed a family of Slovakian refugees. They did not cook well but at that time Srajan was in his teens and his good delivering and presentation skills were very much refined. He was running across the tables, jingliering with 11 dishes in one hand, lighting the customers’ cigars with other hand and dropping compliments to women. His hospitable charm and his ability to sexy position the Slovakian’s bad food within those pretty French ornamented dishes was top notch and those tiered hungry BMW workers, hypnotized with the Srajan’s presentational ballets, did not feel that the food was not tasty anymore.

Then the difficult times came. The European economy was down; the uncle got sick and needed a lot of money for his medications. The Slovakian refugees were long gone and now in the “La Pergola’s” kitchen the East Germany convicts-escapee were broiling the dead rats and marinated peppers in pig’s fertilizers. That required a new round of Srajan efforts. Srajan was not little boy anymore but a mature and creative maître d'. He kept inventing the new and new means to hide the misery of the “La Pergola” food. The special light effects, the incredible coupons promotions, the fish in the soup whistling the “Ode to Joy”, the walking across the restaurant on his hands holding the dishes in his legs… and many-many other techniques Srajan used in order to keep the customer attention on his servicing skills and do not let them to acknowledge the actual taste of the food they swallowed…

As anything else it came to it’s end. Another day the 4.000 cockroaches that lived in “La Pergola” declared a war to the cockroaches in a Polish restaurant, attacked them, defeated them and took home 400.000 prisoners. The cockroaches were not able to be confined on kitchen anymore and they flooded to the dining aria, and since the cockroaches did not eat the “La Pergola” food they were forced to eat lipsticks from the customer’s purses.

The Srajans waiter’s acrobatics was not able to save the situation anymore - the angry villagers caught the “La Pergola” workers and beat them long and violently, whipping them with BMW’s timing belts.  Srajan was forced to run away from the Village and then out of Germany, as each passing BMW reminded him the heavy scars he has on his body. He ran to United States where he was trying to making living working is the small circuses. It was not very successful as clowns vacancies were filled and for other jobs Srajan have no qualifications. Srajan decided to run, secluding himself on a island - Mr. Ebaen moved to Cyprus and nowadays he is practicing audio-sales.

The 6moons' staff biographer,
Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-26-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Posts 19
Joined on 07-22-2007

Post #: 2
Post ID: 5130
Reply to: 4951
Special tonight at cafe Srajan: Chernobyl fall-out 4 nippled trout
I couldn't figure out where to put this but this thread came to mind. ( a post which i loved by the way)

tube phase plug from Decware.


I actually used to appreciate this guy.. partly because he didn't entamgle himself in the asylum threads and sort of had his own thing going that seemd to be based on listening and with what seemed to be a decent product for the price point.. but this.. is atrocious... now i feel sortof "dirty" and violated for as much as reading his threads..

so Romy.. don't ever do this to us... no tube phase plugs ok.. not even if they are russian Chernobyl fall-out 4 nippled things..

cheers. hope everyone's having a nice weekend.
02-06-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,295
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 3
Post ID: 9650
Reply to: 4951
The Srajan Ebaen as a genius among Morons.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

When Srajan Ebaen was a little boy he loved to help in his uncle’s in French restaurant. They lived in a small German village, filled with many pragmatic eateries that served large meals with sausages and potato.  The uncle opened his “La Pergola” as he felt that the  tired assembly workers form the neighboring BMW manufacturing facility are in desperate needs for some embellishment of their boring Bavarian life. The uncle’s ploy was success and the restaurant was booming.

During the first year the uncle spent a lot of efforts cooking, searching for better vendors and training the employees to serve the food with the distinctive French’s “Oo lala!” During these years the little Srajan desperately wanted a new bicycle and he started to help his uncle. Initially he was washing dishes but then uncle allowed the little Srajan to serve food to customers. That was a very prodigious moment in the life of the little Srajan as he had discovered his life-long calling.

“The food is not what is cooked and eaten but what is served…” – his uncle taught little Srajan – “…do not worry what we cook, juts smile when you bring the food out, be polite, say ‘bon appetite’ and do not forget to lick own lips when you are putting the plates on the tables.” Srajan did just that. Soon little Srajan was riding a new bicycle, making all kids in his village to envy him.

The restaurant business was flourishing and the uncle spent less and less time on kitchen. Soon, the uncle stopped cooking and employed a family of Slovakian refugees. They did not cook well but at that time Srajan was in his teens and his good delivering and presentation skills were very much refined. He was running across the tables, jingliering with 11 dishes in one hand, lighting the customers’ cigars with other hand and dropping compliments to women. His hospitable charm and his ability to sexy position the Slovakian’s bad food within those pretty French ornamented dishes was top notch and those tiered hungry BMW workers, hypnotized with the Srajan’s presentational ballets, did not feel that the food was not tasty anymore.

Then the difficult times came. The European economy was down; the uncle got sick and needed a lot of money for his medications. The Slovakian refugees were long gone and now in the “La Pergola’s” kitchen the East Germany convicts-escapee were broiling the dead rats and marinated peppers in pig’s fertilizers. That required a new round of Srajan efforts. Srajan was not little boy anymore but a mature and creative maître d'. He kept inventing the new and new means to hide the misery of the “La Pergola” food. The special light effects, the incredible coupons promotions, the fish in the soup whistling the “Ode to Joy”, the walking across the restaurant on his hands holding the dishes in his legs… and many-many other techniques Srajan used in order to keep the customer attention on his servicing skills and do not let them to acknowledge the actual taste of the food they swallowed…

As anything else it came to it’s end. Another day the 4.000 cockroaches that lived in “La Pergola” declared a war to the cockroaches in a Polish restaurant, attacked them, defeated them and took home 400.000 prisoners. The cockroaches were not able to be confined on kitchen anymore and they flooded to the dining aria, and since the cockroaches did not eat the “La Pergola” food they were forced to eat lipsticks from the customer’s purses.

The Srajans waiter’s acrobatics was not able to save the situation anymore - the angry villagers caught the “La Pergola” workers and beat them long and violently, whipping them with BMW’s timing belts.  Srajan was forced to run away from the Village and then out of Germany, as each passing BMW reminded him the heavy scars he has on his body. He ran to United States where he was trying to making living working is the small circuses. It was not very successful as clowns vacancies were filled and for other jobs Srajan have no qualifications. Srajan decided to run, secluding himself on a island - Mr. Ebaen moved to Cyprus and nowadays he is practicing audio-sales.

The 6moons' staff biographer,
Romy the Cat

I visit 6moons couple times per week to check the site news section; I think the 6moons has a good news section. I was asking years back Srajan to subscribe the news feed of his site but he got overwhelmed from his self-importance, not to mention that he was pissed that I mention at my site him not favorably. Ironically in his stupidly-emblematic mind a cooperation of people implies not mutual interests but mutual inner-kissing each other in ass during diarrhea. Isn’t it how most relationship in audio goes nowadays?

Anyhow, Srajan Ebaen made his business to jump across small manufacturers who can’t afford full-scale-marketing, extracting monitory and other benefits from them, providing them with some “exposure” services. That is cool I see no problem in this. Srajan’s 6moon acts as “CNN of audio” providing superficial, shallow, semi-sensational and in very many ways stupid coverage of bits and pieces about the happenings. Well, we all know our CNN and I do not think we ask too much from it, thank God they are not Fox News…

There is however a moment in Srajan Ebaen endeavors that I found remarkably smart and in my view Srajan was the very first who did it among all hi-fi-jouwhorernalists. Most or not all audio-writing people are trying to more or less degree to make an appearance that their wringing not about trumpeting of new audio boxes but about their interest in Sound. They have established the specific ways how an average audio moron shall be approached and what kind buttons inside a fuck-up mind of audio person need to be pushed in order to ignite into the person a Pavlovian Reflex a of buying. The cretinism is called “audio-reviewing” and this is all what audio-media is all about. How Srajan come to the picture in this ceremony? Well, Srajan did something incredibly smart in my view.

A few years back (I do not read 6moons “reviews” regularly but among what I glanced I would estimate that it took place 2-3 years back) Srajan looks like realized that his reviews are as idiotic and as empty as any other audio reviews and he decided to change the format. If previously he tried to assess (as ignorant and primitive as he could) Sound of objects under reviewing then later on he decided completely abandon this practice. Those 2-3 years back, the 6moons swatch mode from something that I call “soft rape” to the right in your face “blatant violence”. Ironically, after Srajan stopped make pretenses that he care about sound or about the performing attributes of audio playback and converted his “reviews” from  masqueraded and prepaid sales pitches to juts extended news announcement I think the whole format of 6moon’s efforts become… better. Reading the 6moons articles is like gliding CNN – you know that a building fold down somewhere but to know a reason and the framework of the new you need to flip the chenal or better to shut down TV.

I think what Srajan did – the voluntary disassociation the content of his site from serious thinking and from thoughtful audio journalism was a genius move. It might sound like my criticism but in fact I do find that it was a very good direction for 6moon to go. With brain-deprived marketing efforts and with readers, manufacture and trades people looking for a very superficial promotional coverage the 6moons is a perfect dynamic model to serve the demands. With all my dissatisfaction about 6moon capacity and content I have to admit that the new “easy come and easy go” 6moon’s mode is what a doctor prescribed for today audio marketing to serve the demands of the idiocracy-level of intellectuals that invested high-end audio. I think Srajan was the first who recognized and adopted it, good for him. It is bad for Sound but Sound is not longer a pretend commodity of industry attention.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-06-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
Posts 235
Joined on 01-15-2009

Post #: 4
Post ID: 9653
Reply to: 9650
Sound is not longer a pretend commodity of industry attention
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I think Srajan was the first who recognized and adopted it, good for him. It is bad for Sound but Sound is not longer a pretend commodity of industry attention.
The Cat

Yes, the 6moon is completely worthless. Sometimes I think, the manufacturers write the "report" and he copies it.

Kind Regards
02-06-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,295
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 5
Post ID: 9654
Reply to: 9653
And this is the whole point!

Well, I think you missed what I aimed. It is not the question how much Srajan own or Srajan’s writer’s mind was spend to cook up the 6moon articles. You would hardly see any analyses, research or any attempts of demanded assessments at 6moon, or any general audio thinking coming from that site.  I do not think that Srajan ever was able to furnish it to from beginning but his accomplishment was that in contrary to many others Srajan in the end completely abolished any pretends to do it. The Srajan capacity of audio journalism is juts extended headlines gateways and I think there is nothing wrong with it.

Ironically what Srajan end up to be is exactly what I vocally proposed in 2001. During that time I advocated to kill all motherfuking reviewers and eliminate the entire reviewing practice. Instead I proposed to let manufactures to talk about own products and ideas by means of specialized marketing portals where journalist would do juts images editing, microphone holding and semantic correction. Slowly Srajan turns itself into such a portal, I think it is a good thing. The more different manufactures have way to talk to people via recourses like Srajan’s the better it will be. Srajan juts need to learn how to eliminate own presents from editorial duty and it will be more beneficial for… Audio.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-29-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,295
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 6
Post ID: 21133
Reply to: 4951
Oh Srajan, Srajan ....
"If the content is not good enough for people to pay, and not good enough for advertisers to pay for ad space, then perhaps it is time to fine another line of work, and limit the writing to a hobby." - by jamesgarvin 


 The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-01-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Posts 377
Joined on 05-23-2009

Post #: 7
Post ID: 21138
Reply to: 21133
Chinese painting
Sometimes a profession becomes so mechanical and by the numbers that the amateurs become the scene.  That is because they never learn the rote or spend time doing the organizational minuet. This happened with Chinese painting in the 1300s and the only painting that anyone studies or collects after that point are those by the so called Literati who were talented "amateurs". Sometimes they were scholars in philosophy or calligraphers or poets who just painted to amuse themselves or their friends. But because they did it more spontaneously it was often true art particularly when the Literati  gained enough pen and brush skill.Of course the Literati did not paint for fame or fortune although sometimes they earned some money from their endeavors. It was more just a reputation and notoriety from the cognoscenti. But since they typically had income from other sources it was not a big deal. I think the internet  sort of favors that  model because it allows someone to bypass a lot of institutional tap dancing and stroking and write about what interests them. Since it is a world wide web there will always be dozens of people wealthy enough or retired who are quite knowledgeable and have the motivation and energy to make something of their avocation known to anyone on the web. You haven't really arrived on the web until you can dissociate yourself from the bureaucratic, media or corporate entities and have your own self sustaining site. It's like a musician who can set up their own label and distribute via their website. But income usually comes not simply from info but an actual product of some kind. Increasingly people will Not pay for information, whether that is wise or foolish i don't know except in the case of audio.
08-01-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
Posts 2,727
Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 8
Post ID: 21139
Reply to: 21138
Art and the Price of Recognition
Tragic Comedy how the "arts" are ever dominated by people in a position to market themselves, or those who are marketed by others. Not to mention a "critical industry" and announcers in general that hang on largely because of symbiotic relationships with the usual channels of distribution. Of course the arts are political (like any human endeavor), and artists - along with their "products" - are bought, sold and manipulated no less than politicians. I have yet to recognize any real change brought about by the computer, apart from a quickening (and shortening) of the "cycles", along with a larger "mass audience" (with an ever-shortening attention span), for whatever that's worth. Yes, the dog has finally caught its own tail, and now it has hold of it while running in circles. But I am still waiting for significant, lasting growth in the arts as a result of the computer, as opposed to the bird calls now prevalent. Real growth in the arts is inevitable. Like the tides, it can't be stopped. Nor can it be "controlled", by anyone, without turning it into a commodity. I love enthusiasm, per se; but I remain both weary and wary of "popular culture" and "boutique" marketing, alike.

Best regards,
Paul S
08-01-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,295
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 9
Post ID: 21140
Reply to: 21139
Srajan shall stay out of the restroom.
What surprises me (OK, perhaps not surprise me) in all of it Srajan saga is that people out there use as an excuse the statement like this: "He wants and loves to write about Audio". I guess Jack the Ripper could be justified by the  excuse  that he wanted and loved to kill prostitutes...

The point is that one's desire to do something probably shall be viewed in perspective with the actual value of this activity and level on which the activity is performed. I understand that Srajan loves to run his mouth about audio but the problem is that whatever he writes is in fact has no value for Audio. The only benefits that Srajan's writing develops is putting Srajan in a position of "talks about audio traffic manager"  - the ultimate objective of all of that audio waste. I remember a near 15 years back I had a conversation with Lars Fredel with whom were debating  the very specific audio product. I told to Lars that if he has constipation then he needs no waste his time and restroom and do not torture own ass. I hope Srajan would do the same. Sometime, even the slowest of us need to look at themselves in perspective,. There are plenty activities in live and Srajan very much find another application of own talents.  To write unintelligent and brainless articles about audio and to be a mockery of dimmest audio hoodlums is something that he can do better.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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  »  New  Living Voice Loudspeaker..  A Polish Infomercial from Kevin Scott....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     80  707555  08-09-2009
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