Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006
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fiogf49gjkf0d Unlike most audio writing, a good winnowing of HP's work at least results in something of substance, IMO. Unfortunately, use of his ideas has been fairly indiscriminate to date (including by HP himself...), and there is no reason to believe it will get any better from here on out. Sure, he tried to cash in; but, we can't hold that against him, can we? And, naturally, things quickly got out of hand, as ever.
I'm guessing people are already starting to lay outright claim to pieces and parts of HP, either for self-promotion or to promote ideas they ascribe to him, as they've done with Harvey Rosenberg, and innumerable others. While this is not unique to audio, "we" are notable (if not singular) in our rudderless approach to our pastime, making us particularly susceptible to idol worship.
As for HP's "actual legacy", why would there be any "progress" based on HP's percepts, when HP himself was "at his best" when "channeling", like the Oracle at Delphi, or Nostradamus? No, it will ever be up to "the reader" to make the most of rare opportunities afforded by others in audio. This means, I'm afraid, that we're still on our own, each of us, HPs contributions notwithstanding.
May he rest in peace.
Paul S