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  »  New  45Hz Bass Horn..  Can We Ever be Saved From Ourselves?...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     23  320625  09-19-2006
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  »  New  About bass horns by Johan Dreyer..  There are lowest bass horns and there are not lowest b...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     5  96740  02-11-2008
  »  New  Barn Conversion - James' Project..  The vintage vs. contemporary compression driver....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     28  373646  02-04-2007
  »  New  Chinese upperbass horn...  Some sensibility about bass reproduction...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     35  383177  08-08-2005
  »  New  Eventually - a reasonable midbass horn from GOTO..  Clever DIY going on where?...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     97  1219309  11-19-2007
  »  New  Magico: Robert Harley’s upperbass mouth...  Surprisingly interesting write up by Federated Mike abo...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     35  343596  02-19-2006
  »  New  Jessie Dazzle Project..  Will this better to be auditable?...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     172  1597767  08-03-2007
  »  New  Problems with horns: upper bass ..  Must it be about loading?...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     109  1195150  03-25-2005
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  »  New  The Macondo’s Upper Bass Channel: what is next?..  Görlich again...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     30  297503  10-28-2007
  »  New  More about the EdgarHorn Bass..  More about the EdgarHorn Bass...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     0  30379  01-13-2005
  »  New  Experience Music Horn Installation @ VSAC..  RCA MI-1428B vs Vitavox S2...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     25  287176  05-27-2008
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  »  New  ... again on GOTO Unit drivers.....  GOTO installation in Lithuania....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     108  1167975  08-16-2008
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  »  New  Amplifiers heat… a real-estate solution?..  I have seen this simular concept...  Melquiades Amplifier  Forum     1  26457  09-18-2009
  »  New  I have a dream, the dream about a Chair...  A bit exaggerated to me....  Playback Listening  Forum     31  235727  10-29-2009
  »  New  8" Goto Woofer for 60Hz Horn..  It's not a Goto 8in driver...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     5  89309  11-03-2008
  »  New  The Real Total Horn..  The Real Total Horn...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     0  16571  01-17-2008
  »  New  My Multi-way Horns..  Faital chamber/ratio...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     8  129621  11-29-2009
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  »  New  A datacenter at home and … "sound"...  Noise cancellation not likely possible...  Audio Discussions  Forum     6  51549  02-16-2010
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  »  New  Romy The Cat's new Listening Room..  Won't be the last time he makes that trip!...  Audio Discussions  Forum     478  3015144  03-28-2010
  »  New  An idea of “Rain Wake-Up Horn”?..  Looking Deeper into Rain Wake Up Horn...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     3  34578  05-08-2010
  »  New  Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time...  Vitavox 15/40...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     455  3054446  05-20-2010
  »  New  Macondo’s lowest channel...  What truly are you tryin to accomplish?...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     150  1429734  09-15-2010
  »  New  Superbly interesting effect: Suspended decoupled floor ..  Superbly interesting effect: Suspended decoupled floor ...  Playback Listening  Forum     0  18611  10-08-2010
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11-14-2016 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 241
Post ID: 22839
Reply to: 22421
Does anyone know about this German company that offers Compression driver that can do 80-5000Hz?
Does anyone know anything about this German company called hornsolutions.de that advertsies on ebay and offers a driver that promises to reach 80Hz?

See link below for ebay page:

"Kompressionstreiber von Hornsolutions. Einsetzbar von 80Hz bis max 5.000Hz. In Verbindung mit unseren Hörnern ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Sowohl auf die untere als auch auf die obere Grenzfrequenz kann kundenspezifisch eingegangen werden. "
Translated to:
Compression Drivers from Hornsolutions. Can be used from 80Hz to max. In connection with our horns an unforgettable experience. Both the lower and the upper limit frequency can be dealt with by the customer.
11-14-2016 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Seattle, WA
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Post #: 242
Post ID: 22840
Reply to: 22839
Using Exotic LF CDs for Bass
Oxric, I can't imagine a CD making good sound so low.  In my experience, paper cone drivers simply sound better than CDs below a certain point, let's say 250 Hz (usually higher).  Of course there are always exceptions to every generalization, and I haven't heard every CD, most especially the exotic LF CDs, but after wasting too much time and $$$ looking at exotic solutions, I came to the conclusion that for me, most of the times, a more conventional approach, implemented with fanatical attention to detail, usually leads to happiness more often than pushing the envelop with exotica.
Having said that, I would be happy to be proven wrong.
11-15-2016 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 243
Post ID: 22841
Reply to: 22840
80Hz compression driver.
Nope, I never heard about those drivers. For sure a compression driver that goes down to 80Hz might be interesting. A few concerns I would have however.
The people who make such a driver would not come from nowhere but they rather would be the people who advocate let say 90-100Hz horns. Well, I would like to see the installation, or at least the idea installation of installation with 90-100Hz horn? Seeing what they propose would make possible to evaluate how serious they are. 
From what I see on the picture the driver has no adjustable back plate. So it has to be some way to tune the driver resonance frequency, probably taping the pressure release whole would work…
I am bit concern with the throat. They made it look like 2”. At 80Hz and 2” entrance we end up with probably 15-20 feet horn, are they kidding? Also, the driver is kind of small and could not have large (4-5”) diaphragm. If it has 3” diaphragm and need to develop 80Hz then the diaphragm shall run too much in the driver, I do not like it. 
They might find some kind of compression transition where unique phase plug that creates a “bubble” within throat that then resonates just above 80Hz in horn. That it would not be too pretty as well, even though it will push the RTA to right SPL numbers.
Anyhow, I do not know anything about the driver and would like to hear from somebody who tried it.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-15-2016 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 244
Post ID: 22843
Reply to: 22841
Compression drivers are copies of western Electric 555 using original membranes
I spoke to the owner of the company. The drivers are copies of Western Electric 555 (but the owner insists that they use genuine NOS WE diaphragms membranes) but they can be custom made to fit in with one's requirements. I didn't know such a thing was possible or commercially viable but so i am told...

Well, they have a website:


But most of their work is customised to individual's requirements and so he feels his Facebook page is more helpful:


I am not convinced by any of these installations but then again the company itself can't be blamed for the application that their drivers or horns are put to.
Difficult to know what to make of it all...

11-15-2016 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 245
Post ID: 22845
Reply to: 22843
I do not think so.
Yes, the exit look like WE 555 exit and if they use the original type of diaphragms then good luck to get 80Hz from it. You need to go with very long slow opening neck to raise more EQ. I do not like this approach. From Western Electric 15A and a single drive people get 125Hz but only with a very lucky room location. Good luck with those 80Hz. Well, hypothetically if to run a full profile to 80Hz and get 15-20” horn then it might work at 80Hz but who the hell will be able to do it.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-15-2016 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 246
Post ID: 22847
Reply to: 22845
Could be interesting though...
Well, I cannot say that i have much interest in the installations on his Facebook page and this should be a strong indicator of the type of audience being targeted by the driver manufacturer.
Nonetheless, he has sent me some frequency responses, but not taken from listening distances as I requested unfortunately.
It is certainly interesting that in his own system, the manufacturer makes use of the 666 compression driver from 156Hz (maybe an implied acknowledgement of its limitations). Here is what he had to say about his drivers:

"the 666 Compressiondriver is able to handle 80Hz without any problems. It works with 2.1 Tesla Alnico or 2.0 Tesla Ferrite Megnets. 2" Phenolic Membrane.112dB 1Watt/1Meter30 Watt Sinus( you will never need it Wink.

Here is the PWT Measurement 

This is measured in a Western Electric 15A Horns 100cm distance on the Soundangle. The green line is our Compressiondriver 666 Top Model which can 80Hz - 5.000Hz

Here is a link where you will see the Driver implemented in a Satohorn. This is our Listeningroom and the Sato plays 156Hz - 1245Hz. With this driver you don't need to cut in the most critical Range between 150hz - 1500Hz.

BtW Our driver is the winner of the ETF European Triode Festival 2014. Together with our Tweeter."

It could work in the right application. But what about its sound? Has anyone heard these drivers?

12-26-2016 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Rio de Janeiro, BR.
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Post #: 247
Post ID: 22900
Reply to: 22421
ALE Loudspeakers.
Apparently, ALE will come out with it own loudspeakers.



Think for yourself, do not be sheep.
05-05-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Rio de Janeiro, BR.
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Post #: 248
Post ID: 23207
Reply to: 22421
Just a youtube video...
It is just a you tube video but:


Think for yourself, do not be sheep.
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  »  New  More about the EdgarHorn Bass..  More about the EdgarHorn Bass...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     0  30379  01-13-2005
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  »  New  ... again on GOTO Unit drivers.....  GOTO installation in Lithuania....  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     108  1167975  08-16-2008
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