Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004
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rowuk wrote: | For all practical purposes, ESD has“proper“ horns and
apparently decent drivers. Thus, we have a chance with this collection of bits
to have some decent sonic results. Now we just need a process, perhaps the most
difficult part. |
Well, the “better” ingredients
are not necessary an assurance of any kind “better” or better to say advanced result.
I feel that advanced thinking is typically bring better results and so far I do
not see in what ESD does any advanced thinking. Pay attention to the presentation
that ESD did in Munich, the video is imbedded at this thread a pages or two
ago. I think is was very good presentation and it very much exposed what is in
the head of the guys who are responsible for what ESD. They do not saying wrong
things in that presentation, although there are some things that I would very
much disagree, which is fine. The main fallacy in that all tougher good presentation
was a presupposition that mindless accumulation of better ingredients is enough
to make “best” speaker. First all of that ESD does are not “best” ingredients
but the most important is that the whole presupposition is fundamentally faulty.
The “best” speaker is made by administration of very fine and very sensitive
aspects of sound repudiation, including very subjective and very hard to
understand logically nuances, opening your mind and to use tangible and non-abstract
methods to navigate own decisions. Of cause it includes better ingredients and properly
applies science but as one of my old friend told me in 90s: if you measurements
do not directly correlate with you listening experience then you do not measure
right things.
The case to point are some
small Japanese boutique shops. The Japanese, some of them, have own relationship
with “labor” and they are willing to spend literally a life time to polish some
kind of obscure knob and to experience some bizarre pride that that fucking knob
is polished to insane degree of perfection. As the result sometimes you can
meet some very odd examples of very none-commercial Japanese audio that define
all rule of common sense and that sound absolutely stunning. Efforts, perseverance,
honesty and the labor of love is the key in my view.
ESD is juts at the very beginning
of the journey. They got drivers with some good ideas and only God knows how
they sound. Thiers horns are OK, the exponential slowing horns opening with cut
off frequency is an old ide and generally not bad but it did not lead them from
withdrawing horns from HF. And of cause the main ingredient of ESD controversy:
the last LF channels. There was so many people who wasted time and money with
last mid-bass horn and stiff drivers, in my mind none of people who do it have
Anyhow, my bitching about ESD
is that whatever they do they present as so kind of “last” statement in horns
thinking but a very superficial analyses of the thinking they invested into their
current design indicate that they are not forerunner of horns thinking of any
kind. I feel that Jeffery Jackson for instance is much more suited for this
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche