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09-05-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 101
Post ID: 11676
Reply to: 11675
In The Swim (and School Fees)
Romy, what you describe is broadly the sort of work most often undertaken by swimming pool contractors, although some high-end outdoor "hardscape" contractors (who might also do fake "boulders, etc.) might also do it.  You would have to supply VERY accurate, project-specific data, however, since very few swimming pool contractors have done anything with your end results in mind before.  Some sort of interior mold should probably be fabricated by someone who has some understanding of what you want in terms of profile, if not results.  Then the project would go more or less like you said, except the frame, wrapping, and layering ceremony might be different than you suppose.  Also, figure a couple of weeks, once they actually understand what you want.  Should be cheaper than a pool, but would require a permit in most jurisdictions, and good luck with explaining what you are doing to Planning/Zoning, Engineering and the Building Dept!

Best regards,
Paul S

09-05-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 102
Post ID: 11677
Reply to: 11675
13-step program
Though I have difficulties warming to the idea of the "headphone" arrangement for these horns, I do understand that we are talking about loading the room. Similar thinking lead me to consider setting large horns behind the listener in my own longish room... An arrangement that would have probably required something like the proposed Maturation Shields, if not to let the wave mature, then to mask the point of origin of the upper frequencies coming from those horns. Regarding these shields : When used in such close proximity to the horn's mouth, my intuition is that they may subject the exiting wave to a somewhat violent "birth"; I might first attempt a measure of validation by mocking up a pair of mini-maturation shields placed in front of the existing upper-bass horns (I understand that this is comparing apples to oranges, and that the output from a 115Hz horn would be A LOT more affected by such an addition, but it might still be informative if keeping to material that solicits the horn's lower octave).

For outdoor horns, here's a rough, off the top o' my head way I might aproach construction:

1) Design the horn so that it seals to the ground (uses the ground as its lower "wall" or surface)
2) Calculate the sections at 6-inche intervals
3) For each horn, pour a concrete slab large enough to accommodate the "footprint" of the horn as seen when viewing the house from a helicopter
4) From sheets of plywood, cut sections about 3/8 inch inside the line given by the calculation
5) On the concrete slab, set up sections with correct 6-inch spacing
6) Use a nail gun to attach thin wooden lath strips to the sections, leaving as few gaps as possible.
7) Optional : Using a hand-held disk sander fitted with a coarse grit pad, knock down all high spots on the outer surface of the wooden strips (the outer surface of these strips will leave their impression on the inside of your horn, so it pays to be neat)
8) Cover the wooden strips with Visqueen (or some such heavy plastic film), using a staple gun and tape (clear poly tape would be fine) to hold it in place
9) Apply a first layer of (your choice) concrete or Plasticrete. Plasticrete is the way to go if there's any chance you will at some future date want to move the horns (in this case you will need to apply a releasing agent to the plastic film) 
10) In the case of concrete, once the first layer has set up (should be at least 1 inch thick), cover the form with 1/4 inch rebar, arranged as a loose-fitting grid (4-6 inch squares. It can be sloppy; you won't see it)
11) Continue building up until desired thickness is attained, finishing off the exterior as desired

12) In the case of Plasticrete, add ribbing (see images of my own 40Hz horns) by laminating spacers between layers
13) Remove all materials from inside of horn


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
09-06-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 103
Post ID: 11679
Reply to: 11677
Big horn materials

There are some wire frame panels with styrofoam in the center than could be used,  this panels are cut to size to make any shape you want,
and then they are covered with cement,  they are very rigid and if you attach a strong steel rod frame with some sort of hook before covering them
with cement they could be movable.  
They might crack a little, and you would need a crane to move them,  but movable...

If they are square and made from sheet metal they need to be pretty thick,  maybe 3/16" steel and some reinforcing frames every foot or so.
and then cover with another sheet of metal in order to pour sand in....If not you are really making a big bell !

Maybe that material you used for those minime speakers could work...
MiniMe is made with ½” G10 and glued by Loctite 454.

Expensive but pretty movable,  and from what I hear you could go inside for shelter in case of a bombing raid!!!

PS  I just love that sand floor Idea,  there is a bar in Playa del Carmen with a sand floor...and a huge Palapa Ceiling!
09-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 104
Post ID: 11733
Reply to: 11580
Ignore CH AUDIO ?
Skushino,being an avid believer of horn speakers throughout the years,I find myself questioning your findings, as you stated in your posting.Have you finally listened to these speakers? or is it like, beauty is in the eye of the beholder? I own ( now in storage ) a pair of the wooden multi-cell horns sitting on top of my Onken cabinets,and if I had the room right now, they would surely be singing. I have never seen a Company designing this way,but for the vision of setting a new path for others to follow, I believe this company or any other company that dares to cross the standard lines we all have been fed and venture into a new direction, there's something to be said.But! I don't understand when you make statements like to " Ignore the multi-cell and the fact the bass horn is rear-loaded. Ignore the company's claim of using the ceiling and adjacent walls as extensions of the horn " Ignore, Ignore, Ignore, Why?

And lets not forget the Cats reply " Flower Horn" is that all a cat can say?. I know cats like to pee a lot marking their territory, Romy,is not running,just trying to find another place to pee..
09-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 105
Post ID: 11734
Reply to: 11733
Another place to pee?

Paragon, what is your problem?

In this thread I do not see anybody advocate any specific ways and no one set any “new path for others to follow”. If you spend time reading this site (and if you are an “avid believer of horn speakers throughout the years” then you must) then you might learn than no one around here care s about others (thankfully) and no one have any interest to set paths for others. Whatever Skushino, me or you say – all of it is wide open for questioning. You find yourself questioning Skushino findings? Good, I question my findings all time. Now let to have reasons…

I do not know what Skushino position about CH Audio horn is.  I do not think he has any position. As far as I know he was stupid enough to live for Afghanistan and nowadays the only interest in speakers he has is to put them under the camel’s legs while he is performing camel’s artificial insemination. Still, the CH Audio were brought very properly as they were some kind of illustration how a speaker use the whole room’s height. I still have no idea what the CH Audio do under MF, if you know then I hope you will elaborate. I do not think that there is a conversation about ignoring and if Skushino decided to do so then why would you care?

My personal interest in thins thread, if you support the company, would be to get from you explanation HOW the CH Audio bass section works in context of the room/environment. If you would like to pass other comments about CH Audio then I would start a new thread dedicated to CH Audio’s ideas.

Cats are territorial, no different than humans, and they very much like humans mark territory, sometimes with urine. They do mostly because the other cats obey the signs….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Seattle, WA
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Post #: 106
Post ID: 11735
Reply to: 11733
Ignore, Ignore, Ignore

You missed the point.  The topic of this thread relates to bass horns inside residential homes.  My post remarked on CH Audio's unique approach to solving this problem.  My comments were unconcerned with listening to this speaker, perceived beauty, or wood multi-cell horns.  

Once again, in context:

My comments:
Focus on the bass horn concept.  Ignore the multi-cell and the fact the bass horn is rear-loaded.  Ignore the company's claim of using the ceiling and adjacent walls as extensions of the horn flare. 

Considered as a solution for fitting a large bass horn in a normal-size living space, this approach has some benefits - extremely small footprint, adequate length to support true mid-bass...

09-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Seattle, WA
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Post #: 107
Post ID: 11736
Reply to: 11734
The Afghan Camels
Haven't yet seen a camel here.  I don't believe they are indigenous to the region.  It's challenging being away from home, but no carnal thoughts of animals - yet.

bty, my interest in this thread is motivated by solving the same problem.  I need to find a solution for fitting a real, time-aligned mid-bass horn in my listening room.  After obsessing about this for way too long, considering the pros and cons of J-horns, folded horns, wall mounted horns, ceiling mounted horns, and horns hidden in cabinets, I concluded there is no short-cut other than a long, straight horn.

09-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 108
Post ID: 11737
Reply to: 11736
Boundaries as an extension of the horn flare.

 skushino wrote:
Haven't yet seen a camel here.  I don't believe they are indigenous to the region.  It's challenging being away from home, but no carnal thoughts of animals - yet.
It was what I heard about you :-)

Your Taxes.jpg

 skushino wrote:
…. Ignore the company's claim of using the ceiling and adjacent walls as extensions of the horn flare. 

Not necessarily. It is a come practice for ¼ size horn to use room boundaries as an extension of the horn flare. I do not know however how it applicable to the CH Audio horn as I have NO IDEA what they did with bass section. I hope the Paragon guy would explain.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Seattle, WA
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Post #: 109
Post ID: 11739
Reply to: 11737
You have to obey the rules - 'What happens in Afghanistan stays in Afghanistan'!
09-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 110
Post ID: 11740
Reply to: 11737
…. Ignore the company's claim of using the ceiling and adjacent walls as extensions of the horn flare.
CaT,what a come-back Smile  a camel LOL !

I don't know the Company,I was just making a point ,on how easy we knock around others that have new ideas,that was all...But the Cat with the camel,I'm still rolling on the floor over that one......

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09-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 111
Post ID: 11741
Reply to: 11735
Considered as a solution for fitting a large bass horn in a normal-size living space,
Scott,thanks I got it now....
09-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 112
Post ID: 11758
Reply to: 11190
A small dedicated room - the build history.

A UK guy with name “mrwippy” built a dedicated room for small mini-monitors. I am not a big fun of dedicated rooms but the construction ceremony looks interesting, even I would like do NOT go over it myself…


The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 113
Post ID: 11760
Reply to: 11758
One rarely sees this sort of construction in US, and even less as you travel West.

It looks like a sort of "Pressure Cooker" for certain frequencies, likely requiring some sort of "damping" and other shaping measures in order to get even FR output.

OTOH, it is unlikely that there would be much need to boost much of anything.

This is a legitimate tactic, IMO, but quite expense cost/sq. ft. in USA, relative to more "conventional" local construction.

Neighbors should be grateful, however!

Best regards,
09-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 114
Post ID: 11762
Reply to: 11760
The perfect built room.

 Paul S wrote:
One rarely sees this sort of construction in US, and even less as you travel West.

It looks like a sort of "Pressure Cooker" for certain frequencies, likely requiring some sort of "damping" and other shaping measures in order to get even FR output.

OTOH, it is unlikely that there would be much need to boost much of anything.

This is a legitimate tactic, IMO, but quite expense cost/sq. ft. in USA, relative to more "conventional" local construction.

Neighbors should be grateful, however!

Well, if somebody were my neighbors then they would have much more to suffer then the esthetics of the catacombs that I might call “home”. A also feel that the UK guys was a bit overboard with the external layer of brisk. For the price I would go for the cathedral two-bend ceilings – the subject of my dream. I do not know about the "Pressure Cooker” - in think it very hard to predict but I think that it is much easy to release pressure then to build it up…

If I build the thing then I have a very clear idea what I would like to have. In fact my local friend has a model of the room that I feel is absolutely prefect to me. I have study my reaction to many different type of ceilings and I concluded that his type of the ceilings is the absolutely best to me. It is some kind of odd pleasure to be in that room and I would like very much to experiment with the similar. It is not large juts about 700 sq feet but with “external”  of suspended midbass horns  I would not need a bigger room



The cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 115
Post ID: 11763
Reply to: 11762
Shape vs Construction
The room shape depicted should be relatively easy to load, given that it is in fact rather large, volumetrically, so power to scale must be pre-supposed.

As it happens, my own listening room was a lot like this for 13 years.  2A3 SETs with 97 dB BassZillas sounded toward good, but they were overmatched by that room.

People who are supposed to know claim that parallel floor and ceiling are better than vaults, but I have found it's more often a matter of just staying with it until desired results are achieved.

This room actually looks like an attic, and if that's the case then it would be harder to hold LF than if the floor were a slab or could be shored up.

Re my previous post, neighbors living near the English Bunker should be grateful that the sound could be fairly easily contained rather than shaking the neighborhood during listening sessions.

But distance works great, too, when it is available.

Best regards,
Paul S
09-21-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 116
Post ID: 11795
Reply to: 11762
The harcore approach
If you were to decide on departing from the conventional living(slash)listening-room, you could try adapting the design of La Jolla Neurosciences Institute's auditorium:

I think it would be easy to adjust the ribbed ceiling to something more homely and you could replace the stage doors with the mouths of the midbass horns. The Macondo twins would be place on stage.
Those "gills" on the walls are there to reflect the sound that travels around the periphery of the room to it's center.


"Science draws the wave, poetry fills it with water" Teixeira Pascoaes
09-22-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 117
Post ID: 11800
Reply to: 11194
Another setup with ceiling horns
Here is another installation where midbass horns are ceiling-mounted. The solution is very elegant but I do not completely agree with it. One of the rules of the game is that lower frequencies shall not be radiated from the space between higher frequencies. So, I would like to see those ceiling-mounted horns to be spread way to the side of the room and the room to be much wider. Also, I would like to see the upper MF and lower MF of this playback inverted – the multi-sell horn goes to bottom and the upper MF goes up.  In the configuration like this the system is begged do an upperbass channel that would sit udders the upper MF. This would allow to drive the multi-sell lighter and to have an upperbass bass would set the sores presence at the floor and would balance out the virtual virtual axis of the playback. I do not think that all of it a problem for this installation as it most likely a relatively far-felid system.  It would be interesting to know also of the owner was trying to deal in any ways with look like substantial time days from midbass….


The cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-13-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 118
Post ID: 11959
Reply to: 11800
Another large horn example

I'm sure you've probably seen this before, but here is another example of shoe horning a large horn into a room.


Discussion of this approach can be found here: 


10-22-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 119
Post ID: 12038
Reply to: 11190
A first interesting find.

I find a house that looks like might be an interesting deal. It is more pricey that I initially thought but it has own interesting moments. The house has a nice near 700sq feet near room with cathedral ceiling that is built atop of double-car garage. The cool parts the one of the garages might be used at bottom-located horns. In this case I have absolutely no limitation about constriction restrictions or the length of the horn and it would be possible to make ½ size 40Hz horn in time alight position. I wonder how difficult to open a few sq meter of floor? Would it compromise the structural quality of the building?  It is reversible? I do not know if I will proceed with this property but it looks very interesting.

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-22-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 120
Post ID: 12040
Reply to: 12038
Steamships vs. Icebergs
It's probable that experienced professionals could open horn holes in that floor and re-build it suitably.  Overall post-surgery structural integrity would depend on particular, site-specific constraints (including the project budget).  It's also probable that serious costs would stem from re-routing electrical, plumbing, HVAC and other things not immediately visible from above (or below) .

It should all be +/- reversible.

Best regards,
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  »  New  More about the EdgarHorn Bass..  More about the EdgarHorn Bass...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     0  30377  01-13-2005
  »  New  Experience Music Horn Installation @ VSAC..  RCA MI-1428B vs Vitavox S2...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     25  287176  05-27-2008
  »  New  A book about Loudspeakers and Rooms?..  Book review...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     5  53196  08-18-2009
  »  New  How to select mid/upper bass horn drivers...  How to select mid/upper bass horn drivers....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     0  26144  08-25-2009
  »  New  ... again on GOTO Unit drivers.....  GOTO installation in Lithuania....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     108  1167968  08-16-2008
  »  New  Learn to listen your listening rooms..  Rooms and music-rooms...  Audio For Dummies ™  Forum     15  135810  04-05-2005
  »  New  Amplifiers heat… a real-estate solution?..  I have seen this simular concept...  Melquiades Amplifier  Forum     1  26457  09-18-2009
  »  New  I have a dream, the dream about a Chair...  A bit exaggerated to me....  Playback Listening  Forum     31  235727  10-29-2009
  »  New  8" Goto Woofer for 60Hz Horn..  It's not a Goto 8in driver...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     5  89308  11-03-2008
  »  New  The Real Total Horn..  The Real Total Horn...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     0  16571  01-17-2008
  »  New  My Multi-way Horns..  Faital chamber/ratio...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     8  129620  11-29-2009
  »  New  The 5-ways from Germany...  Another Kid?...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     38  264940  12-06-2009
  »  New  A datacenter at home and … "sound"...  Noise cancellation not likely possible...  Audio Discussions  Forum     6  51549  02-16-2010
  »  New  DSET and Cables...  DSET and Cables....  Audio Discussions  Forum     0  16586  02-23-2010
  »  New  Romy The Cat's new Listening Room..  Won't be the last time he makes that trip!...  Audio Discussions  Forum     478  3015127  03-28-2010
  »  New  An idea of “Rain Wake-Up Horn”?..  Looking Deeper into Rain Wake Up Horn...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     3  34577  05-08-2010
  »  New  Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time...  Vitavox 15/40...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     455  3054436  05-20-2010
  »  New  Macondo’s lowest channel...  What truly are you tryin to accomplish?...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     150  1429726  09-15-2010
  »  New  Superbly interesting effect: Suspended decoupled floor ..  Superbly interesting effect: Suspended decoupled floor ...  Playback Listening  Forum     0  18611  10-08-2010
  »  New  Mystery of bass horn calibration: Radiating Surface Dee..  Mystery of bass horn calibration: Radiating Surface Dee...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     0  17647  02-03-2011
  »  New  Dedicated Music Room Build..  Show it....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     6  63331  03-03-2011
  »  New  What are the effects of back chamber volume for mid-bas..  A ha!...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     2  23056  09-27-2013
  »  New  A listening room for a domesticated Cat?..  Eventually!...  Audio Discussions  Forum     283  1003067  02-04-2016
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