Hello Romy,
I finished the 6e5p – 211 amp, I help the 6e5p with CCS to drive the 211, the 6e5p is not a easy tube,
it is very exigent. At the begin give me a lot headache, oscillating a lot and give
me a horrible sound, later I put a 1k grid stopper ti G1 and the oscillating
finished. Too I had to move many times the bias point, sorry for not read you
before, the 6e5p fell better far of the -2v bias and is very audible the different,
now I use a battery Ni MH as cathode bias with 3 AAA at 3,8v, after tested
resistor-cap ( Silmic II) and Led bias (
red, green and blue ) , one day I tested the diodes 1N4002
4 pcs in line to give 2,9v but too was horrible. Now I use the battery as the winner.
Well I have
two different lot of 6e5p and I have found a big sound differences:
Lot 1 Reflector
1973 the sound is no bad but
far of gentle and close
Lot 2
Reflector 1967 OTK logo more open, more air, more all.
In your big
experience about the 6e5p same recommendation about which year or factory need
to buy.
Here a pic of the baby 6e5p-211