Nope, I was not there - was not interested. Really feel that wherever might go on there would not be within my interest audio. For more read my “reports” from the last shows and the reasons why I abandoned them go:
My trip to HE2004 My trip to CES 2005 My trip to CES 2006
So, what made me write about the HE2006? Phillip Mihn did. I went today to the AA sewers and scanned a long pile of nothingness writhen by one of the HE2006's visitors. Then I read the Phillip Mihn’ reply:
Posted by Phillip Mihn on June 05, 2006 at 10:12:11 In Reply to: HE2006 report . . (long) posted by Pjay on June 5, 2006 at 09:37:13:
"This is the kind of waffling, weaselly, confused, rambling and inept reporting that keeps me from registering on this site and keeps manufacturers from taking audiophiles like you seriously."
I do not know who Phillip Mihn is but what he pointed out is very correct. However, the problem is much wider then just a confused and lost audio guy visited a hi-fi show and desisted to express his audiophile colloquialisms. I see the problem is that any more or less audio-caviled person, with more or less evolved taste and progressed reference points, with audio IQ higher then an average equalized level of audio zombies and with advanced understanding and demands in a audio subjects has no representation in contemporary official semi-high-end audio.
Really, the official leadership in audio industry is taken by inapt, indecent, corrupted, ignorant, dishonest and shallow individuals. The entire chain of audio professionals: distributor, dealer and most of the manufactures are juts sales. They all have bred an army of zombies (audiophiles) who are free form individual thinning and the only know to them motivation is a crowd enthusiasm. So, what that entire machine of audio Moronity does in regards to the HE2006 report? The guy does write a waffling, weaselly, confused, rambling and inept repot of his experiences and Phillip Mihn informs him about it in his reply. Did, the Morons expressed any interest or queasily about the Phillip Mihn’s motivations or took advantage to learn something about the Phillip Mihn’s view? Nope, they did not. The only think that they find in the arsenal of their interests is to ridicule and scorn Phillip Mihn. The AA’a Witch Hunt is up and who lead it? The same retarded idiots as usually… No wonder that Mr. Mihn is not wiling to register and whoever has IQ higher then size of the shoe not wiling to post there…
So, what was the best in the HE2006? The best of the HE2006 was a conformation that idiots still did not extinct in audio and the audio industry keep shaping itself up to serves explicitly the idiots' needs.
Rgs, Romy the caT
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche