Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004
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It is possible that the game might be on!
The last night I had truly alarming in experience. I visited
Bill who had my original Dannoys and brought to him my SIT Yamaha B3 amplifier.
He did kind of in the same directions that I did, disconnected his horns and
was experimenting with Dannoy concept. We had a typical Tannoy Red sound: overburned
with no dynamic range, with no articulation and very muddy. We switched
amplifiers, crossovers And also if there were some differences he earns there
the sound was not even remotely close to the sound we experienced with the Dannoys
in my room, not even remotely. Dannoy use to singing while flying before and
now it was straggling to push the notes out. The former Bills’s sound with horns
was way more interesting. We were walking around him listening room and scratching
out heads, wondering what it means. We had the same amplification and speakers.
We have different front ends and also, they make difference but not the difference
that we experienced, it was absolutely different sound. This made me very upset,
and it was my worst fear. What if the 3 weeks evens with Dannoys are some kind
of fluke? What is it was accidental 3 weeks of stanning electricity? Everything
that I know about Audio suggests me that it was something very special but what
if I will not be able to reproduce it anymore. What I do with Remedies is kind
of “cargo cult” as I mimic the external properties of Dannoy effect without knowing
what was responsible for it. Not very stimulating thoughts.
Well, the last nigh I was so pissed that it kind of override
my lock of desire to touch my vandalized Remedies. I was upset with myself
regarding the Remedies design that I am very much contemplating to threw them
to trash on Monday as a punishment for my stupidity…
Then around midnight, it suddenly got to me that Remedies as
project is failure and I have pretended that I have tossed them away. I stopped
to look at Remedies as they were my magical Dannoy and started to look at them
as they are something that I found in junk year I use for just prototype for now.
I became much more comfortable to be around Remedies. I completely stopped paying attention to
wonderful finishing hold the buffles and I said to myself: OK, external mount
exactly like Dannoy was. Then I amused myself by screwing My drivers just into wonderfully
finished 6” baffle. The hole for Red driver I cover with my special driver
which is 12” mount. The 15 incher is
completely fine cover own hole with outside mount. I found on Internet some
adapters which allowed to mount 10” driver into 12-inch hole, I bought a few 12” passive radiators and few
12” drivers which might be used as passive radiators. I have zero experience to
know how the sound of passive radiator impacts sound I have no idea where it
will lead me. Obviously, I will not be able to use the sexy grills I made for Remedies
and visually it is very different loudspeaker. I was listening a half of the
night But at this point the Red’s bass driver add passive radiator are not
aligned and I can clearly hear it . I also do not care too much about my 15 inch
driver as from what I remember Dannoy, even full range should give a magical
sound without low frequency enrichment . I do not know why but I kind of was
pleased in the end of the night. not because I had beautiful sound , I didn't but
it gave me some sense of directions in actions. I did hear something that I found
promising; I am not optimistic but I see my failure with Remedies not a
strategy anymore but as an expensive experiment to have a full size prototype. well,
it is not my first or last failing project but generally I have quite good experience
to pull out of anything something useful. Let see how it goes.
frankly when I look at my Remedies now I do not particularly think about my
stupidity but rather I think where can I
get a crossover Inductor ~70 mH that would DCR under 1R. I remember good 25 years
ago I visited a guy right here in Boston and he had his electrostats driven by 7
feet tall transformers. I think I am next in line …
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche