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06-25-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 1
Post ID: 16545
Reply to: 16545
An unexplored way to deal with the sound/music perception
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Some of you who follow my site know about the coming Macondo 7th Channel. The inventor of the concept is Russian audioalogist. Considering a great novelty and a lot of controversy in the subject I would be interested to sit in his lab for a few hours, to play with his invention and to talk with him about the fine moment of sound reproduction and sound perception, looking through the prism of his methodology. What we finish my Macondo 7th Channel it might be happen in my listening room over telephone but at this point I have no 7th Channel yet and I have just a curiosity what it will be.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
The Macondo’s 7th channel will deal with much-much more sophisticated layer of listing experiences, something that is very much not dealt in audio before, at least acknowledgeably.  I intentionally do not give up the function name (like Injection, Fundamentals, Upperbass… etc) of the 7th channel (even I do have a very well-define name for it) as I feel it would not be understood.  In fact, among all audio people that I know I might found perhaps 2-3 individuals to whom I might explain what conceptually I am trying to accomplish with the 7th channel and who would be able to understand what am trying to get myself with the 7th channel . I can only say that it is VERY much different (purpose-vise) from whatever was proposed, and from whatever exists out there.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
25 or so years ago I was trying to present one of my works at a meeting of a local photographic club. It was a portrait of a girl, made in very dark keys with slightly bleached (it was at the time of silver photography) eye’s sclera (the white part of eye). The portrait was OK but it did not work from my perspective at regular ambient light. So, I deseeded to present the work in the room with lights off and light the image up with a single candle, located at very sharp angle from the print…. So, now let go from that invent into the realm of fantasies…
Pretend that the candle glows in room with deficient amount of oxygen and ready to extinct. You are watching at the portrait and have you have a reaction sensor attached to you perception. The sensor outputs a feed to a mechanism that generates oxygen. So, watching the image and experiencing sensations you by your reaction my consciously or subconsciously affect the saturation of oxygen in the room and consequentially the forces with which the image might be lighted.  Now, pretend that you aware about the oxygen status in the room and you might mimic your reaction (just for sake of oxygen) before the image ever is shown to you. You might send with your sensory feedback some sort of instructions to the oxygen generator, picking the best light conditions for given coming images. At this point you need to include into to the “ceremony” the fact that you need oxygen to breath and the fact that if you put too much oxygen in the room then you will end up with the fate of “Apollo 1”.
Now, pretend that the image-impact-sensations-oxygenization-light-image is not straight one-dimensional pipeline but the “ritual” has 10-20 dimensions in fact n-number of dimensions that all work simultaneously and instantaneously.  Well, if you still read it then you are getting the idea what I a trying to imply…

 Romy the Cat wrote:
it will be done at electro-magneto-acoustical domain

If it is possible such a device to be made in reality, then it would be a wonderful instrument for further shaping of the acoustic system’s ability to do smart real time sound tuning mechanism, which manages in constantly changing way the expression of the recorded music (musical event). Could you elaborate more on the technical idea of that channel – how it could be done in order to do what it has to do? Who is the inventor of the concept?

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." -A.E.
06-25-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 16546
Reply to: 16545
Macondo's X-channel.


It is good that you remind me this; I was planning to get in touch worth those people again. I can not give you an explanation. Partially is because I do not know the details at the level of my own satisfaction. Partially is because I do not have my own verification of the validity of claims they do. Partially is because they themselves do not have a clear grip of what they do as the subject is very nebulous.

What it is all about?

Well, I can talk about it for hours and still do not say anything as a subject a bit bottomless. In short: the hypotheses are that we do not get musical sensations only by our hearing but there are other communicative bridges besides sound waves and ears.  Very remotely it has to do with theory of Torsion Fields:


but not only remotely, let for sake of simplicity to call it  Torsion approach. So, the guys I dealt with discovered how in the existing frame of human knowledge the Torsion approach has been factored in. For instance they claim that some of older churches in past were built by subconsciously utilizing some principles of Torsion Fields management. So, what they use is a notion that Torsion Fields transducer is modulated by audio signal. It is not really the Torsion Fields transducer but rather the Torsion Fields “rearranger” that can shape the Torsion Fields environment in accordance with musical signals. The effect is that when the Torsion Fields is “impacted” (very loaded verb) then our perception become aberrated and listening the very same sound as before we perceive it very differently.  Think as it is sort of parametric equalizer for brain only it does not work only at time-amplitude domain but in ALL aspect of human perception.

I can talk about it endlessly as I am known to be very attracted to this subject. If you read my thread about “Another type of Remote Control” and Akzentuierte Personlichkeiten then you get where I am coming from.


However, I do not know if what those guys do has the right effect in right direction. I am very concern about long term consequences of use such devises and there are some other audio and musical concerns that I have and that they can’t not answer. The idea was that they send to me two of those devises and I will play with them, see the impact and share my observations. It was a couple years back and the all those events with building my new room a bit off the course with them. I shall contact then and reinstate the project with Macondo 7th channel but it will be ironically not the 7th channel but 8th  channel…. I think it would be more accurately to call it Macondo X-channel or i-channel…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-25-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 16547
Reply to: 16546
Torsion fields
HAHAHAHAHA!!!Torsion fields are worth, at least, a nobel. Are you aware of that?
Please do nor make 100% IDIOTS of yourselves invoking Einstein-Cartan theory
in audio!!! HAHAHAHAHA IDIOTS!!! Big Smile Better spot 1st, 2nd or 4327483256rd order resonacess
in your Vitavox, Goto, GIP, ALe or whatever drivers rather than looking if
the metric connection is torsionfree or not..this is 100% absurd!!No, this is 10000% ABSURD!

Torsion free,

06-26-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 16548
Reply to: 16547
Have you heard a word “discovery”?
 N-set wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA!!!Torsion fields are worth, at least, a nobel. Are you aware of that?
Please do nor make 100% IDIOTS of yourselves invoking Einstein-Cartan theory
in audio!!! HAHAHAHAHA IDIOTS!!! Better spot 1st, 2nd or 4327483256rd order resonacess
in your Vitavox, Goto, GIP, ALe or whatever drivers rather than looking if
the metric connection is torsionfree or not..this is 100% absurd!!No, this is 10000% ABSURD!

Torsion free,

N-set, there is no reason to be defensive of offensive. As I told, I brought the Torsion fields only as an illustration of the OTHER effects that might take place and that are not described the currently recognized as “conventional” audio and know measuring devises. What those guys do has very loose connection with Torsion Fields theory. I very much not advocate or deny the impact of Torsion effects but face it: no one argue the transmission line reflection at gHz level. If somebody would say that transmission line reflections are elective in audio spectra then it would sound as idiocy. Still, I know the people who use the transmission line ideas in feedback applications of audio amplifiers and get remarkable very material results. The point is: let not to be critical about theories but to be critical about actual results. Denying and calling anything as absurd and idiocy closes up an opportunity to observe tangible, accomplished results and make you own judgment over a phenomenon.  I have quite open mind about all of those things as you never know where you find and where you lose in those experiments. There are a number of MADE devises that reportedly work.  I said “reportedly” as I did not have those devises and do not know what they do. When I do I will know how to relate to your, mine or anybody else skepticism.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 16557
Reply to: 16548
I've also heard the word "crackpotism"
Unlike transmission line reflections which are a REAL effects, torsion gravity has been
a nice theoretical concept, existing on paper, but not a proven  reality, mind you.
This is a huge difference and I guess you are one of those rare people who should
get this difference immediately. The state of mind or consciousness of not confusing  models about reality with the reality itself
applies equally well in science as in audio.
Connecting torsions to thelepathy or child masturbation or anything like that is below anything worth
commenting. There are 7365874658 idiots per minute reading Scientific American or
popular science books and thinking they've grasped the basics of physics and they can "do
science" on their own, based on what they've read. Unfortunately those poor types
are  very fucking wrong, and in the most extreme cases on a way to schisophrenia (I'm not kidding!),
since understanding things like einstein-cartan model or quantum jumps takes +/- 5 years of
a solid academic education.

06-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 16558
Reply to: 16557
Something else.

 N-set wrote:
Unlike transmission line reflections which are a REAL effects, torsion gravity has been
a nice theoretical concept, existing on paper, but not a proven  reality, mind you.
This is a huge difference and I guess you are one of those rare people who should
get this difference immediately. The state of mind or consciousness of not confusing  models about reality with the reality itself
applies equally well in science as in audio.
Connecting torsions to thelepathy or child masturbation or anything like that is below anything worth
commenting. There are 7365874658 idiots per minute reading Scientific American or
popular science books and thinking they've grasped the basics of physics and they can "do
science" on their own, based on what they've read. Unfortunately those poor types
are  very fucking wrong, and in the most extreme cases on a way to schisophrenia (I'm not kidding!),
since understanding things like einstein-cartan model or quantum jumps takes +/- 5 years of
a solid academic education.


First of all do not type-cast schizophrenia as some kind of intellectual leprosy. You will be surprise to learn that quite many greatest discoveries of mankind, not to mention artistic impressions, were made by individuals who slide into schizophrenic state of mind.

Again, I do not advocate Einstein-Cartan model, I know or care very little about it. I have no idea why you need to crusade against it and I have no idea why you feel that you are in position to judge that they are “150% fucking wrong”, particularly when we are taking about virtualized subjects that have no verifiable rendition.

Still, if you read the link that I posted then it said: “Currently there are rumors that spin waves have real physical consequences, and that useful technology can be based on such things.” You need to calm from down your overconfident fury and to HEAR what I am saying: I do not insist that Torsion Fields or any other specific BS semi- schizophrenic or semi-crackpot fields are the source or the answer to anything. However, in my experience I know that in addition to measurable with oscilloscope reality there is “something else” let say in audio. This lack of your familiarity “something else” and our disability to manage that “something else” open a gage to all possible ideas and hypothesis. Remind you that the definition of hypothesis is the PROPOSED explanation for a phenomenon.

It is interesting to see the violent criticism of Torsion approach from a person who invests a lot of efforts into design and building a powerful SET that agreeably has no use. You would argue that your ULF SET allow to have a tangible demonstration how high power ULF sound produced by SET in A1. So, the guys in Russia who experimented with the X-channels do built devises that demonstrate very tangible characteristic of changing sound perception. What is the difference to you if they use Einstein-Cartan theory or any other hypothetic theory? I know that they do not know exactly what they use, they do not deny it but as long it has results that might be experience, who care how it is being called!

BTW, I do have my own view what kind processes are involved into this “something else” and into what those Russians do. To me it is not a hypothesis but a firm believe as I had all necessary to me evidences. So, from what I know I would advise to be subside skepticisms and just to take a deep breathe. No one obliges you to believe you into anything and no one sends to you the working prototypes of Macondo X-channels. So you are out of your schizophrenic danger. Rejoice!

Rgs, The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 7
Post ID: 16560
Reply to: 16558
Missed points
If you think I'm on a crusade against E-C theory they you've completely
missed my points. Nota bene, although I've never worked in this theory directly,
I have a lot of respect for it. What I've laughed about is linking
E-C theory to audio, which is just a pure BS, sorry to say that.
Nobody so far has been able to prove experimentaly the existence of pure gravitational waves
(a definitely nobel-worth task), although bilions of $ has been invested into that,
no to mention the torsion fields.
Spin waves e.g. in condensed matter is a different story, with well established
theoretical and experimental basis.
Your point with powerfull SET is again missed and again on the same ground:
this is something that one can build in reality, test and draw some conclusions (and e.g.
trash the whole amp and get drunk).
Something behind the scope--I fully agree, I do not believe a scope (or whatever) show 100% of what we hear.
What is it I do not know, but I might have my suspicions too. If we were closer geographically, perhaps
we could talk in person.
BTW, I have my own schizophrenia, which I nurtue happily.

06-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 16561
Reply to: 16560
Do not search nonsense in my Audio interests.
Ah, eventual a good reply! So, you feel that your powerful SET project is good because it can be “build in reality, test and draw some conclusions”. Being a pragmatic Jew I am very much on the same page. However, the moment that you are missing in my explanation is that there a group of people who make their experiential devises that are “build in reality” might be “test and draw some conclusions”. The point is that you gut disturbed by the fact that your projects can be predicted and described by plate currents and B+ voltage but what they do can be described by E-C fields, gravitational waves, mini-black holes and the similar heretic BS.  I told before that they very willingly admit that they have no idea what underlying principle they use – they just recognize that it works but they do not insist why. This BTW very much serve my purpose as I do not care about somebody get Nobles and publish big scientific books – I care about Sound in my room and whatever they do works in the direction that I need then I might subscribe all BS that come with it (or might not).  I am much more no-nonsense in my Sonic interests than you can imagine….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 9
Post ID: 16562
Reply to: 16561
I've missed that they have some prototype or whatever.
Can you point me directly to the article where they describe it?
I have no time nor interest to go through all of them on the mentioned page,
as I smell it's all a "cold-fusion-in-a-glass-of-water" fraud.

06-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 10
Post ID: 16563
Reply to: 16562
OK, cut the crap with “fraud”.
 N-set wrote:
I've missed that they have some prototype or whatever.
Can you point me directly to the article where they describe it?
I have no time nor interest to go through all of them on the mentioned page,
as I smell it's all a "cold-fusion-in-a-glass-of-water" fraud.

If you have no time or interest then it is fine, I do not think anybody tear you apart to go out there and to investigate the “fraud”. As I told before the people have working devises with very practical results, if they did then who would care to pay attention to all of it. Your “cold-fusion-in-a-glass-of-water” suspicions are indicative that you do not exactly understand what subject of this conversation is, which is fine by me. I still would appreciate if you withstand from foolish criticism of the things that you do not understand or have no access to. You for sure might do whatever you wish… Anyhow I chose do not point anyone to anything at this point.
Meanwhile, cut the crap with “fraud”. There is no fraud of any kind, no one make money on it and no one sell anything to anybody. People look into it as they have interest in the subject, something that you confessable do not.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 11
Post ID: 16564
Reply to: 16563
Why so defensive?
I repeat: instead of lamenting on me not understanding something, point me to the source.
I promisse to try to read.
BTW "fraud" can be also scientific, not only business.

06-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 12
Post ID: 16567
Reply to: 16564
It is all for now.
N-set, I wonder why you have any interest about it after screaming that it is 10000% absurd. Anyhow, I am not willing to devalue any information at this point.  Partially it is because to protect the idea from the unnecessary attention. All that I can say on the subject hat I do have my own practice in the “thin” fields of mind activity. So, when I interviewed the people who will be doing the Macondo X Channel then I recognized that they were able to support some views and to report some listening activities that they shall not be able to support and to report if they were not “out there”. Some of the comments they made do make me feel that they have something very powerful working. Again, when I reincarnate my conversation with them and if I go for those devised then I will post more valuable information. For now I am not willing to say anything more what I have said.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 13
Post ID: 16569
Reply to: 16567
To see where it comes from. Akimov-Shipov charlataneria or something new?
Anyway, since this seems top secret, the subject is closed for me
and I have no interest in it anymore. I'd be very much interested in some
novel and SOUND ideas/research on the psychology of hearing
correlated with more sophisticated tools than 19th century Fourier transform,
rather than idiotic sticking fingers into a very muddy
waters called "fundamental physics".

I comeback to simulating my
GU81 and it's impact on the curvature of the spacetime around me.
No kidding Big Smile Every type of energy alters the curvature, in particular
the electron flow and a pure electromagnetic field, so in principle
a working tube also. Prost!

06-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 14
Post ID: 16570
Reply to: 16569
PostScriptum: Propaganda
Somehow by my profession I feel I have to do some propaganda at this moment
 (feel free to remove it).
For those seriously interested in a more enlighted and mystical side of science, esp. physics
I recommend reading an old Master David Bohm. He was an absolutely briliant and outstanding
theoretical physicist, probably the last "with the balls" and imagination to
attempt a serious and unifiend vison of the reality. He was also a theoretician
of thinking and invented a particular form of practising thinking: "Bohm dialog".
This is an absolutely different league
than Akimov Shipov-type charlatans and their torsions. I suggest "Wholesness
and the implicate order". It is very difficult to read, even for somebody well in the field,
but well worth the effort. Opens some new gates.
Another one is "The Undivided Universe" with Basil Hiley. Even more dificult mainly because
of being technical.

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Post #: 15
Post ID: 16571
Reply to: 16548
Torsion fields for audio - real Russuan practic.
Go read about syudi torsion fields for audio .
And kommiks look. All have long been a reality since 2007. Torsion fields in audio work and I have tamed the sound quality

It is better to be first accordion on Kunashir, than seventh violin Moscow Philharmonic
06-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 16
Post ID: 16572
Reply to: 16570
Let stop it
N-set, I am not familiar with Bohm dialogs; I do not know neither Basil Hiley, or Akimov Shipov or the posted below Kunashirsky. I am not sure what it is all about and I do not know what it all has to do with the subject of this thread. I am not sure what king leagues you are talking about. Since you did say that you have no interests in the subject, neither do I sine you are so confident about the things that you do not know then let stop it.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 17
Post ID: 16574
Reply to: 16571
Aaah... the Schumann wave generator
 Kunashirsky wrote:
...fields in audio work and I have tamed the sound quality

Kunashirsky, I looked at one of your links and I saw this:


It seems you have made just a simple Schumann wave generator. I know how it works and I know how it affects the perceived sound, because I have used such a device for several days in my system. Its effect is of "adding" more vibrant and "breathing" character of the sound and making the decay of the notes longer and more lifelike. This device also helps you to have better sleep at night - you wake up and feel in excellent condition.
But there is something in this photo that makes me uncomfortable with your "taming of sound quality". I think you should explain what do you mean by saying "sound quality" , because looking at your system, I truly can't see where this sound quality is coming from...

Best regards,

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." -A.E.
06-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 18
Post ID: 16575
Reply to: 16574
Another representative of Madame Blavatsky Syndrome?

You might not be familiar with it but it is very typical for many Russians audio practitioners. You will find many Russians who absolutely obsessed with one single, in most cases absolutely artificial, aspect of their playback. However, they are absolutely blind go another 999 aspects sound reproduction. I have no idea why many Russians are prone to it but it is what I observed.  I have seen many similar “inventions” to those what Kunashirsky claims. I do not take those claims seriously particularly when they claim the "taming of sound quality" as you highlighted. I call all of Madam Blavatsky Syndrome. I have many REASONS do not take it seriously but I do not deny that some aspects of the Madam Blavatsky Syndrome might be very much in work. In the way what Kunashirsky does discredit the idea, but it is my own presumption. My practice dealing with Russian audio people suggests that as soon they have access to better materials and more devitrified pool of ideas they exposed to the more  this fascination with excrescencetual audio and laying cable in the shape of Masonic symbols goes down. 
The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-30-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 19
Post ID: 16577
Reply to: 16575
Theosophy vs. Audio; How do you Eat an Elephant?
I have an old idea I like to call "The Stranger".  This is where the person in question trades on "foreign" ideas, often via a "second language".  My favorite example is "Mike", a guy from Naples who cannot seem to get  handle on English nor can he get along with anyone, and he always seems to argue, but he is forgiven because it is obvious that he does not "speak the language".  I have to say, I was surprised to finally learn - after years of this, that Mike had actually been in the US for 14 years.  Anyway, one day a guy working for a sub contractor heard that Mike was from a certain neighborhood in Naples and, as weird luck would have it, this other guy was from THE SAME neighborhood!  And Guess What?  All of a sudden, Mike doesn't speak his native Italian dialect, either...

I am all for "progress" in listening, and I am no stickler with respect to "rules and regulations" regarding sound;  but please do not expect me to swallow all this shit at once.  I would rather swallow my shit a bite at a time, thankyouvery much.

Anyone who does not understand what I am talking about, it is no surprise; after all... I do not speak the language.

Best regards,
Paul S
06-30-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 20
Post ID: 16578
Reply to: 16577
Elephant shit - side view
I did not make any genratorov . System pictures for a passive, in terms of electricity. Nevertheless, the acoustic power during installation increases 2-3.5 times (depending on the acoustics). Diagram of electrical circuit including a power amplifier is shown in my profile photo and the photo on the link ( green background) . Physicists go nuts because I can not explain the phenomenon is real . I can and I understand the physics of the phenomenon . So I modify the various devices on the basic principle . Thank you for your understanding.

P/S If we talk about the elephant , then half of Moscow masturbation audio feed from my ideas. But about Daddy , they tend to remain silent and not even smear his shit off the Russian Internet .

It is better to be first accordion on Kunashir, than seventh violin Moscow Philharmonic
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