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11-02-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 26474
Reply to: 26470
Ok, now I see that this is a whole concept and shaving off the front baffles is not an option. I hope your builder can redo the cabinets quickly. Instead of 1" 45deg bevel you might consider 1" radius to minimize/disperse HF reflections and diffraction on the edges. Is the intended midbass driver AK151?
Edit: What are the outer dimensions of the current boxes?

11-04-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 42
Post ID: 26475
Reply to: 26474
I think I need a psychiatrist…
I know that a Is beauty in the eyes of the beholder, but I personally absolutely love how Remedies looks like. I was trying to get a perfect size in order them do not feels like technical monstrosity and do not feel like a flimsy boomboxes at the same time. It has slightly and deeply intentional center radiation point, 46”, I need it right there for my listening room. They look brown in the picture but in real world they are quite black with very mild brownish infliction. Just beauties and I want to lick them and swallow them. I have them home for a while and I really do not feel to do anything with them sonically as I know it will be not good. Just no motivation….

BadRemegies2.jpg  BadRemegies3.jpg

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-04-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 26476
Reply to: 26475
From behind?
Romy, can the rear panel be unmounted/cut somehow to access the baffles from behind? If so, give your carpenter a task to mill out the baffles from behind down to 1" or whatever you find acceptable. It looks difficult given the depth of the boxes but skilled carpenters have their tricks.

11-05-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 44
Post ID: 26477
Reply to: 26476
Enough is enough
Yes, I was contemplating this idea and the back panel is removable, but I will not do it. There is no need to do it as it must be just another speaker made. The next version will be with external mount and revered bevel back to center of the speaker. I am a bit suspicions to do internal mount as even 1” baffle I feel will be a problem. The Dannoy was external mount, who know it might be one of the Dannoy secrets. It would be funny if it was it and the Reds were designed for internal mount. It might be worth to investigate with a prototype but honestly, I have no time or motivation. The default Dannoy were so good that if I get the same result from Remedies then it will be absolutely enough for me.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-05-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 45
Post ID: 26478
Reply to: 26477
6-Sided boxes?
If to make i" thick baffles while still retaining the sculpted front edges, the cases would (basically) have six vertical sides, inside and out. Of course, the size and the shape of the baffle(s) also affect the sound. Is this something you've taken into consideration, or are are you just rolling the dice?

Paul S
11-05-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 46
Post ID: 26479
Reply to: 26477
Holy cow!!!!
Ended, holy cow!!!! I just install the Vitavox 15” into the Remedies bass, internally, in the way how it was originally designed, and it sound just spectacular. It is possible that at LF the rim at the baffle is not as auditable. It is possible that I am a bit impartial as I love the sound of this driver everywhere. If I install it in a toilet, I am sure I will love. Sill, it is nice to know that the bass enclosure is not a total waste. BTW,  the driver might be very fine to be mounted externally as it is wide enough to cover the cat off. Good that I do not need to pay for shipping of bass bin anymore.


"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-05-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 47
Post ID: 26480
Reply to: 26479
The Only Thing That Matters
Sure, if you don't hear too many problems over time, or if you are easily able to deal with any problems with the drivers remaining in the original cabinets, then you have what you wanted. Same for "time alignment" by measuring voice coil distance to baffle face, for that matter. If it "works" when you listen to Music, then it works.

Paul S
11-05-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 48
Post ID: 26481
Reply to: 26479
The sound wavelength must be much longer than the 6". How low the 15" goes? BTW, has anyone compared old AK151 vs the new production? The old ones seem impossible to find (new production being in turn horribly expensive).

Edit: I've managed to locate 10" Golds 8 Ohms (LSU/HF/3LZ/8). Anyone compared Gold vs Red?

11-05-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 49
Post ID: 26482
Reply to: 26481
I have two pair of the old 15" Vitavox: two drivers coned as K15/40 and two as another less common variant with a softer suspension and lower Fs but I cannot remember right now the name.   Shortly,  a brand new pair of K15/40 shall arrive along with a recone kit for one of the original pair so if warranted I can make three pair of K15/40.  Will be interesting to listen for any differences between new and old. 

Likewise,  a new pair of S2 will also arrive shortly and I can make comparisons with the three pair of older drivers with different diaphragms.

11-05-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 50
Post ID: 26483
Reply to: 26482
Getting to the point
No time,  can only post in snippets...

The second hand S2 and 15" Vitavox that I have were all compromised by age and use and have been thoroughly cleaned and remagnetised and where appropriate Sent to the UK to be reconditioned by Vitavox.  
11-05-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 51
Post ID: 26484
Reply to: 26483
Final snippet
... so the new drivers, particularly the S2, may not be such a bad deal given the price of older drivers.   The woofers would probably be less of a risk than the compression drivers,  and at least new cones and bits and pieces are available. 
11-06-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 52
Post ID: 26485
Reply to: 26479
It is possible that the game might be on!
 The last night I had truly alarming in experience. I visited Bill who had my original Dannoys and brought to him my SIT Yamaha B3 amplifier. He did kind of in the same directions that I did, disconnected his horns and was experimenting with Dannoy concept. We had a typical Tannoy Red sound: overburned with no dynamic range, with no articulation and very muddy. We switched amplifiers, crossovers And also if there were some differences he earns there the sound was not even remotely close to the sound we experienced with the Dannoys in my room, not even remotely. Dannoy use to singing while flying before and now it was straggling to push the notes out. The former Bills’s sound with horns was way more interesting. We were walking around him listening room and scratching out heads, wondering what it means. We had the same amplification and speakers. We have different front ends and also, they make difference but not the difference that we experienced, it was absolutely different sound. This made me very upset, and it was my worst fear. What if the 3 weeks evens with Dannoys are some kind of fluke? What is it was accidental 3 weeks of stanning electricity? Everything that I know about Audio suggests me that it was something very special but what if I will not be able to reproduce it anymore. What I do with Remedies is kind of “cargo cult” as I mimic the external properties of Dannoy effect without knowing what was responsible for it. Not very stimulating thoughts.

Well, the last nigh I was so pissed that it kind of override my lock of desire to touch my vandalized Remedies. I was upset with myself regarding the Remedies design that I am very much contemplating to threw them to trash on Monday as a punishment for my stupidity…  
Then around midnight, it suddenly got to me that Remedies as project is failure and I have pretended that I have tossed them away. I stopped to look at Remedies as they were my magical Dannoy and started to look at them as they are something that I found in junk year I use for just prototype for now. I became much more comfortable to be around Remedies.  I completely stopped paying attention to wonderful finishing hold the buffles and I said to myself: OK, external mount exactly like Dannoy was. Then I amused myself by screwing My drivers just into wonderfully finished 6” baffle. The hole for Red driver I cover with my special driver which is 12” mount.  The 15 incher is completely fine cover own hole with outside mount. I found on Internet some adapters which allowed to mount 10” driver into 12-inch hole,  I bought a few 12” passive radiators and few 12” drivers which might be used as passive radiators. I have zero experience to know how the sound of passive radiator impacts sound I have no idea where it will lead me. Obviously, I will not be able to use the sexy grills I made for Remedies and visually it is very different loudspeaker. I was listening a half of the night But at this point the Red’s bass driver add passive radiator are not aligned and I can clearly hear it . I also do not care too much about my 15 inch driver as from what I remember Dannoy, even full range should give a magical sound without low frequency enrichment . I do not know why but I kind of was pleased in the end of the night. not because I had beautiful sound , I didn't but it gave me some sense of directions in actions. I did hear something that I found promising; I am not optimistic but I see my failure with Remedies not a strategy anymore but as an expensive experiment to have a full size prototype. well, it is not my first or last failing project but generally I have quite good experience to pull out of anything something useful. Let see how it goes.

frankly when I look at my Remedies now I do not particularly think about my stupidity  but rather I think where can I get a crossover Inductor ~70 mH that would DCR under 1R. I remember good 25 years ago I visited a guy right here in Boston and he had his electrostats driven by 7 feet tall transformers. I think I am next in line …

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-06-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 53
Post ID: 26486
Reply to: 26485
Back home
Perhaps bring the Dannoys back home to see if you can reproduce the magic? Maybe the specific room interaction caused it? Also did you use Dannoys in stereo or with the surround?

11-06-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 54
Post ID: 26487
Reply to: 26485
A Closer Copy?
Not to leave Bill hanging, Romy, but were you not curious enough to take your original Dannoys home again, to at least determine as a baseline tenet that it is repeatable? If it is, then you can more closely replicate the original cabinet/set-up, and then give that replica a try in the space where the original worked/works, driven by the gear that worked/works with it. This could save you years of flailing around. My experience with direct radiators suggests that box and baffle shapes and sizes matter in terms of sound, and I would be surprised if the tunnels were not audible, whether they are in front of or behind the drivers. Naturally, someone might not care, or they might even like a given signature sound, but at least you could have more practical, working knowledge to start with. Are you sure you want to scrap the whole project because the baffles don't work?

Best regards,
Paul S
11-06-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 55
Post ID: 26488
Reply to: 26485
A solution...
After a few hours of playing strategizing I just literally just sitting in the chair, doing nothing and just looking at the speaker I find a brilliant idea how can completely recover it. I mean completely. I'm going to send to my cabinet maker a Sketch to have another one on one and a half inch rectangular baffle with small slopes to cover the surface of the top speaker. Then I will take reciprocated saw and carve out of cotton baffle whatever I want. Then I will just screw and glue the new baffle on top of the current one. The new panel should have all holes for external driver mounting. Actually I can make it even look better than original. I even wonder if I should have this panel with slightly different color, perhaps 10% darker....

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-06-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 56
Post ID: 26489
Reply to: 26488
Worth a Try
Not the same size, shape or volume of the original baffle/cabinet, but I appreciate that you want to keep the appearance you've imagined, and this seems like the "easiest" way to do that. Good luck using a reciprocal saw to cut out the 6" laminated baffle! That's gonna take some firepower! You might want to farm that job out to a pro, maybe use a big bandsaw, cut it at 90 degrees (to the face) on the first pass, then cut any (interior) bevels you might want from the remaining outer shoulders.

Paul S
11-06-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 57
Post ID: 26490
Reply to: 26485
If you think that when I told...
... that I like sounds of 15-inch Vitavox even in a toilet then I was kidding then think again....


"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-06-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 58
Post ID: 26491
Reply to: 26490
I think it will be good.
The more I think about the mode I am getting excited about the direction the Remedies went. I see now how I can convert the problem that I have with large inbound baffle into actual advantages. The new plate will be probably 1.5”, heavy coupled and it will be as good as the freaking 6“ baffle. Since its small piece I can make it with more exotic wood, texture, or color. I can make it removable then I can trey any passive radiators, even back mounted. I would need to do the same for bass bin and the Vitavox 15 cover the whole but not too perfect to get good seal. The presents of the Vitavox baffle plate will make the bass bit even sexier than my original idea. I have prototyped it and I look very good. The most important I have a control over the thickens of the baffle plates and I might adjust them perfectly to assure the time alignment for 15 bass 10” Rd and 10” scanspeak have different sonic centers.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-07-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 59
Post ID: 26492
Reply to: 26491
Submergent deeper and deeper...
My mood swings around this Remedios  project are remarkable. Literally a few days ago I meant to trash the whole things and start from scratch and now I again am super enthusiastic, unhealthy enthusiastic. Paul was right to fix 6-in baffle will be pain in the ass but as with the whole project lately I recognize it as a unique benefit rather than weakness. In Remedios my current baffle will not be not baffle anymore but behind baffle space. It feels like to have tunnel is not right and I have absolutely no intentions to experiment with this as it is a year's long experiment. I remember Charles, the designer for Karhma told me how important shape of the cavity for the back chamber. I do not know if he right or wrong, and how deep in spectra hes righteousness might go, so I decided to make this aspect of my speaker as a purely intellectualy made judgment and do not based upon any practical, at least my own, experiences. I decided to use huge sickness of my current baffle as an opportunity to the deharmonize the back chamber of reflections. I will take reciprocating saw and convert my current baffle into ugly shape random cut offs. It will be as aegular shape teeth between my new baffle and my sealed enclosure. It would be very much a regular and I would like to outSakuma Sakuma in this and if he feel that process of impact the soul of equipment cuz then I will let my kids to carve those teeth on my current buffle.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-07-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 60
Post ID: 26493
Reply to: 26492
I think it will be for this thread.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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