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09-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 21
Post ID: 5247
Reply to: 5245
 jessie.dazzle wrote:
Samuel wrote :

"...Step 1) no way .... i will never buy Cabass speakers..."


I did not at all mean to recommend Cabasse speakers... My point is not brand-specific... I just happen to stop on that pair as an example of a more or less consumer grade offering with a decent reputation (I have zero experience with them, so probably should have avoided using THAT example)... You could easily substitute older JBLs, Grundig, Yamaha, etc. The idea is to get yourself something relatively inexpensive, but nevertheless full range capable, right now, to fill the void and keep you from spending stupid money without knowing what exactly you are doing... This will allow you to take a distance, and see things more clearly. You can then take the time necessary to build a system that corresponds to your ideal. It will be far more educational.

Another way of handling "Step 1" would be to pick up a good pair of "audiophile-approved" speakers on the second hand market (being careful to avoid anything that "drills holes in your head"!!!)... Use them as a place holder/educational tool, then sell them for about the same price once you know more what you want.

If you want a name with which I do have some experience, you might try Verity Audio Parsifal+Encores (around $7,000 second hand)... They are not the last word in efficiency, and they are a ported design, but driven by decent electronics, in the right room (medium to large, but not huge), there is a good chance they would keep you satisfied while your direction has time to mature. Then, when and if the time comes to sell, you will likely not lose a cent. Also, because you move around a lot, their protective flight cases would be a big plus. It is not impossible that you find yourself keeping them for a very long time (I had a pair for eight years, and feel I learned from them).


Ok sorry i have understand now...

I have maybe find a solution, i don't tell for now what it is, but if i go to the end of my idea...i think that everybody will be screaming by terror !

!!!!!warning!!!!! roomy will ban me after my next audio move !

09-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 22
Post ID: 5263
Reply to: 5247
Commercial horn speakers
Hey this looks vaguely familiar.


09-09-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 23
Post ID: 5270
Reply to: 5263
The nightmares about the Triolon Excalibur
 drdna wrote:
Hey this looks vaguely familiar.

Actually I read this “review” of the “Acapella Triolon Excalibur four-piece horn loudspeaker system”. Well, not the entire review but I rather glanced a couple senesces of each paragraph. What a magnetically-idiotic article!!! This guy is completely dead.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-11-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 24
Post ID: 5283
Reply to: 5224
Speakers for $10-30K

Hi Samuel, I see that quite a few replies without much in the way of suggestions.  Romy will not give you what you want, ie. a shopping list of speakers to audition, but I will give you one or two recommendations that I think sound quite good in that price range.

1) Soundlab U1, A1 or M1.  All quite similar in size full-range electrostatic loudspeakers systems.  Superb transparency and low level resolution, good dynamics (only not great compared to  full horn system), uncolored, and utterly coherent (this is a big problem with ANY multidriver system)

2) Avantgarde Duo.  Does a reasonably good job of not sounding particularly "horny" while having superb transparency and dynamics.  Bass is only so so with the powered module.

3) Used Wilson X1 Grand SLAMM.  Not the best speaker but dynamic like a horn and less colored than most horns.  Use with good tube amps and it makes a superb sound (with 95db/watt sensitivity and an easy load 30 watts is probably sufficient in all but a large room).  For a "conventional" box speaker I haven't heard anything better.

4) Edgarhorn Titan

5) Apogee Grand.  IMO, there is simply not a better speaker system in the world today than an Apogee Grand.  It was $85,000 when new and worth every penny.  I have a friend with a pair in Germany and there is simply nothing I have heard that is better.  The trouble is finding one as they made only about 20 pairs.  For much less money and much less trouble finding one look at good used Apogee Divas, Scintillas, or Studio Grands.

6) Apogee Synergy.  Resurrected Apogee now located in Australia.  Their new model is like a Scintilla but now a much easier speaker to drive (95db/watt and 3 ohms).  This is probably one of the top 2 or 3 best panel speakers currently in the world (the others are the Soundlabs and the Analysis Audio Amphytron)

7) Analysis Audio Amphytron  another panel speaker and large (over 2meters tall).

8) Thiel CS 3.6.  Yes, I know its cheap on the used market and now discontinued (but only after like at 13 year production run) but IMO it is the best speaker Jim Thiel ever made and with good amps it is very convincing.  The coherency and transparency rival electrostats and it has sufficient punch to satisfy there as well.  With the money saved on the speakers one can think seriously about getting the very best in electronics (a whole other thread I think).

09-13-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 25
Post ID: 5289
Reply to: 5283
Praying in front of speakers instead of listening
 morricab wrote:
Used Wilson X1 Grand SLAMM. Not the best speaker but dynamic like a horn and less colored than most horns. Use with good tube amps and it makes a superb sound (with 95db/watt sensitivity and an easy load 30 watts is probably sufficient in all but a large room). For a "conventional" box speaker I haven't heard anything better.
Yep, the Grand SLAMM would do it. What I always would like to do but never had a change is to play with the Grand SLAMM’s angle-able head with HF channels. David Wilson promotes it as “great accomplishment” but I see it as a great blinder. There is no need for it, not to mention that there is some harm from it. A properly set Grand SLAMM, when it sounds OK has incredibly narrow zone where the HF drivers are aligned. Moving a head for 1” might throw sound into disarray. I presume that with absolutely horizontal axes of the Grand SLAMM this ultras-narrow listening zone should not be there. I unfortunately had no chance to play with it myself as whoever I knew who had the Grand SLAMM were praying in front of them instead of listening to them.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 26
Post ID: 5548
Reply to: 5289
Commercial speakers, next !
Hi everyone,
First, thank you for all your advices.
The university take many most of my time, so listen to speaker had been difficult.

So......I come back with many things too tell, i have made some listening sessions to find a good speaker to work with (remember i just move in montreal),now i work on 500$ M-audio monitor spearkers that are just awfull.

I would be short, i've listen to :

-Wilson Watt/Puppy 8 : Ihave read everywhere that the mid bass of these speakers are "terrific"...indeed thez are blured.
The imaging and dynamics are great. They have REAL qualities (you will not agree but it's the case, sorry)

-Verity Audio Parsifal : the price is just a joke for what these speakers offer, so no need to go further (but some nice qualities on few points)

-Sonus faber stradivari : exactly what I hate, slow, boxy, boring, colored. 40 000$ of emptiness.

-Avalon Indra : perfect imaging, fast, gorgeous timbre, very detailed, NO box sound, invisible.... "not" expensive : 20 000$
I have compared them to the Eidolon Avalon 38 000$ weirdly i prefer -by far- the indra (it is maybe due to the fact that the indra have the new crossover technology from the Isis).

I have bought my amplifier on the second market : a gryphon antileon signature (at a great price).
I'm sure to buy a shindo "vosne romanee" : the best preamp in our solar system (or so).

I gonna listen some other speakers but i'm tired and i have to travel far for that....

Maybe i will just buy the avalon that are just perfectly coherent and for my taste...

Something to say?

10-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 27
Post ID: 5551
Reply to: 5548
If it's the speakers themselves that you want to hear
From your listings perhaps you do not mind if certain qualities of the speakers themselves come to the fore, as long as you get other things you want?

I think the Verity Parsifals do need the Encore (is that it?) bass units, and you'd certainly want them used to get anything like a "value".

I have not heard the Indra, but I have heard worse than the big Avalons I have heard.

You might like the Alon Lotus SE, and if so you could save some money.

If you still want the Puppies after a second and third listen, I can't help you.

Now that you have bought an amp, this should condition your choice of loudspeakers.

I still think you might like the Harbeth Monitor 40, given enough power.

Again, good luck.

Best regards,
Paul S
10-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 28
Post ID: 5552
Reply to: 5551
Commercial speakers next 2
Hello Paul,

I'm going to check if I can easely find a way to listen to the Alon lotus SE and the harbeth....

I have heard the parsifal ovation with bass unit, -for me- they have no dynamics, very difficult to manage and at lower volume they are a shame. But they have real qualities but not enough for this price range.

For the wilson, maybe you are right, but you can't say that these speakers have not qualities (detailed, good sounscape) and i never say that i want to purchase them by the way... the avalon is my actual choice (better and cheaper) but wrote this about the wilson because everybody shot them down and in my listening sessions there were in their price range far more worse speakers than wilson. So i think it is fair to say it.

On my short list i have to listen to : von schweikert VR 7 and YG acoustics Kipod and the models you talk me about.

10-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 29
Post ID: 5556
Reply to: 5552
How the Schweikert sounds....
 samuel33 wrote:
On my short list i have to listen to : von schweikert VR 7...

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-08-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 30
Post ID: 5557
Reply to: 5556
Rise and fall
Hello Roomy,

I'm so tired of traveling to listen speakers that i gonna listen to your advice, instead of the von schweikert vr-7...
I shouldn't trust others ears but one speaker less on the list is fine for me.
And the other point is that I have discovered that Von schweikert have suddenly raise their price in one year for about 15 000$ (!).

I have a thing for you : a unique model of magico speakers ! the Magico Reference, only two model of them in the world, there :

You live for the big sound Show (CES,  festen, ..) so you have alredy heard  great stuffs, so what  can I put on my listening list -yes i know avoiding this question is your next move- try to be less predictable this time pleeeeease...

10-09-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 31
Post ID: 5570
Reply to: 5557
Marten design

I have deceided to make one last listening session, no more of them i'm tired !
I think that the Indra for the price are a bargain.

So the very last would be the Coltrane from Marten design.

It seems they share some qualities that I love...

So I keep you in touch with that.


10-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 32
Post ID: 5578
Reply to: 5557
4 Rules of Risk Management
"the Magico Reference"
Samuel, how can i be subtle about this.. have you searched the sight for Romy's thought sabout the Magico or Marten designs? Link

Have you read Romy's Audio Rules or the Knowlege Tree to know what the discussions here are about?

or are you like the jahovas witnesses that just don't get the "if you love jesus - please go away" sign on my front door and knock anyhow.

In Risk Management we have a rule.. I think it generally applies to many aspect of Audio and posting about audio as well...
it goes something like this:
Listen first, Listen twice, Listen a third time and then shut up.

There are other places to blab incessantly about the fantasy designs you want to buy with your monopoly money.. but this isn't the place.
Every day I log into the site looking for something thoughtful to read and think about, then the last few days i've been seeing this garbage
please stop ruining my afternoons with your nonsense.
or.. or.. I'll just have to turn off the computer and listen to something..
lol. really.. don't intend to be mean, just want to encourage you to stop posting and start reading.. and more importantly listening.
want to spend money.. support your local symphony, or a distant one and move there to listen to everything on the calendar for a few years.
do that and I'll be glad to listen to you again.
10-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 33
Post ID: 5579
Reply to: 5578
Not right not wrong
Hi malinowski,

I perfectly know about romy 'way of thinking about the magico, if Ididn't why should have post it ?

I would love to have solid conversation about somthing else...

But it seems not a possibilty with romy, who run away each time he feels in difficulty in a discussion about his way of conceiving a good tranducer.

But you are right, on one point : this thread is boring. I just needed  to find quickly speakers for my job, and need advices.

This thread is over.

10-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 34
Post ID: 5580
Reply to: 5579
Have a wonderful “quickie” life….

 samuel33 wrote:
....this thread is boring. I just needed  to find quickly speakers for my job, and need advices. This thread is over.

There is a difference between me not wiling to be engaged in conversation on idiotic topics or deal with the posters who persistently are uploading idiotic content and me “run away each time I feel difficulty in a discussion”. I do not ever remember me ruining from content but I do have a habit to recognize and to label not worthy opponent or collaborator and to “dispose” them.  I initially thought that you have any residue of a common sensitivity when I explain to you this morning:


…but it looks that your “common sense” understands different persuasion…

I have each month a freaking Moron surfing internet and founding the world “audio” join this site and begin to thrill me and others with his idiotic desire to “find quickly speakers” or to get a “quickie advice”. If you do not release yet that with your simplicity you just found yourself in a wrong community then I think it is an opportunity for you to reconsider it. I know that you do not “get” what I suggest you – would it be a good reason for you to move over?

This thread was over right with your initiation of it but unfortunately “morricab” posted a valuable post… Anyhow, since I have no intention to read your posts and you not wiling to post anything that indicates your, even remote, scene of audio consciousness I would like to propose you to take a year of vacation off my site. Next year if you understand what this site was all about you need to write as essay on the subject “Why I was an Audio-Moron™” and then, if I found your arguments reasonable, you will be welcome to post here again. Meanwhile, you have one more post to make and then you rights to post at my site will be revoked. Please do not play further games with me – I could be very nasty pussy.

Good luck,
Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 35
Post ID: 5582
Reply to: 5580
One and the others
Hey guy, syop your bullshit just for once.

Ok this thread was not appropriate...fine.

If i come here -at first- it was not to ask for advices, it was a case of emergency (sorry to everyone if it has bothered you).

Now i've come here to discuss about sound reprodution -and not just how a horn is made- but in  a larger way.

so it why i've just wrote this :


Roomy, don't be pretentious because you construct horns, i compose expérimental music and i have seen made many acousmonium who need a totaly new way of thinking music in the space of a concert hall. by doing this the only person that you impress is yourself.

Look at this post : http://www.goodsoundclub.com/Forums/ShowPost.aspx?postID=5581#5581

You will see tha t there is no need to crush people because thez can not construct speakers, my job as an acousmatic composer is to create systems with almost 50 speakers to create something new in the way of presenting music to poeple : does i despise you just because you "only" construct horns : NO

So please accept that people can bring something intresting even if they don't construct speakers, my question (in the other post) was to understand your goals.

Open your mind some people around you try to make intresting things also, you just have to swallow your pretention sometimes.

10-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 36
Post ID: 5584
Reply to: 5582
Joe sackhead
what is this the gong show? I read your post about "The 3rd music revolution and its consequences."  this is chap. 1 music theory from texbook dated in the early 70's?
something terry riley and steve reich, and conlon nancarrow were responding to in live music.
Samule should be subjected to the complete recording of Nancarrows recording of player pianos..
ok. unfair to nancarrow.. i actually like these recordings.
GONG! Romy get the cane and pull this act off the stage. Then mr. Dazzle pls. start a thread in the music forum to address your interest in  "electronic music" to torture joe sackead here (anyone remember the guy who's act was to come out on stage in a suit with a sack on his head?).
I am genuinely interested in jessies thoughts here and recordings he and others find interesting.
I do secretly have an an affinity for a few recordings like this.
oh. and after that.. i wont take any offense to Romy deleting this whole thread.
10-11-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
peter foster
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Post #: 37
Post ID: 5585
Reply to: 5582
Private mails
Dear samuel33, off forum discussion is possible by private emails but you will need to add an email address to your profile information.  Regards, Peter Foster.
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