fiogf49gjkf0d Romy the Cat wrote: | That is my constant dilemma while
I socializing with audio people. Om a surface the question about T/S parameters for Goto is reasonable.
It means now I need to correlate whoever I know Goto user and the people who
know how to measure T/S and then drop a few names. However, I also do know
something about sound horns and I know that T/S is absolutely irrelevant for
the horns design, particularly with this type of driver. Moreover if the horn
is made properly and the driver performs at its best then the T/S parameters of
the original driver must be overridden. So, what would be the advise to me: to
be a nice guy and to patronize the irrelevant question that only lead the
people astray or just to discard the question?
Again, trash the HornResp, forget the T/S
parameters and start to build sound instead of practice near-audio community amusement. I
have ban (did not support) any conversation about HornResp at my site long time
ago. If you would like waste your time with this then there are plenty of other
sites to do so. |
Ok, lets just experiment with what I have and see where to move next. I appreciate very much your help with this very unique opportunity to get proper sound from bass compression driver. Today I run system in 3 channel configuration: 1. JBL 2453 in 550Hz horn 1200-14000Hz 2. JBL 2450 in 350Hz horn 500-1200Hz 3. GOTO SG-146LD in 46horn 50-400Hz I've added 0,7m length to 2m horn, so now my mid-bass horn has 4" throat and 1x1m mouth and 2.7m length.

Strange, that I still have drop at 200Hz, but now I think that it is some room mod, so tomorrow I'll try to move horn around and check what will be changed. I've used 2nd order crossover (yellow).

I really like the sound I've got today. My 1st experiment was also good, because first time in my life I heard right tone for low octaves of piano, but I also had some dirty sound around low-mids, because 1st order was not enough to remove low-mids from mid-bass horn.Now with 2nd order low-mids are clear. Another impressive fact, that I don't feel the need for ULF channel! Whole orchestra sounds complete and full! May be resonance at 27Hz introduces some ULF waves. The only thing is I feel that upper bass can be better with shorter horn. Because for some piano notes I hear same kind of dirt like I had in my 1st experiment. So, better to remove upper bass frequency from mid-bass horn and introduce dedicated upper bass channel. May be with the same GOTO 146 driver!I still have no idea how to put another 1m mouth horn and keep this mid-bass horn, but I'll introduce some ideas later.
Another concern I have is about it OK if mid-bass driver will be placed about 1m back from all other drivers ? I've read the thread about mid-bass horn and as I see it is placed in the back and not time-aligned, because distance is different from mid-bass drivers in the back and other drivers in the front. Am I right ?