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03-18-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 19099
Reply to: 19099
Montreal Audio Show 2013
What do you know; it looks like I will be attending the Montreal show next week.  Amy wants to go to Québec, for a cultural trip. We will be in Portsmouth on Friday and will take north from there.

I did not attend audio show for a few years and frankly do not necessary look forward to do it. But I figured that if we will be already in Montreal then why do not stop by at the show. The last Montreal show that I attended was somewhere in 2004 I believe. The Montreal probably the worse show of all as it held by dealers, not by manufactures. The dealers mostly speak French and have the attitude to die for. The most emblematic idiot that I remember was a guy who when I ask him to play my CD asked me if I am sure that I have a CD worth playing in his playback. That was very nice… BTW, the Constellation audio will be in Montreal, so it will be an opportunity for me to hear them and to learn what today audio runnier push to consumer as “High end Audio”. I think it will be very illustrative.

Anyhow, it might be fun. In Montreal there is my favorite American church, the Notre Dame Basilica and if we lucky we might catch something concert in there.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-18-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 19101
Reply to: 19099
Blue Circle?
Sounds "fun", Romy.  I think the late (recently deceased) James Bongiorno contributed the lion's share of ideas for the Constellation, although who can ever be sure what actually makes it to market.  Maybe Bongiorno's own (much cheaper) Spread Spectrum Technologies Ampzilla II amp would be "comparable" to the Constellation?

Perhaps some (Canadian) Blue Circle people will be there, as well.  If so, please tell what you can about their phono stage.  Some ideas they toss out are "interesting".  However (naturally...), to offset these, I saw a photo somewhere of their Brain Trust listening intently to some pretty wank-y looking speakers...

It has been almost 30 years since I last attended an audio show(!).  If it looked like "a good one" was very nearby I might go, with faint and well-tempered hopes.

Bon Voyage, et Bon Chance.

Best regards,
Paul S
03-19-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 19102
Reply to: 19099
Some jewels to the east and west
Please don't judge all Canadians from the sounds you'll hear there at the show. Be prepared for some very bad 'computer' audio. It was almost everywhere. Well it was so in the past. The only consolation is the food throughout Montreal. It is perhaps one of the best food cities in the world. Some of the best baklava and sweets you will find as well.

When in Montreal try to get to Quebec city (~3hrs) to the east or Ottawa (1.5hrs) to the northwest. Old Quebec city will give you a feel for the old world. Ottawa's has beautiful architecture, NAC and it's own amazing Basilica. Seeing either of those cities as well as Montreal will have you feeling the trip north was worth your trek.  
03-20-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Daniel Trudeau
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 19107
Reply to: 19099
La Belle Province
Hopefully, most of the snow would be removed from the streets by then. I couldn't find any concert scheduled for the weekend at the Notre-Dame Basilica, but I could be wrong.

Bonne visite!
03-25-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 19145
Reply to: 19099
Some comments about the Montreal 2013 show.

It has been a little wild trip from Portsmouth NH (our second home) to Montreal. The weather was wonderful and the drive was surprisingly easy. The trip in the way reminds me my audio trips from the past, with talks and thinking about audio here and there and even in the car. Amy was surprisingly tolerant to all my audio interests and even to a degree abrasive. We did she have any chance?

My Notre-Dame Basilica was still standing. It was kind of new to me to bring Kitten to Notre-Dame as he never was in that church. Amy is kind of difficult traveling partner as she was literally all over the world and it is extremely hard to fine on map a country where she never was before. To my luck her former trip in Montreal she missed the Notre-Dame and he it was… There were no consents in there but we attended Saturday Palm mass. We are not religious and were trying to hear the organ, the organ sounded very boring. As sexy it looks and as magnificent acoustic environment in the church as boring sound of organ was in there. The services were also very un-stimulating, but I am not in business to review church services.

The whole Montreal environment was not up to expectation. The food was very touristy, kind of crappy and we do not get the distinctive cultural flavor that Canadian French might offer and famous for, well, perhaps another time… What was very cool in the trip is visit Vermont’s Burlington. It was much more fun and we very much look forward to return in there.

The show was exactly as I expected and remember. We spent perhaps 15 minutes to glide all rooms on the show and Amy was disappointed that I did not express any interest to listen anything. There was need as hearing a few notes from the room corridors was in most cases enough to discard any interests to the rooms. There were only two rooms where we did spend some times and I would like to mention them.

First it was German MBL. I never was a big fun of MBL and I think their stupidly-famous and well publicized model 101E was a celebration of blind conceptual adherence over feeling of reality.  They never sound right and all MBL demos with them were ugly. I know that reviewers were choking on our saliva describing how magnificent sound was from 101E but there are reasons why I firm with my position that the reviewers are sold idiots. Anyhow, this time MBL demonstrated a new model that I never heard/seen. I think they call it MBL 111F. It is relatively compact, floor standing model with drivers sticking on right and left and JBL Omni tweeter atop. It kind of senseless and ugly configuration but this time MBL did pull it off and made it to look pretty and very compiled. Surprisingly it did attract my attention sonically as well. The guy who ran the room kindly agreed to play my music (his music was crap). It did not sound “spectacular” but it was heads and shoulders better that MBL even was able to accomplish. I did report to the guy who ran the show that there were severe phase anomalies at upper octaves. He begin to load me with bunch of crap informing me that this is completely different design, that everything is perfectly time aligned and what kind crossovers they used. In my past live I would saddest him that he was a worthless idiot who had no idea what he is taking about but the “moderating Amy” was  right here with me and all that I said was “Thank you have much for your time”. Apparently my eyes did not lie and recognizing the pity I was looking at him the pure guy told me that I was sitting way off the dead center between the loudspeakers that they are time-aligned only for that dead spot. That was a reasonable response BUT… the guy was selling the loudspeakers that are designed to be Omni! Anyhow, I was waiting for the sit in the middle to be free for a few minutes but it was not freeing up and I left. I am very far from expending at this point to that new MBL a clear bill of health but I do suggest that that new MBL might be not as disgusting as older MBL designs were. The price for those new speakers was somewhere in $40s that is not too ambitions for nowadays.

Another room that I think worth to mention was Magico/Constellation room. They streamed music from Cygnus music server and did not play visitors music. As I asked them to play some classical recordings they kindly agreed. The guys who run the room were Constellation coordinator and he had some “hi-fi pop repertoire” at his music server. In the selection of the music that he had on his server I did not detect any well stated sonic statement, he rather felt uncomfortably to play classical music but he did comply with my request. The sound was quite interesting.

There were a few things that like very much and a few that I found remarkably ugly. What was truly astonishing in the sound of the room is the ease with which that system was running over dynamic range. It was not the dynamic range itself but some kind of amassing lightness and vividness with winch the sound was running up and down across dynamic range AND across octaves. That slightly was accompanied by some harmonic fastening but not in the way how I heard before as shortening decays did not produce the effect of shortening decays. It was very interesting effect and I need to think further about it. Without know that playback I would attribute it to the sound of amplifiers but I would be hesitant to say anything more definitive as I never dealt with any of the elements that were used.

There was a very ugly element of that sound as well. If to close eyes to the very interesting aspect of sound that I mentioned above than the Sound that Magico/Constellation room demonstrated was the pinnacle of the sound that stupid audio magazines so love to publicize.  It was “the Sound of playful expressiveness by surrogates”. While I was listening the Magico/Constellation Sound I was not able to avoid a feeling of syntactic glitz. It was some kind of ever-presence of simulated stimulus that constantly keeps “impress” me. It was in everything, in tone, in the way how tones were connected, in the way how the playback enters lower octaves, in the way how the lower bass was developing. I did asked to play a few more recording and the guy did play them. It was remarkable the all music, but different recording and performing avenues had the same common denominator of “syntactic impressiveness”. If I had that sound home I would be very annoyed and would latterly trash playback that makes that Sound as it is nothing by a sonic dildo. I do not know what was responsible for that behavior on the Magico/Constellation room. It might be the sound of new Constellation amps. It might be the sound of Magico speaker, which is very highly candidate to be accused. It might be the sound of the DAW from which the music was playing. I do not have knowledge of the elements evolved to be able to debug it, neither it is not my objective.

That about it regarding the Montreal show. There was nothing more interesting in there in my view. The next day I visited to a local audio guy who demonstrated to me his installation. I would keep the visit private but there were some interesting ideas that were born in my head as a result of this meeting. I will post my thinking later on in a new thread.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-25-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Lyon, France
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 19146
Reply to: 19145
Montreal exhib
Hi Romy,
Can you remember if Lys Audio was demonstrating, if yes any comments?
Thanks,R Weissman
03-25-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 7
Post ID: 19147
Reply to: 19146
No comments.

Lys Audio was not demonstrating but I am familiar with what they do. I would like to withhold any public comments on the subject.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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