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08-28-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 61
Post ID: 21929
Reply to: 21928
2490 found!
I found 2490, so very soon I'll test how low it can go in JBLs 1x1m mouth horn designed for 2490.Also I've decided to order 270hz LeCleac'h horn from Poland (http://horns-diy.pl/horns/jmlc/jmlc-270/).If it works well with 2490, I order custom 240hz from wood.
08-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 62
Post ID: 21930
Reply to: 21929
Do not rush.
Well, I would advise you do not order any horns with aiming 2490. Get the drivers first and order the horns AFTER you feel that the driver satisfy you. The fact that the loaded driver can hit 300Hz does not mean a lot. You need to like the sound of the driver at 300hz not juts acoustic pressure it creates.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 63
Post ID: 21931
Reply to: 21928
Sealed bass arrays below 110 horn
I am using sealed bass arrays of 3 per side. I have six 10" scanspeak woofers in total. I aim to operate them from 38hz to 160hz with qtc 0.707
I also have a tapped horn that I am using with my current horn system. It is 244cm's high and 125kg's completeley inert tapped horn, that can operate between 18hz to 80hz. I may use it between 18hz to 38hz if I feel like it.
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Post #: 64
Post ID: 21932
Reply to: 21930
300-500Hz range
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Well, I would advise you do not order any horns with aiming 2490. Get the drivers first and order the horns AFTER you feel that the driver satisfy you. The fact that the loaded driver can hit 300Hz does not mean a lot. You need to like the sound of the driver at 300hz not juts acoustic pressure it creates.

Sure, I'm going to try it in JBL 2352 horn first. I also would like to share predicted SPL of my 42Hz horn with Supravox 285-2000 EXC at 12V:
And 9V:

The idea is to highpass next channel at 500-600hz and if it is flat down to 300hz, I have around -6db at 250-300hz and it is good match with predicted SPL of upper bass. Romy, can you, please, share your thoughts about 2490 ? I read thread here and you didn't rise any conclusion. And have you had any experience with other 4" JBL drivers 24XX ?And can you point to what aspects of sound I need to pay attention during evaluation of 300-500 range ?Too much questions as usually SmileThank you!
08-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 65
Post ID: 21933
Reply to: 21931
Sealed bass array again ?
 kodomo wrote:
I am using sealed bass arrays of 3 per side. I have six 10" scanspeak woofers in total. I aim to operate them from 38hz to 160hz with qtc 0.707
I also have a tapped horn that I am using with my current horn system. It is 244cm's high and 125kg's completeley inert tapped horn, that can operate between 18hz to 80hz. I may use it between 18hz to 38hz if I feel like it.
Hm...interesting...sealed bass array again.So, I really have to evaluate this approach.After finishing with inital approach, I'll definately try it.Because 2m long horn is not very convinient Smile
In this case I can make shorter horn for 100-150 to 500 range and introduce sealed bass array.Well, at the end it looks like Romy's design Smile
08-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 66
Post ID: 21934
Reply to: 21931
Sealed vs traped
 kodomo wrote:
I am using sealed bass arrays of 3 per side. I have six 10" scanspeak woofers in total. I aim to operate them from 38hz to 160hz with qtc 0.707
I also have a tapped horn that I am using with my current horn system. It is 244cm's high and 125kg's completeley inert tapped horn, that can operate between 18hz to 80hz. I may use it between 18hz to 38hz if I feel like it.
This is very interesting. You have 3 per side 10 in hers (are they my drivers?) in sealed in closure and a taped horn operating in the same region. Can you describe where you feel is difference in sound? Also, how do you drive your array. 3 drivers per side that would be all parallel configuration that would make it to be a bit above 1R impedance.... Not any amp will handle it.... Did you go DSET or use a flimsy ss amp?

Rags, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 67
Post ID: 21935
Reply to: 21934
Not 10" but 12" arrays
No, the drivers are the same brand but a different model than yours. They are not 10" but 12", it was a typo I made.

They are 30w/4558T00. I guess they have lower fs (17hz) then your drivers. 3 of them in serial makes them 8ohms. I am in the lookout for amps. 8ohm and 2 x 400 watts class D amps will be coming soon for me to try. I have all the winter ahead of me for my new system and its adjustments. 
Tapped horn will not be operating in the same region, if I use them both at the same time. Tapped horns are good for reaching down to 20s, but their sound is not up to par above 60hz with the rest of my system. This may be, I am more sensitive above 60hz...
08-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 68
Post ID: 21936
Reply to: 21932
Response of supravox 285-2000 in 110cf
Here is my response for the Supravox 285-2000 in 110cf tractrix. I designed a sealed chamber and with the qtc 0.707 it is tuned to 160hz. However I hope the modified version will be even better!
08-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 69
Post ID: 21937
Reply to: 21936
110cf tractrix for 150hz ?
 kodomo wrote:
Here is my response for the Supravox 285-2000 in 110cf tractrix. I designed a sealed chamber and with the qtc 0.707 it is tuned to 160hz. However I hope the modified version will be even better!
I think that Group Delay and Acoustic Impedance is not good at 150Hz for this model, so may be you need to lower frequency for tractrix.If I decide to use bass array at 50-150Hz, than from 150hz I suggest to use 70Hz horn 1m long and 1m in diameter.But this is theoretical suggestion...may be Romy can suggest practially. It will be more intersting.
08-30-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 70
Post ID: 21938
Reply to: 21937
Tapped Horn + Bass Array
I come up with the idea to introduce 6th channel and add bass array in between tapped horn and upperbass horn. Benefits:
1. I can use 1st order lowpass for Tapped Horn at 15-20Hz
2. 30Hz+ range become time-aligned
3. I don't need to go very low with upperbass horn and can stay at safe distance from horn cutoff frequency and may be consider at least 0.5m shorter one and may be smaller (8") driver to cover higher range (100-500Hz) and I don't need "exculsive" drivers capable to play lower than 500Hz for the next channel.
Finally, Macondo copy with TH Smile
I'm working on visualization of this idea!
08-31-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 71
Post ID: 21939
Reply to: 21937
Half octave above
I am crossing around 160hz, which is half octave above my horns limit as it is a 110hz tractrix horn. The horn is 1 metere in diameter in its mouth (this is dictated by the cf and the tractrix curve). Anyway, here is my group delay.

09-09-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 72
Post ID: 21965
Reply to: 21938
288 doesn't work well for me
What I can say after audition of 2-way system with GPA 288 in 350hz horn and JBL 2453 in 550hz horn is that I like the sound without GPA 288.1-way JBL 2453 sounds terrific and 288 can't match that level.So, driver for 1200hz down is under consideration.I'm going to try 2453, 2451, 2490 and Supravox 12" for this range.I've ordered 200hz LeCleach from AutoTech with 6" throat to try 12" Supravox for the 300-1200hz range.And compare with JBL 2490 in its own JBL horn.I'll share my impressions soon...
09-11-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 73
Post ID: 21970
Reply to: 21938
Time alignment of TH
I don't think you can align the tapped horn. My tapped horn has a total length around 5 metres. To time align that with my other drivers, its got to be around 5 metres closer than others. The only other solution is delaying the rest of the channels...
If you are going to cross it around 30z, I don't know if alignment will create much of a difference. I am building my 5 way down to 38hz flat and have the tapped horn as a 6th channel. I will report to you about my experience of the sound. However I won't be aligning my 6th channel and actually won't be using it on music. My idea is to use it on movies only...
I have also changed my bass array from 12" scanspeaks to 16" TAD 1601b's. Rather than having 3 on each side, I will have 2 on each side and still with better efficiency and response.
09-11-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 74
Post ID: 21971
Reply to: 21970
TH is under examination
 kodomo wrote:
I don't think you can align the tapped horn. My tapped horn has a total length around 5 metres. To time align that with my other drivers, its got to be around 5 metres closer than others. The only other solution is delaying the rest of the channels...
If you are going to cross it around 30z, I don't know if alignment will create much of a difference. I am building my 5 way down to 38hz flat and have the tapped horn as a 6th channel. I will report to you about my experience of the sound. However I won't be aligning my 6th channel and actually won't be using it on music. My idea is to use it on movies only...
I have also changed my bass array from 12" scanspeaks to 16" TAD 1601b's. Rather than having 3 on each side, I will have 2 on each side and still with better efficiency and response.
I'm also not sure that I continue using TH for music reproduction. I have some idea to get time-aligned LF at 100db! I share later when I get result.
Can you, please, share what channels you have: drivers and horn frequencies ?
09-11-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 75
Post ID: 21972
Reply to: 21970
The time alignment of tapped horn
 kodomo wrote:
I don't think you can align the tapped horn. My tapped horn has a total length around 5 metres. To time align that with my other drivers, its got to be around 5 metres closer than others. The only other solution is delaying the rest of the channels... .
Well, this is very complicated subject. If it was not tapped horn but a regular horn of let say 40Hz and just for one octave up them I would vote for very insistently for time aliment. Yes, there are some arguments that delay of 40-80Hz with sharp low-pass filtration should not be too auditable. I disagree with it and I very much support the time alignment all the way down. I have my ULF channels that are sitting at 20Hz transition slop of 4th order (or 3rd , I do not remember now) and I do clearly acknowledge the impact to Sound when I move the bass towers a fit closer of further. Yes, the precision of time alignment for lower octaves is not as critical and for MF. If your tweeter, or MF need to be set with a sub millimeter precession, your 100Hz horns would be OK with sub sentiments precision but your 40Hz channel would need to be within let say 2-3 cm “there”. Of cause it is VERY hard in case of horns, particularly in case of “honest” horns and if you can’t do it then you use at as is and do not let the time misalignment to bother yourself. 

  In case your channels is not horn but a tapped horn a situation is more confusing. The tapped horn has much longer time length from one side. However, it also produces much more noise (it is juts my accusation and I feel it is still a ported box) from the “port” and only god knows if it has any benefit to align the front of the tapped horn’s acoustic pressure with the rest of sound. I did not have my own good tapped horn and I did not experiment with it, so I do not know the answer. I only presume that since the people who do own tapped horns are planning to use them ONLY for video and NOT for music then I presume that the time alignment for tapped horns is not necessary.   
Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-12-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 76
Post ID: 21974
Reply to: 21971
Drivers and horns
Hi Murataltuev,
I have two horn based systems but the system that is similar to yours or Romy's is the one I am currently building. The drivers and horns are as follows.

38hz - 160hz - Tad 1601b - Bass Array (4)

160hz - 600hz - Supravox 285-2000 hornfabrik edition - 110hz round tractrix horn

600hz - 4800hz - Radian 850pb - 200hz round tractrix horn

4800 - 12khz - Radian 475be-pb - 1000hz round JMLC horn

12khz - 45khz - Fostex t500amkII

Basically this is the current system I am building but the crossover points may change. I am in the process of deciding the crossover points via digital active crossover. When I am satisfied, I will be building the crossover (with a help of very experienced crossover designer)
09-12-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 77
Post ID: 21976
Reply to: 21974
1601b implementation
Hi Kodomo-
You have made an ambitious undertaking.  Congratulations to a brave decision.
Can you please elaborate a little on your TAD implementation.  I have used one on each side ,
in 3 cuft sealed cabinets, first order from 60 to 150Hz, blending gently into a reversed 
JBL 2482 mounted on an Oris 150 with a 4" throat that extension John Sheerin kindly made for me.
These are aligned in the vertical plane.  Biamping has of course been necessary.  
What are your layout plans?  Will you have two sealed towers with 4 TAD's in each?
Do you have any concerns about the lateral misalignments at these frequencies?  
I'm also curious on your thoughts behind the decision to use Supravox 285's over 215's.
Best regards,

09-13-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 78
Post ID: 21977
Reply to: 21974
20% done
For now I'm quite sure about one very important channel - 1200Hz+. JBL2453 in 550Hz LeClech horn works perfectly for me! For the lower channel 500-1200Hz I've tried the same driver JBL2453 in 350Hz Tractrix and result is not bad, but not perfect. So, my challenge now is to find right configuration for this channel. During next few weeks I plan following experiments: 1. JBL2450 and JBL2451 in the same 350Hz Tractrix to see if they are better than 2453 in this range. 2. JBL2490 in JBL's own 1x1m mouth horn. 3. 12" Supravox 285-2000 EXC in 200Hz LeCleach horn with 6" throat (I've ordered http://horns-diy.pl/horns/jmlc/jmlc-200/) 4. I'm going to 3D-print adapter 6" to 3" and try JBL 2490 in the same horn. 5. Print 3" to 2" adapter and try JBL2450 and JBL2451/52 with another 2" to 1.5" adapter. If not happy after all this, then I need help to guide me futher Smile
09-13-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 79
Post ID: 21978
Reply to: 21977
42Hz upper bass horn
Quite ugly, ah ? Smile
09-13-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Austin TX
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Post #: 80
Post ID: 21979
Reply to: 21978
Plastic suspension
I tend to like drivers with plastic suspension. Radian makes retrofit diaphragms for JBL with plastic suspension, maybe they will help you achieve the tone you are looking for.
Extensions are easy to machine out of aluminum, even wood and they can change the tone of your driver drastically.
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