Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006
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Romy, is this a trick question? You are the only person I know of with time aligned, true IB ULF channels using 4 Aurasound sub-woofers, so who's going to answer your question? The first thought that came to my mind was how some "Big Music" composers let some musical lines be "carried on the ULF", like the ULF is buoying it along. I have observed that not having proper ULF slights this effect. But I don't have effective ULF in the first place to know what problems it causes. I know that one "needs" a balance of HF and LF; but you also have the spectacular RAAL ribbons...? One thing is to be sure perceived problems do not inhere in the recording. Of course, "phase" is always an issue at ULF...
Best regards, Paul S