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05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 21
Post ID: 13566
Reply to: 13560
You Should Be The Presidents Cheif Of Staff.
Romy    I have not herd so much doulble talk in a long time. Some of the best sounding drivers on the market in the last 60 years, were for sound reinforcement. I do believe, in a 2 way speaker system crossed over at 800hz with a good wood horn i will take the altec 802C driver over the vitovox S2 and the jbl 2441 and the tad 4001. My main system has the jbl2441 for mids but that system is 3 way. I had the tad drivers 4001 before all the hype in the early 90's overated Same as the S2 vitavox it is a scaled down altec 288C with less magnet and a stupid horn attachment, overated. And they are all for sound reinforcement. Why would anyone in there right mind want to drive an altec 802 at 400 hz? They were ment to be used at 500Hz and up. There are very few people out there that understand what is going on, in speaker system, and there is no perfect system. Most of my favorite albums were cut monitoring with the altec 604 duplex 2 way speakers, they were in all the major studio's control rooms for a reason thru the 50's and 60's and if you play your album's from those major studio's you will notice they have the best fidelity playback. So badmouthing the altec early 802 drivers tells me you mite have a tin ear, because you donot have a clue to make some of your statements. Hell the only reason i monitor this site is to see witch new braindead idea your going to comeup with next. All the other site's just make fun of you to, but they are no better. I have never posted on any of them, you are rite they are morrons. There is no good site, they are all full of shit and trying to sell something or brainwash you with there audio propaganda. Why is it all the people in the art's are homo's Romy? Maybe being a gay does something to your ears. Forsure you have to much time on your hands, you need to find a women and maybe you will get lucky and she has some good ear's to tell you what your system sounds like, then you can start over with a real idea. You mite realize simple is better, you donot need a 10 way speaker system, you donot need to buy stock into the edison company for audio playback. you donot need $5000.00 worth of wire when $150.00 sounds the same. Everything was going good on this site until you started to getting strange about your new sound room, then the real you came out of the closet, first i donot believe you own the house because you are trying to not make any changes to sound room, then you started a few other posts so it was becoming a sore subject because of how bad it sounds and it was emberassing because you had no idea what you were getting into. Witch are the basics in sound principles, your room. You thought you were just going to plop your speakers in there and walla, same old sound as the last room. My audio consulting fee's are pretty high, give me a landline when you want to take your system to the next level, witch is about 5 levels down. Preaching Horn Religion  MSAUDIO    I will bet you remove this from your site because, YOU CAN'T HANDEL THE TRUTH. Or we can start a new thread for the upgrades to your system and call the thread " Speakers for the Hearing Impaired"
05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 22
Post ID: 13567
Reply to: 13566
Preacher of homophobia?
 msaudio wrote:
Romy    Why is it all the people in the art's are homo's Romy? Maybe being a gay does something to your ears. Forsure you have to much time on your hands, you need to find a women and maybe you will get lucky and she has some good ear's to tell you what your system sounds like, then you can start over with a real idea.


As interesting and thought-provoking as your comments about the Altec speakers may have been, and without concerning myself with the reasons for your disagreement with Romy, I take issue with your clearly homophobic attitude and wish you had not polluted this entertaining thread with your revolting persona.
You obviously belong to that select group of individuals who still live in the dark ages, who variously view homosexuals, lesbians, coloured people, those of different classes, backgrounds, sexes or beliefs as lesser human beings or some unnatural abomination. The history of manking is littered with the struggles of those who would not put up with it and this no doubt explains why you felt you could express your nauseous sentiments under anonymity on an online forum.

I hope you apologise for the offense caused to all civilised people who actually visit this website for its capacity to educate, entertain, irritate or provoke controversy in equal measure without descending into homophobism, racism and the like.

Not so kind regards

05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 23
Post ID: 13568
Reply to: 13567
Are You A Joke are What?
Oxric    The homo's you want to defend are the same individual's that are taken down man kind of the world. Homo's don't have respect for there fellow man, they want to destroy religion, mariage,morrals,self respect. You want to call homo's civilised people, that's a joke. You are Little magget in my book, go find a primary school to hang at scumbag.   
05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 24
Post ID: 13569
Reply to: 13566
Altec is stepping out of closet.

 msaudio wrote:
Romy I have not herd so much doulble talk in a long time. Some of the best sounding drivers on the market in the last 60 years, were for sound reinforcement.

It is not my view. I wrote about it many times before, read my site.  Compression drivers were made ONLY for sound reinforcement where sound pressure was the only objective. No one ever made drivers for sonic objectives. We just use for home applications the best among worse what the sound reinforcement industry produce. Saying it, I have to admit that there is very small amount of companies very recently that  make claims that their new divers were made specifically for home use and with sonic objectives but it is a totally different subject and I would challenge their claims.

 msaudio wrote:
Why would anyone in there right mind want to drive an altec 802 at 400 hz? They were ment to be used at 500Hz and up.

Because the attack bass drivers in ported configuration are not so good above 400Hz. I would cross them at 300Hz but there is no compression drivers that would go so low.

 msaudio wrote:
So badmouthing the altec early 802 drivers tells me you mite have a tin ear, because you donot have a clue to make some of your statements.

I do not badmouthing them I reflect what they are. Not only you had them and not only were you trying to make them to work. The 1” Altec drivers have own place in cheap Altec models what people were trying to put one ass on multiple c\stools but it is about it. They very primitive in tone, they have very low contrast discrimination and particularly at low volume, they “compressed”, they have many other problems.  They are bright enough to shot from the depth of the stupid Altec horns and it why people like them.

 msaudio wrote:
Why is it all the people in the art's are homo's Romy? Maybe being a gay does something to your ears.

Hm, interesting. Each day I have a chance to learn something new about myself. Did you see in your wet dream that you sucked my dick or you it is you were licking the Altec drivers? Sorry disappoint you, msaudio, I am not a gay but the need of assholes out there to justify position as “because he is a fag” is not new to me. 9 years ago one very famous manufacturer (with truly world name) in response to my disapproval of Sound of his product deployed a rumor that I am a gay.  For the white trash the he was selling his crap at that time it was enough. In six month he got high on cocaine (that he use VERY aggressively at that time) and he called me home and literally claying he told me that in his childhood when he was in ballet school he was sexually used by his teachers and his older schoolmates. He sounded very hart but honestly, I had absolutely no sympathy for him. I do not know what is your particular problem is but I have no sympathy for your obvious problem as well.

 msaudio wrote:
Forsure you have to much time on your hands, you need to find a women and maybe you will get lucky and she has some good ear's to tell you what your system sounds like, then you can start over with a real idea. You mite realize simple is better, you donot need a 10 way speaker system, you donot need to buy stock into the edison company for audio playback. you donot need $5000.00 worth of wire when $150.00 sounds the same. Everything was going good on this site until you started to getting strange about your new sound room, then the real you came out of the closet, first i donot believe you own the house because you are trying to not make any changes to sound room, then you started a few other posts so it was becoming a sore subject because of how bad it sounds and it was emberassing because you had no idea what you were getting into. Witch are the basics in sound principles, your room. You thought you were just going to plop your speakers in there and walla, same old sound as the last room. My audio consulting fee's are pretty high, give me a landline when you want to take your system to the next level, witch is about 5 levels down. Preaching Horn Religion  MSAUDIO    I will bet you remove this from your site because, YOU CAN'T HANDEL THE TRUTH. Or we can start a new thread for the upgrades to your system and call the thread " Speakers for the Hearing Impaired"

Oh, msaudio, how foolish you were thinking that I would remove your post from my site! Your post is the best you even posted and it is wonderful illustration why have an attitude toward Audio Moron as I do.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 25
Post ID: 13570
Reply to: 13568
I do not want to waste my time to read the crap like this.

 msaudio wrote:
Oxric    The homo's you want to defend are the same individual's that are taken down man kind of the world. Homo's don't have respect for there fellow man, they want to destroy religion, mariage,morrals,self respect. You want to call homo's civilised people, that's a joke. You are Little magget in my book, go find a primary school to hang at scumbag.   


if you had a need to vent your little oasis of own happiness,  I guess you have right to do so. Still, I would like to ask you (and I will do it only ONCE) to stay on the subjects of audio. Regardless the fact that I very much disagree with your life views, and regardless the fact that I have consider you an idiot (not because Altec but everything else), I would like to extend you opportunity to sober up and to re-read the stupidity you have posted. In future, if you wish I would like you to post only on the subjects of audio. You are in probation at my site. One more post where you have a need to bravado you white trash attitude (brad, learned where the phases came from) and you will lose not only posting but also reading privileges at my site. I do not want to waste my time to read the crap like this.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 26
Post ID: 13571
Reply to: 13570
My Own Dream World
Sorry Romy    My comment's were out of line, i will keep my comment's about audio subject's only, In the future.  MSAUDIO
09-23-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 27
Post ID: 14539
Reply to: 13135
Altec 19’s bass and continuously adjustable output impedance
Last night I was cleaning/setting the room where the hated Altec 19 were sitting and I decided play them for a while.  I used a few different amps. To drive Altec 19, especially in it’s default configuration, always was a subject of debates and disagreements.  I had a few amps that I tried with more or less success. I did not paid attention to upper region of the Altec 19 – then are improperly made to do it right, but I was looking at bass that the Model 19 does.

As much as I like the Model 19 bass driver as much I always hated the Model 19 bass. Still using different amps, tube sand SS, I recognized that the variation of bass was much larger then it shall be expected. After a bit thinking I concluded that the bass variation that I heard was not the variation in amplifiers but the variation amp’s output impedance.

I decided to test it on practice and tock my Yamaha B2 amp and connected it to Model 19. The good part about B2 is that I have a comfortable full control of how I bias the output stage, so I begin to very accurately and very gradually slide the B2 bias from 20mA to 350mA. The bass of the Altec 19 was changing right in my eyes, perfectly reflecting the amp output. In fact I never had seen the speakers so sensitive to those things.  Apparently they have huge port reactance and I guess the best bet would be to have the amp’s current to damp the port reactance. The kink in it to damp it right before or right after the port dive making the speakers to produce what they call ”bass”.

I was able to manage the Altec 19’s bass to very large degree. I do not claim that I was able to get bass that I feel it right bass but it was not my objective. My objective was to confirm that when idiots on-line sing the songs that Altec 19 has a good bass but to get there you need a good tube amplifier then they are expressing nothing more than idiocy.  Sure, the Altec 19’s bass channel needs current (power) but it also needs very precise amount of current to control the driver while the port is turning on. Picking different amps would hardly give a right level of precision – it needs to be continuously adjustable output impedance…

Romy The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-26-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 28
Post ID: 14560
Reply to: 14539
Altec 19's bass and continuously adjustable output impedance

I have also noticed a difference in the response of my Altec 416A's with various amplifiers. My best rated amplifier the Bryston B60 was the worst and I could not listen to the speakers. I have been using a cheap Panasonic chip amp (SA-XR45) instead and it has provided the best results thus far. This comment is in no way an endorsement of this combination for others. 
Thanks for posting the outcome of your test.
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Last night I was cleaning/setting the room where the hated Altec 19 were sitting and I decided play them for a while.  I used a few different amps. To drive Altec 19, especially in it’s default configuration, always was a subject of debates and disagreements.  I had a few amps that I tried with more or less success. I did not paid attention to upper region of the Altec 19 – then are improperly made to do it right, but I was looking at bass that the Model 19 does.

As much as I like the Model 19 bass driver as much I always hated the Model 19 bass. Still using different amps, tube sand SS, I recognized that the variation of bass was much larger then it shall be expected. After a bit thinking I concluded that the bass variation that I heard was not the variation in amplifiers but the variation amp’s output impedance.

I decided to test it on practice and tock my Yamaha B2 amp and connected it to Model 19. The good part about B2 is that I have a comfortable full control of how I bias the output stage, so I begin to very accurately and very gradually slide the B2 bias from 20mA to 350mA. The bass of the Altec 19 was changing right in my eyes, perfectly reflecting the amp output. In fact I never had seen the speakers so sensitive to those things.  Apparently they have huge port reactance and I guess the best bet would be to have the amp’s current to damp the port reactance. The kink in it to damp it right before or right after the port dive making the speakers to produce what they call ”bass”.

I was able to manage the Altec 19’s bass to very large degree. I do not claim that I was able to get bass that I feel it right bass but it was not my objective. My objective was to confirm that when idiots on-line sing the songs that Altec 19 has a good bass but to get there you need a good tube amplifier then they are expressing nothing more than idiocy.  Sure, the Altec 19’s bass channel needs current (power) but it also needs very precise amount of current to control the driver while the port is turning on. Picking different amps would hardly give a right level of precision – it needs to be continuously adjustable output impedance…

Romy The caT
09-26-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 29
Post ID: 14561
Reply to: 14560
Altec 19 is on back burner, unless somebody pays…
 DonM wrote:

I have also noticed a difference in the response of my Altec 416A's with various amplifiers. My best rated amplifier the Bryston B60 was the worst and I could not listen to the speakers. I have been using a cheap Panasonic chip amp (SA-XR45) instead and it has provided the best results thus far. This comment is in no way an endorsement of this combination for others. 
Thanks for posting the outcome of your test.

Don, as much as Altec 416 is OK driver as much problematic sound Altec 19 creates in bass. I think to get anything more or less useful out of it the Altec 19 much be biamped and the bass amp needs to deal with port current reactance. My main system is down during remodeling and I was listening for a couple days Altec 19 in my “opera” room. I got sick from this sound – all bass tones sound like one homogenous note. That made me to spend an hour to play with amp dumping…

This whole thing needs to be reviewed – I do not think that chose amps is right direction to go. I do not have time not and frankly speaking the desire to do it nowadays. During the winter, when I will be setting up my “opera room” and if I chose to work with Altec 19, I might do it is….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-26-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 30
Post ID: 14562
Reply to: 14561
Altec 19 - on hold
I'm also very interested in how you deal with a replacement for the 811b horn. I have not seen another hobbyist who has posted a suitable alternative with measurements. Its possible that the Azura horn recommended in the thread "Beyond the Ariel" could qualify, however it is not mated with a 1" driver.     Will continue to monitor your site for updates.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
 DonM wrote:

I have also noticed a difference in the response of my Altec 416A's with various amplifiers. My best rated amplifier the Bryston B60 was the worst and I could not listen to the speakers. I have been using a cheap Panasonic chip amp (SA-XR45) instead and it has provided the best results thus far. This comment is in no way an endorsement of this combination for others. 
Thanks for posting the outcome of your test.

Don, as much as Altec 416 is OK driver as much problematic sound Altec 19 creates in bass. I think to get anything more or less useful out of it the Altec 19 much be biamped and the bass amp needs to deal with port current reactance. My main system is down during remodeling and I was listening for a couple days Altec 19 in my “opera” room. I got sick from this sound – all bass tones sound like one homogenous note. That made me to spend an hour to play with amp dumping…

This whole thing needs to be reviewed – I do not think that chose amps is right direction to go. I do not have time not and frankly speaking the desire to do it nowadays. During the winter, when I will be setting up my “opera room” and if I chose to work with Altec 19, I might do it is….

The Cat
09-26-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 31
Post ID: 14563
Reply to: 14562
The 811b is junk
The 811b horn is an unfortunate junk; it has to be unconditionally trashed. I wrote years back at the Altec forum, at that time I did not know that all of them are idiots in there, that Altec use of this horn in Model 19 is disasters. The horn is horrible itself but it also forces the MF driver to run at 1.2K that makes Altec 416 drive to run all the way up.  The Altec 416 shall not be use used over 300-400Hz. To keep the Model 19 two ways it need to be use with 250Hz horn and MF driver that runs down to 400Hz or to keep 800Hz fast opening horn and to introduce a proxy channel between MF and bass channels. So, it becoming 3-4 channels, “smartly” multi-amped system… it might be easily understood why I was asking $50K for building it up. Again, I have no need to do it and if I do then I would probably chose a different base then Altec 19 but if someone have an itch for Altec 19’s look then for the specific sum of money I would take a month off and would built something decently sounding around the Altec 19. I think I will be able to do it. Pick up in my home, after an addition and verification. I truly do not need Altec 19 but to get rid of them now as they are is too easy and also not necessary for me.  They look very nice around a fireplace of my opera room. Frankly speaking this is why I bought them – for the look…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-08-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 32
Post ID: 14682
Reply to: 13153
Bas time align
[quote user="Romy the Cat"

I have a very clear idea what kind elements I might be using in there and the whole Cetla Ledom ides is very much cleared to me. There are just two subjects that I do not know at this point: time delay for bass channel

Can You expand Yours concern about time delay in spakers like altec 19?

10-24-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 33
Post ID: 14774
Reply to: 14682
It is hard to do something for the first time without full knowledge...
Is speakers like altec 19 have time aligned drivers?
I think I have never seen in internet time aligned  3-4 way horn speakers with oken/jensn as a bass.
Slowly I am closer to finish my first speakers with horns, the frame is adjustable (35-45cm driver to driver) I dont know what will by with bass aligment.
Thats why I post last message...


10-24-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 34
Post ID: 14776
Reply to: 14774
No one buy my New Altec 19 for $50K?
No, the speakers like Altec 19 have time miss-aligned drivers. The majority of 3-4 way horn speakers with oken/jensn as a bass that you might see in internet also very seldom time-aligned but it is excusable as the DIY-audio people are mostly Morons . They have very primitive objective in Sound and very limited ability to discriminate results. I’m taking about the aligned 3-4 channels speakers not just any speakers with time only miss-aligned oken/jensn bass module. In case only bass modules are out of aliment then it is more complicated subject and the miss-aligned is understandablu-acceptable to a degree.   The degree of acceptance is much more complex topic and way of scope of the Altec 19 thread.

I like the frame you made but be advised that your channels will be no on straight line but on a small curve. Make a provision to move the driver back and forth for a few inches.

BTW, why no one expressed an interest to buy my will be made Cetla speaker for $50K? People do not take me seriose ofr$50K become foe the audio hoodlums a lot of money?

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-25-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 35
Post ID: 14780
Reply to: 14776
Follow a good example...
And I take care to move driver back and forth:
sliding machine.jpg

$50K for speaker and amps is fair price. But...... You must call to Srajan or alike to sell it Smile

10-25-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 36
Post ID: 14782
Reply to: 14780
I do not know what you are building ...
 Dominik wrote:
And I take care to move driver back and forth:

sliding machine.jpg

This is a very good solution if you know that your channel will be sitting right here. I would like also to see two holes on the side of those metal harnesses that would screw the horn to the harness, preventing horn to move. When you have it done then create a new thread (this is Altec 19 thread) with pictures and explanations of your new speaker as I think your frame ides might be dedicational. I do not know what you are building and it might be fun to follow…

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-26-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 37
Post ID: 15298
Reply to: 13135
The Morons are unhappy.
I always thought that I have to have a dedicated thread where I would upload all those unhappy emails that audio-morons from around the world send me. This is so entertaining and surprisingly demonstrable! Here is I got just now. It comes from Kerry somebody from California:

“I read all of your stupid comments about the Altec model 19, Granted they don't sound the best without the addition of a tweeter and some EQ adjustment, but with it they sound quite good. I had Altec Valencia's. which were basically the early version of a model 19. I had to add tweeters and a 1/3 octave EQ and with this combination it was the best sounding stereo I and everybody else have ever heard to date. I'm speaking of hundereds of people that to this day still talk about that sound system and all say it was the best system they ever heard! I have been an audiophile since the early 70's and have heard probably a thousand sytems and "none" of them match that system. I am presently building prototype speakers for pro use and have decided to re-create the Valencia system to use for a reference system. I can't say that the model 19's will sound as good as the Valencia's because I never had a set to use long enough to tune it in, but i'm sure it wouldn't be too much off. There is nothing wrong with the 811b horn or the 416-8b woofer. The Altec 806A hf driver is great with the addition of tweeters and some serious EQ work, but that's it. I can tell by your comments here that you're an idiot and should never write anything more of your stupid opinion!”

What can I reply? Kerry, sweetheart, stick your Valencia, along with your 40 years audiophile experience in your own ass. If you pay me $50K then I descend myself to make my Cetla loudspeaker to sound in the way I think it shall, and then you will have opportunity to learn something that you can’t comprehend and that your “hundreds of retards” will not teach you . Otherwise, stick to prairie’s free grass and keep goggling.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-27-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 38
Post ID: 15309
Reply to: 13135
Altec 19 is good for my fireplace.

I can see that 439 Altec-brewed white-trashes after reading the subject of this post run basement and begin to cut with table saw their stupid ears from their empty heads. Good for then, I am glad to be at service. No I do not propose to burn Altec 19 in fireplace, I propose to but in fireplace any retarded idiot who feel insulted by the fact that I consider that Altec 19 is shity loudspeaker.

The reality is that my Altec 19 is good for my fireplace and I use it “fireplace music”.  I play a lot of Altec 19 last week. My Koshka turned 20 year old on December 1 and I begin to develop some health problems that I work on. I love her immensely and it is hard to see her uncomfortable. We are together since she was 3 days old and when she was a little kitten on a few months she loved to sit at fireplace. Back in Philadelphia, where I use to live at that time, we spend long hours sitting at fireplace. She was biting fingers of my leg and I pretended that I am scare and that she is the most menacing Cat in universe.

Nowadays as the cold time come I begin to use fireplace extensively and she come back right to the place where she use to be 20 years back. We are spending quality time: I am sitting on my low buckwheat chair, stretching my legs to fireplace and she, hugging with her paws my whole leg. We are like 20 year back, only we are not….


I have a pair of Altec 19 sitting on the both sides of fireplace and on evening I played them in my fireplace room. Altec 19 can’t play classical music by default and suitable only for pop music. So, I spin Roger Water “Amused to Death” and alike. In reality it is absolutely irrelevant what kind loudspeakers I would use during my fireplace sessions, it happens that it is Altec 19. Does Altec Sound well in this environment with pop music. Who cares! As long as Koshka is comfortable and willing to hug my legs I do not care about Sound in my fireplace room.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-07-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 39
Post ID: 15945
Reply to: 13135
No one want to bite my Cetla Ledom?
I think the Morons do not take me seriously and no one has enquired about my proposed Cetla Ledom 91 loudspeakers and offered me my $50K. That is pity as somebody out there is losing a very rare chance to get an acoustic system that will be hand-tuned with attention to the actual Sound. It is not that I desperately want these $50K, in fact I would not know what to do with them, but I think $50K would be a more or less reasonable motivator for me to work on my Cetla Ledom.

I just would like to inform the people that the offer most likely has a limited standing and closer to next winter I will be more inclined to keep the Altec 19. The Altec 19 make very good fireplace speaker. No, I do not burn them in my chimney but during the winter I do use my fireplace a LOT and Altecs fit very-very nicely in that room with the fireplace. They even sound appealing from the location in from of fire… So, if Altec 19 sty in my home to the next winter then I will convert them to Cetla Ledom but I will do it for myself and you, people, will lose a chance to have it.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-09-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,295
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 40
Post ID: 15962
Reply to: 13135
What Cetla Ledom 19 will have?

I was trying to strategize what would I do it tomorrow someone get in touch with me and offer my $50K. In another words what would I do to convert the Altec 19 to Cetla Ledom?

This is an interesting discussion itself as it gives a blueprint for me what might be done with my Altecs closer to the next winter. For sure the people who know me do understand that my proposal to rebuild to somebody for $50K I not really my desire to practice audio enterprise but rather my desire to piss the Altec self-proclaimed aficionados. If you look at the Altec sites then you will see how the fucking idiots got pissed – I do experience a pleasure to tease a stupid angry dog with a plastic bone. I wools never do it with Cats – they are noble creatures but dogs, in particularly stupid barking little retarded irate dogs with no sense of own identity – they beg to treat them with contempt.  You got the picture.
Do not look at Russian dictionary trying to figure out what Cetla Ledom 19 is. The name is just revered reading of Altec Model 19 from right to left. So, what the Cetla Ledom 19 would encompass?

As I said I do like the Altec appearance, particularly with my fireplace in my unused room but the bind with mint condition pre-existing Altec 19 might be was not the best idea. There is a guy at eBya with user name ‘aquariumsolutions’ and he makes very good replica  of the Altec 19 cabinets. The great thing about this direction that he can made  for $700  a new boxes with minor adjustment in the dimension to accommodate the changes Altec 19 to Cetla 91. I have no interest to do it as I have already my Altec 19. It is what it is and I will stick with it.

The Cetla Ledom 19 will be 3-4 way acoustic system.  The people who read my site and who have own brain/ear do understed that any more or less serious horn installation imply no less than 5 channels but the Cetla Ledom will not be serious speaker it will be a good speaker for $50K or a good speaker for my fireplace room love to watch fire and to listen something like “Amused to Death”.

The very first step that must be done with Altec 19 is trashing the horrible Altec horns and introduction of normal lower MF channels. This will let the bass driver do not go to ridicules 1000Hz. So, here is how I see the Cetla Ledom complete:

1) Bass channel with 416 drivers as it is. The Altec 416 is a very good driver, for sure very stupidly used in the Model 19 type enclosure. I will keep it however as is with 250Hz lowpass second order.  The key is to use Cetla Ledom’s bass section will be the amplification, read about it below.

2) Lower MF channel. This will be my 18-sell multicell horn with JBL 2490 driver. I decided do not vandalize the appearance of my Macondo, so the multicell goes to the Cetla. I will re-paint it to wood color to match the Model 19 box and it will be it. The channel I presume will be carrying from 250 to 1000Hz, something sort of my Fundamental Channel at Macondo.. It will take HF out of the bass channel and it will take LF out of MF channel.

3) The MF channel. It will be Vitavox S3 or less likely S2 in the Vitavox “narrow” horn. Vitavox had 3 own horn and the “narrow” one I find was quite nice. Not as good as fast opening spherical but still acceptable. It will be high passed with whatever order and location that would give proper integration of it with   2490 and multicell. I think it will be somewhere around 1000Hz but I do not know the details yet. The MF horns I plan to put in the same location where the Altec has own MF horn. The mouth of the Vitavox horn are the same (near identical) size as the Altec opening for MF compartment.

4) At the very top it will be RAAL 101dB sensitive ribbon. I have them as left over from some kind of project that I do not remember about and it will do fine. The HF will be sitting above multicell and will kick in at 12kHz

5) The HF, MF and Lower MF will be time-aligned

6) The  Cetla Ledom will be bi-amped. The HF, MF and Lower MF that are all above 108dB sensitivity (ribbons so not need to have sensitivity match) will be driven by one amp with passive filters. The Bass channels will be driver by dedicated amps with ability to dial it the amp dumping. If somebody pays $50K then it will be completed 4Ch Class A SS amp with adjustable output impedance for bass amp – 416 driver is supper sensitive to loading in this configuration. If I leave the Cetla for myself then I will be using whatever I use and will not any by-amping as I will not need “proper bass” from this thing.

I think what I describe is a reasonable setting and I do not think that a Moron for his $50K will be able to get from the industry-sponsor speaker the Sound that he will be getting from Cetla. Tonally and dynamically it will be far beyond what the today gasoline-made driver are able to deliver. I will make sure that the complete speaker is well-balanced.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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