Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: How idiots destroy sound.
Post Subject: A 'different sonic culture' = other type of garbagePosted by Romy the Cat on: 10/26/2008
Romy the Cat wrote: |
BTW, in 2 days the very same concert will be broadcasted buy different station live-to-tape. It would be VERY interning to see what change to sound it will be. I do not know if it was the problem with recording or the problem with post-recording possessing. It was “live” but it was WCRB – he station that does a LOT with signal before sent it out. Not the last is that WCRB broad in the same band in HD – something that brings incredible amount of noise in FM band, even with very postdetection filters. It a few days it will be WGBH’s live-to-tape broadcast – it very different sonic culture and I am interested about the result. |
So, what, the WGBH did broadcasted the M6 live-to-tape with…horrible sound. Did they destroy the whole sound purely intentionally? The finals final blow however was not screwed up – the graph even does not look as the same music as the compressor needed time to recover perhaps. The small MP3 file of the same fragment is attached. I have no idea what those idiots do that with sound, interestingly that it is absolutely unnecessary for them to do what they do. Why the fuck they do it I have no idea! If they were doctor then it might be a malpractice charge but here is a complete un-punishable barbarism going on…
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