Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006
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Maybe a better perspective
Sorry, I should have said by now that my (15" Audax PR380M) bass units are FLAT to 38 Hz, and then they roll off naturally at 24 dB below that, meaning if I have 38 Hz @ 100 dB, then ~30 Hz is still >88 dB, and obviously 20 Hz is still plenty "audible". And, yes, the point of attenuation is exactly/only to scrub and shunt unwanted voltage, which task the Bent obviously (from sonic results) handles with aplomb. It is not just "quiet"; it is truly noiseless.
I did not mention it, since I also changed my phono stage, but re-thinking it, it is also true of CD, so here goes: The Bent "removes the back and side walls behind/around my gear", which I sheepishly admit I just love. But then, I had also noticed this effect with bypassed CD playback with the same music. I would have to spend more time going back and forth between the Bent and bypassed (CD) music to get a better handle on any long-term differences. But several hours at it did not turn up anything, and in any case the end results are not only satisfactory they are stunning. I never dreamed (OK, I did "dream" it; that's how it came to be...) I could get this kind of clarity without that annoying active upping-of-frequency and lower treble granulation that is the staple of all the "audiophile" active stuff. In this case the bass is just ferrocious, and you know I've had to work my ass off to get this kind of bass with OB, so there's nothing "extra" down there coming from my speakers, that's for sure.
Maybe I should also say that I happen to very much prefer my MC cartridge initial gain to come from a step-up transformer, versus an active hi-gain stage. But I really do not hear at all from the TAP any "transformer function" sound that remotely smacks of "transformer gain", especially since I am pushing 100 dB +/- at a volume setting of "22" and the "unity gain"/6 dB "boost" function does not kick in until "31", and then it just turns around and scrubs it off, anyway, just to keep the lines "loaded", so the "gain effect" is in any case not detectable as any sort of boost, or so they say.
As for dynamics, there is simply no contest between the Bent and my very tweaked AI active LS. I suspect that anyone who has a "dynamics problem" with the Bent has a dynamics problem. You hear plenty of live music, and so do I. The Bent lets a performer do his/her thing, according to the source, and I repeat that the Sheffield "Valkerie" via the Bent would make the average audiophile piss his pants. This is a real "bonus" for me, since I did not set out on this partiocular project planning to feature this sort of music, for obvious reasons. Now, however, my greed is unbounded, and I look forward to the EMI Callas/La Scala/Tosca this weekend, "dry" surfaces notwithstanding!
And I think I already mentioned that the "Valkerie" I cite is Leinsdorf (albeit LA), so you know what that means in terms of bass.
Best regards, Paul S