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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: An unexplored way to deal with the sound/music perception
Post Subject: Macondo's X-channel.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/25/2011


It is good that you remind me this; I was planning to get in touch worth those people again. I can not give you an explanation. Partially is because I do not know the details at the level of my own satisfaction. Partially is because I do not have my own verification of the validity of claims they do. Partially is because they themselves do not have a clear grip of what they do as the subject is very nebulous.

What it is all about?

Well, I can talk about it for hours and still do not say anything as a subject a bit bottomless. In short: the hypotheses are that we do not get musical sensations only by our hearing but there are other communicative bridges besides sound waves and ears.  Very remotely it has to do with theory of Torsion Fields:

but not only remotely, let for sake of simplicity to call it  Torsion approach. So, the guys I dealt with discovered how in the existing frame of human knowledge the Torsion approach has been factored in. For instance they claim that some of older churches in past were built by subconsciously utilizing some principles of Torsion Fields management. So, what they use is a notion that Torsion Fields transducer is modulated by audio signal. It is not really the Torsion Fields transducer but rather the Torsion Fields “rearranger” that can shape the Torsion Fields environment in accordance with musical signals. The effect is that when the Torsion Fields is “impacted” (very loaded verb) then our perception become aberrated and listening the very same sound as before we perceive it very differently.  Think as it is sort of parametric equalizer for brain only it does not work only at time-amplitude domain but in ALL aspect of human perception.

I can talk about it endlessly as I am known to be very attracted to this subject. If you read my thread about “Another type of Remote Control” and Akzentuierte Personlichkeiten then you get where I am coming from.

However, I do not know if what those guys do has the right effect in right direction. I am very concern about long term consequences of use such devises and there are some other audio and musical concerns that I have and that they can’t not answer. The idea was that they send to me two of those devises and I will play with them, see the impact and share my observations. It was a couple years back and the all those events with building my new room a bit off the course with them. I shall contact then and reinstate the project with Macondo 7th channel but it will be ironically not the 7th channel but 8th  channel…. I think it would be more accurately to call it Macondo X-channel or i-channel…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

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