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02-10-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 101
Post ID: 9714
Reply to: 9710
A sabbatical trip to Stereo
 drdna wrote:
In my mind it is fairly straightforward: stereo = two channels. Two channels = two point sources. Of course this is only one possibility. However, critical to what I am saying is converse to your statement: instead I feel there can be a negative impact on sound due to vertical imaging issues when NO vertical separation of drivers is discernible.
Adrian, you not for first time make those comments. Stereo presentation is not two just simple two channels and if you aphesis it in the way you do then it a deniable evidence for me that yours acoustic system is not installed properly, or something else is wrong. Unless you are listening just Beatles with their idiotic recording of the separate instilments in separate channels. I am serious. I think you might have problem with Stereo. There are many more or less properly operating in Stereo mode installations out there, you can listen them and you shell not recognize stereo as two channels. If the fact of two point sources does not benefit but distracts you than it is not problem of Stereo but the problem of a badly implemented Stereo. It is not the subject of this there and I will stop but I think that the expressed remark shall be made.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-10-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 102
Post ID: 9715
Reply to: 9714
Stereo and two channels
 Romy the Cat wrote:
 drdna wrote:
In my mind it is fairly straightforward: stereo = two channels. Two channels = two point sources.
There are many more or less properly operating in Stereo mode installations out there, you can listen them and you shell not recognize stereo as two channels.
Sorry I was not clear. I meant only that a stereo has a left and a right channel (two channels). One way of thinking about audio would be that IDEALLY each channel can be output through a speaker at a single point source.

Of course in any stereo that is working properly you will be unable to hear two channels, but instead a stereo image.

02-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 103
Post ID: 9782
Reply to: 9648
Another summary of the thread…

 Romy the Cat wrote:

To summarize the thread, at least what is important ....

After giving Ivan this condemnation, the guest inquired: “Your profession?”
“Poet”, Ivan acknowledged somehow unwillingly.
The guest became distressed.
“Oh, how unlucky I am!” he exclaimed, but then caught himself, apologized, and asked, “And what is your name?”
“Uh-no…” said the guest with a frown
“What‘s the matter, don’t you like my poetry?” asked Ivan with curiosity.
“Emphatically not.”
'“And what have you read?”
“I haven’t read any of your poetry!” retorted the visitor irritably.
“Then how can you tell?”
“Well”, replied the guest, “it’s not as if I haven’t read other things like it, how is it? But maybe, by some miracle, yours is different? All right, I am ready to take it on faith. Tell me yourself, are your poems any good?
“Horrifying!” Ivan blurted out boldly and frankly.
“Don’t write anymore!” the guest implored.
“I promise you, I swear I won’t” was I Ivan’s solemn reply

 “Enter the Hero” from “Master and Margarita“ by M. Bulgakov

Romy The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-06-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 104
Post ID: 14401
Reply to: 9376
Silbatone and WE in Germany or hi-fi barter.
Joe Roberts continues do not do audio and coniine dedicate himself to archeology.


During his last waist of Munich, when he was digging out the meaning of the word “Reinheitsgebot” and helpe to his Koreans friends to sell Silbatones, he had two very productive business meeting that shell has very positive impact to Silbatonians.
Flirt, Joe discovered how to deal with dynamic flatness of Manger driven Aporia loudspeaker. He figured out that if   Manger is flat driver then it produces “flat” sound. So, Joe decided to add some “dimension” to the Aporia. He contacted British company “Living Voice” and considering that their Vox Olympian speaker has excessive amount of “dimension” in tweeter, he made Living Voice to supply Silbatones with some dimensionality and "size".


In return Joe consulted Living Voice as archeologist and a former audio hype manger. The result of his consulting was a conclusion that Living Voice’s marketing spiel in locking deep historical references. Even the 50 year old Vitavox elements that Living Voice are new production and shine like chrome bumpers on Srajean Ebajan’s depicting. So, in exchange for the geometrical dimension Silbatone will supply Living Voice’s stylist with spider net, live spider and home-bred mold.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-11-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 105
Post ID: 25406
Reply to: 9376
Silbatone in Munich 2019
It looks like the Koreans brought some WE hors to Munich show again, this time with own MOSFET electronics. Oh, my God, where is the ever-presented and ever-running his mouth Joe Roberts with his stupid assurances that there is nothing better in this side of the Galaxy then some vintage WE amplification? 
Anyhow, the lack of interest from Silbatone  guys to time-align own installation still make me to feel that they can’t hear shit or do not understand what they are listening... It is what it is and very sad...

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-20-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 106
Post ID: 25438
Reply to: 25406
In the link above the last show report sentence is
' ...Folks ...this Stuff is un-believable '
The writer must be totally deaf. This demo was imo the worst in the last 5 or 6 years I had the chance to listen to. Static, cold reproduction.... 

Joe Roberts was not there. I guess he's out. Didn't see him 2018, too.

One of the very best performances was at their beginning at Munich Show, I think, they had Voice of the Theatre Horn Speakers, all Tube amplification.

Btw...I saw a Western Electric Exhibitor ...seems they are back (Amps & Tubes)

Some pics
Silbatone   - 1.jpg

Silbatone   - 2.jpg

Silbatone   - 3.jpg

Silbatone   - 4.jpg

Kind Regards
06-08-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 107
Post ID: 25456
Reply to: 25438
Hm...the NeoHybs...
I do not know what sound Silbatone demonstrated at the show. If it was not “accidently spectacular” (which sometimes happened at the shows) then it is irrelevant what it was. Conceptually Silbatone did not show anything new or stimulating that move the idea/concept anywhere further. The same WE-centric paradigm, badly organized in a final playback, minus the papa Roberts dancing around the stripping poll, dropping his saliva on the fine Munich capers about the better times of audio before audio was not destroyed by the marketing idiots… like Joe Roberts.

There is however one counterseal in my view subject that Silbatone did impark during the last year and I think it was presented in Munich. They have a line of appliers (I do not remember the name) that basically a hybrid with very vintage driver DHT and a SS follower in a back-end. It might not be exactly in the follower configuration but it is just current drive, whatever topology they use.
This is of cause is not a new concept and there was tone of idea like this corroborated over the years. None that no one was truly successful with it. Still, what I wonder is why a company that patronize the compression drivers with slow opening hose, the configuration the yields over 112dB sensitivity, do care about fortifying their amps with currents?

There are plenty of good DHT that can give a few watts, perfectly enough to drive those large horns with minimum currents. If they feel that a few watts are not enough for LF channels, and I would be very supporting this position then why they did not introduce any acoustic system topology that will truly handle bass. All of those WE LF horn solution are for amateurs. I very upset that horn companies do not hear a voice of common sense and keep trying to employ horn at the bottom as the last channel. Now they introduce an amp (I do not think it is DSET though) that meant to drive that last horn at the bottom… a colossal audio-architectural waste if you ask me…

Now, I do not know how well the Silbatone hybrid sounds as an amplifier and this is not a point of my post. In context of the Silbatone system I truly do not see any needs to use such a hybrid topology.

There is another interesting subject in all of it. If they are good with marketing then in response to my critique, they should proclaim something like this: we feel that our new hybrid amps are made in a way that they overperform the classic DHT 2-3 stagers. That would be a very cool position to be and I have no idea if that position has any justification. I have a lot of doubts that it might be true but I would hold my opinion and would not judge upon my doubts.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-08-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 108
Post ID: 25457
Reply to: 25456
High Level Input SS "Plate Amp"
Years ago, when I visited the Cogent guys, Rich was working on one of their big drivers. The diaphragm was big and even thick and heavy, as compression driver diaphragms go. Of course they used 300B amps, and the bottom end had the "sewer pipe" type coloration, but the thing - as I reported here - sounded amazing around 4-800 Hz.  How to go lower with the large motors, with higher reciprocal masses  required at low frequencies?  A common type powered subwoofer might hold part of the answer: I haven't seen one of this type sub for a while, but those I have seen and used allow one's FR amplifier output as input.  And I see no reason why an SET output wouldn't work, at least if its output impedance was low enough.  Is this "the best of both worlds" or too complicated by half?  I dunno.  Not sure, especially below 40 Hz, what part requires nuance, but some current PA drivers may require minimum 3,500W.

Paul S
08-03-2024 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 109
Post ID: 27443
Reply to: 9418
Wow lol
RtheC "You forgot to mention that the Edgarhrns are 9 times less expensive…."
J.R. "Yes, the Edgar system may be less expensive but Aporia is "100% particle board free" and that is worth something."
What a breathtaking statement
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