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09-15-2005 Post mapped to one branch of Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
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A new amplifier from Audio Note.

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The Japanese manufacture Audio Note by the infamous Kondo-San announced a new revolutionary amplifier. The name of the amplifier unfortunately could not be spelled or pronounced in English and therefore the US distributor Mr. Klein calls it “NDiP” or “Now Dady is Happy”. 

The typically only one of its kind topology of Kondo-San borrowed by the Japanese master from the well-established schematics of alchemists of 17 century. However, as usesly the Kondo-San was able to achieve his signature full-range sound in the middle frequencies by utilizing the proprietary unique components and inhaling a new round of jealousy into his British grandson Peter Qvortrup.

The new Kondo NDiP amplifier does not use any capacitors: nether in signals path, nor in power supplies, nor anywhere else. However, according to the Kondo-San, his Sound might be radically shaped if he located one meter from a chassis a bank of special capacitors that accumulate those free-flying electrons that penetrate listening room from outside and do not alow them to lend on the grid of the input stage. Mr. Kondo patented this design under a trade name “Do not let them to Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest” and he considered that the quality of the “Cuckoo's Nest” capacitors is critical for Kondo-San signature sound.

For the NDiP amplifier Kondo-san recruited a special group of deep-sea monastic women-divers from Italy. During the very short few hours of summer equinox this brave group of givers descend under the bottom of the Japanese sea and collect for Kondo-San’s capacitor sperm of adolescent octopuses. “It is very critical for the sound of my amplifier”, - Mr. Kondo explained, -“ that the octopuses were virgins in order thier sperm have a necessary dielectric coefficient. When a diver approaches the octopuses and begins to collect the sperm the octopuses got very surprised and while they are being surprised thier body generate special chemical combination that is superbly critical for sound reproduction of the Japanese drums”…  Moreover, the new amplifier features the output transformer with uranium-235 core and specially aged silver handle to lift it up. The amplifier use dumpling material made from the volcanic ash of Sakurajima volcano and the wooden chassis that was marinated for 29 year in a vintage Nihonshu.

The amplifier will be distributed by limiter quantity with price tag of $129.000 per monoblock. The amplifier will be available only as a monoblock and will not be sold as a stereo pair, as it is very difficult find two equally surprised octopuses and consequently it is too difficult to make two equally sounding amplifier.

The US Kondo distributor Steve Klein form “Silents of my Sound” when he heard about the new Kondo-san venture got very enthusiastic and scream to his wife: “Honey, here is the kind’s college coming…”

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-16-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
guy sergeant
United Kingdom
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 1440
Reply to: 1439
Re: A new amplifier from Audio Note.


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I don't know this Steve Klein. I don't know what bull*** he uses to sell Audio Note's products in the US. If that is what you are attempting to satirise then fine.

I am quite familiar with Audio Note Japan's (Kondo) products. I don't use any at the moment except some of the cabling and the step-up transformers. I have listened alot recently to the latest Io cartridge, the M77 pre-amp and the Gakuoh push pull power amps. All of these items can, in my view, make listening to music a very rewarding experience.  For that, I think they can be praised. There is much equipment out there that is at similar prices and which falls well short of the performance achieved by these items. God knows, CES is full of it every year. Why try to make fun of a company that does take the sound of components and circuit topologies seriously (even if you don't share those tastes) when there are so many other companies who really don't care whether their products are any good so long as the marketing is done right.

I know you don't particularly like the AN products you've tried. But then you like things like the EAR phono stage and the Koetsu Onyx cartridge! There's no accounting for taste.

I know Mr Kondo. He's a very nice, humble guy. He's not some mercenary, bull*** spouting scam artist.
Maybe his distributor is and that's the source of your indignation.
I do wonder about your motivation for writing some of this.  I also wonder why, if what you are now using amplifierwise is so much better than anything else, you don't either have it manufactured (so we all have the opportunity to enjoy its greatness) or at least post the schematics so we can build our own.

best regards,


09-16-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

United Kingdom
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 1441
Reply to: 1439
Roman, I think you are off the track


I think that was below your normal standards.

I know Kondo San personally, he is a nice guy.

Something not entierly dissimilar could be written about Vladimir and his gear, ESPECIALLY the value for money part.

L8er T

"It is to Madame Justice that I dedicate this concerto, in view of the holiday she seems to have taken from these parts." V
09-16-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 1442
Reply to: 1441
To be "off the track" is pretty much my normal location.

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 guy sergeant wrote:
There is much equipment out there that is at similar prices and which falls well short of the performance achieved by these items. God knows, CES is full of it every year. Why try to make fun of a company that does take the sound of components and circuit topologies seriously (even if you don't share those tastes) when there are so many other companies who really don't care whether their products are any good so long as the marketing is done right.

Here is a valid point! Who would say that we would not? Guy, your news observations form UK might be very valuable contributions to do so.

 Thorsten wrote:
I think that was below your normal standards. I know Kondo San personally, he is a nice guy. Something not entierly dissimilar could be written about Vladimir and his gear, ESPECIALLY the value for money part.

It is not about some kind of standards, it is about the realty of news. I do not make them, I juts reflect them. If you get rid from the news the company / manufacture / products names then the news still will be highly recognizable. It has nothing to do with Kondo-San be personally nice or not nice… BTW, you should not remind me that “something not entirely dissimilar could be written about Vladimir”. You know that I know THAT very well and the work will be immediately in progress as soon an inspiration hits me…. I extend to everyone in audio, including myself, absolutely equal opportunity for ridiculeability…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-16-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
guy sergeant
United Kingdom
Posts 260
Joined on 08-03-2004

Post #: 5
Post ID: 1946
Reply to: 1442
Re: H Kondo RIP


I understand that Mr Kondo, the founder of Audio Note and more recently Kondo Sound Labs died in his sleep while attending the recent show in Las Vegas.

Kondo pioneered the use of silver cable in the late 70's, owned and operated YL acoustics making some fine drivers and horns, and subsequently manufactured cartridges, a very high quality mc step up transformer and some very enjoyable amplifiers.

He remained a very humble man, loved music (particularly Toscanini) and will be missed by those that knew him.
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