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12-20-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 3324
Reply to: 3324
Vitavox S2 driver made in china
hy romy

as i dont find a second aura 1808, i was looking as a alternative to buy a aura nrt18-8. aura is producing them in china, madisound price is 939us dollars. wholesale price from hongkong ( minimum order is 11 pcs ) is us$288,00 !!! i know there are many oem companys in guangdong region, near hongkong. it would be possible to buy diaphragmas from mike, ( he is back, and returned me a view weeks ago ) and let make the magnet assembly of s2 in china very cheap. it could be made even a improoved version, with neodym magnet, but there is a minimum order. if you think there is a market out there, and enough demand, it may be possible to work something out.

12-20-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 3325
Reply to: 3324
I'm in...
Great idea , why only big boys can make money on chinesse labor.
How about WE 555 copy ? It should be even cheaper than S2 .Why they could not make a diaphragms too?? count me for 2 pairs.I don't think Roman is interested in Audio distribution but if he "rewiev'' a pair here ebay prices will soar....regards, W

Ps I always knew that these guys from madisound are crooks.
12-21-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 3330
Reply to: 3325
i wrote some oem factorys, will see
hi wojtek

i wrote some factorys at alibaba, just for curiousity. will see if i will get some return. price madisound is asking is normal, in germany this speaker cost's more than 1000 euros....there has to be add ship cost, import tax, etc.  the biggest barrier to get a company in china producing something is quantity..... there are western electric copys in japan already, see sixmoons audionews, i hiped srajan to this company, but price is also very expensive.

rgds angelo
12-25-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 3362
Reply to: 3325
need exact spec's of the vitavox s2 driver
hi all

i found a company in china wich can produce the compression drivers on my request.

has anyone the exact specifications and drawings  of the vitavox s2 driver ? that's of course essencial to get them made. i will also send a email to the livingvoice guys , see if they can help.

rds angelo

here the email i got from china :

 Dear Sir
Thank you for your information . We are an professional manufacture of
driver units with many years experience ,all our products are exported to
middle east , south Africa , Europe and so on market .

We know you are interested in compression driver units ,hope we can have
the chance to coordinate with you , i belive our compression driver can
satisified you . if you are interested in our products ,you can land in
our website:http://www.voicetek.cn

And you want the driver unit only maganet assembling without diraphragm ,we
also can meet your requirment ,could you send me your more detail
information about what you required ,regarding the maganet ,if you need
Neodymium,we can do for you ,if you need other material ,we also can make
for you .

I am looking forward your early reply

Merry Christmas to you and your family

Web: http://www.voicetek.cn
12-25-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 3364
Reply to: 3362
You do not need any specifications so far.


I do not take your project seriously because of multiple reasons. I would not go into discussions about it as I fell it is unnecessary. Sill I will give you a tip, use if disregard it – it up to you. Forgot about S2, or any other “vintage” or contemporary driver. If you wiling to make own driver then spend less time cursing internet and pick the residues of somebody else’s wisdom. Try to learn something about your own understanding of sound and then render own sound understanding into sonic result of your own driver/installation. I know that this advice most likely knocks into an empty door and you most likely has no own objectives but juts a general “what if” interest. So, do not bother those PA Chinese people and do not bother yourself with abstract and unnecessary ideas of bogus projects. Get yourself from EBay the desired by you S2 driver (I have no idea why you have developed infatuation with it), bring it home and learn.. that it will resolve or address ….absolutely nothing.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-25-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 3365
Reply to: 3364
try costs nothing !!

s2 drivers on ebay, forget it, there are none available, and if, they will not go for less than a 2 - 3 thousend dollars.
my interest wake up with your propaganda on these drivers. i also do not see too much chance that such a project could turn reality, mainly because china companys ask to buy big quantities. but i think it may be worth try, at least i could find out the possibilities, and that interests me. but, without plans, there would not even possible to get a price from these firms.

12-26-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 7
Post ID: 3367
Reply to: 3365
Give to the subject the break!

 angeloitacare wrote:
s2 drivers on ebay, forget it, there are none available, and if, they will not go for less than a&nbsp;2 - 3&nbsp;thousend dollars.<BR>my interest wake up with your propaganda on these drivers. i also do not see too much chance that such a project could turn reality, mainly because china companys ask to buy big quantities. but i think it may be worth try, at least&nbsp;i could find out the possibilities, and that interests me. but, without plans, there would not even possible to get a price from these firms.


I do not do “propaganda” of S2 driver. It is unfortunate that you, as many other audio people, see any comments about audio as a primitive urge to run and buy something. Too much Framer-type and Valin-type reading in your medical history? BTW, this is one of the reasons why I spare my positive comments – because it is too sad to see when people convert targeted reasonability and motivations into own purchasing blindness and objectionable irrational. Anyhow, if you do understand what is expressed at my site regarding the S2 driver then you have realized that I numerous times mentioned difficulties and complications of dealing with S2 and that I do not suggest this driver for the people who do not know what they do and that Sound they intend to get as a result. I think the best advise that I might give to you to stop reading this site as an INCENTIVE FOR ACTIONS and partially for any purchase actions.

Anyhow, I do have the “S2 plans” but I assure you that it is will not help you. Any imitation of anything is in essence a foolish actively indicating a complete Moronity of imitator.  It requires a lot of experience, a lot of sensibility, and a lot of firm understanding what exactly one would like to get as a result in order to be able to embrace the best from a given driver or topology and to make own driver. Looking at what you have expressed before I do not feel that you even remotely has the necessary sensibility and familiarity with the subject and therefore I would not advise you to dive into the field of driver making. Not to mention that, to make own driver, including all necessary R&D, would require way more money then the most expensive driver you might ever see on eBay.

Good luck anyhow…
Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-26-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 3368
Reply to: 3365
Forget about Romy...
Angelo ,Romy is right .Forget about him and his advices. Go to the mountains and find your inner truth....:0)For years he's drooling that S2 although not perfect is the most interesting compression driver and now when there is the chance that this driver could be available to masses for cheap he's backing up ;0)Really ante social behaviour .Romy as a eastern european comrade should supply the plans so our chinesse comrades could copy and make all poor people happy.Unfortunatelly he likes to watch those ebay pricess .Seems like we're bond to the yellow drivers.Merry Christmas.
12-26-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 9
Post ID: 3369
Reply to: 3368
Would it be nice if the life were so simple ...

... as typing empty and "impressionable" words on keyboard and clinking mouse….

 Wojtek wrote:
….and now when there is the chance that this driver could be available to masses for cheap he's backing … .

…it also requires a lot of experience with the subject to understand why the statement above, similar to the entire thread, makes me to smile.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-26-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
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Post #: 10
Post ID: 3371
Reply to: 3369
if someone has the balls to finance ....
the production of minimum 200pcs, than this idea could become reality. onfurtunately, i have not.
but i liked to find out abought these possibilities. that was worth it.

12-27-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 11
Post ID: 3393
Reply to: 3371
S2 repro
The idea of making a copy of an s2 driver also intrest me, but i have some other ideas than just copying this driver.
I have been thinking to make this driver with an field coil magnet a 12 volts (using a car or camping battery) and a 250 volts version using a full wave tube rectifier. And other aplications are imaginable, using as a choke for your tube amp. And a more ideas are always welcome. Would like to use Ocatve audio,s diaphragms (Mike Harvey) because I don,t want to change to much of this driver it is simply a winning design. Heard allready a lot of drivers, goto, we, tad, coral, ipc, cinemeccanica etc. And must say that the s2 belongs at top. And if you want to buy a driver that is as good as a s2 or a s2, well it will cost att least(hoping that it is in a good condition) $1000 a piece. And the cheapest of goto starts at $1500 a piece (correct me if i,m wrong). So i,m hoping to produce this driver for a price of $1200 a pair. Its still future thinking but hoping to have the 1st ready at the end of 2007. But there is something else i will have before that time, and thats a horn made of aluminium damped with tar (similair like goto) and ready for use for the vitavox drivers and no adapterd needed. Its a round horn with a diameter of 39 to 40 cm and a length of 43 cm, and using the curve of the famous w.e 3a horn. Futher specs and pics will follow. And didn,t make this horn just me Wink

regards Thierry
12-27-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 12
Post ID: 3395
Reply to: 3393
Good lick with your driver, Thierry
Thierry, although I have my skepticism about success of your venture (have my reasons) but whatever you will end up with feel free to announce at my site. I have no problem with direct and shameful advertisement with the site’s forum but you have to be ready to put up with any critical crap that might go after it…. :-) If your driver turn out to be good I will give some “push”… , if it turn out to be good…

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-28-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 13
Post ID: 3398
Reply to: 3393
s2 repro
Romy, your skeptism is understandable. It is not just something that i am trying to achieve, its gone be a lot of work. But I have a lot of experiance in this field, and i get a lot of help so if you have any ideas regarding this project or anybody else here just let me know.

kind regards Thierry

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

sir Winston Churchill
12-28-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 14
Post ID: 3399
Reply to: 3398
OK, if you wish with then express...

 thierry wrote:
Romy, your skeptism is understandable. It is not just something that i am trying to achieve, its gone be a lot of work. But I have a lot of experiance in this field, and i get a lot of help so if you have any ideas regarding this project or anybody else here just let me know.
.... what you would like to accomplish with your driver and I will try to come up with some observations or comments on the subject that you might find useful. Also, and I do not know if it be in your alley, you might find worth to feminize yourself with the following thread:


Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-28-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 15
Post ID: 3401
Reply to: 3399
s2 repro field coil
Ah i just read your article, and its funny that i share the same believ. While you were experimenting with the telefunken field coils did you also notice that the amount of current running tru the field coil also has a great of impact on sound and repondse of the speaker. The funny thing is i also had the opertunitie to work with field coils and i also came to the conclusion that it is manelly the precision of the speaker and the kind of materials that makes a speaker wondefull or rubish.
And the reason i want to use a fieldcoil is because of the cost, its simpley much cheaper to use a field coil magnet than a alnico. Because i allready spoke to a alnico manufacturer and to use alnico,,,well it is just to expensive..
But ill come back on this topic. Waiting for your comment on this Wink

regards Thierry
02-16-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Montreal, Canada
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Post #: 16
Post ID: 3758
Reply to: 3401
how worthwhile is the project.
There are a couple ways to look at it.
The project could be taken from the same sort of perspective as Great Plains, id est, simply new manufacture as a replacement for a 'historic' piece of a equipment. If it can sound close enough to the original there may be a market. How big that market might be is hard to say, how can one find out how many vitavox fans are around who would be willing to use new production rather than vintage drivers? Especially when the Altec looks so darn close. If higher tolerances can be held in manufacture it might even sound better?

What makes a worthwhile driver in the first place? In terms of potential, i might say.
What are the physical qualities that make the S2 in particular at all attractive sonically?
What unexploited potential is left in the mechanical design- that would be worth pursuing?

As somone who's dipped his hand into such entrepreneurial projects i thought i'd offer some advice.

my real question, though it might be best to use another thread, is: What is it that makes a driver worthwhile?
Romy has been able to extract ways from the S2 that please him, it doesn't mean that particular unit is worthwhile in a greater context, only that one man has got it to work well enough for him.
02-26-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
guy sergeant
United Kingdom
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Post #: 17
Post ID: 3820
Reply to: 3758
I had dinner with Mike Harvey from Octave this weekend. Mike acquired the intellectual rights, tooling, drawings and jigs needed to manufacture the S2's. I believe that newly manufactured S2's will be available very soon. Mike is sufficiently thorough to ensure that it will be done properly.
02-26-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 18
Post ID: 3822
Reply to: 3820
Old new Vitavox S2 or new old Vitavox S2...

 guy sergeant wrote:
I had dinner with Mike Harvey from Octave this weekend. Mike acquired the intellectual rights, tooling, drawings and jigs needed to manufacture the S2's. I believe that newly manufactured S2's will be available very soon. Mike is sufficiently thorough to ensure that it will be done properly.

Well, Guy

Mike has been talking about it for years and for years he has been saying that the New S2 will be coming soon. Well, if it is will happen eventually then it would be very welcoming events. Obviously Mile knows the S2 drivers manufacturing as no one else and if anyone would try to push anything in Vitavox direction then it should be him.

Still, despite that he owns the original Vitavox production technology it is not necessary mean that that he will end up with good sound of out those drivers. Most likely it will be a different driver, perhaps inspired by Vitavox S2 but it not will be the same at it was 50 years ago – it might be better or worse but not the same. I think Mike will be wrong it he do for direct imitation as there are some thing that could/should be improved in S2.

Anyhow, please keep posted about the Mike’s progress and I would be very interest to get one of those new Vitavox S2 drivers to see what it will be able to do. If Mike would be interested for some kind of Beta testing (that he should do I feel) then I would be happy to assist him.

Rgs, Romy

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-27-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 19
Post ID: 4075
Reply to: 3820
Vitavox second coming
 guy sergeant wrote:
I had dinner with Mike Harvey from Octave this weekend. Mike acquired the intellectual rights, tooling, drawings and jigs needed to manufacture the S2's. I believe that newly manufactured S2's will be available very soon. Mike is sufficiently thorough to ensure that it will be done properly.
Hi Guy,

any news on this?


Btw, first post on this site, so hi to everybody and thanks for many thought-provoking posts.
03-27-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
guy sergeant
United Kingdom
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Post #: 20
Post ID: 4077
Reply to: 4075
S2's again.
Not yet. I'll give him a call & put details of the reply here.
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