At my site I many times span the subject that not the regress of engineering accomplishments is something that screws up sound nowadays and keep up in Dark Age of sound reproduction but rather a penetration of idiots in the sphere of professional audio. Sure they do not care mostly but even among those who cares many just too stupid to know the deference. After the years Americans begin to learn what happen if a government is idiot, However, as much as citizens are unwilling hostages of governments we, the audio users, are hostages and subordinates of the audio professionals who OWN sonic aspect of musical event, the professionals who record and publish recordings.
Well, I might almost understand when the audio-professionals vandalize sound in order to make money. What I however never was able to understand why those idiots vandalize sound without any reasons: juts best the fucking can! This pisses me a lot. If a person has his stupid hands on a gain control then it does NOT mean that he need to ride it up and down juts ONLY because he is able to do so. It was so then would the fact that I own a gun (I do not) give me a rights to shot people?
The case to point. Today BSO played M6. In the very end of the Final movement, right before the last touch of the double basses there is a long pose and a very strong final blow. That blow rises from silence and a good orchestra starting very much together produce almost DC-like sound. BSO did fine but it was broadcasted like a sparrows’ fart. Well, the compression has eaten it you say. Well not really. The blow’s maxima is at minus .9dB and some other fragments on the broadcast go up to .12dB. Whatever calibration of this limiter is there was some room in there. So, what happen? What happen was that some kind of idiot who was sitting in the broadcast booth decided right before the blow to increase the gain for a few DBs that male the compressor to kick on sooner, it is juts my presumption. It is very well seen at the image below and it is very well heard at the file that I upload.
It is what I always say: any technology in hands of barbarian produces barbarian results… (MP3 file of a 3.3meg)
 The Cat
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche