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Old Goto's drivers vs. newer, current production
fiogf49gjkf0d Hi Roman!
So, an SG-37FRP finally dropped on yr. laps;-) - glad it happened: not because you're now part of an Olympus-like lobby, but because you'll be able to judge with yr. own ears, much, MUCH better than theorically speculating on this or that...
It's not the best (or most expensive) speaker in the world, but - I hope you'll agree - it's extremely transparent and sensitive, without loosing that sense of easy, airy character, quite rare.
Quoting from a previous post of mine:
"Returning to Goto: when I quoted the between 7 and 10 years age of my second-hand drivers, I meant to point out they're not the huge, super-expensive, tycoon-type drivers someone own, BUT, nonetheless, were still manufactured in small batches when Seja Goto himself was still in the workshop.
Me too I own Westrex' and RCA's drivers and speakers which are 50 or 60 years old, and didn't suffered any flux loss...
JBL or Altec or...: Romy - an example I wish to tell you is that when I did some testing and listening, what I remember clearly was the hiss coming from high and mid-high drivers... to my surprise, while the hiss from, say, a JBL 2420 with barrier/sliced short horn and lens was like "fffffffffssffffff", quite grainy - the very same hiss, say from interstation FM or tape or phono without disc playing was a feeble, clear "sssssssssssssss" on high and "ssshhhhhhhhhh" on mid-high, quite different from the thicker, less mellow JBL's." Also Altec's (288-C, in my experiece...) sounded dull when directly compared vs. SG-37FRP... I read somewhere that Japanese people has "different" ear shapes, and love high frequencies... so ALL cartridges and speakers from Japan "should" have a tilted up high frequencies character!!! Yep: isn't this a form of audio/musical racism;-)!?!?
I'll soon be in Japan for two weeks visiting some people I know there, who owns nice horns systems, ALE's, Audio Tekne (based on ALE's drivers with carbon-block/graphite enclosures) and Goto, as well... my experience, owning several handmade cartridges and a full set of Goto's drivers and horns proves the above to be simply untrue and offensive to the great love for audio and music of the average japanese MJ/stereo Sound reader.
I'm sure - and I'll sincerely report in the next weeks in my Blog - about my audio/musical experiences... which I expect to be VERY interesting.
Returning to Goto's... Roman: the single digits power handing of most of Goto's drivers isn't a snobbish, conservative data... I always read this feature as something which CLEARLY take the distances to the cinema/theater drivers, industrial designs, where the subtleties in music and details retrival is simply a secondary feature.
When inspecting a Goto or ALE driver's diaphragm vs. ALTEC/JBL's you INSTANTLY understand they are two different breeds.
Horns drivers from home listening are, must be differently built from industrial/P.A. drivers, period.
As I often say, everything sound, also the el cheapo transistor radio with its 3 cm diam. speaker... how this or that sounds is paramount and to accomplished only through direct experiencing and comparisons.
Good luck with yr. newly acquired green-bodied toy and keep us posted.
"Use your ears as your eyes" - Gertrude Stein