Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004
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“Give me back my broken night, my mirrored room, my secret life. It's lonely here, there's no one left to torture.”
fiogf49gjkf0d I woke up and thinking about the horn problem with fresh head I am thinking what did wrong. I did not measure the frequency response of the horn – I did not see a need for it – the sound of the thing is way beyond where it needs to be measured.
I discard the CV’s proposals that it might be somehow room coupling related – room coupling might impact sound dramatically but not this way. This thing sound much-much worse it sounds literally broken. The very main question is what is the difference between this state of the horns now and when they were in basemen. In basemen it was glorious, in the listening room is very bad – what went wrong? The most important is what happen with my impedance? What it is so flat and see not reactance. I called to Bruce Edgar last night and he told me that such a flat impedance is a very seldom positive indication and it suggests that the horn see no reflections. Still, I do not see a lot of positivity in it- I never seen it, I do not like it and in a way afraid it. If a driver’s impedance behaves like static resistor then something is very wrong.
I have a few leading proposals that I will test today:
1) The foams from back chamber pushed itself through the window of basket and touched the driver cone. Sonically it is very likely but knowing HOW I did the thing I think (hope) it did not happen. Also, both horns have identical impedance behavior – does it means that foam hold both diaphragms in same way? 2) The refractive behavior of the horn in basement and in my room is so hugely different that it screwed up my primary resonance measurements. The perfect 42 Hz resonance that I was able to get in basement was not my imagination, it was a fact but how about it is as just a reactance of the horn to the wall it was shooting at? If so then I might made the back chamber too small and over tight the cone with pressure behind it. It is possible but also not likely as if this case the primary resonance shall go all the way up but I did not see it even at 140Hz. 3) Burning in the drivers with plugs in the throat had damns them somehow… Anyhow, I have no idea what it is and I need to provoke the horn to tell me what went wrong.
The Cat
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche