Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006
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The Same, Only Better, and the Price of Performance
fiogf49gjkf0d The iDAT-44+ just got back from a visit with its dad, John Wright, to repair an intermittant fault and to work his current round of "upgrades" to the sound. Also, over the course of re-integrating the fixed and improved iDAT, I re-thought the way I had the Accustic Arts transport mounted, and I took it off its "isolation platform" and put it down onto the carpeted floor, on top of a thick board, near where the floor intersects the outside wall. The thing already has special feet, and I was beginning to think it was altogether too wobbly on its special platform. I confess I was trying to push the new iDAT qualities, to see how far I could take them.
So, how does it all sound now? Well, it's the same, only different; basically, it's more "literal" and "immediate" now. Given a decent CD (another story...), it sounds very much like a direct microphone feed at the venue. Very "strong", yet not more forward (more on this in a bit). And how funny is it that this round of digital changes closely parallels what I've just recently done to/for my phono stage?
Naturally, the "more literal" thing comes at a price. When I really got it going this morning, the electricity was good, and the iDAT was running off its battery. As I listened to the suprisingly big and immediate sound, I couldn't help but notice that my Accustic Arts CD transport is actually a good deal more "literal" itself than I've thought it was up to now, to the point where it might well be too much in some systems. Since I've tried it on and off it's platform, I think this has something, but not much at all, to do with the current "change" in the AA's contribution to the sound.
Anyway, since the transport and the ML2s are still dependent on wall power, you might expect that the digitally sourced system remains vulnerable and variable because of this; and you'd be correct if you thought that. Never mind that I had also previously thought that the Accustic Arts transport was not all that sensitive to BEP, and I had thought it was good mainly because it was not bad. With the new iDAT, it's obvious that the transport is very good indeed on good power, and the differences between the other gear working at or near its best have become considerably more obvious.
So far, this system change is exactly what I would have done for myself, if I knew how. Like I said, the Sound, including bass, is very strong, and it somehow manages to be strong and very immediate without pushing forward. In fact, the digital soundfield has also grown a lot, to keep pace with the phono, which is to say, it is a matter of what the recording affords, rather than the DAC imposing its own, typical limits or shape on the soundfield.
A significant increase in the clarity of the sound has also got me thinking of comparing digital cables again, to hear again (or not...) whether the particular benefits afforded by the Synopsis are still the way to go, or...
To keep this in perspective, the BEP has not wrecked a concert, so far; it's just lots better with good power.
And yes, I really enjoyed the serious, complex music I got from several CDs today, as well as dancing around to some pop.
Paul S