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  »  New  Macondo Horns: biography...  Macondo with Pussy Eyes....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     2  64163  05-18-2005
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01-09-2016 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 22390
Reply to: 21467
So long, 2016
I spent most of the past year trying to get more/better Big Music from my system. I played with (speaker) drivers and crossovers, and I also spent some quality time on my LP playback, in order to make this happen. I have posted some results in the “Analog” section of GSC, and I will say here that I “succeeded” in getting more lower-MF/upper-bass energy from my essentially-4-way Diamond Edition BassZilla speakers - which I think are about tapped out now - mostly by futzing with crossovers. Though I’m actually happy with the sound, I remain intellectually restless, and I continue to play with my many vintage drivers, with an eye on a multi-way, blended center channel. Most of these efforts are about increasing overall coherent energy in the room, along with “proper” soundstage/soundfield/frequency balance. The last really good-sounding center channel “stack” I had was very encouraging… apart from the fact that I need to sit farther away from it than the room allows! Oddly, my digital source continues to “fit in” with my analog changes. Busy, busy.

Joy and Peace to all of you through the coming year!

Paul S
01-01-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 42
Post ID: 22906
Reply to: 22390
Bump [2016/17]
By the time I realized (last year) that I'd kissed off 2016 a year early, it was too late to edit/correct my mistake. Ironically, 2016 has been an "off year" for me, in terms of hi-fi, so, in fact, I've little to reprise for this year.  I have poked along with my driver experiments.  I also have some shielded, multi-metal (Cu/Ag) phono cables sitting there, partly finished, and I'm in no hurry with any of it. I have enough drivers sitting around to go into business, if I were so motivated, which I'm not.  For 2016, there's been less terrible and less excellent electricity, which is just as I'd supposed; whoopee.

Happy New Year; Prosperity, Peace and Joy to all!

Best regards,
Paul S
01-02-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 22907
Reply to: 22906
2017: Playing too much Bach over Bose table radio…
Yep, this year was kind of different. The twins hit me like much harder than the first child and to have “3 under 2” under the roof with two parents having full time jobs is not fan at all. The new listening room was the main new things but frankly the family obligations sucked so much out of me in 20016 that very little time left to audio. I did some movements here and there trying to tune ups something but it never went to depth and the seriousness with which I was doing it in past. Not that I have no interest anymore but I have so many other things competing nowadays for my time! I am sure as kids get older I will be able to come back but now I more enjoy the moaning of a fed baby then the sound of single ended triod.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-02-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 44
Post ID: 22908
Reply to: 22907
Life is what happens to you while you're making other plans
All the best to everyone in 2017! 

I finally got my Mac MR 67 tuner back from the shop so that means no Bose Radio for me in 2017 I hope.
12-20-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 45
Post ID: 24603
Reply to: 22908
The 2017
This was an interesting year for me but from a different perspective. For sure I had 3 kids under 3 and it very much colorized anything I did and felt. Still I was able to setup my playback after moving to new listening room in 2016, find a good configuration for a direct radiating Midbas and actually was able to get all together good sound in my listening room. I wish I had more time and more strength to spend with playback. Unfortunately too frequently I do not have this luxury and if I do, then audio very much competes with other temptation… like to go to sleep for instance… Still, I personally, me with my wify and sometimes with my family we had a number of great listening sessions. I think as kids grow it will be more. 
There is another aspect of audio that progressed in 2017. I never was a fan of audio people. Well, let me to rephrase: I never was a fan of any group consciousness. Individuals are unique and smart, the people in randomly formed groups are stupid and boring. At least it is always was how I felt. The audio groups are always particularly disgusting as they are navigated and administered horrible people. Probably the worst of the worst are the cretins who appointed themselves as “shepherds” of the audio groups – that pretentions life forms I despite the most. 
So, for a years I am know to give some difficult time to audio groupies and to the industry Morons but this year I recognized that I am begin to lose my ability to understand the interests and even the language of the audio horde. I do not get audio printed audio publication but I sometimes do read some audio articles online and some forums/blogs to keep my mind on audio heartbeat. The problem that I begun to observe is that I understand the words the articles say their words do not form any ideas in my head. This would apply to less degree to writing from regular people within forums and blogs but it is very much applicable to the official “industry” writing. I remembers that there were many moments when I read something and I clearly do not “get” was I was reading or was not able to remember what was reading about. It is not that I am stupid, suffer from illiteracy of have a progressing Alzheimer's. I still, at my 49th can memories pages of books that I like. My mind is not crystalized but rather more associative and in order to understand the things I need to find in my mind a reference to something that I know or care. So, when I read many of the audio industry writing my head is absolutely empty and the reading does not ignite any associative thinking or mind. 
A few days back I find myself “reading” an article in PF and suddenly I recognizes that I do not read it by juts looking at the text. I just did not want to force myself to read much of nonsense from another audio idiot who suddenly got an inspiration because an audio company just make a new version of unremarkably- performing  speaker or amplifier. 
So, if I have a word of the year to choose how I feel about audio industry it would be INDIFFERENT. It looks like in audio industry new formats are coming and going, the new technologies coming in fashion and going to dark , the new audio reviewers are coming to distribution trough and  dying off… the thing are going on but I feel more and more indifferent  and apathetic to all of it crap. I think this new indifference is the very main thing that I developed in 2017.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-01-2024 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 46
Post ID: 27319
Reply to: 24603
Happy 2024!
2023 was pretty weird for me, continuing battles with health issues and enduring cures that have been worse in some ways than the ailments. Somehow, I managed to build and integrate The Loudspeakers during this time, resulting in what turned out to be a Great Audio Year for me! Yes, I pretty much lucked out with The Loudspeakers (qv), but I'll take take the win, and I have to say it went up another notch today when I re-visited and re-set my tonearm (again), and playback is yet better. I mean, how good can it get? Well, vinyl sounds better, anyway, though I think my CD transport needs fixing. No lasting peace in AudioLand, I guess. I've read something about silicon grease on the Philips Pro 2 reader rails getting sticky and causing errors, but I haven't so much as popped the cover on the transport yet.

Basically, "improvements" have been more "dynamcs" over a wider frequency range, and some more color available at HF. I have gotten more insight into Music I have heard many times, and I hope this continues.  Today, bass took a giant leap for the better, from jazz to Bruckner. Very pleased!

May we all know Peace and Joy in 2024!

Paul S
01-01-2025 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 47
Post ID: 27853
Reply to: 27319
Happy 2025!

Happy 2025! I’m glad I finished physical construction of The Loudspeakers in 2023, as I had my metaphorical hands full with the last of cancer through most of 2024, including a 3rd surgery in the 1st quarter that was/has been life altering. C’est la Vie! How nice to have audio and resultant Music to turn to!  Strangely enough, looking back, 2024 was as good an audio year as I have ever had, in terms of the Music I have harvested. I finally fixed my skipping Accustic Arts CD transport, and I had Andy Kim (Needle Clinic) re-tip my MC3000II phono cartridge, and I got both of my sources dialed in as well as they’ve ever been, including honing the voltage (and V swing) to the first stage of my K&K phono stage. The Loudspeakers are spectacular, now that they are broken in, and I have learned more about how to use them. Of little things that mattered, I added a Moray James S/PDIF cable between the CD transport and the iDAT 44 ++ DAC, and I finally took a breath and replaced the Placette cables that have long connected the T3000 SUT to the K&K with Audio Sensibilities phono cable. Both cables are totally boring, like the ones Bud Purvine made for me, that I use for the run between the DAC and my TAP TVC. Oddly enough (and no explanation for it), I had similar “issues” with massed violin sound from both sources, and both cables actually helped with this problem by allowing air around the violin notes, just as I had hoped. Sure, I read about the cables before buying them, but Cables are always a crap shoot. Anyway, they didn’t need to be “better”, just more to my liking with massed violins without significant losses.  I did wind up dialing back some of the phono stage voltage I’d added, after the new phono cables broke in, in order to keep both sources “on par”. Like Romy observed, it’s a matter of twisting the lens back and forth across “maximum focus” until it comes across “the best”, and in this case I wanted a sort of “Happy Medium” between my sources.  I added several Bruckner CDs and LPs that I greatly enjoyed in 2024, along with American composer, Kevin Puts’ Contact. I am so happy to have accessed this Music, and I look forward to mining it through 2025 (and beyond)!

God Bless Us, every one!

Paul S
01-01-2025 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 48
Post ID: 27854
Reply to: 27853
Paul S, OMG I had no idea of your health problems. My visits here have been more sporadic lately and I missed prior posts obviously. Thank heavens you are still able to enjoy music. I certainly hope 2025 will get you on the mend.
01-01-2025 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 49
Post ID: 27855
Reply to: 27853
The boring control..

For digital cable, if you use single ended cable then search my site. I use a cheap cable, do not remember name but there was something in that which call it Platinum. It is ridiculously good cable, they are many years out of production but they do show up on eBay for literally a few bucks. It has ugly blue color. 

I did not know is that you know Bud Purvine. We used to talk a lot and I like him. I have some of his litz cables. Unfortunately you are absolutely correct, for whatever reason they are incredibly boring. It is actually quite remarkable how it's possible to make a cables which completely suck out all life from sound. It would be very interesting to see into it cheaper and to recognize why his cables do it as I feel should be some kind of underlying principle behind it and maybe using this principle would be possible to moderate the "boring" of the cables.

One way and another, get better, Poul. We all going to be there...

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-01-2025 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 50
Post ID: 27856
Reply to: 27855
Bud Purvine's magic
Third here with Bud's  boring cables Smile After he DISABLED my old Lowther  DX4 of any tonal quality it sparsely had before  with his miraculous dot con treatment, he procured me a set of cables and his output transformers for 45 amps. Given his background I bet those products are soothing enough for bands members damaged ears , but golly they could put to sleep my  hysterical ex like nothing  else . She called them "old fashioned" . It's all gone (the ex went firstSmile Yer Paul are easy to please. Troels makes a speaker on any occasion in any topology every two days as soon as major speaker brand send him new drivers to advertise. All the best to all of you in 2025!
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   Target    Threads for related reading   Most recent post in related threads   Forum  Replies   Views   Started 
  »  New  Macondo Horns: biography...  Macondo with Pussy Eyes....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     2  64163  05-18-2005
  »  New  Super Melquiades Amplifier...  About the Super Melquiades Bass....  Melquiades Amplifier  Forum     29  286500  07-16-2005
  »  New  Macondo Alternation. Extending the LF line-array..  Macondo and not only Macondo positioning...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     8  154308  10-29-2005
  »  New  Macondo – Super Melquiades: few months later. ..  The system is sounding these days…...  Melquiades Amplifier  Forum     10  188369  03-01-2006
  »  New  5 Channel Version of Melquiades..  Very easy....  Melquiades Amplifier  Forum     21  259385  07-23-2006
  »  New  Macondo Frame modification...  Parquet...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     46  476266  12-22-2006
  »  New  It takes balls to shop (never mind the nuts)..  Changes With Consistency as a Backdrop...  Playback Listening  Forum     24  190340  12-23-2006
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