I overly impressed with the new way or routing the antenna input with my TU-X1. This tuner with this new input get amassing sensitively (much higher than original) with a nose of a good CD player – very impressive! Way more interesting as it was right after the alignment. A person with whom I spoke, who presumably knows this thing suggested me that now the tuner should be realigned with the new antenna mapping. Perhaps he is right I. My tuner technician who would do the new alignment unfortunately is not cooperative on the subject as he too closed-minded in what he already knows. Very said. I did tell him what I did with inputs and he is a complete disbelieve, He things that I lie him. I have no idea why people put ego in place where it should be just a curiosity…
Another sad fact. I was trying to get into the subject with the folks from Yahoo FM Tuners Bulletin Board. I have a quite good contacts and people where very useful. The tweak that they proposed to gain more sensitivity of TU-X1 I have tried before and the direct pass from coax to front end that my technician implement worked identical to the Yahoo folk’s suggestion. The FA7 tweak takes the result way beyond it, waaaay beyond. So what was sad? Well, put the Yahoo FM Bulletin Board in the long list of the only forums from where I was “banned”, at least they believe that they banned me not wise versa. I posted at that forum a few month back in response of a guy to “update” TU-X1 with Black Gate capacitors. I relayed to him that it would be incredibly foolish step. In response my post was deleted and I had a lengthy email form Bob Fitzgerald (one of the Bulletin Board moderators) who informed how I need to reply:
“Instead of telling people what not to buy …. please suggest brands and model numbers of caps that you like, and why.”
I can’t believe that this cretin put himself in position to obligate me what I need to do/say. I suggested him to go go screw himself. Yesterdays I made a number of comments about my new TU-X1 discovery in yahoo site. People reposed and some proposed usefuel ideas why it might be. Suddenly my posts get deleted and I got email from Bob Fitzgerald. This Moron in his power trip said:
“… when I look at anything your emails and posts, they are unreadable, and make no sense.”
Well, probably if for this specific idiot my posts "make no sense" then they deserved to be deleted? Well, I suggested him to die with his fucking secret and this time that idiot got the message – I was successfully “banned”.
Anyhow, behind all of those stupid stories there is truth – the very interning benefit of driving the TU-X1 with “inverted” FA7 input. When I dig to the bottom of this tweak I will post the details explaining how it might be done but for a time being here two images. It is the same station, the same tuner, the same frequency and same position of antenna. The differences are following: The First is driving the front end directly from coax (no balan or anything else - exactly how I got it from my shop). Second is driving the front end from my “tweak” - the “inverted” FA-7 input.

 Rgs, Romy the Cat
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche