
Chicago, IL
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Joined on 06-12-2009
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fiogf49gjkf0d KLegind wrote: | I had a look at the pic of your speaker just now - may I ask about the reasoning that went in to choosing a diffraction type horn?
Also, your midrange looks like an open baffle type. What kind of back wave/diffraction management do you use?
Kris |
Kris, First, let me explain where I am coming from with my system goals. My system serves TWO purposes: 1.music playback and production monitoring; 2.music playback for parties. I host music events at my house, with different DJ's, participating and as a result my system need to have more output capabilities. However, my priority has always been good sound quality.
>>>the reasoning that went into choosing a diffraction type horn
I have not heard many horn loaded systems because I don't know of many people with good horn based sound systems. I wish I did. The two systems that I encountered with good impressions are: Avantgarde Trio; fully horn loaded systems by Funktion One. Both systems, the way I want them, are way out of my budget so I set a goal to make a system that sounds close enough to be satisfying. One step at a time.
Step one: I was able to get a pair of Funktion One mid/high horns, the ones you saw in the picture. This is a diffraction horn, as you call it, with a phase plug and a 5" cone driver, that covers 530Hz to 15Khz, officially. This was step one for me. I have to say I am happy with the sound. To summarize in two words I would say: dynamic, natural. All I can compare it with is the Edgar 350Hz horns with Altec 288 that I had a chance to hear over this weekend (briefly). I would say that the Fun.One is superior in everything but clarity in the higher end of the extreme freq. but this is not an extensive audition to make any certain conclusion.
Honestly, the only reasoning that went behind using this horn is the positive sensory experience of a full horn loaded Funktion-One system I listened to. I wish I had a chance to hear more properly done horn loaded systems.
>>>Also, your midrange looks like an open baffle type. What kind of back wave/diffraction management do you use?
I don't. This is a temporary solution to fill the void 200Hz to 1000Hz. If you have better ideas please, please let me know. I am currently trying come up with a good solution for this range.
Also, Kris, thank you for providing information on the amplifier input impedance. -Herman